end of mystery.

Chapter 81 City Edge

Chapter 81 City Edge
"Continue to live as an aborigine?"

When Xiao Xiao heard Yang Jia's words, his heart suddenly moved.

If you can continue to live as an aborigine, does that also mean that other aborigines can also wake up and become foreigners?So, is everyone essentially the same thing?Is he also a monster in human skin?The aliens, the faded aborigines, and the deformed creatures are actually the same in essence, but the camouflage has been torn off in a different way?

Yang Jia turned to look at Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao suddenly thought of a lot in his mind, but he didn't say it out, only a subtle change occurred in his eyes.

Yang Jia seemed to be keenly aware of the change in Xiao Xiao's expression. After a long time, she nodded slightly and said, "Yes, you may still be hiding a soul from a foreign land in the deepest part of your body, but on the surface, you and other original The inhabitants are no different, and the will of the city will not notice you, so you can continue to live in your dream... until the next time you wake up."

"In fact, even many foreigners who have already awakened will choose this method to make themselves fall asleep."

"As long as you forget for a while, you can take the false world as real, can't you?"


Sleeping is the same as the treatment that the man in the suit said?

After treatment, if there is a relapse, is it equivalent to waking up for the second time?
Xiao Xiao couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart, and a huge absurdity was born in his heart.

Everything the man in the suit said made me feel conflicted from the bottom of my heart, but I couldn't help but correspond to everything now.

While Xiao Xiao was in deep thought, Yang Jia sighed softly and said, "Will you blame me?"

Faced with Xiao Xiao's puzzled look, Yang Jia hesitated slightly, and said softly: "There are indeed many foreigners who, after seeing this weird world, are anxious day and night, and even want to go back to sleep again, and you... ...I do have a way to make you continue to sleep after all, although I don't know whether you will wake up next time or sleep forever."

"If it's the latter, then your life won't be the same as it is now."

"For you, the world seems to have never changed."



It was only now that Xiao Xiao suddenly understood where Yang Jia's sense of indebtedness to him was coming from.

Those aborigines also pointed out that they were deceived by Yang Jia as soon as they came up.

If from their point of view, Yang Jia took the initiative to bring him into this huge hallucination, it would indeed seem that Yang Jia should take all responsibility for it, but he had a different idea in his heart. After all, until he participated in the Before that class reunion, my life and perception were too distorted and false, but it was Yang Jia who took me out of that never-ending nightmare.

In the silence, looking at Yang Jia who seemed to be calm but was also emotionally fluctuating, Xiao Xiao suddenly smiled wryly:
"Who would blame a girl who is willing to hide herself behind?"

"not to mention……"

Xiao Xiao looked at Yang Jia's face: "After all, you are not a reckless person, you are quite responsible..."


Yang Jia's expression was a bit weird, and he felt a little relieved when he heard that Xiao Xiao didn't blame himself.

But thinking about the weird words, I couldn't help but think: "Does it have such a big impact on the ability to express if you don't go to college?"


Xiao Xiao also let out a long breath before saying seriously: "For me, the most important question is..."

"Is this world real or fake?"

"Are we a group of people who have seen the truth of the world, or, as they say, a group of people captured by hallucinations?"


He asked this question very seriously.

In front of the man in the suit, he showed his firm belief, but in front of Yang Jia, he couldn't help asking this question.

"From the moment you embarked on the path of the clairvoyant, maybe all of this is doomed..."

And Yang Jia, also after a moment of silence, suddenly sighed, started the car, and said softly: "Basically, every foreigner will encounter this theory of the aborigines. In fact, I have many ways to explain it to you. To prove the truth of our existence, to prove the loopholes in their theory, but, I think, use another method, let you judge for yourself!"

Saying that, the car has already started to drive down the mountain road, leading to that bright and huge city.

Xiao Xiao was a little curious: "Where are you going?"

Yang Jia laughed and said, "I'm going to show you this city for real."

With Xiao Xiao's surprised expression on her face, she stepped on the accelerator, and the car began to accelerate non-stop.

Xiao Xiao put on his seat belt calmly, and followed Yang Jia into this huge city. There were criss-crossing streets and people of all kinds in front of him, and he saw tall buildings where people lived. Creatures in the grid.

He saw people hiding in garbage bins, peeking at the passing pedestrians quietly, occasionally sticking out their bright and flexible tongues.

Looking at the bloated and obese man, sitting in a straight suit at the long table, in front of him is a beautiful carcass without a trace.

