end of mystery.

Chapter 57 The Countdown Begins

Chapter 57 The Countdown Begins

"Is it the neighbor who lives in that room?"

Xiao Xiao thought silently in his heart.

Since these three painful dogs have breeders in reality.

So, this old record player should have a dedicated custodian in reality, right?

Maybe it's also responsible for playing the music...

Although he felt strange in his heart, Xiao Xiao didn't think too much in this direction. After all, from the experience of dogs of pain, their original owner, the little girl Nuo Nuo, didn't seem to understand the existence of foreigners. An ordinary aborigine.

Perhaps, after experiencing the previous incident, she had faintly noticed what it was, but this girl was very smart and didn't ask too many questions.

It's just that the food of these three pain dogs has been getting better and better recently, eating big bones every day.

...better than myself.

And the slender shadow behind the curtain on the second floor may not understand the magic of the old record player.

At this time, she looked out of the window and could only see herself looking at the window.

Maybe I thought I was a pervert...

...Hey, this image is a bit damaged. I am not a pervert. I have never followed anyone, only been followed.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao restrained himself again, half turned around, pretending to be teasing the dog, thinking silently.

He couldn't see it directly, but Xiao Xiao knew that the old record player was behind the curtain.

At this time, it might sound quiet to others, but to Xiao Xiao’s ears, he could hear that the old record player was still playing at a very low frequency, the music was still low and hoarse, and the melody was deep, but But you can always make yourself feel peaceful.

At first, I felt that this old record player was a bad buy, but Xiao Xiao unexpectedly found that it was quite easy to use.

It really has no fighting power, not even Erha.

But its characteristic of ringing at any time seems to have the ability to affect the people around it. This effect is only slight, a kind of emotional displeasure, but it is placed at a key point of confrontation, and it can actually play a role. Unexpected big effect.

... The disadvantage is that it attacks indiscriminately, and sometimes I am confused when I hear it.

Moreover, the music aesthetics of this old record player, how should I put it, is quite extensive, and the span of repertoire selection is really too large.

As a newcomer, Xiao Xiao felt that he knew too little about this world, so he didn't quite understand...

... Special items are so magical?

This old record player is not kept in the yard like the three cute dogs, and I can't go upstairs to find it... I am afraid that it will be regarded as a bad person by its owner... So, standing in the street, Xiao Xiao can only After thinking for a while in silence, he sighed softly:
"thank you……"


This thank you seemed to make the wind in the street much quieter.

The hoarse and hoarse music of the old record player also seemed to pause for a moment, and when it sounded again, it was much more elegant.


After finishing these, Xiao Xiao turned and went home.

He still has important things to do.

This time, the veteran who killed a thousand points is somewhat lucky, but Xiao Xiao knows that luck cannot always favor him.

The more unlucky people are, the more they understand the preciousness of luck, and the more they know how to cherish the opportunities brought by luck.

It's time to start the second phase of strengthening.

In this city where crises are everywhere, only strengthening can bring a sense of security.



"We've got a fourth person, and we can start cleaning up the Rotten Kingdom."

When Xiao Xiao strengthened his heart and returned to his yard, Yang Jia, who had just returned home, also dialed Mr. Ye, who could only be reached by phone. Relaxed taste: "Cleaning up this place must prove our strength, and there is hope to activate the contract left by the old president, right?"

"According to my communication with the will of the city, it looks like this."

Mr. Ye's voice still seemed very gentle, but after a pause, he seemed a little puzzled:
"But are you sure you choose him?"

"You are willing to inherit the will of the old president. I have always been grateful to you, but I still have to explain the consequences to you."

"The power of four people to solve the task of the Rotten Kingdom is only the lowest equipment standard, and there is still a huge risk. Once you fail, you will bear the huge hatred of this city. Not only the points in your hand may be cleared, but also would be repelled."

"Even if you are facing the hatred of a city, you may be severely injured, and you may not even be able to leave alive."


"I see."

Yang Jia was silent for a long time before whispering, "But I have no other choice."

"Other incidents that can be resolved through personal force, I have almost resolved them."

"The Kingdom of Rot is the most important and crucial link."

"I have no time to procrastinate."

"Besides, if he can grow up quickly, I believe the probability of success is still very high."


The gentle electronic voice was silent for a long while before it sounded again: "I trust your judgment, but can I ask something extra?"



He seemed a little puzzled, and added softly: "The previous you have always shown that you don't trust him enough."

"I really don't trust him enough."

