Chapter 42
"Is this a side effect of extreme sensitivity?"

Along the way, Xiao Xiao tried his best to adapt to this abnormal impression.

He knows he needs to learn to control, or he will be like the woman in the video camera, always restless and suspicious.

But probably because it was strengthened just now, it will get better after getting used to it.

After arriving at the pier, perhaps in a familiar environment, the feeling of being stared at finally disappeared slowly.

But Xiao Xiao could also feel that the surrounding workers looked a little strange to him, flickering, and occasionally sneaked a look at him, and when he was caught by his eyes, he just showed an embarrassed and flattering smile. He quickly understood, this is Because I had a little conflict with Huangmao and the others yesterday, the workers now don't understand me and are a little scared.

He didn't care about these, and was about to change into his overalls and start working, but he didn't expect the foreman to find him with a heavy face.

"Did you fight Huangmao yesterday?"



Xiao Xiao nodded, and said calmly: "He led people to block me outside, and we had a fight."

"You... oh"

The foreman seemed to want to say something, his brows were frowned, but in the end, he just patted Xiao Xiao on the shoulder worriedly:

"The next time you come to me in advance like this, what are you going to do with those bastards?"

"Xiao Xiao, from the moment you came, I knew that you are different from us. I don't know what you have experienced in the past few years, but you can see that you are not a person who relies on hard work for a living. If you are short of money, you should work hard. , save some tuition fees to go to school, find a good job, marry a wife and live a stable life, this pier is full of rough people, it is not suitable for you, a gentle person, to continue working..."


Xiao Xiao looked at the serious foreman, but was slightly moved in his heart.It can be seen that the foreman is sincerely telling himself these things, but he can't see that these rough old men who are rude and want to greet other people's family members within three sentences have such kindness.

To be honest, this is what I once longed for in my heart.

But now I really have hope to live that kind of life?
He just smiled and agreed, then went to change his work clothes, ready to finish his own work, which was different from other people's dawdling. It took less than 2 minutes for Xiao Xiao to change clothes. When he came out, he saw the work The chief was still looking at the dispatch list at the door.

Xiao Xiao walked past him, and suddenly saw the foreman turn around suddenly, with a sullen expression on his face:

"I heard that you fought with Huangmao yesterday?"

Xiao Xiao's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little weird, so he didn't answer.

Haven't we discussed this issue just now?
Seeing that he didn't answer, the foreman suddenly raised his voice: "Let me ask you, did you fight with Huang Mao yesterday?"

Xiao Xiao felt an extremely strange feeling in his heart, and after a long time, he nodded slowly.

"You are awesome..."

The foreman suddenly sneered, with a gloomy expression on his face: "Then do you know that there is a rule in the dock that anyone who fights will be fired?"


For a moment, extreme surprise filled Xiao Xiao's heart.

It was just a time when they met each other, but the foreman seemed to be a completely different person.

Why did you suddenly turn around?

Xiao Xiao couldn't even judge whether it was his extreme sensitivity that made him hallucinate, or whether such a scene really happened.

He didn't answer, just looked at the foreman quietly, trying to figure out what was going on.

Seeing Xiao Xiao's silence, the foreman became more and more angry, and snorted coldly: "Don't look at me like this, everyone is different, and you have only been here for a few days? Just rely on your strength to beat people? Hehe, don't look at me scolding Huang Mao every day, he is also my little brother, and he may be my godson in the future, if you beat him, this is not showing face, if you want to make it clear, you will have trouble with me?"

While speaking, he gritted his teeth, and it seemed that a raging flame of malice began to rise in his eyes.

The strange feeling in Xiao Xiao's heart became more and more serious, the expression on his face gradually disappeared, and his thoughts began to run rapidly.

The voice sounded calm: "So, what do you want to do?"

"How to do it?"

The foreman's anger seemed to rise with a bang, his palms tightened suddenly, and he squeezed the dispatch sheet with a crackling sound.

"You still have the guts to ask me what to do?"

"If I don't teach you a lesson, how can anyone on this pier listen to my words in the future?"



Xiao Xiao took a step back and stared at the foreman.

He didn't know why this happened, but he obviously wouldn't just stand around and suffer this.

"You still dare to hide?"

The foreman had a gloomy expression, and stepped forward step by step, his eyes became more and more red, almost oozing blood:
"On this pier, I am the boss."

"Whoever dares to provoke the person I love, then I will make him regret..."


"Boss, what's the matter?"

At this time, the surrounding workers also noticed that the atmosphere here was not right, and ran over in a hurry, seeming to persuade him, but for some reason, when he came to him, his eyes turned faintly red, He sneered and said, "Is it because of what happened yesterday? Hehe, I saw that he beat people really hard, and he was not afraid of pain. Can this be a normal person? He's just crazy!"

