end of mystery.

Chapter 82 What's in the Safe

Chapter 82 What's in the Safe


Even though he had the ability to think explosively, Xiao Xiao was instantly shocked by this huge and distorted thing, and lost the ability to express and think for a short time. He just held Yang Jia's hand in a daze, and stood here with her. On the huge flesh and blood, watching the light rail wrapped inside, being transported to the distance quickly, feeling the bloody and strong wind blowing around.

He couldn't describe his feelings, he could feel the squirming of flesh and blood on the soles of his feet.

He saw countless huge and dense flesh and blood tissues extending out of the huge city, pouring into the sky.

Is it horror or shock?
Xiao Xiao couldn't choose a word to express his inner feelings, or like Yang Jia, choose both?
The wavering and self-doubt brought about by the man in the suit's previous conversation disappeared at this moment.

There is nothing more lucid than such a grotesque and huge sense of reality.

He also thought just now whether foreigners and aborigines are essentially the same kind, the difference lies in whether they wake up or not, but after seeing this huge and terrifying scene, all his thoughts disappeared. The shake caused by the man in the suit disappeared. He just felt a huge shock and instantly understood Yang Jia's indifference.

Yes, after seeing this scene, what is there to discuss?

He even paused for a full two seconds before saying in a hoarse voice, "If, these aborigines are only from the city..."

"Flesh parts."

"Even their memories and perceptions are just instilled in them by this city..."

"...Then why do they deny the existence of the will of the city, and why do they think we are mad instead?"


"Maybe it's just some sort of necessary condition for urban survival."

Yang Jia looked at Xiao Qi and said softly: "Look, these aborigines actually have no freedom at all, even their memories and perceptions may be false, but they can't feel the existence of the city's will, and even only think All of this is true, and in normal times, when they are not controlled by the will of the city, they still have their own logical thinking and creativity..."

"I think this is what the city deliberately asked them to keep."

"For example, some preparations produced by the Black Forest Biological Laboratory are strengthening agents produced through their research on violent factors, which have much less side effects than us directly using violent factors to strengthen ourselves, and they are even non-stop. Continue to perfect this potion, and not only that, many elements we need to strengthen are actually related to them."

"Of course, because they retain their own logical thinking and cognition, there will always be some things that exceed the standard, such as breeding in pursuit of more painful substances, such as researching some things, but causing harm to the city ..."

"But it's all inevitable. If they keep their will, these will be born."

"The will of the city will not exert influence on them all the time, and will only restart them when the problem is serious."


Listening to these, Xiao Xiao suddenly felt speechless.

Countless doubts in his heart were solved, and he even felt that his previous doubts were a bit ridiculous.

After being silent for a long time, he suddenly looked at Yang Jia, and asked with a wry smile, "Why didn't you bring me to see these earlier?"

"Because I'm afraid you'll break down."

Yang Jia turned to look at him, and said softly, "We all need to rely on some familiar things to survive."

Xiao Xiao was also slightly silent, just looking towards the distance of the terrifying scene together with her.

"The reason why we don't want newcomers to know so much is also here."

Yang Jia held Xiao Xiao's hand, and sighed softly after a long time: "Many people in Heimen City envy me for my ability to travel between different cities, but in fact, this is not something to be envied. Traveling between different cities once, I would feel a huge sense of despair and loneliness, and I was almost overwhelmed by this sense of despair many times..."

"Only strangers and each other's company can make me persevere again and again..."

"actually, I……"

She paused for a long time before saying the following words in a very low voice: "I will be afraid too."


Xiao Xiao was holding Yang Jia's hand, and felt her palm was cold and trembling at this moment.

He wanted to comfort her with something, but found that he didn't know what to say.

She knows a lot more than me, so any comfort from me seems childish and ridiculous, right?
He could only clenched Yang Jia's hand even more tightly to comfort her.

Not knowing if this consolation had any effect, Yang Jia suddenly tilted her head and looked at him:

"But you don't seem afraid?"



Xiao Xiao also looked up at this weird world, and said in a low voice, "I was afraid in my heart, but I didn't show it."


He paused, and said: "Compared to these, I am indeed more afraid... In fact, I am the one who is crazy."

Yang Jia looked at his calm and resolute face, which clearly said that he was afraid...

...even seemed to hide a little bit of excitement.

There was a sentence stuck in my heart: "I just want to tell you that our world is real, it doesn't matter whether you are crazy or not..."

