end of mystery.

Chapter 63 The Peak of Life

Chapter 63 The Peak of Life
"Oh, that's scary..."

When Xiao Xiao withdrew his eyes, he couldn't help being startled.

I really want to socialize with you, but you want to sleep with me?

This world is full of malice everywhere, can it be better?
He cursed in his heart, reminding himself that he needs to be more careful when meeting this boss in the future.

Then, I couldn't help but analyze the usefulness of these three eyes of the seer.

Just now he only used one of the eyes, which made him feel a very practical feeling. Through this eye, he can see everything in his field of vision clearly, even including the movement of their lips when they speak With sonic shock.

Normally, this eye should not have the ability to hear sounds.

However, because the movement of the opponent's lips was captured so accurately, and the information obtained by this eye directly entered his mind in a mysterious way, Xiao Xiao had a vague feeling that he could hear The feel of the sound.

And by observing the monitoring screen, it seems that this eye also has the ability to see through some kind of distorted power?

In addition, when he inadvertently controlled this eye to look at the short-haired woman, he clearly felt that she became tense instantly.

Although it was short and she was good at concealing it, it was enough for her to discover this change by herself.

This look seems to bring some kind of pressure to people?
He thought and analyzed a little bit, and he can be sure that after entering the route of the clairvoyant, his abilities have also increased.

It's just that it still needs to be explored.

He sat on the sofa on the ninth floor, and waited until the short-haired woman came down, then stood up and greeted:



The short-haired woman was stunned for a moment before realizing it. She pursed her lips and said, "Call me Miss Gao, or Miss Ning."

"Okay okay..."

Xiao Xiao was more or less used to it, so he quickly changed his words: "Miss Gao Ning."

Although these are aborigines, but thinking that I have just changed jobs, I am very polite to the seniors in the company.

The short-haired woman, or Miss Ning, looked Xiao Xiao up and down, and couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted.

I thought to myself, no wonder the BOSS is so angry all of a sudden, who wouldn't be tempted to meet such a well-behaved and obedient person?
However, thinking of his astonishing fighting power, and the scary look in his eyes just now, he was still secretly vigilant.

"Let's go!"

She made a serious face on purpose, and said: "Since the boss has spoken, I will take you to find a suitable business."


Xiao Xiao was a little surprised: "Go directly to the project?"

"You don't even need to sign a contract first?"



Gao Ning was a little surprised: "What kind of serious company do you think we are?"


Xiao Xiao was also a little confused: so calm?
But after thinking about it, from the nature of this company, it seems that this is no problem?

It seems that the five insurances and one housing fund cannot be counted on...

And Gao Ning seemed to have an idea in mind when he went downstairs.

After going downstairs, he took Xiao Xiao back into the black Hummer and headed straight towards the upper city.

Passing through the criss-crossing roads and light rails, and ran through two red lights in the middle, I came to a bar.

Different from the weird red style of the Red Eye Club, this bar looks bigger and more lively. Although it is only in the afternoon, there are already many girls who always show their slender legs, talking and laughing, etc. around the bar.

The name of the bar is called: Bingshan.

"Boss has said, this bar will be handed over to you in the future."

Gao Ning turned his head, looked at Xiao Xiao and said, "The operation and accounts of the bar, appointment and dismissal of personnel, purchase and sales..."

Xiao Xiao straightened his ears and listened carefully, then he heard Gao Ning say: "...don't worry about it."


Xiao Xiao's expression suddenly became strange.

Gao Ning looked at it coldly, sneered in his heart, and said, "The only thing you need to do is to ensure the normal operation of this bar's business."

"Whether it's someone making a fuss or something, don't let them affect the operation of the bar."

"If you do well, [-]% of the bar's net profit will be given to you every month in the future, and you can increase it later."


"Don't worry about anything?"

Xiao Xiao thought about it carefully: "Isn't this a matter of circumstance?"

Subconsciously looking at Gao Ning, the other party said with his eyes: "Yes, just to see the situation."

"All right……"

What are you thinking about in a world full of monsters?

Xiao Xiao thought for a while and asked the most critical question: "Ten percent every month? Returning the pure profit..."

"Iceberg Bar is the hottest and most luxurious bar in Heimen City right now."

