end of mystery.

Chapter 47 Dogs Are Poisonous

Chapter 47
The situation reversed in an instant.

Xiao Xiao, who was annoyed by the opponent's latent ability before, now managed to solve the opponent's sneak attack problem, but he didn't expect that the one who forced the opponent to show up would be himself.

And he, who was forced into danger by the strange power of the other party, has already realized the problem.

In the early stage of strengthening each route, the elements are not completely fixed.

For example, now I also have two enhancements of violence factor and extreme sensitivity at the same time, and the person in front of me is also the same.

Not only did he carry out the complete secondary enhancement of the hunter route, but he also used a secondary enhancement of the violence factor on himself.

Normally, three units of advanced violence factors are required to complete the route of the brave in the veteran stage.

And he obviously didn't, he just used a unit with only one-third of the power of a real strong man.

But even so, he is much stronger than himself at this initial stage...

I'm just a rookie.

Xiao Xiao didn't even know what kind of power a complete strong man possessed.

But the person in front of him had already been stabbed in the stomach, but he seemed unaffected by his rage.

The strength soared, and like a crazy beast, it crazily pounced on itself.

"If I knew I could beat you to death like this, why would I waste so many things?"

The red-eyed eyes became more and more blood-red, almost blood oozed from the eyes, and the strengthened body even tore the clothes.

His voice was hoarse, he roared angrily, and rushed towards Xiao Xiao with big strides.

The footsteps were so heavy that he even stepped on the floor with cobweb-like cracks.

In comparison, the thin Xiao Xiao is almost a shivering lamb now.

On the computer in the office, the song playing from that speaker has switched again at some point.

A voluptuous masculine voice sings gloatingly:
"Oh, I said fate..."


"Which side is this standing on..."

Xiao Xiao cursed bitterly, but his expression was tense.

Looking at the red eyes rushing towards him, his feet flicked like a humanoid monster, and with the strength of stepping on the cabinet, he barely avoided the punch he threw at him casually.


The cabinet next to him was smashed to pieces by his punch.

Countless documents, coins, and some black thong underwear flew out of it...

In Xiao Xiao's field of vision, these things are flying in the air like fireworks played in slow motion, which is actually somewhat beautiful.

He even couldn't help but move his eyes, thinking to himself: "Why is there such a thing in the cabinet?"

But then, he reacted: "Why do I want this?"

"I was almost beaten to death..."


This red eye has gone crazy.

He completely gave up the ability of the hunter route, and actually attacked himself with a third-strengthened mid-level violence factor power.

But, this kind of unreasonable and brutal attack is exactly what the current self can't resist.

No matter how explosive your thinking is, you can't make yourself do a math problem you don't know.

No matter how sensitive your senses are, you can't let yourself carry an approaching train.

If he really allowed him to rush towards him so violently, the result would definitely be that he would be beaten into a puddle of flesh.

So, while thinking quickly, Xiao Xiao looked at the crazy red eyes, and at the same time he smashed the cabinet, he jumped high, turned around in the air, and slammed down towards himself, the thick and twisted arms , like a steel bar wound up...

...the power is terrifying.

...It's just that at this time, he seemed to be a bit over the top, his eyes were only fixed on himself, and he lost his previous vigilance at all?
Xiao Xiao suddenly realized that the time had come.

He took a deep breath, and couldn't wait to shout out in his heart: "Summon—the dog of pain!"



it's time.

Today's Xiao Xiao, after the initial stage of strengthening of violent factors and extreme sensitivity, has the help of an old record player.

However, the most powerful one is the Dog of Pain.

From the moment he encountered the mutations of his fellow workers on the pier, he already had the urge to summon the Dog of Pain to fight.

But he held back.

Because at that time, he had already realized that all the worsening incidents he encountered were caused by someone secretly exerting influence.

Finding this person and getting rid of this person is the key to all problems.

But I am a newcomer, with too few cards, even if I find the opponent, I have to consider whether it is the opponent.

Keeping some hole cards in advance is the most important thing.

He wasn't sure if the other party knew that he had three dogs of pain to help him, but there was a high probability that he didn't.And in the face of the opponent's strange ability, summoning three dogs of pain, it is very likely that he will be shot to death by him, so it is better to save it until the critical moment.

Either, hit it with one blow, or endure it hard.

"Wang Wang..."

He raised his fist and slammed Xiao Xiao's red eyes fiercely, enjoying the rare pleasure of confronting the weak head-on.

This is a very rare experience for the hunter route.

Finally, instead of sneaking around in the dark looking for an opportunity, he jumped out and beat his opponent to death face to face.

He even trembled with excitement, thinking that even if Yang Jia would find out afterwards that he did it, it would be worth it.

How many times can there be such an experience?
After all, it is no longer interesting to beat the aborigines to vent their inner violence.

Only killing each other among foreigners can make him feel a strong and real sense of excitement.


When he punched Xiao Xiao who seemed to have forgotten to dodge, he felt a sense of happiness in his heart.

But suddenly, there was a ferocious dog bark behind him.

He was startled suddenly, turned his body slightly, and saw a tall and ferocious dog with red fruit all over his body and twisted blood vessels crawling all over his body. It jumped on him like lightning, with fangs Harshly staggered.

