end of mystery.

Chapter 48 I'm So Scared

Chapter 48 I'm So Scared

"Huh, finally killed..."

Xiao Xiao heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw the strange man who was paralyzed into a mass of rotten flesh and finally closed those blood-red eyes.

Now it is finally certain that this person is dead.

Before killing him completely just now, Xiao Xiao didn't even relax at all.

Xiao Xiao is well aware of the fact that it is easy to capsize in the gutter, such an unfathomable guy, even if his head is cut off, he may not be safe.

But now, it is certain that this guy has been dealt with, but he still has lingering fears.

A veteran with a thousand points is just different...

In fact, I have always felt quite sure. Although I haven't officially started the second stage of strengthening, the ability to explode my mind can already allow me to deal with many crises, and the combination of extremely sensitive elements and explosive thinking can make me even better. Unexpectedly excellent instincts were brought into play, and the playback effect of the old record player was surprisingly effective...

With so many advantages, he was almost beaten to death by the opponent?
When Xiao Xiao thought of the experience just now, he was afraid.

Obviously I am just a rookie, why did I meet such a terrifying and perverted opponent?

I just heard that he is also a foreigner, but if he is a foreigner, why is he full of malice towards himself?

He took two deep breaths, then calmly analyzed.

We still need to find Yang Jia and the others, perhaps only they can explain all this.


Just as he was thinking, when Xiao Xiao turned around, he saw Xiao Si who was hanging upside down by the window with dull eyes.


Seeing a veteran coming over, Xiao Xiao was a little excited for a moment.


Xiao Si, who was hanging upside down from the window, was suddenly shocked the moment Xiao Xiao looked over.

He actually almost fell from the window, but his body control was excellent, he twisted and climbed, and managed to get into the office. He stood firmly, put his hands on the outside of his thighs, and bowed respectfully. Bow: "Brother Xiao, hello."


Xiao Xiao was a little surprised, but his mood was disturbed for a while.

Although judging from his figure and height, he is indeed bigger, but he is just a newcomer...

Why is he so polite to himself?

But it was just a daze, and it was Xiao Si who was polite, and hurriedly said: "Great, you are finally here..."

While speaking, he pointed to a pile of rotten meat by the wall, and said, "Someone attacked me just now."

"Scared me……"


Seeing Xiao Xiao's frightened expression, Xiao Si took a step back calmly, his legs trembling slightly:


His voice trembled, and he tried to control it, and said seriously: "I saw it just now, you are really scared..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the corpse by the wall...if it could still be seen that it was a corpse.

The voice quickly lowered, and he stretched out his hand to swear: "Brother Xiao, don't worry, I'm a strict talker, and I will never say anything I shouldn't say!"


Xiao Xiao's emotions were suddenly interrupted.

Xiaosi is also a veteran at any rate, why does he look weird?

I'm a newcomer after all, so why don't you comfort me after being so frightened?

Just as he was thinking this in his heart, he and Xiao Si looked at each other, and when the atmosphere was tense and a little awkward, he suddenly heard a roar of an engine outside the window. As if Xiao Si had been rescued, he hurriedly turned around and looked out the window, and saw a black car The locomotive, a white SUV, was driving in from outside the pier quickly. When it approached the office building, they both stopped, and Yang Jia and Ruan Ruan appeared.

"Great, you guys are finally here..."

Xiaosi lay on the window, waving vigorously to them, with a look of being about to cry with joy:
"Scared me……"


"Why does he look forward to their coming more than I do?"

Xiao Xiao fell silent for a moment, Xiaosi seemed to have finished all the nervousness he should express and what he should say...

This is obviously my own words...

Just as he was thinking, he saw Ruanliu jumping in from the window like a cannonball.

While he was still in the air, he could already see the rotten meat in the corner, and the painful dog biting the rotten meat... After all, Xiao Xiao was just a newcomer. Although he thought he should be dead, he still Did not command the dogs of pain to let him go.

A veteran of a thousand points...

... What if someone faked his death and suddenly gave himself a sudden blow?
But such a scene caused Ruan Ruan's pupils in mid-air to shrink suddenly, and his figure suddenly fell to the ground.

"Have you finished eating yet?"

Then, she stood up straight and respectfully, and said to Xiao Xiao: "Brother Xiao, hello, you're fine, it's really great..."


A question mark appeared on Xiao Xiao's head, why is Ruan Ruan weird?

