i'm really only human

Chapter 20 Azure Dragon Sublimation

Chapter 20 Azure Dragon Sublimation
"and many more!"

Sakurai Jinghe was distracted for a moment, and his mind was full of the scene of the mantis Gulangi being blown up.

If he hadn't seen the entire battle process and knew the horror of Mantis Gulangi, he would almost have thought that the other party was just an ordinary weirdo.

How many eccentrics are there who can be domineering in broad daylight, walk around the city majestically, behead and kill people?

Ordinary knights would be beheaded the moment they met, but Gu Langji, the mantis from head to tail, not to mention hurting Xia Chuan, couldn't even touch him, and in the end he was almost instantly killed.

He has also seen quite a few level 3 knights, and none of them can face Mantis Gulangi so easily.

Kura's strength is likely to be very close to that of a level 4 knight.

And he is a Kamen Rider who really cares about the lives of ordinary people.

Unlike the others, this Kongwo doesn't have any points to get no matter whether it's killing monsters or saving people.

"If it's him, maybe he can help me."

Sakurai Jinghe clenched his fists and made up his mind, gritted his teeth and chased in the direction Xia Chuan left.

Maybe he is really just a waste, but he can't just give up completely like this.


The afterglow of the enchantment slowly dissipated.

After the rain, the leaves in the square park rustled with the wind, and the raindrops splashed on the ground and splashed.

Xia Chuan, who was about to leap away, suddenly stopped and turned his gaze to the end of the uninhabited trail.

At some point, the figure of the Jiadou red knight stopped in the middle of the trail.

"I have to say, you are a bit beyond my expectations, the fusion coefficient should exceed 90?"

Jia Dou approached unhurriedly, and the blue knight's eyes exuded a cold light.

Sora has wiped out too many weirdos lately, each time before the other Kamen Riders.

And the strength also seems to be much stronger than expected.

"Think about it, join my team, and you can be the vice-captain after a year."

Xia Chuan looked directly at Jia Dou calmly, and his fighting instinct was stimulated, and he clearly felt the dangerous aura on the opponent.

I didn't expect that there would be a conflict with Kamen Rider Kato one day, the reality is really wonderful.

"Sorry, I'm not interested," Xia Chuan shook his head and refused, "Can you step aside? We are not enemies."

"It's really troublesome, it seems that you don't understand anything."

Jiadou looked at Xia Chuan with a little more contempt.

"Do you know why Kamen Rider needs points? Because the final winner of the Knight Challenge can obtain the great power to realize wishes."

"Great power?"

"That's right, any wish can come true, whether it's immortality or power."

Seeing that Xia Chuan seemed to be moved, Jiadou chuckled.

"What? Are you not interested yet? Or, do you really want to be a hero because you work so hard to eliminate monsters, or is it just for hunting?"

Xia Chuan remained silent and did not respond.

The world still seems to hold many secrets.

Points, Knight Challenge...

He didn't see any clues in the knight school reference room.

He has only seen similar matches in "Fox", but it's not the same thing.

"Extreme Fox" is a desire contest that is biased towards games and knight reality shows, and the winner seems to only get the right to transform the new world.

"Feel sorry."

Xia Chuan still shook his head, turned around and was about to go around Jiadou and leave.

It's not that he doesn't want to have eternal life and power, but what Jiadou said doesn't sound like a good thing.

After personally seeing Sophie's strength, he didn't think these people would be able to make anything out of it in the end, and they would still be "caged birds" trapped in the solar system in the end.

"Really? You really are still an obstacle, let's just be an ordinary person."

After seeing Xia Chuan's reaction, Jia Dou's voice became colder, he shook his hand in disappointment, and suddenly patted the converter on the side of his belt.


Familiar with the mechanical sound, Xia Chuan, who was already on guard, turned around immediately, but his chest and abdomen were instantly hit by continuous explosions, and he flew into the air uncontrollably.

"Bang bang bang!"

At the back of the trail, Sakurai Jinghe came over and saw puddles on the ground bursting one after another, and Sora also flew upside down for no reason.

It's like an invisible enemy is attacking.