With complicated emotions, he turned around with Xiao Xiao, and entered a rectangular door frame again, which was also only a step away. Xiao Xiao once again felt the feeling of his body being engulfed by unknown forces and moving fast, and returned to the door. On the bridge.

After taking a few steps towards the city, I returned to normal perception.

It seems that it only takes a few steps. When you walk out, you will see the truth, and when you walk back, you will see familiar things.

Walk over and see the truth.

"Your confusion is common."

Yang Jia walked to the side of the SUV, took out a mint-flavored cigarette from inside, and said softly: "Besides, even us veterans, there are actually many things that we don't understand. The will of the city will only use us to clean up some things and protect them." he."

"But he was never responsible for explaining it to us."

"If you are interested in these things, you can talk to Mr. Ye more."

"Of course, not now..."

Yang Jia smoked out the cigarette silently, looked up at Xiao Xiao, and said, "The path of the clairvoyant is the easiest to collapse."

"Have it?"

Xiao Xiao was a little embarrassed, and said: "When they told me, I suspected that what they said was false..."

"...Really, I really think so."


Yang Jia ignored him, lowered her head and lit her cigarette earnestly, as if she gave herself a blank look.

He said lightly: "In short, in the eyes of the aborigines, we are just a group of lunatics captured by hallucinations, our power, some of our special features, they can use their own logic to find explanations, such as the truth of this world, They thought we were hallucinating that we could buy them with points, and they were just polluting them with the hallucination."

"We stop them from doing painful farming, and they just think we're sabotaging their experiments."

"We use the privileges brought by some points, but they can always help us find reasons from reality."

"So, there is no way to communicate..."


Listening to her narration, Xiao Xiao took it for granted.

How to communicate?
Just like the man in the suit, he confidently and even forcefully told the "truth" to himself, how could he refute him?
Say you get affected and turn into a monster when you shed your skin?

He might find another explanation for himself like Jiang Cheng did.

Even if I really convinced him this second, what if I immediately erased this memory if I caught the attention of the city?
Perhaps, this is the reason for Yang Jia's disappointed expression?

Strangers are destined to endure endless loneliness and cleaning.

Interpretation is a kind of communication, a reconciliation with the outside world, but foreigners will never have this kind of power.


Xiao Xiao suddenly thought of something again, how did all this come about?

Since Yang Jia used to travel between different cities, has she ever discovered the true origin of this world?
Where did this huge unknown and absurdity come from, and what is its purpose?
"Perhaps it's time..."

Also at this time, Yang Jia seemed to be thinking about it, thought for a moment, and said slowly:

"Have you ever wondered what is in the old president's safe?"


Xiao Xiao was slightly surprised.

I don't understand why Yang Jia mentioned that while discussing these issues.

Of course I was curious, and I had guessed many times in my heart.

It's just that I have been telling myself to abide by the rules of newcomers not to inquire...

But Yang Jia is willing to take the initiative to say it?

He hurriedly said, "What is it?"

"It is a powerful taboo item. It is said that it has the ability to affect the mysterious source, that is, the life form of the city level. It is a legendary item in the circle of foreigners, and it should not even be considered by the old president. People of this level are found."

Yang Jia said softly: "More importantly, some people say that it is a road sign."

"Road sign?"

Xiao Xiao's heart moved slightly: "If it is a road sign, then where does it point?"

"The end."

Yang Jia said softly: "It is said that the signpost points to this world, to the end of all unknowns and mysteries."

"There, there will be the answers we all want to know."

"There is a group of people who firmly believe that they are just foreigners, and they can return to the normal world."

"There is a sacred seat that can lead to the supreme life that the lunatics of the hell organization who pursue power firmly believe."

"There is also...the mother's lair that the aborigines firmly believe in!"



Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his head to look at Yang Jia, his usually not very expressive face could not conceal the excitement in his heart.

He has never been tempted by the so-called safe or the high-level contract.

Even now that Yang Jia said that the things inside are so powerful that they can shake the entire city, I don't feel much.

After all, I am just a newcomer, so high-end things are not my turn.

Nuclear bomb, does it have anything to do with me?

All I care about is whether the enhancement of the old record player can be free...

However, when he heard Yang Jia talk about another function of this kind of thing, he suddenly couldn't hold back the impulse in his heart.

This huge unknown, this incomprehensible distortion, can really have an answer?
Can I get back what I have been looking forward to, my own life?
Seeing his excited appearance, Yang Jia suddenly smiled, stuffed the cigarette into his mouth, and said softly:
"The clairvoyant route was born to find these answers."

 Overslept actually, hurry up and update
(End of this chapter)

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