Yang Jia was also silent for a while, and then said softly: "Because there are too many things in him that I can't see through. I couldn't see through it at the beginning. When I saw that he actually killed a thousand points by himself It is even more difficult to see through the strengthened red eyes, although your investigation has confirmed that he is normal, but I still cannot help thinking about whether he has other uncertain problems."


She sighed faintly, and said after a long time: "He said he believed in me..."

There was a touch of emotion on the expression, and there seemed to be some emotion in the depths of the eyes:

"It's true that I can't see through him many times, but he is sincere when he says this."

"I am very sure."

"He really regards us as companions."


It seems that logically, the explanation is not enough, but emotionally, it is very clear.

A gentle electronic voice sounded after a while: "They are all lucky people, whether you or him."

"Although, you have all had unfortunate experiences..."


Yang Jia suddenly felt a little strange, Mr. Ye's words touched her a little, and made her feel a little more.

But at this moment, the gentle electronic voice seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said softly:

"In this case……"

"As you wish, the countdown begins."



This time I came back late, and when Xiao Xiao crept in through the door, my mother was already asleep.

But the light in the living room was still on, which meant that someone at home was waiting for him to come back.

Xiao Xiao saw a pair of dumplings covered in a fly basket on the table in the living room, probably because mother knew that she was lazy, and she didn’t bother to microwave the things in the refrigerator, and eating them cold would cause stomach upset , so stay outside...

He slowly opened the gauze basket, picked up the dumplings, and returned to the bedroom.

While eating the dumplings, he silently thought about the points he had now.

It is indeed time for a second reinforcement.

In other words, officially stepping into the line of strengthening the insight.

The previous points, after going through strengthening and purchasing extremely sensitive elements, there are still 442 points left.

However, in the hands of the kind red eyes, he grabbed 873 points at once, and the little four who helped him deal with the first and last made it clear that he didn't plan to divide his own, so the points in his hand now have exceeded one. thousand mark.

1315 points!

Depend on!
It has never been so wide!
In this case, why are you being polite, strengthen and strengthen.

After more than [-] points, the second stage of strengthening can be carried out, let alone more than twice now?
Although according to Ruanruan's previous statement, the distance between reinforcements should not be too close, otherwise it may cause too much mental burden and cause some bad problems, but Xiao Xiao only received primary reinforcement elements before, and felt side effects afterwards That was the case, and it seemed that he was far from reaching the limit of his mental burden, so Xiao Xiao felt that there was no need for him to wait.

...I really have to wait, if someone else kills me and takes away the points, wouldn't it be too bad?
Another point is that Xiao Xiao's previous viewing of the video tape made him feel a little uneasy all the time.

He'd love to see the continuation of that tape.

So, when he finished eating this plate of dumplings, he had already made a decision in his heart.

First, he took out his own information card and placed it on the main box.

With the rattling of the main chassis, a dark red page began to appear on the computer screen:

[Eye of the Insight: 200 points/piece]

【Seeing the truth under the hypocrisy, insight into the hypocrisy among the real】

【This world, do you really understand it? 】


"It's still a broken introduction, it's just a matter of words..."

Xiao Xiao complained secretly in his heart, but stared at the options above, and was stunned for a while.

The eye of the seer?
This is the first obvious feature after entering the clairvoyant route?
What do you mean?
Ling Ping of the Red Eye Club has discovered a special kind of red eyes countless times, and transferred them to himself.

Then what is this strengthening of oneself?
Thinking silently in his heart, Xiao Xiao still made up his mind and clicked on the buy button.


The mouse clicked slightly, and Xiao Xiao held his breath, silently waiting for the knock on the door.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of a problem, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Mom is still asleep in the bedroom, won't she be awakened by the knock on the door?

But it seems that although the last knock on the door was loud, none of the neighbors responded, only the three dogs heard it.

Perhaps, this knock on the door can only be heard by me?
A lot of thoughts flashed through his mind, but soon, Xiao Xiao unexpectedly discovered that there was no knock on the door, and the courtyard door was still quiet without any change. He couldn't help being a little surprised, stood up quickly, and walked Go to the other window and look towards the courtyard door.

Did no one send the video tape this time?
Then how to achieve strengthening?

Just when he was thinking about this question, he stood up and suddenly felt a dizziness hit his mind.

Turning his head suddenly, he saw a huge eye had opened on the wall.

Dark red, with bright vertical pupils and bloodshot whites.


Blinking his eyes, he stared fixedly at himself.

(End of this chapter)

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