end of mystery.

Chapter 83 Direction Determines Will

Chapter 83 Direction Determines Will
It turns out that there is really an answer to all this?

It turns out that what I have been longing for before, the life of a normal person, is actually hopeful to find?

Xiao Xiao's heart was full of complicated emotions. He stood on the viaduct leading to the unknown outside the city and finished smoking the cigarette.

Then, he sat back in Yang Jia's car, the previous confusion was swept away, and his eyes seemed a little clear.

"Let's go back……"

Yang Jia just glanced at Xiao Xiao lightly, and then started the car.

It seemed that after this conversation, both of them felt a little more relaxed.

However, Xiao Xiao could still tell that Yang Jia seemed to have something on his mind.

He was not easy to ask, just guessing, could it be because she didn't tell him that besides becoming a foreigner, there was another option to continue living as an aborigine, so he felt guilty for himself?

This is actually not necessary.

Didn't I say that I wouldn't be angry with a woman who was willing to hide behind me?

Besides, I can't beat her...

Of course, as a man, he still has a temper.

For example, Xiao Xiao is now thinking in his heart, anyway, it is impossible for him to pay back those one hundred points...

On the way back, the two chatted slowly, including Xiao Xiao's experience that night, and some things he was puzzled about.

It wasn't until I returned to this bustling and huge city again that it gradually calmed down.

Looking at the city, it feels strange.

There are many high-rise buildings, the light rail passing through the city, countless pedestrians and cars, and dazzling neon lights. All of these should be the sights seen by normal people, at least for myself at this time Looking at it from this angle, I couldn't see the wriggling appearance of the city, and I couldn't see those twisted and deformed creatures. At this time, my perspective was exactly the same as that of the aborigines.

It is even said that both parties are living in a huge vain appearance.

The only difference is that they have different understandings of the world, right?


Xiao Xiao asked Yang Jia to send him to the hospital, after all, he had to take care of his mother.

After Yang Jia learned about him, she didn't say much, and bought some fruits and nutritional products at the 24-hour convenience store downstairs, and sent them up with Xiao Xiao, but at this time, her mother hadn't woken up yet. I can't see such a scene anymore.

This point also gave Xiao Xiao a new idea.

Yang Jia's understanding of the world is deeper and firmer than her own.

However, she pays more attention to the etiquette with the aborigines than herself, whether it is the first time to go to her home or this visit.

In a way, this also seems to be an act of tearing?

Or, is it her philosophy of survival?
After sending Yang Jia away, Xiao Xiao stayed in the hospital and decided to do his part.

In fact, this time following Yang Jia to see the truth of the city, in his heart he has become more inclined to the truth that foreigners firmly believe.

However, in my heart, I can't let go of the family relationship with my "mother".

She couldn't ignore her care for herself, and even if the aborigines' theory was only [-]% possible, she didn't dare to miss it. Maybe all superficial things are not important, only her inner feelings are the most important. important...

This feeling is so real, I need to care about it.

From another point of view, in fact, it is best for me to buy my mother now.

In this way, I can have such a family relationship forever, and I don’t have to worry that one day, after my points are cleared, my mother will show such a terrifying look, but Xiao Xiao can’t accept it in his heart. He deeply understands that no matter what Whether it is bought or "polluted" in another set of theories, it is an act that distorts the mother's own emotions and will.

This is a very subtle idea.

Everyone hopes that their feelings are pure, and Xiao Xiao longs for his mother's concern for him.

But I don’t want my mother’s concern for me to be realized by the city’s will or the mother’s distortion.

"Don't worry too much, you can go home and rest."

While thinking about these questions, a girl's voice next to him sounded: "I asked the doctor, your mother is fine, just need to have a good rest, she won't wake up tonight, you can come back tomorrow and buy for her some nourishment."

Xiao Xiao looked at her concerned eyes and was taken aback for a moment before he remembered that this was the nurse he had asked for when he just left.

...My bank card is still with her!

It seemed that she really took it to heart, which made Xiao Xiao, who had calmed down, feel a little embarrassed.

At some point, after staying as a foreigner for a long time, although I will not treat everything as my own plaything like a hell organization, enjoying and destroying it at will, but occasionally I will have a subconscious to dominate, Manipulating other people's feelings.

To put it bluntly, in the end, there is still a lack of respect for individual aborigines.

"Thank you, you..."

He thanked the little nurse in a low voice: "Just now I have something urgent to leave, so I can only ask you."

