end of mystery.

Chapter 70 He really took the initiative to confess

Chapter 70 He really took the initiative to confess

The group of people in white protective clothing suddenly saw Yang Jia appearing, and they were taken aback. While they were in confusion, they could hear someone holding the walkie-talkie and shouting: "Report, report, members of the fleeing organization were found in the north area of ​​No. 13 farm." ,Report……"

"We carry no lethal weapons, we carry no lethal weapons..."

"Ask for support, ask for support..."



During the turmoil, it seemed that someone also saw Yang Jia through the cameras they wore. Soon, an old voice sounded from one of their sensor devices. The other party reprimanded him in a low voice. It was I who appeared on the scene, which made the white protective clothing personnel quiet down, and then, the old voice whispered: "Black hand?"

Yang Jia didn't answer his words, but said indifferently: "Order your people to leave and don't come here again."

"Otherwise, I will let them leave this world forever."


The man in the white protective suit was panicked for a moment, shrinking back.

"Stop doing such ignorant things again."

On the intercom, the old man's voice sounded, as if with some anger: "You have been dominated by hallucinations for too long."

"Now, we are the only ones who can save you."

"And what you need to do is not to let that illusion dominate you all the time, and stop destroying our plan."


"Save us?"

Yang Jia even showed a bit of helplessness on his face: "You don't even know what you are..."

But as she spoke, she also lost interest in discussing it.

"Forget it, we still can't communicate after all."

"I can't try many times, but there is still no possibility of communication..."

"All I can do now is to drive you away."

"It's even hard for me to understand why you, who claim to be smart, must do these things that are doomed to destruction?"


As she spoke, she slowly raised the pistol, and there was a door frame-like ripple emerging from the dark muzzle of the gun.


No one knew what happened, they aimed at her electronic equipment, and they suddenly failed at the same time.


In another part of the city, in the spacious but crowded monitoring room, all the pictures turned into a mess at the same time, and the voice from the earphones was distorted and unrecognizable in an instant. The earphones were removed and thrown aside.


Someone cut off all connections at the moment of signal confusion, and urged: "Open the shielding system..."

"Make sure she can't see us in a normal or underlying logic way..."

"Otherwise, we may all be assimilated..."


On the other side, a middle-aged man patted the table angrily: "No. 13 farm, obviously we will see the observation results."

"These lunatics are coming to sabotage our plan again?"


After driving away the panicked defenders, Yang Jiacai turned around and looked at the rotting kingdom again.

At this time, I changed the angle of view and looked at this huge area from the front, and I could feel its depth even more. The countless huge tentacles of flesh and blood shot up into the sky, directly touching the sparse clouds in the night sky, and distorted faces one by one. Appearing in the mid-air, it seems that there is some kind of strange steam, and it turns into a strange smile from time to time. She faces this huge unknown directly, just like facing a giant.

The huge pressure even made her frown.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, pulling her back to reality, frowning, and all the illusions in front of her eyes disappeared.

Yang Jia let out a low breath, took out the phone, and immediately after connecting it, Xiao Qi's nervous voice rang out.

Yang Jia listened, and a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face: "What?"



Knowing such an exaggerated matter suddenly, Yang Jia didn't delay at all, and arrived at the bar half an hour later.

Seeing her come in, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the boss chair and playing with the computer, also hurriedly got up, pushed the computer screen halfway out, and said, "It's all here. I was also surprised when I heard it, and worried that I forgot Once you know the details, write them all down on the computer.”

"Oh, it's not minesweeper, this is what I just played..."


"Old black hat Cui?"

Yang Jia glanced at the document, and said in a low voice, "It's from Lao Zhou at the bottom of the bridge..."

As she spoke, she glanced around: "Where's that person?"

"Go away..."

Xiao Qi said: "After asking these questions, he left."

"Why did you let him go?"

"What can you do if you don't let go?"

Xiao Qi was a little embarrassed: "I may not be able to beat him, what if you are in a hurry and attack me?"


There are so many details here that Yang Jia needs to react properly.

It sounds reasonable. The black hat old Cui is indeed a more difficult one in Heimen City. Although he is timid and a thief, his qualifications are there. A newcomer like Xiao Qi really has to compete. He really can't be Old Cui's opponent...