He raised his hand eagerly to block it, and the vicious dog immediately bit his arm, and his body trembled slightly due to the severe pain.

But, it's not just physical pain.

The moment he was bitten, inexplicably, some bad memories came up in his heart, which made his mind a little confused.

There was the panic when I saw the deformed creature when I just woke up, and I was so frightened when I collapsed to the ground. There was also the sleepless night when I first learned that the city I lived in was a living thing, and the 130th time Xiang Xinyi The embarrassment of being rejected when a girl confesses...


This chaotic memory made his will and body movements slightly stiff.

Then before I had time to react, there was another pain in my right leg.

Another dog-shaped monster with dark red eyes bit it fiercely.

This monster was obviously different from the first one, it was particularly insidious, and it had already been bitten before I realized it.


The sudden two shocks made it difficult for the red-eyed thinking to take shape.

He almost forgot what environment he was in, and also forgot his purpose, only his body was still struggling crazily by instinct.

It's just that at this moment, another stern wolf howl was suddenly heard.

He tried hard to get rid of the influence of painful memories, opened his eyes, but saw a simple head rushing towards him.

What he was running towards was his own crotch...



"Ah ah ah ah..."

The scream of pain made Xiao Xiao couldn't help but cover his ears.

A veteran with a thousand points is really terrifying, the screams are so loud...

After shaking the arms that were almost broken by the punch just now, he jumped up quickly and clenched the fruit knife in his hand.

That red eye is still struggling violently, shaking its body, throwing the three dogs like sacks.

But these three dogs of pain are also extremely ferocious, once they bite, they won't let go.

The most important thing is: the dog is poisonous.

They bit the red eyes, and the painful substance had seeped into his body.

At this time, Red Eyes was thinking extremely confused, and his brain was sliced ​​into pieces by painful memories.

Just like when Xiao Xiao was affected at that time, he almost squatted down, unable to resist.

The extent of Red Eye's struggle at this time is also getting smaller and smaller.

At the end, the body seemed to have lost all its strength, full of powerlessness, and an invisible sense of annoyance enveloped the whole body.

No matter how strong the body is, it is just like a puppet when the mind cannot be formed.




Xiao Xiao didn't delay for a second, clenched the dagger tightly, and walked towards the red-eyed man.

At this time, his movements slowed down instead, because he needed a little observation:
What if this [-]-point veteran, who has any cards left, just waited for him to get close, and suddenly counterattacked violently?
This makes his forward movement very slow, even graceful.

In the process of walking towards the red-eyed man, he also noticed a pile of thumbtacks scattered on the ground, twisted his body slightly, and walked around.

Seeing that the red eyes seemed to be restrained by the three pain dogs, I couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

In the nearby speaker, the sound of the music suddenly amplified: "Beng, Shakaraka..."

"Don't, don't kill me..."

When Xiao Xiao walked in front of Red Eyes, Red Eyes raised his head vigorously. He saw the expressionless guy, and he also saw the blood-stained fruit knife in his hand. , and half of his body soaked in blood...

... There was even an excited smile on his face, it was the surprise of seeing a prey!

The invisible fear instantly enveloped the whole body, and even the little struggle gathered in the instinct was instantly defeated...

Even though his thoughts were scratched by sharp blades from time to time, and it was difficult to concentrate, he tried his best to shout:

"We are all the same, we are all strangers trapped in this world..."

"You...you let me go..."


"The stranger..."

Xiao Xiao, who walked up to him, was also slightly silent, and said in a low voice: "But you wanted to kill me just now, didn't you?"


Red Eyes still wanted to talk, but Xiao Xiao had already gripped the fruit knife tightly and plunged it into his chest.

It really takes a lot of psychological burden to kill a foreigner like him.

But Xiao Xiao has already done a good job of mental construction... Isn't one second enough?
All these were pierced hard enough and deep enough, but when he pulled out the fruit knife, he unexpectedly found that the blood flowed out from the wound of the red eye was very small, and the flesh and blood that separated outwards were also slowly leaking. Wriggling, as if trying to heal.

"This is the advantage brought by the second-order enhancement of the violence factor?"

Xiao Xiao was surprised and thought: "Even the recovery speed of the wound is faster than ordinary people?"

Realizing the red eyes in front of him and their terrifying recovery ability, Xiao Xiao dared not show mercy.

Immediately, one knife after another, he stabbed towards him.

Every knife is very serious.



"Little Four, have you arrived? Talk to me!"

It's just that Xiao Xiao, who wanted to kill the red eyes, didn't notice that Xiao Si was hanging upside down outside the window, his face was as pale as if he had seen a ghost.

There were Yang Jiahe's soft urging voices in the earphones. It took him a long time before he swallowed: "I'm here, I arrived half a minute ago..."

Yang Jia's voice was obviously anxious: "How is it? How is he now?"


As soon as Xiao Xiao was mentioned, Xiaosi became even more nervous, and said dryly, "He's fine..."

"As soon as I came over, I saw him, listening to Diqu, dancing, stabbing the ghost boy in the red-eyed club..."

"To Ling Chi!"

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(End of this chapter)

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