end of mystery.

Chapter 43 Monsters can be killed

Chapter 43 Monsters can be killed
"It turned out that it was the same as when I first faced the city's malice."

Cracking means that the aborigines' malice towards themselves has reached a certain limit, completely tearing off the original disguise. Although I don't understand why this kind of thing will happen to me when I have more than 400 points, Xiao Xiao has already Have experience in solving it.

In his field of vision, the group of workers had already rushed forward one after another.

Pieces of broken human skin were thrown aside, bright red tentacles fluttered like giant piranhas.

Xiao Xiao could see the broken faces and eyes hanging in various crooked positions among the countless twisted tentacles.

Hearing a cold mocking sound from the worm-like mouth.

The strengthening brought about by extreme sensitivity made him feel deeply the tide of hatred at this time, layer upon layer, surging.

The hairs all over his body were blown up, so he simply shot first.


A monster rushed the closest, its huge tentacles waving around Xiao Xiao's neck.

But in the face of such a weird and distorted picture, Xiao Xiao only looked calm and abnormal. While rushing forward, he turned slightly to the left side, and he had already avoided the entanglement of wriggling tentacles and put it in his pocket. The palm of his hand was quickly drawn out, and he raised it with a backhand.

A bleak edge slashed across, and the monster's tentacles tore apart and fell to the ground, flapping and bouncing.

Holding a fruit knife upside down in his hand, Xiao Xiao looked at the person in front of him without flinching.

He didn't use a gun. When he solved the Swamp of Despair incident, all six bullets were used up, and Ruan Ruan hadn't replenished himself with new ones yet.

So at this time, he can only use a knife. This is a fruit knife he bought from the street after he decided to strengthen it for the first time.

The quality is poor, but who said fruit knives can't kill monsters?

And the skin-shedding monsters around, seeing this scene suddenly, were all startled, and the momentum of rushing forward slightly slowed down.

The monster whose tentacles had been cut off stepped back in fear.

"Is this afraid?"

Xiao Xiao tilted his head to look at them, his face was expressionless, and he only gave people a relaxed look.

Sometimes the expression is too relaxed, which makes people feel that they are smiling.

Xiao Xiao is indeed very relaxed.

These monsters that have lost their human skin not only have a strange body like a nightmare, but also have a strong malice like a substance.

Just like the Jiang Cheng he met at the class reunion before, even if he didn’t take off his human skin, he could still make people creepy, but after they really took off their human skin and revealed their distorted essence, Xiao Xiao felt that they were very The weakness, poor.

Once I just woke up and easily killed one, let alone now?

More importantly, at this time, he has no burden.

Monsters can be killed.

Just like killing Jiang Cheng by himself before, wouldn't he return to his original state soon?
Instead, he was more polite to people.

Xiao Xiao has already figured out this rule. For the aborigines who have not "faded their skin", they cannot be killed, and points will be deducted for killing them.

But those who have already lost their skin and turned into monsters, killing them is forcing them to put on human skin instead!

So instead, he clenched the fruit knife tightly and stabbed a bright red heart that was beating wildly in his field of vision without mercy.


But Xiao Xiao's movement of rushing over caused the group of monsters to panic, and countless tentacles rushed over.

On many cold and broken faces, there were expressions of panic, and the mouths of different shapes shouted:

"Come on, kill him..."

"Ruined his face..."

"Take his knife first, don't let him hurt anyone..."


"Hehe, you want to take my knife?"

Xiao Xiao sneered, his explosive thinking and extreme sensitivity had already brought him to an excellent state of control over his body.

Even in the face of this surging bright red tentacles, it is easy to dodge.

Under the blessing of the violent factor, the fruit knife also seems to have extremely terrifying sharpness.

While waving, the tentacles were torn apart by him, falling to the ground like earthworms, and the surrounding monsters retreated in panic.

However, under the influence of the extremely sensitive factor, Xiao Xiao also suddenly felt a little strange.

The countless coworkers who tore off their humanoid camouflage and exposed bloody sticky tentacles all stared fiercely at him with eyes full of malice.They are numerous, fast, and possess far greater strength than the Jiang Cheng he saw before. For a moment, Xiao Xiao felt that there were distorted tentacles everywhere around him, and all the tentacles flickering in front of his eyes were broken one by one. faces.

