end of mystery.

Chapter 71 Class B Distortion Event

Chapter 71 Class B Distortion Event

Although it was just a casual conversation, Xiao Xiao suddenly thought of many possibilities.

Yang Jia had already expressed her determination before, she must inherit the will of the old president and reorganize the organization of foreigners in Heimen City.

But at the Red Eye Club at that time, Ling Ping had deliberately questioned Yang Jia's purpose:
"Do you want to inherit the will of the old president? Or his safe?"


In this regard, Yang Jia gave an adult answer: both.

Although I am just a newcomer, it is not time to inquire too many secrets, and Xiao Xiao knows very well:

The big taboo for newcomers is that they have no sense of proportion and ask all kinds of nonsense.

But now that Yang Jia brought it up, he still couldn't help being curious: "Then what's in the safe?"

"Normally speaking, if bandits like the Hell Organization are just for looting points, then they invade a place once, and if they rob enough, it's over. The place is already poor, and they won't come again in a short time, but the Red Eye Club and others However, it sounds like they are convinced that the hell organization will come back, so they can't wait to draw a line with the previous Black Gate City."

"This is completely inconsistent with the survival logic of robbers..."

"The only answer is that the Hell Organization didn't get what they wanted..."

"So they're bound to come back."

"So the Red Eye Club and other forces are scared out of their wits and don't want to participate anymore..."

"And that thing is in the safe?"

"If you inherit the only high-level contract from the old president, can you find the safe?"


Countless guesses flashed through my heart, but I didn't show it on my face, I just frowned slightly and said:

"Then how can I get it?"


Yang Jia was also paying attention to Xiao Xiao's expression. She was a little surprised. After hearing so many things about the old president and the high-level contract, his old classmate showed no interest at all, and he didn't break the casserole. In the end...

He directly asked the simplest things, what to do.

Is it because you really have unreserved trust in me, or simply don't care?
Inwardly, I felt a little more peaceful, and said softly: "The core is to solve the problem of the Rotten Kingdom."

Xiao Xiao was slightly taken aback: "Kingdom of Rot?"

Yang Jia nodded slightly, and said, "That is the most serious distortion event in Heimen City."

"The threat level is B."

"Of course, through their feeding now, it may be much more serious than the general B-level threat..."


"A Class B dangerous distortion event..."

Before Xiao Xiao, he had seen the suffocation puppet of the C-level incident, and the vine of despair that reached the C-level to some extent.

However, he has also tried to understand that neither of these things can be regarded as a typical C-level.

After all, the suffocating doll doesn't have a strong desire to survive. He seems to be waiting there, longing for someone to destroy him.

As for the vine of despair, although it contained a lot of painful substances, it was cleaned up immediately.

Strictly speaking, it can only be considered D-level.

If you really encounter a terrible C-level incident, the difficulties and challenges involved will probably not be easier than the incident on the pier. If the real C-level incident is already so terrible, then the B-level incident that Yang Jia said would not be easier. How tricky will it be?
"The D-level event is that too much painful substance causes itself to collapse, forming a deformed creature."

"The C-level event is that the aberration spreads outward, forming a nest, or in other words, a wound in the city."

"You're already familiar with both."

Yang Jia seemed to know what he was thinking, and explained softly: "The B-level incident is a further deterioration."

"The wound has not been treated effectively, it has been deeply rotted, and more terrible things have been bred."

"This is the case in the Kingdom of Rot."


She took a deep breath, looked at Xiao Xiao's gaze, also a little dignified, and said in a low voice:

"Originally, there was just a simple deformed creature in the lower city, but it was located on the edge and was not dealt with in time."

"But later, because of the invasion of the hell organization, the alien organization in Heimen City was hit hard. No one cared to solve this problem, and it became more and more serious. Things got out of control and turned into a terrible monster. nest."

"When I returned to Black Gate City, it had already been upgraded to a B-level incident."