She hesitated for a moment, then looked at Xiao Xiao: "How did you ask for such crucial information?"

Faced with this question, Xiao Xiao was stunned for a while before saying, "I don't know either..."


He didn't know how to describe the experience just now:
"I just chatted with him face to face, and he suddenly knelt down and said he was willing to confess everything."

"I didn't know what he wanted to confess at the time, but it seemed that he had some secret, so I brought him to the office."

"And then before I asked anything, he poured the beans out of everything."


When Xiao Xiao said it himself, he felt a little strange, and said awkwardly: "I have explained it in detail."

"At the end, I even took out the information card on my own initiative, saying that I have [-] points on hand, and I am willing to give them all in exchange for my life..."


Hearing all these strange things, Yang Jia didn't know what to ask, she was stunned for a moment before asking, "You took it?"

"I don't want to accept it..."

Xiao Xiao said: "I didn't dare to accept it at first, but he kept crying, saying that if I don't accept it, he still wants his life."

"I also said that hell organizations will abide by this principle, and if they collect points, they will let people go..."


Listening to Yang Jia, she felt that it was really weird, she blinked her eyes, and said after a while, "You really...didn't force him?"

"I swear!"

Xiao Xiao even raised a hand: "I have great respect for those seniors."

"I didn't even say a serious word..."


Yang Jia fell silent. It seemed that this matter was a little out of her comprehension.

But Xiao Xiao had a vigilant expression on his face, and said, "I also feel that the news came too easily, as if he took the initiative to tell me."

"I suspect, is there any trap here?"


Facing Xiao Xiao's reasonable suspicion, Yang Jia slowly scanned the "confession" written down by Xiao Xiao, fell silent, and said in a low voice: "There is no need to doubt, the news is true. Before I came, I had verified it from other places."

As he said that, his face became more and more gloomy: "But I didn't expect them to go so far!"

"I've known for a long time that they were terrified, but I didn't expect that they would go to this extent..."

"This is an unforgivable betrayal for foreigners."


Xiao Xiao was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Then, why did they send people to the lower city?"


Yang Jia paused for a moment, raised her head, and could see deep anger in her eyes: "They are feeding deformed creatures."

"Feeding deformed creatures?"

Xiao Xiao's face also changed slightly, and those distorted and terrifying existences flashed in his mind:



"It's simple."

Yang Jia spoke slowly, but calmed down, only a little tired: "It's just to drive me away."

"It's just using this method to clear and reset the old president's high-level contract!"



Listening to Yang Jia's words, Xiao Xiao remembered the words [lower contract] displayed on his information card.

What is going on with this advanced contract?

"Every foreigner has a different bond with this city."

Yang Jia closed her eyes silently, adjusted her mood, and then said slowly:

"Just woke up, they are all low-level contracts, only in this city, enjoy the exchange of enhanced elements with the lowest authority, etc."

"Some outstanding people can get a medium contract, which symbolizes the recognition of the city."

"As for high-level contracts, there is often only one in a city."

"Once you get a high-level contract, you will have a certain ability to restrict the middle and low-level contracts, that is, the president."

"The president has the ability to communicate deeply with the will of the city and sign some special contracts."

"Now the high-level contract in this city still belongs to the old president. As long as you inherit the will of the old president, you can get this contract, and reasonably restrict and restrict the behavior of other foreigners, and there will be a reorganization Opportunities for strangers in Black Gate City."

"However, if the situation is allowed to deteriorate, the High Contract will be reset."

Speaking of this, her face also turned cold, and she said in a deep voice: "This group of people also have the same idea. Heimen City originally had a problem left over from the old president's time, and now it has caused our The city is rotten, and instead of trying to solve it together, they are even condoning or accelerating this rot, in order to wait for this contract to be reset."

"At that time, someone will inherit a blank high-level contract."

"And all the traces left by the old president will be erased, and I can only be forced to leave."


"So, this is why Yang Jia must inherit the idea of ​​the old president?"

When Xiao Xiao heard this, his heart moved slightly: "Ling Ping said that the safe is also included in this contract, right?"

"What's in the safe?"

"Even... the invasion of the hell organization is also related to the things in this safe?"

(End of this chapter)

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