end of mystery.

Chapter 46 Please BGM Upper Body

Chapter 46 Please BGM Upper Body (Part [-])
"What should I do?"

"Summon the Dog of Pain now?"

The two have only fought against each other twice, but they already have deep fears for each other.

Especially Xiao Xiao, in this tense and frozen environment, cold sweat was already oozing from his back.

Mixed with the blood, the wound began to burn and hurt.

It was so weird, as if as soon as he escaped from his sight, he would disappear immediately.

The extreme sensitivity made me have a keen intuition at this time. If there is someone behind me, even if I don’t look back, I can be sure that the other person exists. but disappeared.

And once he disappears, the next time he appears, he will definitely give himself a fatal blow.

Relying on his explosive thinking and extreme sensitivity, he has escaped several attacks in a row.

But every time, it was extremely dangerous and almost died.

Because his nerves have been tense for too long, his legs are already a little slack, his mind explosion ability has been running for too long, and his head hurts slightly.

If this continues, he will naturally be killed by this person.

But I can't even escape. Under this unimaginable attack, once I want to escape, the opponent will definitely seize the opportunity.

"No, it's not the time to summon the Dog of Pain..."

"This person's abilities are too weird. He hid, and I couldn't find him at all. The dog of pain will only become his clearest target... In other words, even though the three dogs have been strengthened once, they must not be afraid of bullets. If you get shot down..."

"Try that Erha first next time, can the bullet kill you..."

"However, for now..."


In his fast-moving thoughts, Xiao Xiao quickly sifted through the choices he could make.

The image of the old record player appeared in his mind.

At this time, I haven't thought about whether the old record player will be useful, but anyway... this is the only way left, right?
In a desperate situation, please use the BGM, isn't it always done in movies?
Then, Xiao Xiao's thoughts flashed, and in this quiet but murderous room, a burst of melodious music rang out.

The sound of music came from the computer on the desk, as if an invisible hand clicked on the playlist.

In the speaker, there was an eerie, resentful and light voice in an instant:

"Her eyes, her eyes..."

"Like a star shining..."



The sudden sound of music made Xiao Xiao and a certain existence hiding in the room startled at the same time.

It's just that one was a bit surprised suddenly, but the other was slightly moved in his heart.

Xiao Xiao is in a state of extreme tension at this time, and his perception is already keen.

The moment the sound of music began to appear in the office, he suddenly felt some kind of abnormal fluctuation.

In an instant, he turned around and rushed, and came to the big vase next to the desk.

The height of the vase is only about one meter, and the diameter of the mouth is less than twenty centimeters.

Xiao Xiao stretched out his head to look, and saw a face squeezed into the small mouth of the bottle, looking up at him.

The blood-red eyes blinked lightly, seeming a little shocked and a little innocent.



"How can a person hide in such a small vase?"

The moment Xiao Xiao saw this face, he was startled.

Even in such a tense confrontation, he couldn't control the shock of this distorted picture.

However, the rapid movement of thinking in a tense state made him react in time:
Xiao Si can hide in such a small hole, so what's so strange about this red-eyed guy hiding in a vase?
Not only did he restrain the sense of panic brought about by that weird scene in time, Xiao Xiao even reacted immediately.

Gripping the fruit knife tightly, he inserted it towards the body of the vase.

But at the same time, a crash was heard.

The vase was shattered directly, and a black shadow quickly jumped out of it.

The man with a pair of red eyes looked at Xiao Xiao in a strange way:

"Can you find me hiding here?"


He didn't know that Xiao Xiao was frightened by him just now.

Anyway, for me, I hid well at first, but it was quite scary to see a blank face appearing on the bottle out of the blue.

At this moment, the two separated from the two ends of the office, looked at each other, and were actually very flustered in their hearts.

One was meeting an opponent who was also a foreigner for the first time, and he took a route that he didn't understand at all. He couldn't imagine how the opponent's incredible abilities were realized, and he didn't know how many abilities the opponent still didn't understand. .The other one is that I can't figure out how I was forced to such a level by a novice who only had primary enhancement at most...

Only in the computer speakers, the weird music continues to float: "The bright moon spits out light, and the ghosts sway in the wind"

"The night is darker and the fog is colder"

"Wandering souls travel all over the place, on a quiet road"

"Looking for a substitute, the wind blows the cold moonlight..."



Amidst the sound of the music, Xiao Xiao's reaction was actually faster, and he took the lead in attacking him, holding a fruit knife and bullying him.

His thinking speed does not allow him to waste time, he will only take the first shot.

stab him.

And that red eye is obviously not suitable for face-to-face close combat with people.

