Chapter 62

There must be no problem in saying this, Xiao Xiao thought to himself, they may not know the existence of foreigners, and they don’t know that all of this was instigated by the ghost man from the Red Eye Club, so he justified these things to them. What's the use?
If they want to find the ghost man by themselves, then they will be embarrassed.

After all, it has been packaged and sent to the Red Eye Club.

Can it be dug out again?

This is the first time he tried to talk to the aborigines about the problems that happened to each other when the maliciousness shrouded them. However, only from the content of these surveillance videos, he found that this problem seems to be not easy to discuss. The will of the city has With too much influence, it can distort all traces of the city, how should I tell the truth to the aborigines?

Even Xiao Xiao did not rule out another possibility.

That is, these aborigines are acting themselves. They understand everything and just act according to normal logic.


Listening to Xiao Xiao's calm explanation, the girl on the boss chair also pondered slightly.

In fact, Xiao Xiao's expression didn't change much just now, and they just instinctively sensed that Xiao Xiao was a little dangerous.

At this time, Xiao Xiao had regained his composure, and they quietly covered up their vigilance.

The boss with rabbit ears was noncommittal to Xiao Xiao's answer, and turned to look at the short-haired woman.

"There was indeed a conflict."

Seeing this, the short-haired woman whispered: "In the beginning, it was a disobedient dock worker who asked the bosozoku on the street to trouble him, but this kid is very kind. They fought and even won the fight, but the person in charge of assigning the dock workers was worried about the follow-up troubles and wanted to force him to fire him, so they fought again..."

"He actually won again, and even smashed the manager's office."



When Xiao Xiao listened, he felt a sense of surprise in his heart: "I just smashed the office..."

"I obviously killed someone..."


Of course, a fool would specifically emphasize this to them.

"He had a fight with the thugs outside the pier. We don't care about it, but the yellow hair has already been fired."

The short-haired woman continued: "But the next day he caused trouble on the pier, injured workers, smashed things, and even delayed business, as well as fines for violating discipline... It's all money, and it takes a lot of money. Big compensation will solve the problem."

Xiao Xiao was suddenly a little vigilant: "Do you want compensation?"

He turned his head to look at the woman with short hair, and the eyeball suspended in mid-air also turned around.

Three eyes looked at the short-haired woman's face at the same time, and the invisible pressure increased sharply.

The short-haired woman has a strong aura and psychological quality, and the experience of countless fights makes her extremely strong-willed.

But the moment Xiao Xiao turned her head to look over, she felt a sudden shock in her heart.

Feeling inexplicably panicked by being stared at by strange things, he subconsciously took a step back, and the hairs all over his body exploded slightly.

But she reacted immediately, feeling surprised in her heart.

After all, I have experienced many battles, how could I be frightened by such a child?

But I doubted it in my heart, but there was always a feeling that I couldn't look directly at Xiao Xiao.

Everyone's eyes have a kind of power, even women with short hair, they can make that rebellious thug tame with just one look, but at this moment, Xiao Xiao's eyes seem to be several orders of magnitude stronger than his own , can cause instinctive tremors.

Of course she didn't know that she was being watched by another eye, but she couldn't tell clearly for a while.

What did this guy do, why did he have such a terrifying look in his eyes?

At this moment, behind Xiao Xiao, the rabbit ears on the boss's chair had already smiled and said, "How much did you pay for a day at the dock?"

"Five hundred a day."

Xiao Xiao also turned around, thinking in his heart: What if this calculates my repayment ability?

I only earned less than 8000 yuan in total at the dock. If this is really calculated, who knows how much I will lose?

So, if they really asked themselves to pay, did they just smash this place and leave?

Or call Ruanruan to come over and help smash it before leaving?
If it really doesn't work, just call Yang Jia and go to the Red Eye Club to reimburse the money...

"Too little..."

At this moment, Rabbit Ears shook his head when he heard it, and said, "I can't afford it at all."

"So sell yourself!"


"Heh, I really can't afford to pay, but I don't intend to pay...huh?"

Xiao Xiao suddenly reacted, and looked at the trembling rabbit ears in surprise.

She seemed to have mentioned "prostitution" just now?
"You heard that right."

Seeing Xiao Xiao's surprised expression, the rabbit's ears narrowed his smiling eyes again, and said: "You are so skilled, it's a pity to work on the dock, so come and follow me, I'll find some business for you , earn more money than on the pier."

"Ah this..."