"Working with a psychopath every day, who can not be afraid?"

"Get him out!"


Another worker also came over, staring at Xiao Xiao with red eyes: "How can there be such a cheap thing?"

"After this kid came, how much work did he steal from us?"

"The point is, everyone is doing coolies on the pier, so why is he so good-looking?"


More people came to the foreman's side, staring at Xiao Xiao viciously: "That's right, I always find this kid not pleasing to the eye..."

"I'm so afraid of him, afraid that he will suddenly get sick and kill us..."

"If you dared to hit a yellow hair yesterday, you will dare to hit us tomorrow. Killing someone with a mental illness is not against the law..."

"So, let's kill him first, shall we?"

"Yes, let's ruin his face first, why is he so good-looking?"


Xiao Xiao watched more and more people piled up in front of him, all with weird smiles on their faces, as if they were carved out of a mold.

His eyes widened, as if they were bulging out of their sockets.The corners of the mouth were pulled fiercely to the sides, revealing the dark red gums and the yellowed and blackened teeth roots.The smile seemed stiff and weird, but also full of excitement and excitement, staring at himself.

The pungent smell of blood came to the nostrils, like being in front of the bloody hell.

Xiao Xiao realized that there must be something wrong, but at this moment, he had already entered a state of explosive thinking, and his face was expressionless.

He suddenly looked back, took out his mobile phone, and called Yang Jia.

Now that he has determined that there must be something wrong with the problem, he naturally does not intend to deal with it alone, and the first thing to do is to seek help.

It's just that I didn't expect that the phone was tried many times, but no one answered.

Xiao Xiao's face became even more silent, and he called Ruanrou again, but no one answered.

Gradually feeling something was wrong, Xiao Xiao raised his head again while holding the phone.

Something must have gone wrong, but he couldn't tell why.

Is it a malicious attack in the city?

No, I obviously still have so many points, which is a thick buffer zone from the city.

So, is it artificial?
Why did the foreman and these workers suddenly turn their backs? Was it a certain will that distorted their thinking, or strengthened the malice in their hearts? Was there something that guided their hatred and concentrated it on themselves at the same time? body?

While thinking about it, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart again.

Since I went out in the morning, I have been feeling some kind of malicious eyes staring at me.

At first, he thought it was just a side effect of extreme sensitivity, but at this moment, he was sure:
That's not an illusion.

He can even be sure that there must be some kind of source that exists around him. He has been staring at him since the morning. It is also this kind of source that has affected his familiar co-workers, causing them to suddenly appear this distorted and vicious The change.

No, not only these workers, but also Huangmao.

Xiao Xiao suddenly remembered that it seemed that when Huang Mao came to him angrily yesterday, he also had this strange hatred on him.

It's just that I haven't strengthened it at that time, so I can't tell the difference.

Until this moment, seeing the strange behavior of the foreman and others, reminded him of Huangmao's strange behavior yesterday.

So, something has been going on since yesterday?

So, where is the source?
Xiao Xiao tried his best to search, but he only saw strange faces, and countless eyes full of maliciousness were like a row of mountains and seas.

It is even very close to him, but Xiao Xiao can feel him, but it is not enough to find him from so much strong hatred.

"He's still on the phone..."

And more and more workers gathered around, and everyone's eyes became blood red.

Countless voices that seemed to be piled up with anger and depression roared out from their mouths one after another:

"Does he want to call the police?"

"Do it, do it, I get excited just thinking about the feeling of killing someone..."

"Shouldn't it be to ruin his face first? Go to the warehouse to get sulfuric acid first, why can he be so handsome?"


More workers gathered around, and there were more vicious voices, and the words sounded more vicious.

Xiao Xiao felt that the malice on them was multiplying.

He saw that the skin of these familiar workers on weekdays began to be stretched out one by one, and the complete face was torn into several parts, revealing the wriggling tentacles inside the body, crowded, probing, and turned to him. stretched out.


Even though he knew that they had been affected by some kind of influence, but listening to their undisguised vicious words and seeing their aggressiveness, Xiao Xiao had already accumulated faint anger in his heart. Until now, his face had been tense, Finally a relieved smile appeared:
"I have experience with this, just kill you, and you will be resurrected anyway..."



At the same time, at the other end of the city, Ruanruan dialed Yang Jia's phone:
"Sister Jiajia, it's a little strange. Brother Xiao called me just now, and he got through, but he didn't say anything."

"I got it too."

Yang Jia said in a low voice: "When the phone was answered, there was only the sound of arguing. I called back afterwards, but it still didn't answer."

"There might be something wrong."

"I have asked Xiao Si to rush over. He is the closest and the fastest. Now we have to rush over!"

(End of this chapter)

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