The hunter route also doesn't like to duel with people fairly. Their initial elements already have the instinct to fear others.

Therefore, when he saw Xiao Xiao rushing towards him, his first reaction was to rush to the other side quickly.

It seems that he wants to find another place to hide his figure...

But this time it obviously didn't go so smoothly.

Xiao Xiao is also staring at him now, and he can't make a "perfect lurk" when he is stared at.

Moreover, the weird singing that filled the entire office also made him a little upset and affected his abilities. He who was hiding in the vase just now was also disturbed by the music suddenly, and was only initially sensitive and strengthened by Xiao Xiao. found.

Perfect hiding requires one to have the same stable heart, and if the will is disturbed, he is also affected to some extent.

He ran forward several places one after another, but was always stared at by Xiao Xiao.

He failed to lurk successfully, but was finally cornered by Xiao Xiao.

Facing the face that was approaching quickly, half of his body was covered in blood, but there was no expression on his face, his heart suddenly trembled.

With a "shua" sound, he grabbed the pistol and pulled the trigger one after another towards Xiao Xiao.

But Xiao Xiao dodged to the side strangely, completely dodging the bullets.

Getting close like a ghost, the fruit knife stabbed him hard in the lower abdomen.

"Can he really dodge a bullet?"

The man with red eyes panicked and couldn't help but let out a scream.



"so close……"

At the same time, Xiao Xiao's heart trembled for a while, and he was a little glad that he had succeeded.

In the state of mind explosion, even if he rushed forward at full speed, he could still clearly see every movement of the red-eyed man.

It starts from when the opponent grabs the gun, then raises his hand and shoots.

These actions are played in Xiao Xiao's field of vision like slow motion.

Therefore, when he raised his arm, he had already judged the position where he was about to aim at him, and tilted his body in advance.

From this point of view, the red-eyed man's gun was not aimed at him from the beginning, but he himself was nervous and frantically hooked the trigger, but he didn't realize it. After the bullet shot.

Of course, if you look at the monitoring playback, you can find that Xiao Xiao's speed has not exceeded the limit of ordinary people.


Xiao Xiao looked at the uncontrollable frightened expression on the other party's face, and was suddenly slightly surprised:
"Why is this person acting a little afraid of me?"

"Obviously his ability is stronger and he has more combat experience..."

"That's right, it's because I have no expression on my face at this time, and my actions are also very decisive. Did I scare him a little?"


Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao reacted quickly, forced a smile on his face, and stared into the opponent's eyes.

At the same time, the fruit knife was inserted deeper into the opponent's lower abdomen, and he didn't even forget to twist and stir it with his hands.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The red-eyed man was frightened by this perverted smile that dodged the bullet, pierced his lower abdomen, and stared into his eyes.

The hunter route is inherently a bit scary, which is a side effect of the latent instinct.

In addition, he had secretly observed Xiao Xiao before, and Xiao Xiao's abnormal behavior when dealing with those thugs had already cast a certain shadow in his heart.

At this time, all the panic broke out suddenly, and he actually panicked.

Amidst the screams, his body struggled violently, his arms waved, and Xiao Xiao was instantly thrown flying with great force.

At the same time, it was so violent that he grabbed something from his side and threw it at Xiao Xiao.


Xiao Xiao, who had just been thrown away, was about to turn over and jump up, when his expression suddenly changed.

When he saw the red-eyed guy, he just pulled it casually, and actually lifted a heavy mahogany locker in the office and threw it at himself.

Facing the heavy momentum and the rattling documents flying in the air, he also hastily dodged to dodge.

Being hit head-on by this thing is probably no easier than being hit by a small car.


But also seeing the scene where Xiao Xiao quickly dodged to avoid the locker, the red eyes were slightly startled.

Immediately thinking of something, the body jerked up on the ground, and the whole person rushed forward fiercely like a cannonball, and punched Xiao Xiao hard in the chest.

Xiao Xiao didn't expect him to move so fast. In a hurry, he crossed his arms and blocked the punch in front of him.

He only felt that the bones were squeezed and torn in an instant, as if they were broken, and his body could not stop retreating backwards.

The wounds on his left arm and shoulder were all squeezed out by this gravity punch, and excess blood splashed onto the snow-white wall next to him.

This was really unexpected, and I was terrified: "Why is this person so powerful?"

"I see……"

And the red eyes were also overjoyed, and they clenched their fists again.

The right arm actually swelled faintly, covered with distorted blue blood, and rushed towards Xiao Xiao like a wild beast:
"You're just a rookie after all."

"But I have already received a unit of mid-level genetic medicine outside the hunter's route."

(End of this chapter)

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