I saw someone peel off another person's face, cover it on my own face, and walk into the world contentedly.

Seeing the thin slave following behind the master, holding a bright red heart in his hand, he longed for the master to look back at him.



The car kept driving forward without slowing down.

But Xiao Xiao looked around and always saw some strange things from time to time. They existed in every corner of this city, some were normal, some were exaggerated, some were terribly thoughtful, and some made people shudder. He didn't know why it was such a coincidence that he saw this while the car was moving fast. He wondered if Yang Jia let him see it on purpose...

But when he thought about it carefully, he suddenly realized that he had seen these things a long time ago.

It just settled in the depths of memory, and even took it for granted, but didn't realize his falsehood.

Until, as the car drove forward, Xiao Xiao suddenly realized that he seemed to have come to the edge of the city, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, because he had thought countless times in his heart, whether there was such a thing on the edge of the city What.

He once looked out from the pier, and all he saw was the cold ocean.

As for the other fringes of the city, because there is always a faint tension in their hearts, they have not tried it.

But this time, Yang Jia brought her directly.

When the vehicle entered the highway leading out of the city, as if driving on a viaduct extending into the night sky, Yang Jia stopped.

The vehicle stopped abruptly, and Xiao Xiao's heart skipped a beat.

The sound of heavy and huge blood rushing and body wriggling seemed to come from my ears.

"This is where?"

When he asked this question, he felt that his voice was a little hoarse.

"A place where you can see the city clearly."

Yang Jia replied softly, "Be prepared, don't be afraid..."

"Of course I'm not afraid..."

Xiao Xiao subconsciously thought: "I am a man after all, how could I..."

Then, he couldn't help but groan, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Pushing open the car door, he took a few steps forward under the encouragement of Yang Jia's eyes, and tried his best to look into the distance, and then in the process of taking these few steps, he saw everything in front of him, They are all peeling off the surface, just like Truman wandering on the sea in a speedboat. When the bow of the boat hits the tall and boundless blue wall, the false world reveals the truth.

With just a few steps away, Xiao Xiao saw all the real scenes, which were distorted and changed rapidly.

It seems that it is just a curtain, and when I pass through the curtain, I see the truth.

He saw everything brightly colored, huge flesh and blood tissue stretching between the dark red sky and the earth, he saw thick and twisted blood vessels stretching straight to the distant unknown, forever filled with dark red mist between the sky and the earth, He even saw other people who were trying to get out of the city, they were all rolled up by huge tentacles that fell from the sky at the moment they were out of the city, and fell into a deep sleep.

I saw a [-]-meter-long high-speed train, which was wrapped in huge flesh and blood the moment it drove out of the edge of the city.

Like the delivery of blood, it was squeezed further away in an instant.



"In this world, our city does not exist alone."

Yang Jia's voice sounded behind Xiao Xiao, and she raised her hand lightly, drawing an imaginary rectangular translucent frame in the air in front of her, and then walked forward slowly, holding Xiao Xiao's palm, As he walked forward, he said softly:

"There is also communication and material transportation between cities."

"And all over the city is the sea of ​​mist that is always red, and it is also the paradise where hell organizations and those pirates are active... I think there is nothing that allows you to see things between cities, which can explain it better." You're confused."



When Xiao Xiao was held by her and passed through the translucent frame together, Xiao Xiao felt his body speed up instantly.

It seems that there is a power that does not belong to him, and it instantly blessed him, and he flew directly into the air, and when he fell again, he had already landed on a huge bloated blood vessel with a diameter of more than ten meters. Inside the blood vessel, It can even be vaguely seen that a light rail is wrapped in it, and inside the light rail are one after another passengers who have fallen asleep.

Yang Jia held Xiao Xiao's hand and helped him stabilize his body.

Then, with the other hand, she pulled out a dagger, cut it downward, tore open the surface of the blood vessel, and went directly to the light rail.

"Look, these are the aborigines who are going out of the city."

Yang Jia said softly: "At this time, they are probably going on a wonderful trip in their dreams?"

"Maybe eating hot pot, singing songs, and occasionally looking out the window, you can see the bright sunshine and beautiful girls..."

"When they go back to the city, if you ask, they will say the same, and even describe various details."

"But what about the fact?"


Yang Jia smiled wryly: "Outside the city, there will always be only a dead sea of ​​mist and a train of flesh and blood."

"But this city will always give them the richest memories and the most authentic feelings."

"Just like, they have always insisted that our feelings and experiences are just illusions given by the mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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