end of mystery.

Chapter 97 Strategists, Careerists, and Yang Jia

Chapter 97 Strategists, Careerists, and Yang Jia ([-]rd watch)
When a newcomer brought three dogs and started wandering in this weird and absurd world, the others had already taken their places, riding a motorcycle, and came to the north of the rotten block, and machined his handsome and tall baby Stopped, looked around, and found a parking space that was not easy to park, so Ruan Ruan got off the car directly, picked up the motorcycle, and put it down carefully.

Looking around, I am very satisfied.

When others see me riding such a tall motorcycle, they often question my ability to get on and off the bike or park it.

But in fact, they were all wrong, and they parked very standard every time.

Not only the parking standards, even if the location is awkward, I can always drive the car out easily...

Or rather, move out.

Her expression became relaxed, Ruan Ruan carried her cute little backpack on her back, and bounced into this rotten kingdom, and when the rotten and huge city essence rushed, her eyes began to turn slightly red, It's just different from the Red Eye Club, the redness of her eyes is a violent feeling of microvascular rupture, and the blood dyes her eyes red little by little.

The rotten liquid on the ground almost flooded the ankles, and she held her short skirt softly and carefully.

However, when I looked up, I could only see that this was an empty street, only squirming walls and rotten roads, and I couldn't see any living things. Occasionally, I noticed something behind the neon sign next to me. Look up, it's gone too.

"What kind of opponent did Mr. Ye arrange for me..."

Ruan Ruan couldn't help frowning, facing this empty street, she gradually had an idea in her heart.

Others think that he is a reckless and strong man, but they don't know that he is actually a master tactician...

So, she rubbed her eyes and slowly squatted down.

The backpack behind her was carefully pulled in front of her, shrinking into a small ball in this weird kingdom.


A low sob sounded, Ruan Ruan looked weak and helpless: "Where is this place..."

"very scary……"

"Can someone help me..."


Intertwined with the light of rotten temperament, the softness in the middle of the dark red street looks like a lost little girl, that small ball, coupled with the voice of fear and aggrieved, seems to have a kind of A different kind of allure for specific groups of people.

I don't know when it started, on the walls on both sides, squirming flesh and blood gradually appeared.

Inside this weird flesh and blood, weird, smiling faces began to emerge.

These faces stared at the softness in the middle of the street, their eyes were full of greed and impulsiveness, they squeezed out from the wall bit by bit, they had tall bodies and huge stomachs, and their bodies were full of bare fruits. Some clothes were on his body, and even the human skin had fallen off, only the dark red muscle tissue and blood vessels were exposed to the eerie air.


The thick and ugly calf waded through the bloody water on the ground, and the excited and twisted palms slowly moved forward.

Intertwined on the top of the soft head, full of charm and trembling.

And when they spoke, their voices were surprisingly sharp and thin:
"Little sister~~ who are you~~~~"


With their approach and the sound of their voices, the soft crying suddenly stopped.

She raised her head and looked at the eyes of these greedy monsters with big bellies, who were more excited and greedy than them.

Suddenly he stood up suddenly, and with his left and right hands, he each took out a large metal wrench from his backpack.

Jie Jie laughed and shouted excitedly: "I am your father..."

"Quickly kneel..."


bang bang...

These pot-bellied monsters sensed that something was wrong, and immediately fled back into the wall again.

But Ruan Ruan had jumped into the air like a cannonball, condescending, and the heavy wrench slammed down hard.

At this moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere, which was too horrible to look at.

In the northern area of ​​the Rotten Kingdom, a horrible act of domestic violence was staged in an instant.



On the other side, in the southern street of the Rotten Kingdom, Xiao Si quietly drilled a head out of the shadow under the eaves. He swept around cleverly, and saw that there were people on both sides of the street. With windows one after another, the street is bright and bustling, but behind the windows, it is dark. I can't see what's inside, I can only feel the inexplicable palpitation when I cast my gaze.

"What Mr. Ye arranged for us should be the distortion characteristics that we are good at dealing with..."

Xiaosi dexterously flipped his body from under the eaves, and climbed to another eaves. Taking this opportunity, he had deftly untied his belt, and took the belt with a skull head growing from the mouth, and bit by bit wrapped around the arm.

"So, this is more or less a test, right?"

"Let's see who can solve the problem faster and show outstanding ability..."


While silently watching the slowly wriggling streets and weird figures on this street, he said with full expectation: "When this is settled, Heimen City will face a reshuffle. In the past, Sister Hard and I, It’s just the little brother who runs errands behind the big bosses, but when the boss Yang reorganizes the situation, I can at least... take the third place in Heimen City, right?”