However, in this nightmarish environment, their tentacles just slid down from the surroundings one after another.

A large net was woven, as if to surround him.

This made Xiao Xiao's mind flash through a strange thought:
"Don't they want to kill me, just want to arrest me?"

However, immediately after he saw the blood-red eyes hanging like lanterns on the broken faces of those monsters, he saw the twisted and vicious malice in those eyes, and instantly understood: "Yes, they want to catch , and then ate me..."


Sneering in his heart, he immediately stopped holding back.

In this harsh environment like being wrapped in a crowd, personal power is actually very limited.Just like on the ancient battlefield, even after a brave general is surrounded by crowds, it is difficult to break out of the siege, because there is very little space left for himself around him.

But Xiao Xiao has been strengthened in an extremely sensitive state.

He has done serious analysis before:
For one's own thinking explosion ability, the most complementary thing is the extremely sensitive element that can strengthen information collection.

Now, he can immediately feel the advantages brought by this strengthening element. Even if he is surrounded by countless monsters, he can also keenly feel the malice surging around him, feel every strong wave, towards With the tentacles rolled up by himself, coupled with the explosion of thinking, information analysis, and a body strengthened by violence factors, he seemed like a fish in water among the monsters.

Amidst the layers of twisted malice, he retreated freely, flashed and wandered, like a wandering ghost.

At this moment, the fruit knife seemed to be used by him with a strange edge.

A cold light flashed, bright red tentacles flew up around him, and blood was splashed on the ground.

This more and more proves Xiao Xiao's previous thinking: the insight route is the most suitable strengthening route for him to play...



"What happened?"

"Damn it, where did such a lunatic come from?"

Despite Xiao Xiao's merciless counterattack, the monsters around him still surrounded him, and every inch of space around him was filled with nightmarish scenes.Looking into the distance, workers on the pier saw the commotion here from time to time. They seemed to be a little surprised. They waved their hands vigorously, asked loudly, and rushed towards this direction. Shock and anxiety could be seen on their faces.

However, as they ran closer and closer, the expressions on their faces became more ferocious.

In the end, when they rushed close, the human skin on their bodies had been torn, and they flicked their bright red tentacles, joining the battle group one after another.

He couldn't kill them all, as if every time he repelled a monster, there were two more monsters around him.

They have even stretched out their tentacles one after another, rolled up the sharp iron picks around them, or pulled out the surrounding three-meter-high street lamps as weapons, and some tentacles even reached into the ground, setting off large pieces of cement debris, and rushed to the ground one after another. He smashed himself over.

It was the first time for Xiao Xiao to face so many monsters, and he wanted to summon the Dog of Pain several times in his heart.

But he held back.

With fast thinking, he has made the most calm analysis:

I haven't found the source of malice hidden in the crowd, and this is not the time to call the dog of pain.

Thinking in his heart, he snatched a face full of anger and malice in one step.

This is the monster that the foreman turned out after shedding his skin.

It originally rushed to the front, but after seeing Xiao Xiao took out a fruit knife and started to fight back, it hid behind the people.

But it still shouted with all its strength, urging the surrounding monsters to come forward and besiege itself.

Xiao Xiao can even see that his face has been divided into three parts, and each part has a different expression. If they are pieced together, you can see the complete hatred, fear, and the killing at all costs on his face. own viciousness.

Kill him first!

Xiao Xiao twisted his body to avoid two tentacles rolling from behind, and then held the fruit knife upside down, trying to plunge into his heart.


Seeing that the dagger was about to pierce its heart, Xiao Xiao suddenly heard a panicked cry from its mouth.

This cry made Xiao Xiao startled slightly, and the fruit knife did not come off.

In his thinking that was almost stagnant in time, he thought about a lot of things every second, and the information he collected was also a lot.

Inexplicably, he suddenly felt that the screams from the monster that the foreman turned into sounded a bit like...


This human-like and real cry slightly affected Xiao Xiao's mood.

At the same time, more information was included in his field of vision.

Suddenly, he found that the surrounding monsters whose tentacles had been cut off did not disappear, nor did they stand up like Jiang Cheng.

So, is it because all the monsters need to be killed to return to the original state, or...

...It's different this time, killing is killing?

The sudden guess made his heart tighten for a while, and there seemed to be an invisible trembling feeling in his head instantly rushing to his scalp.

(End of this chapter)

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