end of mystery.

Chapter 56 The Path of the Insight

Chapter 56 The Path of the Insight

No one expected what kind of discussion this video of dancing and murdering in just ten seconds would spark in the circle of foreigners.

Perhaps for those who log into the forums in other cities, this is just a bit of a curious taste, just another member of the hell organization gaining fame in the eyes of bloggers, at most it just left a little impression of that pale and elegant man, but in In Heimen City, I don't know how many people fell into deep shock after seeing this video, and talked about it everywhere.

The Silver Bullet Organization on Seventh Street, the Twin Flower Orochi sisters in the old town, an old man who scavenged waste in the East District...

After seeing this video, they first showed the face of an old man in the subway, and then fell into deep consternation:
"This person is actually from Heimen City?"

"This person was actually selected and cultivated by Yang Jia?"

"As expected of Black Hand Yang Jia..."


The good news is that the Infernal Organization is not making a comeback.

The bad news is, a guy like the fuck is here with us?

Or... Yang Jia cultivated it on purpose?

Yang Jia's purpose was to bring Xiao Xiao to the Red Eyes Club after realizing the evil intentions of the Black Forest, so that others could understand Xiao Xiao's identity and his own attitude, and ensure that these foreigners would not Hit his mind again.

Xiao Xiao's purpose is simpler, he is just a rookie and weak.

He wants to feel safe...

The two of them didn't know that their goal had been achieved, and it was achieved beyond the standard.



"Okay, I'm home..."

Xiao Xiao at this time was just carried by Yang Jia to the alley where he lived.

After thanking Yang Jia, he prepared to open the door and get out of the car.

But Yang Jia stopped him again, and asked in a deep voice, "So, you decided to take the route of the clairvoyant?"

Xiao Xiao was startled slightly, and nodded.

Yang Jia thought about it slightly, and said, "Then can you tell me why?"

Xiao Xiao thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Because I want to see the world more clearly?"

Yang Jia frowned, looking thoughtful.

"Why is this girl so cute..."

Xiao Xiao was just talking casually, but seeing that Yang Jia seemed to be trying to understand, he hurriedly said with a smile: "Actually, the reason is not that complicated, but I have thought about it carefully. The hunter who wants to hide, the route of the seer, is the best choice for me."

Yang Jia breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "The clairvoyant also has its own side effects."

Xiao Xiao was slightly startled, and hurriedly said, "What?"

Yang Jia said softly: "They are always too close to the truth of this world."


Xiao Xiao was a little surprised: "Isn't this a good thing?"

"It depends on the individual."

Yang Jia replied softly, paused, and said, "Of course, I support you if you take the route of the clairvoyant."

"In this way, our cooperation will be more comprehensive."

"Now, Ruanruan has started the third stage of strengthening the violent sub-factor, and Xiaosi has already completed the third stage. They have performed very well. As far as the current situation is concerned, what we lack is actually also It is the path of the clairvoyant."

"Three routes, plus me, are standard equipment for solving many complex events."

"So, if you can grow up as soon as possible, many problems we face will be solved very easily."


"It turns out that Ruan Ruan and Xiao Si happened to go to the other two routes that Heimen City is most familiar with..."

Xiao Xiao nodded secretly, suddenly thought of another person, and said with a smile, "Where is Mr. Ye? There are four of you?"

Now, I have met other strangers, but this Mr. Ye, who is theoretically with Yang Jia, Ruan Ruan, and Xiao Si, that is to say, is more or less in the same camp as me, has not seen anyone, but his mail received I've had several letters.

Yang Jia was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye is different, he usually won't make a move."

Xiao Xiao was a little surprised: "Why?"

Yang Jia was silent for a while, and said, "Because he has no hands."

"Oh, the disabled..."

Xiao Xiao felt a little sympathetic, nodded with a smile, and said, "Then I understand, I will improve myself as soon as possible."

"I also hope that I can help you before you need me."


Yang Jia was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

"It can be seen that you are very powerful, but it seems that you can't solve all problems."

Xiao Xiao looked into her eyes and said with a smile: "The attitude of those people in the Red Eye Club can explain the problem very well."

"You offended them for me, so I naturally hope to help you as soon as possible."


Yang Jia listened to what he said casually, but her expression was slightly serious. After a while, she whispered, "Why?"

"There is no reason..."