"Could it be...CLOCK UP?!"


Jiadou moved at high speed and stopped, and the influence of the power of time on it was greatly reduced under the up-time, and the whole world became like a slow-moving movie.

The water puddles raised by the sprint bloomed slowly, the falling leaves were frozen in midair, and the raindrops were almost still. Only the sky that was hit hard and flew up in midair moved clearly.

"1! 2! 3!"

Without waiting for Xia Chuan to fall naturally, Jiadou smiled disdainfully, skillfully pressed the full-speed switch of the insect meter on his waist in turn, and then quickly flipped the horn of the insect meter to activate the charge of the special attack.


Bursts of current flowed from the insect meter to the horns of the knight on the head, and finally all of them were converted into wave tachyon particles concentrated on the right foot, causing a large field of electric light.

The nirvana knight kick.

"Rider Kick!"

it's over!
Jia Dou seemed to be sentenced to death, he turned around abruptly while making a sound indifferently, raised his legs and kicked in a roundabout way, and all the destructive lightning flashed together and erupted.

But the moment the footsteps hit the ground, Jiadou let out a light snort and felt something was wrong.

The knight didn't kick with all his strength, and there was no familiar explosion sound behind him.


Jiadou turned around again, seeing Xia Chuan in front of him who was also shrouded in electric current, his eyes changed slightly.

He was able to dodge his killer knight kick.

"You in the end..."


The current in Xia Chuan's body gradually subsided, and when he reappeared, the core of his belt had turned golden, and a golden armor appeared around the blue stomach.

The power of the empty self is closely related to the wearer's will to fight.

Under the boiling fighting spirit, even if Xia Chuan didn't take the initiative to control it, his posture was completely transformed into a green dragon sublimation.

Compared with the original green dragon form, after the green dragon is sublimated, not only the explosive power and jumping power are strengthened, but also the mobility is greatly improved. It has a super high speed that cannot be caught by the naked eye. force.

However, this guy's speed has improved a lot compared to when we first met.

Is the fusion factor increased?

Xia Chuan tilted his head to avoid the high-energy ion light bomb fired by Jiadou's drawn gun, and watched calmly as Jiadou pulled out the scabbard with his backhand and unfolded the ion beam blade.

Jiadou's exclusive weapon, the Kunai Spear, has three forms: gun, axe, and Kunai Sword.

When in the knight form, it is mainly in the form of Kunai Sword, which can release the nirvana of cutting and smashing all substances within a radius of 10 meters.


The moment Jiadou charged forward, Xia Chuan suddenly raised Hua Qinglong.

While Gekai Kuwujian interrupted Jiadou's high-speed movement, he immediately held the stick with both hands and swept it hard, smashing Jiadou into the air.



When the transformation is over, Jiadou rolls away from the transformation, revealing Fujiwara's No. 1 figure, and the splashing water splashes around him, instantly covering his body with muddy water.

"Cough cough!"

In the severe pain, Fujiwara Daiichi struggled to get up, but the sublimation and the blow just now exhausted his physical strength, and he fell into the puddle again after taking a step.

When he raised his head again, Kuraga's legs and feet reflected in his eyes made his body tense up suddenly.

"My pursuit is different from yours."

Xia Chuan held the sublimation green dragon stick and looked up at the gloomy sky.

"For me, the real enemy has never been you, don't get me wrong."

Without waiting for Fujiwara's first response, Xia Chuan jumped up amidst the sound of a large number of ant soldiers approaching, and then disappeared into the tall buildings of the city with a few dodges.

"team leader!"

A knight rushed to the scene with a team of ant soldiers. After seeing Fujiwara Daiichi, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You are..."

"Go back first."

Fujiwara Daiichi snorted, didn't say anything, and left the square directly past his subordinates.

After the fusion factor reaches 90, every point of improvement is equivalent to going from 0 to 90, and the more difficult it is to go to the back.

Now his fusion coefficient has reached 94, and with his Jiadou ability, it is almost difficult to meet opponents.

Unless the opponent's fusion coefficient is more than 1 point higher than him.

"Is it over 95?"

(End of this chapter)

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