Not only Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded, even the short-haired woman behind him was also dumbfounded.

"Is this to give yourself a new job?"


"What? Don't want to?"

The rabbit ears on the boss chair smiled, and said: "In this world, the streets are full of money and women are everywhere. Whoever can make a decision can win the fight, and whoever can grasp the opportunity can get ahead. Now I have the opportunity." Here you go, join our Pink Girls Gang cruelly, then you will have money and women, don't be like those on the pier, selling your sweat for a lifetime..."

"Pink Girls Gang?"

Xiao Xiao suddenly felt that the name seemed familiar, and his heart skipped a beat.

It seems that I have seen it in the newspaper before. This does not seem to be a serious company, it is involved in black...

He struggled: "It seems that your work is not easy to do..."

"Not good?"

The girl on the boss chair stared wide-eyed: "Life, brother..."

Seeing that Xiao Xiao still had a troubled look on his face, the girl curled her lips, leaned back on the back, and said, "Think about it."

"Fortunately, we are also a well-known unit and have been featured in newspapers."

"This time you have indeed caused us a lot of losses. If you join us, it will be written off."

"But if you really don't want to join us, then just pay the compensation later."

"Although this amount may be a bit larger, but you look really good-looking, little brother, another way to sell yourself..."


Speaking of this, her eyes were full of water, and her white and tender toes were slightly twitched, as if she was a little excited.


Xiao Xiao raised his head and said, "Then I choose to join..."


The girl was thinking hard about how to persuade him, but she was startled when she heard the words: "Is that the answer?"

In just one second, Xiao Xiao has thought about a lot, from the practical issue of compensation to his future career planning, from the safety issue of whether it will violate the law to the probability of other malicious backlash in the city after the refusal .

In the end, I focused on one point: I am living in a world full of monsters, do I still care about joining the underworld?
Besides, they are not gangsters, there is such a big group at the pier!
"very good……"

The girl with rabbit ears jumped up excitedly from the boss chair, knelt on the large desk, climbed two steps forward with hands and feet together, stretched out her hand to Xiao Xiao from a distance, and said: "Welcome, from now on You are a member of our Pink Girls Gang..."

"I will report my sister's name when I go out..."



Xiao Xiao felt weird.

If there is a problem in the circle of foreigners, hide behind Yang Jia, and go out in reality to report the name of the Pink Girls...

Why are women helping themselves?

So distressed!

During the whole process, the short-haired woman was very distressed and obviously wanted to say something.

But Rabbit Ears made a request without discussing it with her, and Xiao Xiao agreed without waiting for her to find a chance to speak.

There was no chance for her to find an opposing opinion at all.

It was only then that Xiao Xiao was asked to wait in the leisure area next to him temporarily, and stayed by himself.

Xiao Xiao didn't say much, but just thought about it for a while, kept one eye on quietly, and went downstairs to wait on his own initiative.

The dark red eyeballs floated in the air, taking everything in the office into view.

Xiao Xiao saw that he had just taken the elevator and left this floor, the short-haired woman frowned suddenly, pressed her hands on the desk, and said dissatisfiedly to the girl with rabbit ears: "What do you think? Such a person is taken in?"


The girl with rabbit ears licked the lollipop, rolled her eyes and said, "What's the problem? He's really good at it, isn't he?"


The short-haired woman frowned, lowered her voice, and said, "I can clearly feel that he's mentally abnormal..."

Xiao Xiao, who had just walked to the floor below, frowned: "These aborigines will swear afterwards?"

On the upper floor, the girl with rabbit ears frowned slightly when she heard the short-haired woman's words.

After a long time, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said to the short-haired woman:

"Then what's the problem?"

"The ability is there, but the spirit is not normal..."

"Isn't that what you usually say about me?"



The short-haired woman choked suddenly, slowly straightened up, shook her head helplessly, turned and walked towards the elevator.

After taking a few steps, Lin suddenly turned around: "You don't want to sleep with him, do you?"

The rabbit's ears visibly trembled, and he suddenly raised his head, his face full of surprise: "Is it really possible?"


The short-haired woman said with a sullen face, "You are the boss, you have the final say whether to accept him or not."

"But as a sister, I must warn you that your habit of falling in love will change in the future."


"Alright alright……"

The girl tried her best to shrink back, with a dissatisfied expression on her face, she muttered: "I just want to try the taste of a man..."

"...It's really wide."

(End of this chapter)

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