end of mystery.

Chapter 95 Class B Mission Rotten Kingdom

Chapter 95 Class B Mission The Rotten Kingdom (Part [-])
The neon lights at night, regardless of discrimination, dye everything in this city with a layer of flashy color.

Even the trash cans on the side of the street seem to be able to add a little more of the smell of feasting and debauchery.

Black Gate City, Lower City, Abandoned Factory Street.

This seems to be a block deliberately forgotten by the city, and it is also a restricted area where the middle and lower classes of the entire Heimen City dare not approach at night. No matter what time of day, you can always see countless thugs, prostitutes, and drug addicts. Wandering there in despair, as long as one gets close to this block, the sense of security that the city and the crowd can give people will suddenly disappear.

In the bustling uptown area, it would be unthinkable to have your wallet stolen or your change stolen.

But here, if it is not snatched by someone, or if there is a little accident, it will be unthinkable.

But some people think this is a restricted area, but some people think this is paradise. Whenever night falls, there will always be some people who get into luxury cars and are brought by the driver to this block to enjoy the kind of control that they can control. The satisfaction of everything.

Holding banknotes in their hands and holding sexy girls in their arms, they seemed to be in heaven.

But he couldn't see that behind him, there were a bunch of ghost-like walking corpses, wandering in the street in a daze, and he couldn't see that the blood and rotten smell under his feet were covered in a thick layer, and he stepped on it. The pit, the strong rancid smell is too strong, but it has turned into a rotten sweetness. Huge and weird blood-colored tentacles are set off behind him from time to time, and slowly across the sky.

The strong contrast made Xiao Xiao look away, and even had a strong desire to vomit.

The sorrow of the aborigines.

They are affected by the five senses and perception, unable to see the truth, and enjoy the greedy kisses with maggot-stained palms.

After all, it was the first time to carry out a collective task, and he came here early.

Originally, I was thinking of having some dinner here, but as soon as I approached this block, I completely gave up.

Already full.

So he just leaned under the streetlight which was some distance away from that block, quietly waiting for others to come over.

The execution plan starts at eight o'clock in the evening, but it's okay to meet early, right?

The street lamp above his head cast his shadow straight into the soles of his feet, as if he had pulled himself out of this world. The strong smell of rancidity in the distance hit his nose from time to time, but it was only a few steps away, but it was quiet To an almost peaceful city.

The huge sense of tear and difference made Xiao Xiao feel a wonderful feeling.

He stood between the two, as if guarding the boundaries of the world.


Not far away, there was a roar of locomotives, Xiao Xiao looked up and saw a tall locomotive approaching.

"Brother Xiao..."

Excitedly, Ruan Ruan stopped the car and jumped in front of Xiao Xiao.

The backpack behind her jingled as she jumped, and made a heavy metal collision sound, and she didn't know what was inside.

"You're here?"

Seeing the appearance of Ruan Ruan, Xiao Xiao's sense of loneliness just now disappeared in an instant.

Smiling and looking towards Ruanruan.

"From the first time I met you, I knew that you must be very powerful, but I didn't expect that you would be able to help us so soon."

Ruan Ruan looked up at Xiao Xiao, his eyes were full of admiration...

...Probably an illusion caused by the angle of view, after all, if she doesn't look up, it's hard to see Xiao Xiao's face.

"Where is there..."

Xiao Xiao said: "I'm just a novice, if it wasn't for the lack of manpower in Heimen City, how could it be my turn?"


Ruan Ruan was slightly taken aback when she heard this: "Ah, yes, yes, yes..."

"Brother Xiao..."

Just as he was about to speak, a weak call sounded from under his feet.

Xiao Xiao looked around in surprise, but he didn't see anyone. Just when he was a little surprised, he saw that the manhole cover of the sewer not far away was pushed open, and Xiao Si's pale face slowly emerged from the darkness. Under the light of the street lights, he looked a little guilty.

"Are you here too?"

Xiao Xiao was happier immediately, walked over and pulled Xiao Si out.

"Actually, I came here a long time ago..."

Xiao Si silently squatted behind Ruan Ruan, separated from Xiao Xiao by a body, murmured in his heart:

"But seeing that he was the only one here just now, I just didn't dare to show up..."

"His cigarette butt was on my head, and I didn't move..."


It is less than half an hour before the start of the task, and these are all stuck... Xiao Xiao thought to himself, but after all, he is a novice, so it is not easy to give pointers to these old fingers, but, in the face of that The inexplicable pressure in my heart when I was in the huge rotten kingdom finally dissipated gradually with the arrival of Ruan Ruan and Xiao Si, and I regained my sense of security.

"Brother Xiao, you are too powerful..."

Different from Xiao Si's shyness and fear, Ruan Ruan's expression was excited, and he chirped: "I heard about you and that black-hat old Cui, and that's a person with more than 1000 points. The third stage of reinforcement is about to start, but you caught him and went back, and even cut off the meat from his thigh to feed the dog... I really admire this idea..."

