i'm really only human

Chapter 21 Similar

Chapter 21 Similar
"According to statistics, more than 15 people were killed this time, and more than half were lovers. They all took the same train as the suspect before the incident..."

"Who the hell is Kamen Rider Kuuga? The police still don't have detailed information."

training base.

Xia Chuan opened the medical box in the living room, and after a simple treatment of the wrist injury, he wrapped gauze around it while watching TV news.

A 4th-level knight is a 4th-level knight, and there are still some threats to him, especially if he is not well-prepared.

This time he was somewhat careless, mainly because he didn't expect the other party to dare to attack directly.

It seems that the Cavaliers Challenge is more relevant than he imagined.

Xia Chuan quietly looked at the knights and ant soldiers leading the team in the news screen.

He still doesn't know enough about the world.

The memory of "Kaminaga Shinji" only stays before being possessed by Ultraman, and this world also has a major turning point that affects the world during the arrival of Sophie and the final battle.

Moreover, it was a key event that the original Ford team did not know, which caused the world to completely deviate from "New Ultraman".

Perhaps besides Sophie, there is a third party, such as aliens who have been hidden among human beings in the past, and some people may not have had time to escape from the earth.

And unlike Sophie, who doesn't care about the earth at all, a third party seems to be using humans to plan something.

Do you also want to break Sophie's blockade?

Sakurai Jinghe lined up with a plate in a bit of disappointment.

In the end, he still couldn't catch up to me.

And Sora was a little bit beyond his expectations.

The genius armored wearer Fujiwara Daiichi was unexpectedly killed in seconds, and he was knocked out of his transformation with a single blow while the clock up attack was activated.

So Sora is level 4 or above?
I'm afraid this kind of strong person won't give him a second look at all, right?

"Teacher Shenyong?"

Worrying about gains and losses, Sakurai Jinghe suddenly saw Xia Chuan who was also eating in the cafeteria.

"your hands……"

"Accidentally hurt."

Xia Chuan smiled, motioned for Sakurai Jinghe to sit down and said.

"Today is a rare holiday, don't you go out and relax?"

"I've already gone out," Sakurai Jinghe said awkwardly, "and there is only my elder sister at home, if I go back now, I will definitely be punished."

When he came to the knight school, he might not have the idea of ​​avoiding his old lady.

"is it?"

It was only then that Xia Chuan remembered that when he wiped out the praying mantis Gulangi, there seemed to be Sakurai Jinghe present, but the sense of presence was a bit low.

"Is the instructor also training?" Sakurai Jinghe inadvertently swept Xia Chuan's wrist again, and the image of Sora and Koto finally colliding with weapons flashed in his mind.

Only this final image of the super-speed battle came to mind. Afterwards, Sora seemed to have injured his wrist, so he switched the weapon to the other hand.

How can it be?

Sakurai Jinghe shook his head violently to shake off his wild thoughts, always feeling a little dazed, thinking of everything on Sora.

"Actually, the instructor doesn't need to care about it. No one stipulates that the instructor must train like a student."

"It has nothing to do with training, it was just an accidental injury while sweeping the floor, and it is almost healed now."

Xia Chuan moved his wrist a little, obviously feeling that Sakurai Jinghe was a little absent-minded.

"Let's talk about you, I almost understand everything, I heard that you can't even transform now?"

"I just……"

Sakurai Jinghe opened his mouth, but didn't know how to refute.

"I just want to rest for a while."

"I think you actually have your own dreams and pursuits," Xia Chuan shook his head secretly, "tell me about your thoughts, I don't think you will become a Kamen Rider for no reason."

Sakurai Jinghe smiled bitterly: "It's useless, my dream has no hope at all, it's better for you, mentor, not to get involved."

"Is it troublesome?"

Xia Chuan looked at the uncomfortable Sakurai Jinghe and didn't ask any more questions.

He is not a nice guy, if it is really troublesome, he can only rely on Sakurai Jing and himself.

However, in his view, the biggest problem for Sakurai King and now is actually himself.

"No matter what, if you don't try hard, how do you know there is no hope? If you don't do it, there is really no hope."

"Try? How can it be so simple."

Sakurai Jinghe's face was even more bitter, but a seed couldn't help being planted in his heart.

As long as Sora keeps showing up, he still has a chance.


Fujiwara mansion.