"Exit points..."

The head belt urged: "Why can't you work harder and just sit in the second place?"


There was also a little excitement in Xiaosi's eyes, but Xiao Xiao's expressionless face was heard immediately, and he was shocked:
"Don't talk nonsense, the second top spot belongs to my Brother Xiao..."

He said seriously: "Others say that I am timid, but in fact I am very ambitious..."

"For example, I am very ambitious now, and I want to compete with Sister Hard for the third place in Heimen City..."

"...Then, loyally follow Boss Yang...and me, Brother Xiao!"



Hearing these firm words, the head belt was a little speechless, and he clicked his tongue: "Okay..."

"Great ambitious..."



Also when they were talking, because they didn't deliberately control the volume, countless things in the rooms on both sides were suddenly disturbed. In the dark window, black shadows began to turn their heads to look at them, and a faint commotion sounded.

"They saw us..."

Xiaosi shrank slightly, retreated into the shadows again, and then said in a voice that could be heard by everyone around:

"Then let's start the assassination?"



Behind the surrounding windows, bright red tentacles suddenly began to spread out.

But at the same time, the black shadows on the entire street seemed to come to life, and began to move and spread rapidly in this block.

And in this black shadow, cold and sharp rays of light flashed in an instant, and Xiaosi's figure quickly appeared behind each black shadow, like a frame-drawing video. At this moment, he appeared in this In the window, the next moment, it appeared in another window. At the same time as the pale face emerged in the darkness, the sharp-edged knife was already protruding forward.

chi chi chi...

Necks were cut off in an instant, and struggling figures fell out of the window.

In the black shadows, ghosts began to harvest life.



In the east of the Rotten Kingdom, Yang Jia was walking on top of rows of buildings.

In her slender hands, she carried a huge head that was half a person's height, behind her was criss-crossed, and the ground was covered with minced meat.

"Is my pressure not enough?"

As she walked forward slowly, she frowned: "Why hasn't the distortion leader that Mr. Ye mentioned appeared?"

"Forget it, you can't waste your time here..."

"Then it doesn't matter where you hide, just destroy the whole street..."


While speaking, she stopped, and the huge rotten head in her hand crashed to the ground.

The next moment, she slowly raised the palm of her black glove.

The air in front of him began to vibrate and twist slightly, and the next moment, this sense of distortion suddenly expanded, covering the buildings on both sides.

Those tall and thick buildings lost all their appearance and turned into wriggling flesh the moment they were shrouded in the trembling air. However, compared with the essence of the city, the flesh here is obviously bleak and rotten. bloated.

Yang Jia's pupils shrank slightly, and her fingers twisted like black petals.

The next moment, the entire block felt like a huge earthquake, and the buildings on both sides collapsed instantly.

At this moment, the rotten flesh and blood were torn into pieces like egg drop soup, and countless roars and screams rang out one after another.


Yang Jia frowned slightly in front of the collapsed block: "The strength is still weak..."

"Otherwise, you can directly distort the entire rotten kingdom, and you don't need them to accompany me on adventures..."




And outside the rotten block, the huge video billboard showed Yang Jia standing on the broken wall.

Those who are staring at the billboards now all have a foothold in a foreign land, and even have many followers. They also have a certain sense of doubt and dissatisfaction in their hearts that there are only four people to solve the Rotten Kingdom incident, but , even in front of the followers, even if he harbored hostility towards the people inside and thought of making cold jokes in his heart, all his expressions suddenly changed at this moment.

"This is the ability of the brander?"

The old man with a black top hat on his head whispered: "It's terrible, what she did is essentially using her own ability to directly harm the city itself, even if it's just a rotten part of the city itself. Part of it also represents her ability, after all, a knife that can cut off rotten flesh must also be able to cut off the intact part, and even kill the main body..."

Hearing his worried words, the people around him didn't dare to make a sound for a while.

It took a long time before someone said: "Let's not talk about the two great cleverness of the strategist and the careerist, Yang Jia's strength is too strong..."

"Is it true that she will inherit the old president's contract?"


The old man wearing a black top hat was silent for a long time before he said in a low voice: "The terrible thing about the Rotten Kingdom is that no matter how strong the individuals are, they cannot be completely cleaned up. Whether they can complete this task depends not on the long board, but on the It's about the short board..."

"...What is that newcomer doing?"


There was a burst of whispering from the crowd immediately, and it took a long time before a stammering voice sounded:

"That...that guy..."

"...He actually, unexpectedly...started dancing again!"

 I just poured my elbows from Nanjing, and I immediately coded after I came back. Fortunately, I caught up with it.
(End of this chapter)

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