"What the hell?"

Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded when he heard this: "When did I cut off his leg and feed it to the dog?"

At that time, he let him go after chatting for a few words, and he didn't even summon the dog of pain...


Ruan Ruan squinted her eyes and looked at Xiao Xiao: "We are all our own people, so why should we be embarrassed..."

"But I really don't..."

Xiao Xiao felt a little strange, why don't you believe that a big client like me is here?

Seeing that Xiao Xiao didn't admit it, Ruan Ruan wanted to say more, but Xiao Si hurriedly blinked at her desperately: "Stop talking..."

"Brother Xiao said no, but he didn't."

"I absolutely believe that brother Xiao will not make such a change... such a cruel behavior!"


Xiao Xiao suddenly felt warm in his heart.

It's still Xiao Si who knows himself better...

However, why did it feel like they only saw each other for a few days, and the two of them became more polite to themselves?

Just thinking about it, I saw a white SUV driving over in the distance, Ruan Ruan and Xiao Si were happy, and the other was very excited to greet them, and then saw that Yang Jia was carrying a Golf bag, got out of the car.

She actually wore a black sportswear that showed her figure very well today, with running shoes on her feet.

It vaguely made Xiao Xiao feel like returning to the memory of watching Yang Jia running in the sun in school four years ago.

In addition, Xiao Xiao suddenly realized: Should I also get a car?
Look at Yang Jia and Ruan Ruan, each with a car, although Ruan Ruan's car doesn't match her figure at all.

Just myself and Xiao Si, one took the subway and the other went into the sewer.

Compared with other foreigners who indulge in extravagance, these two modes of travel are too low-carbon and environmentally friendly.

"Are you all here?"

Yang Jia came in front of the crowd, nodded slightly, then turned her head, narrowed her eyes, and glanced at the bustling city.

He seemed to sneer slightly, and said, "They're here too."


Xiao Xiao also looked up subconsciously, but although he was an insight route, he didn't see anything.

Probably because of the distance.

"Ignore them."

Yang Jia said softly: "Anyway, we are the only ones to solve this crisis."

"I believe that Mr. Ye has sent you the most basic information, but I still want to say that this crisis will be very dangerous. The Rotten Kingdom has changed from an ordinary deformed creature, which has continued to deteriorate due to various reasons. This is an extremely headache problem today, but we can only solve this problem with the lowest configuration."


Originally everyone got together and the atmosphere was good, but for some reason, because of Yang Jia's words, the pressure was a little bit high.

Xiao Xiao murmured in his heart that Yang Jia didn't seem to be very good at mobilizing before the war...

"Also, what I want to tell you is..."

Yang Jia turned her head, looked at the rotten area, and said suddenly: "This mission, you are allowed to give up."


Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the words, and looked at her at the same time.

Facing everyone's eyes, Yang Jia let out a low breath and said, "Once the mission starts, I will have no time to take care of you."

"That is to say, we all need to face the pressure of an area of ​​the Rotten Kingdom alone on an average."

"This is very unfair to you..."


There was a slight pause in her voice, and Xiao Xiao was keenly aware that although she said "you", she was actually saying to herself:
"So, if you feel that the pressure of the mission has exceeded your own limits, then I agree with you to make a temporary decision to leave the battlefield. Although this will indeed cause some bad consequences, our first priority is to protect ourselves life."

Xiao Xiao listened, but just nodded silently, and then smiled.

When Yang Jianeng said that, he felt quite good.

Although Yang Jia may actually think too much...

I didn't intend to risk my life at first, after all, I just came to help, so I just do my best.

If you can't figure it out, of course you have to retreat.

Anyway, since I'm a newcomer, wouldn't it be too much to be flexible?
"Well, the plan this time is actually very simple. The four of us each choose a direction to go in, and deal with all the deformed creatures we see in front of us. The key point is to be clean. We must not give these rotten kingdom creatures a chance to escape and invade the city. .”

"And I will enter the center of the Rotten Kingdom as quickly as possible, and clean out the core inside."

"Just in this way..."

"The more pressure I put on Rotten Kingdom, the more pressure you will bear."


Yang Jia whispered, looked around again, and whispered: "The most ridiculous thing is that there are many people paying attention to us."

"But in the course of this mission, each of us is alone."

"I hope you can hold on."


Her words made people's hearts sink slightly, and they looked up at the peaceful night behind them.

Among the colorful crowd, nothing unusual could be seen, but there was indeed some kind of strange gaze, coming from the depths of the city.

"This is the job of foreigners in the whole city, but it's four people's turn to handle it..."

"It also includes a newcomer like myself..."

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but think in his heart: "However, in this way, no one will grab the points..."

(End of this chapter)

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