end of mystery.

Chapter 84 The Butcher in Hell

Chapter 84 The Butcher in Hell

I love so and so...

Don't you still have to wake up without getting enough sleep and continue to face the world?

Anyway, compared to the deep thinking of the previous night, Xiao Xiao, who was woken up by the alarm in the morning, only felt that his pain was very real.

At a certain moment, in a trance, he wanted to pack up his things quickly and go to work at the dock, and then he suddenly realized:

No, now I don't need to get up early to go to work.

I just need to go to see the scene at night, and lie down to pick up the wool of those black industries.

However, looking at the time, he still got up early.

After all, my mother is still in the hospital. According to the little nurse’s suggestion yesterday, I can go there at noon. However, since I have decided to take care of her, Xiao Xiao still wants to make himself more dedicated. At least he should do something nutritious. She took it.

But it was also when he had these thoughts, facing the empty home, he was a little helpless.

It's been four years, and I don't seem to have cooked, and I haven't cleaned up the house much.

If you look at yourself from the perspective of an aborigine, you are just a guy who has stayed at home for four years and ignored everything!

When they walked out of the courtyard, the sun was brighter than usual, and even made people feel slightly dizzy.

The three dogs of the neighbor's house immediately cheered up, their front paws were on the fence, and their tails were wagging like electric fans.

Inexplicably, Xiao Xiao felt that the big black dog and the yellow-haired dog seemed a little worried when they looked at him.

No Erha, it looked at Xiao Xiao with a doggy face, as if asking:
"Why don't you take the initiative to come over and say hello when you go out?"


Thinking of his failure to summon them yesterday, Xiao Xiao stopped in his tracks and said in a low voice:
"Why didn't you show up yesterday?"


The earl and the ghost felt more guilt on their faces, their tails drooped, and they made annoyed noises.

Erha was stunned for a moment, as if asking, "What did you say?"

"Forget it, let's not take it as an example..."

Xiao Xiao actually knew the reason why they couldn't appear, after all Yang Jia explained it to himself.

But you still have to put on an angry look.

How much dereliction of duty is it not to show up when you are needed?
Think about it, why can the other party block us?

Is it because you didn't work hard enough?
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he said to the three dogs: "But this time there will still be punishment, next time..."

The finger turned to Erha: "Your ham sausage is gone."


Erha was obviously stunned for a moment, and immediately started barking, while the other two dogs relaxed with a very humane expression.

Turning his head to look at Erha, there was a sense of relief in his eyes.

After teaching the three dogs a lesson, Xiao Xiao turned his head and looked up at the window of the neighbor's house on the second floor with floating curtains.

But before he could say anything, the deep voice of the old record player drifted down:

"I tried my best, but only in exchange for an uncertain miracle..."


"What's all this mess?"

Xiao Xiao straightened his face again, and said in a deep voice, "I promise you have finished writing?"


The music suddenly became hoarse again, and after a while, a song was changed: "You hurt me, and you just laughed it off..."

These one by one, more and more will talk back...

Xiao Xiao thought helplessly, it would be great if they could raise their ranks.

After all, according to Yang Jia, as long as their ranks are high enough, the Black Forest cannot block their calls.

But, how to ensure that they will not be distorted?
The old record player didn't even dare to write a letter of guarantee. This is obviously not confident enough. How can I safely vote for her with more than 500 points?
I want to be bigger and stronger...

Maybe the people from the Black Forest appeared to convince themselves, at least to scare themselves, not to continue to fall deeper into the "maternal hallucination". It is true that other people may be frightened, even if they do not choose to be treated, they will at least be treated. Standing still, but Xiao Xiao thought about the truth a little deeper. He understood that he could simply trust the aborigines and accept their treatment.

Or, get more powerful abilities, and go see what these weird ends are.

And I had already made a decision yesterday.

"Or, let's go and see another one..."

Anyway, to buy vegetables, Xiao Xiao thought of another possibility, ignored the grumbling old record player, and walked slowly to the butcher shop at the top of the street.



The sun is warm and the butcher's business looks good.

When queuing up behind a group of elders and aunts, Xiao Xiao also kept looking at the butcher.

I can't see any fierceness or terror in him at all. Today, he is just a tall and nice guy with a scarf on, a cigarette in his mouth, and a smile when he sees everyone. When he sells meat to the old neighbor, It's also really [-]% off...

But the will of the city gave itself information about him.

Did he really kill someone?

It's just that nothing happened yet, so he wasn't taken away by the Security Office?
And when he thought of this, Xiao Xiao got closer and closer to the butcher as the queue got closer and closer.At this time, his eyes swept away, and he saw his thick palms and those dark red bloodshot eyes.Even though he always had a simple and honest smile on his face, the criss-crossed muscles on his face were stiff and solid, making the smile like a mask.