Fujiwara Daiichi walked into the bathroom of the villa out of sight, finally couldn't hold back the injury, spit out a mouthful of green blood, and then knelt down on the ground with a hunched body.


The faucet washed away the blood, but there was still a little green blood dripping down the fingertips.

"Empty me..."

"Di Di!"

The phone slipped to the ground, and Fujiwara Daiichi was awakened by a sudden vibration. After picking it up tremblingly, he found that it was his father calling.

"Father, father."

"You are hurt?"

After the video call was connected, a majestic old man with bundled hair appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, and his voice was particularly cold.

"I heard that you lost to Kuuga. It seems that the actual situation is worse than what was reported."

"Feel sorry."

Fujiwara first turned pale and lowered his head.

"Kull's fusion coefficient..."

"I don't want to hear reasons, especially from you. Don't make excuses. As the heir of my Fujiwara family, you are destined to be number one."

"Next time... I will definitely win next time." Fujiwara Daiichi clenched his fist tightly with trembling fingers.

"Very good," the old man finally had a smile on his face, "Do you have any clues about Kuoga's identity?"

Xia Chuan's words echoed repeatedly in Fujiwara Daiichi's mind, and it took a while to repeat them.

"Now there is no information about Kuraga's origin. Perhaps Kuraga, like those Gulangi, does not belong to this world."

"I don't think so," the old man smiled even more, "The real enemy...hehe, this empty self may be the same as us, our kind."


After ending the call, Fujiwara Daiichi was silent for a while before picking up the phone again.

"It's me, is there any result from the institute?"

"More fragments are needed for synthesis," a slightly gloomy voice replied, "By the way, I seem to have appeared in the black space at the school, but it didn't cause much disturbance. It is said that only Isamu Kondo saw it."

"Isamu Kondo? A member of Team 2?"

Fujiwara's first gaze fluctuated.

"So he stopped Black Sky?"

"Who knows? I heard that guy was quite frightened." On the other side of the phone, he smiled and said seriously, "What about the second youngest master? If Heikong really loses control, I might not be able to protect him."

"Look at it first."

Fujiwara Daiichi's expression remained unchanged. After tidying up thoroughly, he walked out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened.

Just at this time, Fujiwara Saiji came home from vacation. After seeing his brother, he felt strange and stopped suspiciously.

"You are hurt?"

In my impression, it was the first time that my brother was so weak.

"It has nothing to do with you," Fujiwara Daiichi poured a cup of hot water and sat down on the sofa. "I heard that the knight school will soon participate in front-line combat. I don't think you can survive. Come back..."

"Let me come back at this time?"

Fujiwara said angrily.

"You are always like this, why do you think I can't do it? I like the current school life very much, don't need you to meddle in my own business!"

"You're still so naive," Fujiwara Daiichi said indifferently, "What's the use of the things you've learned now? As cannon fodder?"

"I think it's very useful!"

Fujiwara Zuiji thought of Natsukawa's special guidance.

Responsibility and belief.

His fusion coefficient has indeed improved because of this.

His strength has steadily improved, and he also likes the school atmosphere, is it much worse than at home?

There was an unhappiness at the first meeting, Fujiwara Saiji didn't even go back to the room, and slammed the door full of indignation.

 I feel that some settings still need to be discussed separately.

  This book is a hodgepodge of special effects, many things have to be redesigned, it is impossible to completely follow the original settings, as long as there are no problems in general.

  And then there's the main character itself.

  The protagonist is different from the light star family in "New Ultraman". What will go in the future is the evolution of light in the Ultra universe, but now it still needs to be accumulated through Kamen Rider.

  The transformation of a full knight does not mean that you can get a fusion degree of 99 by just finding a belt. You need to experience the time and space of the corresponding instance to reach 99.
  Some people say that this is the reason why you don't grab the belt, it's useless if you grab it, it's not as good as your own belt.

  Moreover, the knight systems of the New World are all bound, and you can snatch other people's belts for temporary use, but you can't take them for yourself.


  Everyone feels upset that it may be because I have too much hatred and have not handled the conflict well.

  The protagonist is set to be a righteous knight, and it is impossible to kill people like a fantasy fairy.

  I am also considered an old author. Although I have been handicapped, I have accumulated a lot of experience and know the trade-offs. It is really impossible to satisfy everyone, and it is impossible to completely follow the suggestions of book friends. I hope you will forgive me and be more patient.


(End of this chapter)

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