Seeing Xiao Xiao's thoughts, Ms. Ning said calmly: "The net profit reached more than 200 million last month."

"And this is because the business has been affected a little bit. Once it is on the right track, the profit will exceed 500 million, or even 600 million."

"It's more like a gold mountain than an iceberg."

"That's why BOSS had to take down this bar before."



Xiao Xiao secretly calculated the account in his heart, and immediately stood in awe.

All of a sudden, I went from a coolie with a monthly income of [-] to a peak of life with a monthly income of hundreds of thousands?

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to Miss Ning, "When will I come to work?"

"Happiness and anger are invisible..."

Miss Ning made this evaluation of Xiao Xiao in her heart, and then said softly: "Tonight."


Xiao Xiao was a little surprised, and looked at himself: "It seems that I have to change clothes?"

"That's your problem."

Ms. Ning smiled and said, "You can get along with the employees here however you want, it depends on your personal habits."

"I have other things to do, so I won't accompany you in."

"Believe me, your skill is really good, but if you can't even get out of this small bar..."

"...in this industry, there is no future."


Xiao Xiao narrowed his eyes immediately, even if he didn't use the eyes of the seer, he could easily sense the woman's emotions.

Probes, observations, minor dissatisfaction, and... tests?

Although there is no formal contract in this business, there are quite a few interviews...

He smiled and nodded, "I see."

In the past four years, I seldom go out, and the communication with people is almost zero.

But now that you are back in your life, you should naturally learn to get along with others, right?

Although, this is no longer the world of normal people.



Also when Xiao Xiao was thinking about how to face his new job, in the pink building, after making sure that Xiao Xiao had left the building, and even watched the car go away, he huddled in the boss chair. The girl with rabbit ears on the phone cautiously made a phone call. After the voice on the phone rang, she suddenly smiled on purpose: "I've already settled the matter."

"But I'm really curious, you have exiled me for so long, how can you still think of my little pawn?"


The voice on the phone was also a woman, but she seemed a little indifferent:

"You've been trying to get our attention too, haven't you?"

"Hehe, the Pink Girls Gang... When I recruit you guys, I really should train you on your aesthetics."


"Oh, everyone has their own hobbies..."

Rabbit ears giggled: "I have created such a big industry, but I have always been prepared to serve you, Doctor."

"I know what you're thinking."

The voice on the phone said impatiently: "But I must remind you that returning to the cracks may not be a good thing."

"If it wasn't for the fact that this person happened to appear at that pier, it wouldn't be your turn to carry out this mission."


"Alright alright……"

The rabbit ears shook, and said with a smile: "I will finish the task well."

"However, I'm also somewhat curious. Since it's just an abandoned drug tester, why do you take it so seriously?"

"Didn't you just eliminate all the people who failed the drug test before?"


"It was tried, it failed, and it caused some unexpected changes."

The voice on the phone said coldly: "Besides, his situation is a little different from other people's. The observation of him has been over for three years, but I didn't expect him to have a direct connection with the mother. Now, the people above Countermeasures are also being considered.”


Rabbit Ears smiled and said, "Is your isolation work so poor?"

"How did he come into contact with the mother's body?"


The voice on the phone said coldly: "Don't pretend to be confused, I think you should have seen the corresponding evidence."

"Remember to delete it later."


"Okay, okay..."

The voice of the rabbit ears was still laughing, and his eyes had already fallen on the surveillance video.

One of the scenes captured Yang Jia getting off the SUV, but it only took two seconds. After she got out of the car, she immediately raised her head and looked towards the camera. The next moment, the content in the camera suddenly changed to A twisted snowflake.

She narrowed her smiling eyes and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Just keep an eye on him?"


"Report his whereabouts at any time, but keep this matter confidential."

The voice on the phone said: "But remember, don't provoke him."

"He's dangerous."



Rabbit Ears was a little surprised: "It's not that I haven't been in contact with those lunatics, are you?"

"Ha ha……"

The voice on the phone paused, and said with a sneer: "If you also want to be hung up and chopped off with a knife, and the meat on your body will be fed to the dogs in the end, then you don't have to take what I say to heart... "


The rabbit's ears were suddenly a little surprised, his eyes were shining with excitement, and his breathing was a little short of breath.


(End of this chapter)

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