end of mystery.

Chapter 96 The Spicy Man With Three Dogs

Chapter 96 The Spicy Man With Three Dogs (Part [-])
"In that case, why don't you come out?"

Seeing that Yang Jia, Ruan Ruan and others all set off to their own destinations, and Xiao Si also hid in the shadow of the corner of the wall in desperation, Xiao Xiao felt that these things were actually very interesting, smiled silently, and called own weapon.

The surrounding street lights tried their best to be bright, but there were still many shadows that could not be illuminated.

And when Xiao Xiao issued these orders, there were ripples in these shadows at the same time, as if the neat and square space parameters were disturbed and crumpled, and there were some passages that did not exist in reality. It was revealed, and three vicious dogs with naked fruit and fangs came out slowly from the shadows, coming from three directions, but they all came to Xiao Xiao's side.

One of them took the initiative to walk to about two meters in front of Xiao Xiao, bent its body slightly, and bared its fangs forward.

One stood by Xiao Xiao's feet, with a fierce look in its eyes, but it stayed firmly by Xiao Xiao's side.

The other one, extremely domineering and unparalleled in temperament, wandered around the side, ran to the side and raised its hind legs...

...began peeing!

Xiao Xiao didn't pay much attention to the third one, so he could barely restrain himself and withdraw his attention.

I glanced at the audio shop next to me, and suddenly a row of quiet speaker equipment was suddenly powered on strangely.

A gloomy and strange style surrounded his ears.

Xiao Xiao was followed by three vicious dogs of different shapes, and the indistinct music was floating around him. He walked forward slowly. In the process of moving forward, suddenly the skin on his shoulders, back, and chest, It opened at the same time, and three huge eyes squeezed out from the body, slowly suspended in mid-air, and the weird vertical pupils contracted from time to time, fixedly staring at any corner of his vision.


With his right hand, he took out the pistol that Yang Jia had given him, checked the bullets, and reloaded.

With his left hand, he took out his own fruit knife from his pocket.

When he clenched the handle of the fruit knife, twisted and knotted muscles appeared indistinctly on his left arm.

Even the surrounding air seemed to be instantly affected by these changes around Xiao Xiao.

Layers of unreal distortions spread out around Xiao Xiao.

But Xiao Xiao suddenly gained a full sense of security in the process.

His footsteps became more and more relaxed, away from the twisted city behind him, and gradually walked into the rotten kingdom in front of him.



Rancid, strong rancid.

The first time Xiao Xiao walked into this area, he saw everything rotten.

The ground is already rotten, and every time you take a step, you can step on the ankle-deep pit under your feet. Looking up, the streets, vehicles, buildings, pedestrians, even street lights, and the air in front of you are all rotten. Before seeing all this, it was difficult for Xiao Xiao to connect some of these things with the concept of rot, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he realized that they can also rot.

For example, the surface is still neat, but the concrete road under the surface is completely rotten.

For example, the walls are mottled and peeled off layer by layer, such as those pedestrians who are smelly and staggering.

For another example, the naked eye can see that the air is full of red worms...


This kind of strong decay even made people subconsciously feel a warning sign and wanted to turn around and flee.

But Xiao Xiao used his mind explosion ability to forcibly restrain these discomforts and walked in step by step.

The moment he stepped into this area, his hairs suddenly exploded.

Although the essence of this area is rotten, it is still running slowly according to certain rules. The moment I walked in, it suddenly stopped running, and everything stopped. Walking corpse, turned to look at himself.

Xiao Xiao instantly became the center of attention of the world.

"Why is that?"

A little curiosity arose in Xiao Xiao's heart, but soon he understood: "Oh, it's because I haven't rotted yet!"

His legs felt cool and itchy.

It was the rotten flesh that he was stepping on, and slender worms were growing out of it, climbing up his legs.

Seeing all the walking corpses in front of him, their movements were uniform, and suddenly they showed a smile from extreme silence and stiffness at the same time, looked at Xiao Xiao with dull and kind eyes, and then slowly stretched out their palms at the same time, each The palms stretched out from different directions are all centered on Xiao Xiao, as if some kind of invitation, sincerely, inviting Xiao Xiao to join their world...


Xiao Xiao whispered to himself, and suddenly stomped his feet hard. After passing through the legs strengthened by one-third of the intermediate level, he stepped hard on the ground.

The invisible shock spread outward instantly, and all the bugs that crawled on the legs were blown away.

Flesh and blood burst, and juice splashed everywhere.


Also following Xiao Xiao's action, the walking corpses around who were staring at him suddenly became indifferent.

They seemed to have sensed Xiao Xiao's hostility from Xiao Xiao's slight movement of refusing the worm to climb on him. The expression of sincere invitation just now disappeared, replaced by gloomy and hostile. reverse.

Turning the palm of your hand over, it changed from invitation to hostility.

One by one, they were barely moving, approaching Xiao Xiao little by little.