Xiao Xiao said with a smile: "You help me, I help you, isn't it normal?"


He paused, and said with a smile: "I haven't gone out much for four years, and all my friends have lost contact."

"You, Ruan Ruan, and Xiao Si are the only people I can trust in this city now."


Yang Jia looked very calm, no one could notice that her hands trembling slightly while holding the steering wheel.

She didn't say anything more, and drove the car slowly away from the alley.

During this period, there seemed to be an imperceptible voice whispering: "Thank you."



"A man can't always hide behind a woman..."

Xiao Xiao watched the taillights of the car disappear, then turned and walked into the block, the darkness in the alley gradually submerged his figure.

The wound on the shoulder is still aching, but compared to his experience today and his new knowledge, it seems to be nothing to mention. The shock of suddenly realizing this world is actually worse than the painful wound under the gauze. It seems more real.

The alien organization in Heimen City that fell apart, the old president who was killed in the Heimen fog incident...

It's really unlucky for me to come to such a lonely and weird world.

But he seems to be lucky again.

Before I saw the true face of this world, I first met some reliable people...

Thinking silently in my heart, I bought three ham sausages in the 24-hour convenience store opposite the butcher shop, and walked quickly to the house.

When I was about to reach the entrance of the yard, I saw three ferocious and vicious dogs in pain in the neighbor's yard. On the railing, he greeted himself happily.

The Erha stood in the middle and kept jumping. From a distance, it looked like a dog's head growing from behind the railing.

Behind the floating white curtains on the second floor in the slant, the light is soft, and the silhouette of a woman is vaguely reflected on the curtains.

The sound of old record player music, which is so low that it is almost inaudible to the human ear, melts into the night faintly.

"It's really up to you this time..."

Xiao Xiao stood between the two, and sighed faintly.

Thinking of that red-eyed man until now, Xiao Xiao still feels a chill down his spine.

too frightening.

This fight made him realize the gap between himself and the veteran.

Those people already have a complete strengthening route, which means they have all kinds of incredible abilities.

Until now, he still can't fully understand, how can a person hide himself the moment he loses sight?
Even, can it be hidden in a vase with a diameter of less than [-] centimeters?

Coupled with the terrifying power brought about by the second-stage strengthening of the violent factor, it is difficult to prevent people from having nightmares.

Fortunately, with the help of the old record player and the dog of pain, I narrowly won.

This is really rare luck...

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Xiao took out three hams, tore off the outer packaging, threw one to the big black dog, and stroked the dog's head.

Its performance was as brave as ever, and it was the first to rush towards the opponent.

One was thrown to the golden retriever guard, who stroked the dog's head.

This guy has thick eyebrows and big eyes, warm and honest, with an angelic smile on his dog's face all the time, and seems to be non-aggressive.

Who would have thought that it was actually one of the most insidious?
Holding the third ham in his hand, Erha became more excited and jumped higher.

From a distance, it looks like half a dog grows on the railing from time to time.

"You want it too?"

Xiao Xiao held the ham sausage in his hand, and looked at this one with complicated emotions: "Didn't you already eat it during the day?"


Erha immediately showed dissatisfaction, stretched his neck, and let out a wolf roar at Xiao Xiao.

I always feel that this dog is different from others. Those two are so loyal and brave. They only have themselves in their hearts.

But this Erha is different.

You see, you are still swearing at people.

"You turn around and bite your own tail..."

Xiao Xiao took the ham and gave Erha an order, wanting to see his loyalty.

Erha immediately yelled louder, as if it had its own understanding of loyalty.

"Oh, it's my problem, I really shouldn't expect too much from you..."

Xiao Xiao was suddenly full of frustration, and still threw the intestine to Erha, but secretly broke off a piece of it.

Haven't eaten dinner yet, keep instant noodles for use.

Erha was very excited when he saw the ham, but when he tilted his head again, he suddenly found that his ham was a bit short.

But I turned around and compared it with the other two, no, my own is much longer than theirs now.

Immediately excited, he took his mouth to the side to eat, and ignored Xiao Xiao.

"Flipping and ruthless, this is..."

Xiao Xiao was a little helpless, and rewarded three poisonous dogs, then turned around and looked at the opposite window on the second floor with white curtains.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a slender shadow standing behind the white curtain, looking at him quietly.

Xiao Xiao felt a little strange, blinked his eyes, and the shadow suddenly disappeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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