The hairs on the skin exploded uncontrollably.

Xiao Xiao felt more and more that the butcher was not the same as the dog of pain and the old record player.

Is this because the butcher is a living "person", or is it something else?

Thinking silently in his heart, he came to Xiao Xiao who was in front of the chopping board, and said in a low voice, "Cut two catties of meat."

"Thin ones, not fat ones at all..."

After saying this sentence, Xiao Xiao's heart moved slightly: "What if I add a sentence of finely cutting into sausages?"

But just thinking about it, I didn't dare to really say it.

After all, everyone is not familiar with the theory...

"Slim, right?"

The butcher agreed dully, and while he was about to cut the meat, he subconsciously looked up at Xiao Xiao.


The two looked at each other, and there was a strange feeling in an instant.

It seems that at the spiritual level, a certain connection is instantly activated, and certain emotions are locked together.

Xiao Xiao was stunned, and the butcher was also stunned on the spot.

Both of them just stared at each other in a daze, and didn't look away for a long time.

Then, for about three or four seconds, they suddenly trembled at the same time, hurriedly looked away, and deeply reflected in their hearts.

So weird.

It's too weird to look at the man's eyes, and even get an electric shock.

Xiao Xiao stood at the same place thoughtfully, and from just looking at each other this time, he could clearly feel that he was special to the butcher. According to the point purchase theory, he could actually ask him to Do anything for me, even ask him to die for me, but now I can only feel that the butcher still has complete reason and is even a stranger to me.

I don't know what will happen if I ask him to do something against common sense now...

For example: Allow him to avoid paying for the meat this time?
In the default rules, if you buy his meat yourself, you can enjoy a 9% discount, but what if you force an order?
Xiao Xiao thought about it and really tried it.

Also when he was thinking about these things, he didn't notice anything unusual about the butcher. He just bowed his head silently, chose the best piece of meat and cut it off for him, weighed it, and skillfully put it into a bag. During this period, it did not look up.

But suddenly asked: "You look familiar, what's your name?"

"I live nearby, but I didn't go out much before."

Xiao Xiao smiled and replied, "My name is Xiao Xiao."


The butcher suddenly trembled, and all the cigarette ash in his mouth fell into the pig's intestines.

He looked up in disbelief, and Xiao Xiao could even see the emotion overflowing from his pupils, as well as the faint pain.

Xiao Xiao was stared at by his eyes, especially the keenness brought by the extremely sensitive factor. He noticed that there was a strong and deliberately concealed emotional surge in him, and he couldn't help but feel a little wary in his heart. He asked calmly. : "How much is this meat?"

"Do not……"

When the butcher opened his mouth, he realized that his voice seemed hoarse. He lowered his head, cleared his throat, and said in a low voice:

"I don't need any money, they are all neighbors, it's your first time coming here..."


"You really don't want money?"

Xiao Xiao was also deeply surprised, but after thinking about it, he still put the prepared money in front of him, and said with a smile:
"Next time!"

As he said that, he also picked up the meat and left quickly.

This is the first time I have come into contact with an aborigine who I bought, and it is an aborigine who is defined as a "dangerous thing".

It feels weird.

I don't know if it's because I know this butcher too well, or because the horror impression he left on me is too deep, or because of the strong insight and sensitivity brought to me by the extremely sensitive factor, even if there is a big monster on top of his head now. The sun, and there are many old men and women around, Xiao Xiao can still feel the strong and weird smell of blood on the butcher.

If you stay by his side for a little longer, you will even have vague hallucinations in front of your eyes.

I need to leave first and think about it.

But just when Xiao Xiao turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly heard the butcher behind him say, "Hey..."

Xiao Xiao turned around and saw the butcher standing in the shadow cast by the tent of the butcher shop.

I don't know if it's a hallucination, but Xiao Xiao felt that the shadows around him were getting darker and darker, distorting slightly like a living thing.

He was right in front of his eyes, but he seemed to be standing in hell, looking towards the world.

Even Xiao Xiao suddenly felt a strong depression and discomfort, but at this moment, the butcher suddenly laughed.

It's just that smile, which can't make people feel happy, only strong sadness:

"I have a daughter, her name is..."



Xiao Xiao suddenly froze in place, not knowing how to answer this question.

After a long time, he also smiled and said, "Really?"

"She must be a lovely child..."


Turning around and continuing to walk forward, a strange feeling filled my heart.

After walking a long distance, Xiao Xiao turned around and found that the butcher was looking in his direction.

It was obvious that he had a different impression of himself.

What does this belong to?
Is it the will of the city, helping him to influence his thinking and will?


Xiao Xiao...

Feeling more and more weird, what kind of magical bond is this?

The homophonic stalk will deduct money...

(End of this chapter)

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