Not only them, but even the rotten street under their feet and the mottled walls on both sides began to squeeze towards Xiao Xiao.

"Is this a Class B incident?"

Xiao Xiao whispered to himself: "The entire area has been distorted..."

"This city is a wriggling living body, so the B-level event is equivalent to a rotten piece of this living body..."

"For a newcomer like me, it's too scary..."


Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his head.

The three vertical eyes floating beside him instantly turned to look at the row of carrion corpses slowly approaching him.

The next moment, the group of rotting corpses stared at Xiao Xiao in a daze at the same time, as if realizing his difference.

But before they could really react, they suddenly heard a dark growl. The ghost who was loyally walking about three meters in front of Xiao Xiao, who opened the way, had already crouched down. The moment it felt malicious, it had already rushed out, and its sharp fangs instantly tore at the necks of the first row of carrion corpses, and the huge impact even threw a group of people down.

The surroundings were suddenly scattered, and the countless shadowy walking corpses suddenly accelerated, and they rushed towards Xiao Xiao in a dense manner.


There were weird walking corpses in all directions. Even though the ghost tore through the bloody path, there were still many walking corpses rushing in front of him.

But the earl of the big yellow dog has already executed his order immediately.

In such a weird world, it didn't even think about rushing out, it just bared its dark red teeth, biting and shredding the walking corpses that approached it, and flung them to the side fiercely. Don't let them get close to Xiao Xiao.

But the haha, who slowly followed behind Xiao Xiao, suddenly folded its tail and hid behind Xiao Xiao.

There was a humming sound in his mouth, as if he was cursing the darkness, and it seemed to be questioning:
"What's the matter with you?"

"Why did you bring us to play in such a dangerous place?"


This is not here to play...

Xiao Xiao actually had the feeling that he understood what it said, but he felt helpless for a while.

But I didn't expect that the very individual Erha whimpered and jumped up and down, expressing his strong dissatisfaction, but the more he was like this, the more he attracted the walking dead around him. The palm of his hand grabbed it, and it immediately screamed louder, and immediately attracted more walking dead, and suddenly it seemed to be surrounded by a giant ball of human body...

... Erha started to get excited, wagging his tail, jumping up and down, sometimes dodging to the left and sometimes to the right.

The walking corpses around became more and more angry, and more people rushed towards it than Xiao Xiao.

This surprised even Xiao Xiao. Although this Erha is usually annoying, he still has the confidence to irritate people...

You see, it has just started now, and it has pulled away more than half of the hatred with its strength...

And because the fighting power of the three dogs of pain was so amazing, Xiao Xiao became extremely relaxed for a while.

Obviously walking in a rotten and weird country, but it's like shopping leisurely.

Vaguely feel, how come there is a feeling of a dandy leading three vicious dogs on the street showing off his might, catching whoever bites whomever?


Also when Xiao Xiao entered the rotten kingdom and began to clean up the city's wounds, outside the block, where Xiao Xiao met Yang Jia, Ruan Ruan, Xiao Si and others just now, one figure after another began to appear. , They each appeared at the intersection outside the block, on the roof, in an office with huge floor-to-ceiling windows, or in the center of a crowded city square.

Among them, there was Ling Ping in a white leather coat with red eyes and a cane, and a group of people with red eyes following him.

There was also an old man wearing a black top hat with the brim pressed down so low that he couldn't see clearly.

There are a pair of faces wearing exquisite painting tools, which cover their faces so that they cannot be seen at all, but only a few strands of cloth are worn on their bodies, and their slender waists and slender thighs are all exposed to the air. The mysterious sisters wearing flowers...

There are also strange people who stand in the crowd, but people come and go around them, and they seem to be unable to see them.

They all looked up and looked at a large screen on the building.

From the perspective of ordinary aborigines in Heimen City, the big screen is showing the muscles of a male underwear model.

But in the eyes of foreigners, it clearly shows the scene of Xiao Xiao slowly walking into the rotten kingdom.

"Is this the helper Yang Jia cultivated secretly?"

They looked at Xiao Xiao taking a rest and wandering around among the walking corpses with a calm expression, all of them looked a little serious.

"I still can't see the strength and strengthening route, but where did such a terrifying biological weapon come from?"

"Hehe, how could it not be scary if it was fed with human flesh?"


Suddenly, whoever said it suddenly caused everyone around to fall into silence.

After a long time, someone sneered:

"Heh, if you allow such a pervert to grow up in Heimen City, I think Yang Jia doesn't abide by the principles of Dante's organization anymore."

"However, no matter how indulgent she is, I don't believe that she can raise such a powerful character in such a short period of time. I want to take this opportunity to see, this guy who they boasted as the strongest newcomer, Is it that scary..."

 It's still the old rule, when it comes to the climax, it will be updated until it is finished.But I should still be on the plane at this point, and Chapter 3 will be around [-]:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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