"But we had too many other things to deal with at that time, and we were always short of manpower, so we still didn't solve this problem in time. It was just that Mr. Ye made a little arrangement, so that the pain lair was temporarily blocked to prevent it from spreading, but The internal deterioration is still intensifying, and now, a rotten kingdom with extremely serious threats has been formed..."

"Well, it's a pity that even at this time, I have sent invitations to other organizations in Black Gate City several times, but they are still unwilling to help me solve this problem. Even, they are still secretly feeding abnormal creatures, which makes this problem even worse. more serious……"


"So powerful? Even you can't handle it?"

Xiao Xiao was really surprised at this moment, he had seen Yang Jia's strength just now.

Although it's just the tip of the iceberg, it's also vaguely felt that Yang Jia's strength is far from comparable to those C-level deformed creatures.

Could it be that the gap between B-level and C-level is so large, Yang Jia, who is far more powerful than C-level, is helpless against the threat of B-level?
"Class B incidents do not threaten me."

Yang Jia shook his head and said, "But I can't solve the B-level incident by myself."

"After all, what I'm better at is actually destroying."

"However, in the lower city, Mr. Ye's layout is almost reaching its limit. Once we start to solve the problems there, Mr. Ye's layout will fail, and the painful substance that has been brewing for a long time will quickly spread to the city. Invading from the inside, even if I alone can cause heavy damage to that place, it will not be able to prevent its deterioration from spreading outward."

"Once a large number of aborigines are polluted, the points we have are not enough for the city to deduct."


Only then did Xiao Xiao understand where Yang Jia's headache was.

I also understood why the Red Eye Club and other forces sat idly by and why the consequences were so serious.

"The will of the city allows them to do this?"

He couldn't help but said: "Once a bigger disaster is formed, won't the city's will blame them for resisting their mission?"

"They each have a batch of points to save their lives, so don't worry about it in a short time."

Yang Jiadao: "Besides, they hope that this problem cannot be solved in their hearts, causing the city's will to backlash, so that the contract of the old president will be reset, and even some things that the old president has hidden through this contract will be destroyed. It will also be swallowed by the will of the city, and from then on, no one can get it again, and the hell organization should have no reason to return to Heimen City..."


After listening to Yang Jia finished speaking, Xiao Xiao suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment.

The situation in Heimen City, the complicated situation, and some key points that have caused a series of problems have finally been understood.

No wonder, Yang Jia has been under so much pressure.

No wonder, the Red Eye Club and other foreigners in this city behaved strangely.


He looked at Yang Jia: "You said before that if I take the route of the insight, everyone can cooperate better."

"Referring to the B-level incident you mentioned?"



Yang Jia looked at Xiao Xiao, and said calmly: "At present, it is naturally the Kingdom of Rot."

"In the future, there will be many similar difficult events."


She quickly shook her head again, and said, "But I mean, at least the clairvoyants who have completed the third stage of strengthening."

"Right now, time is too short."

"To be honest, I have even expected that you can grow up in a very short period of time and help me solve this problem, but now, things have changed, and some people are constantly promoting the growth of the Rotten Kingdom. , and even other foreigners in Heimen City began to give up their principles and limits, all of which compressed our already tight time."

"I can't expect you to complete the third stage of strengthening in such a short period of time..."



Xiao Xiao weighed it himself. The third stage of strengthening needs at least [-] points.

This is indeed too far away from myself.

What's more, even if you have enough points, you have just gone through the second stage, and you can't directly proceed to the third stage.

However, the pressure on Yang Jia made him unwilling to stand idly by.

So, he pondered, and said: "I am indeed only in the second stage, but what if I have special items to help?"

"You mean the three dogs of pain?"

Yang Jia was stunned for a moment, and said, "Every veteran will have a familiar special item, it's nothing."

"Your current ability is only at the second stage. It may be stronger than other veterans, but the gap is still..."


"Not just dogs of pain."

Xiao Xiao said, "I mean, what if I own two special items?"

"Even three?"


Yang Jia was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and said, "Is this possible?"


Facing this question, Xiao Xiao felt somewhat embarrassed: "It might have been impossible, but..."

"What if I work harder for my special item..."

(End of this chapter)

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