"It's okay..."

While pretending to check the things at hand, the little nurse said nonchalantly, "It's right to take care of patients..."

"By the way, is the girl who brought the fruit up just now your girlfriend?"



Xiao Xiao was stunned for a moment, then realized that she was referring to Yang Jia, and shook his head with a busy smile: "No, she is my... classmate."


The little nurse blushed slightly, and said, "What do you do?"


Xiao Xiao thought for a while, wanted to talk about the pier, but realized it again, and said with a smile: "I was watching the scene at the bar."


The little nurse was dumbfounded upon hearing this.

Such a quiet, delicate and beautiful boy is actually a gangster?
But after thinking about it, I actually became a little happier again: "From now on, I will use myself more..."

Urging: "Go back and rest quickly, just come back tomorrow."

After all, the work of killing people is also very tiring. It's not good if you don't pay attention to rest...



Under Xiao Hu's gentle persuasion, Xiao Xiao agreed.

I have already paid enough medical expenses, it is really useless to stay here, I should go home and prepare it, deliver food to my mother tomorrow, and I also want to hire a nurse, so after thanking the little nurse again, I left Ri walked out.

Look at the time, it's almost dawn now...

The night is pulling away from this world bit by bit, as if everything I experienced last night was just an illusion.

Xiao Xiao took a taxi back home. After washing, he lay on the bed and slept for a few hours.

I don't know why, but after all these intense conflicts, I felt a sense of peace in my heart, and my attitude towards the world didn't need to be as alienated and entangled as before. Xiao Xiao's concern for his mother was taken for granted. When I returned home, the three pain dogs and the record player were always by my side, and I was very relieved.

He remembered Yang Jia's explanation on the way back to the city:
"That's just a mental shielding ability. They can easily fool you with this method, but it can't work on me, because I can easily buy any aborigine, and I also have the ability to exceed their shielding limit. ..."

"It's just that this part of the aborigines is also very smart, and they hide."

"Always prevent us from finding their information, and make targeted purchases on them."

"It's just that, although the people of the Black Forest do instinctively regard us as the worst enemy many times, we don't need to take them too seriously. It's just that this city has given us an indelible The other kind of malice is."

"The most important thing is to solve the Rotten Kingdom and inherit the old president's contract."

"And, get what's left in his safe."

"How long do we have to prepare?"

"The countdown has already begun, and those terrified foreigners are deliberately feeding the deformed creatures in the Rotten Kingdom. Every day we delay, we will face an even more terrifying Rotten Kingdom. For me personally It doesn't have a big impact, but Ruan Ruan, Xiao Si, and... you, the increase in pressure brought about by this delay will be a terrifying number."

"In this case, I will give you a guarantee as soon as possible."


Thinking about the looming rotten kingdom, Xiao Xiao's mind gradually settled down before falling asleep.

There are indeed huge mysteries and unknowns in this world, but as long as you have a direction in your heart, it seems that you will not be so confused, right?

You can always get back the life you once longed for.



What Xiao Xiao didn't know was that after Yang Jia left the hospital, his complexion became a little serious.

Sitting in the car again, she walked slowly through this city that was still radiant in the middle of the night, her face was depressed, as if she was walking outside the world, and she was also recalling every detail of the communication with Xiao Xiao, for a long time , just took out the phone.

When the phone rings echoing in the room with only one brain and countless messy pipes and wires.

There seemed to be a faint sigh.

"Mr. Ye, maybe you are hiding something from me?"

Yang Jia's voice appeared in the room: "I don't want to discuss anything else, just to make sure of one issue: If he is really just an ordinary awakened person, the special mobile team of the Black Forest will not appear on him within 3 minutes In front of..."

"Moreover, their appearance is not for anything, according to my understanding..."

"...It's more like trying to convince him to believe their explanation of the world."


The gentle electronic voice seemed to pause for a moment before it sounded: "I do have some issues that I haven't discussed with you."

"But that's because I can't make an accurate judgment either."


Yang Jia couldn't hear any emotion in her voice, she said softly, "What?"

The gentle electronic voice said: "He may have awakened four years ago, and the time of awakening was earlier than you."

"It was also four years ago that the so-called 'matrix' evidence was found in the Black Forest for the first time."


Yang Jia's voice suddenly became a little nervous: "What does this mean?"

"There are not enough clues for me to analyze the answer."

The gentle electronic voice said: "But the key may be that the Black Forest prevented him from waking up."

"Still, it caused him to wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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