end of mystery.

Chapter 69 The Scary Newcomer

Chapter 69 The Scary Newcomer
How did things end like this?
In Xiao Xiao's heart, he was actually somewhat confused.

I've always been very polite, you see all the drinks on your table have been opened, and I didn't intend to ask you for money.

But you, if you leave without saying a word, what's the matter with you kneeling down?
Is it because I didn't do something well enough?

In fact, Xiao Xiao conducted a deep self-criticism and self-reflection on himself in a moment of silence.

Ever since I saw this senior in the group of foreigners, I have always held great friendship and awe towards him.

It is true that I am a newcomer after all, in order to prevent myself from being bullied, I have somewhat deliberately behaved, such as making myself look calm, avoiding things like revealing that I am actually panicked...

...Not too much, right?
But now, looking at the reaction of this senior black hat man, his performance today seems a bit...

...too much?

He tensed his face slightly and remained calm, but his three eyes were all gathered around the man in black hat, carefully observing the movement of every muscle in him. Although he was a newcomer, Xiao Xiao But he has always known the reason why the boat capsizes in the gutter, so at this time he reminded himself that he needs to seriously confirm whether this person is really cowardly, or if he is paralyzed and explodes.


He found that when he was stared at by his five eyes, the man in the black hat trembled and his face became paler...

...Damn it, why does he look really cowardly?

What can be done then?

Looking at the other party's cold sweat, weak and trembling face, Xiao Xiao's mind quickly flashed a few thoughts:

Help the other party up and tell the other party that everything is a misunderstanding?
Take it as soon as you see it, and tell the other party to get out of here with a cold face?
It's still a matter of course...

Others don't know the thoughts in his mind. No one knows how much entanglement Xiao Xiao has experienced at this moment. From the outside, Xiao Xiao just showed a faint smile on his face after the other party knelt down, and slowly held up Glass, took a sip.

Shaking his head and sighing softly, he said, "Okay, let's see what you will say..."



An hour later, when the man in black hat walked out of the bar, he felt that the dim light of the street lamp was so kind.

The feeling of escaping from the dead and regaining a new life is really wonderful...

Ever since he became a foreigner, especially after possessing a certain self-protection ability, it was the first time for him to face this kind of life-and-death crisis, the feeling that his life was hanging by a thread. Shooting is coming...

You know, even when the hell organization invaded before, because he hid early, and the hell organization didn't bother to find a small shrimp like himself, it also kept him away from danger and didn't face those crazy guys... …

Besides, he was very sure in his heart that this one just now was much more dangerous than the hell organization...

Fortunately, this perverted guy still seems to have principles.

Of course, it may also be that I was clever enough to confess the news enough to buy my life back at once...

After squatting under the street lamp for a long time, he stood up and stretched his weak legs.

Pull out a phone: "Mr. Zhou, things went wrong..."

On the other end of the phone, an old voice rang out, looking extremely serious and dissatisfied:

"Give me an explanation."


"Don't blame me..."

The emotion that the black hat man had brewed for a long time suddenly burst out: "Yang Jia, Yang Jia arranged..."

"Everything we are doing has already been read by Yang Jia. Do you know how she does it?"

"She actually sent that perverted monster over to wait for me..."


The old voice was slightly startled: "A perverted monster?"


The man in the black hat was almost crying: "It's the one who killed the ghost man. When I came here, he was already waiting for me here. He forced me to tell all this. I... I was almost killed He was mutilated and almost fed to the dogs..."

There was also some suspicion in the old voice: "Is that the newcomer under Yang Jia's command?"

"But I have already investigated him. It seems that he has just been discovered by Yang Jia, and he is just a newcomer..."

"...From the information I have obtained now, he only has a few hundred points at most."


"Fuck the rookie..."

Before the voice on the phone ended, the man in black hat yelled angrily: "How can the newcomer be so terrifying?"

"How is it possible, so perverted?"


The voice on the phone suddenly became serious: "Have you fought against him?"

The man in black hat was taken aback for a moment, but immediately said solemnly:
"Of course!"

"what's the result?"


The man in the black hat took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "His strength is simply unfathomable!"

"At that time I..."

"As soon as I saw him appear, I knew that the matter had been revealed. My first thought was to kill him, okay?"