It was just that I was very confused for a while, and before I had time to ask anything, I saw Yang Jia walking in from the office door in a white trench coat. The moment she entered this chaotic office, her pupils also shrank slightly, but her expression was well controlled. , without making a fuss, his eyes swept over the rotten meat in the corner, the painful dog biting the rotten meat, and Xiao Xiao next to him.

At this time Xiao Xiao looked very calm, half of his body was stained red with blood, but his expression was very calm.

...What's wrong with being uneasy, Ruan Ruan and Xiao Si stole all of their lines.


Seeing Yang Jia coming in, Xiao Xiao was about to ask.

There is really too much confusion hidden in my heart.

"What Ruan Ruan said is actually true..."

Her eyes swept over the three dogs in pain: "Have you started feeding them in front of us?"

But unexpectedly, as soon as Yang Jia walked in, she saw the three dogs in pain, and she was also stunned.

Slightly startled, he frowned and glanced at them.


The muscles of the three pained dogs exploded violently. At the same time, they let go of their mouths and took a few steps back.

Lying on the ground, full of hostility... and fear.

Only Erha tilted his head slightly, as if he didn't know what it means to be afraid, and looked like he wanted to post something.

"We can talk about other things when we go back."

As if seeing that Xiao Xiao had countless doubts in his heart, Yang Jia drove away the three dogs in pain, then squatted beside the rotten meat, observed for a while, then stretched out his hand to look at his eyelids, and his face was already gloomy. , nodded to Xiao Xiao.

Then he looked at the honest little four next to him:
"Xiaosi stay here and deal with the corpse...don't leave his card behind."



Xiao Si immediately agreed, and was a little happy to hear it.

Xiao Xiao was a little puzzled: "I just saw that he was timid, how could he be bold again?"

"Aren't you afraid to handle the corpse yourself?"


At this time, there were too many questions, and this point was nothing, so Xiao Xiao also said to Xiaosi: "I'm in trouble."

Then quickly followed Yang Jia downstairs.

"He actually said trouble to me..."

Xiao Si stood where he was, startled in his heart: "Is this a warning to me to deal with it properly?"



Xiao Xiao, who went downstairs, immediately got into Yang Jia's white SUV. After all, half of his body was stained with blood at this time. You cannot see yourself.

But in the car, when I turned around, I saw that warehouse No. [-] was still in chaos.

The foreman and other workers still maintained their monster form, standing there silently and distorted.

It seemed that someone was staring at him, but he seemed to be afraid of something, so he didn't come over.

"Heh, the Red Eye Club..."

Yang Jia lit a cigarette, thought for a while, and stuffed it into Xiao Xiao's mouth.

When she saw the monster-like workers in Warehouse No. [-] outside the car window, her face seemed to be much colder.


Xiao Xiao had a mint-flavored cigarette with the aroma of lipstick in his mouth, full of surprise, and wanted to speak.

Yang Jia had already started the car, and said in a low voice, "You've done a good job, don't worry, I'll take care of the rest."

Xiao Xiao didn't know what to say for a moment.

Even though there are still countless doubts in my heart at this time, but inexplicably, there is a feeling of peace of mind.



The white SUV drove out of the dock, and Ruan Ruan drove a black locomotive to follow behind. No one dared to stop her. She drove Xiao Xiao directly through the Ruo Da city, but gradually came to Shangcheng District. A lush place.

In front of him, a white building appeared among the trees, and Yang Jia drove in through a small door.

After the car stopped, Xiao Xiao followed her out and looked around curiously: "Where is this?"

"Dongshan Mental Sanatorium..."

Yang Jia answered in a low voice without much explanation, and led Xiao Xiao and Ruan Ruan who got out of the car to the front, Xiao Xiao had no choice but to follow her closely, seeing that Yang Jia was very familiar with this place, and there were pedestrians passing by on the road from time to time, Greeting her politely, the surprise was that although these people saw bloodstains all over Xiao Xiao's body, they were just a little surprised and didn't come over to ask anything.

Before coming to a building, I also met a middle-aged woman wearing a nurse's hat, who smiled and nodded to Yang Jia:
"Doctor Yang, are you taking another patient?"


Yang Jia also nodded to the other party, and led them to continue walking inside.

"what on earth is it?"

Looking at all this, Xiao Xiao became more and more surprised, and couldn't help asking Yang Jia.

"What's so strange?"

Yang Jia looked back at him and said, "We all have our own jobs in this city, don't we?"

"My job is to be the psychiatrist here."

(End of this chapter)

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