The more he said, the more fear filled his voice: "But, I exerted all my strength as soon as I came up, but he held it down easily with one hand, whether it's my ability or weapon That's okay, there is no chance to display it at all..."

On the phone, the voice was a little suspicious: "What route is he?"


The man in the black hat was stunned: How the hell do I know what route he is?
But the reaction was quick, and he said in a low voice: "I... I didn't see what route he was at all, so I was restrained."

As he spoke, his voice was almost crying: "It's not that I want to betray our plan. Boss Zhou, you know me. Although I am a little timid, I have always been very reliable in my work and my mouth is very strict, but ...But this pervert, he pulled me into the office, pointed at my nose with a fruit knife to force me, and even cut off my flesh piece by piece to feed the dog..."

As he spoke, he became emotional: "You said, how could I not be afraid?"

"Who will replace it, who will not be afraid..."


The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly fell silent, and seemed to be reevaluating something.

After a long time, he whispered: "Come back first, it's good to save your life."

"Yes Yes……"

The man in the black hat hurriedly agreed, but suddenly remembered something again, and said, "Boss Zhou, you have to decide for me..."

The voice on the phone was a little serious: "Say."

"I... I was not only caught by him, he forced me to ask my secret..."

The man in the black hat stammered, turning his head quickly and said, "Even...even he even took away the five hundred or so points I have...I don't want to give them to him, but if I don't get the points Save your life, he will never let me go!"



The voice on the phone also suddenly sank: "Did they even break this rule?"

"Yang Jia actually let him do this?"

"She really doesn't care about the rules left by the old president?"


Regarding this, the man in black hat just paused for a moment, and then cried calmly: "Yeah, they're just going too far..."

After the two parties hung up the phone, they calmed down for a while.

The man in black hat picked a few good spots on his thighs, thinking about how to cut a few to be more realistic.

What I just said is true, but I don't add any evidence to worry that the boss won't believe it.

On the other side, an old man at the bottom of the bridge who scavenger for a living is also slowly putting away his cell phone. His face has become extremely serious at this time. He believes in the man in the black hat. He knows that this guy is timid and does not Deliberately betraying my guts, so...

Under Yang Jia, there is already a rookie who is at least the third stage?

In order to put pressure on us, she did not hesitate to break the bottom line...

Now, this secret has been known to her...

He lamented for a long time, and took out his phone: "The information I got today is too amazing, I need to share it with others!"



At the same time when the man in the black hat was crying to the old man at the bottom of the bridge, Xiao Xiao was holding his wine glass with a calm face.

He stared at the monitor as if nothing had happened.

He took out his cell phone only after making sure that the black hat had left the bar and the surveillance video could not capture him.

When dialing the phone, my fingers trembled slightly, but I just tried to keep calm:

"Hello? Yang Jia?"

"Just now, it seems that I got a great event..."



Just before Xiao Xiao called, Yang Jiazheng came to the edge of the city, a dilapidated downtown area.

It's strange, the more prosperous a city is, the more there will be this kind of hidden snow area full of garbage and sewage. They have a completely different temperament from the city, but they are clearly a part of the city. Yang Jia squatted here On the tallest building at the edge of the area, looking down, I saw the scattered lights and numb people in this huge garbage and sewage street.

She could even smell the rotting smell and see the huge and weird flesh and blood writhing and twisting underneath.

"Why is it worse than we predicted?"

Yang Jia quietly observed and stared for a long time before whispering to herself: "If you keep procrastinating, who knows what kind of monster will be born?"

"It's just that the current manpower..."


She was silently recording and analyzing in her heart, but suddenly her eyes flickered.

Looking up, there seemed to be a phantom like a door frame in her pupils, causing her vision to keep zooming in, and she soon saw that there was a group of people in white protective clothing on the edge of the area surrounded by barbed wire. People appeared, and they were all carrying sprayers on their backs. Strange white mist was released as they walked, as if they had some kind of life.

These white mist seeped into this rotting city area, and the strange flesh and blood inside seemed to be boiling and cheering.

Yang Jia narrowed his eyes, stood up, and jumped off the tall building.

When she appeared in front of this group of people in white protective clothing, she had already put on a pair of black sunglasses, held a black dagger in her left hand, and a black pistol in her right hand, and stepped on sharp barbed wire , slowly emerging from the night:


Her expression was indifferent, with an unquestionable expression: "The things here are not for you to interfere."

(End of this chapter)

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