Chapter 22
Disaster Prevention Agency Building.

Xia Chuan walked up to the roof of the middle floor surrounded by guardrails with his temporary ID, and immediately saw Hiroko Asami standing in the cold wind in professional attire.

"Why do you want to meet here all of a sudden?"

"This is where Ultraman transformed for the last time."

Asami Hiroko stroked her hair that was blown by the wind, and looked back at Xia Chuan for a while, inevitably flashing a hint of disappointment.

"You really don't remember anything, Shenyong."

"The last transformation?"

Xia Chuan walked up to Hiroko Asami, and looked into space together.

This used to be the place where Shenyong and others worked.

Forte team, that is, the exclusive team of Fuwei Beast's special countermeasure room (commonly known as Forte pair), Tamura should actually be the former squad leader, and it is also managed by the head of the countermeasure room, belonging to the Disaster Prevention Agency.

From part of Shinji Shinji's memory, unless he needs to go to the front to guide operations, he spends most of his time working in this Disaster Prevention Agency building.

"Maybe it's not just me who lost my memory," Xia Chuan said calmly, "Didn't you forget it too? Ultraman's final solution to the crisis."

"Who knows? Thinking about it now, Ultraman probably had the determination to die in the end."

Hiroko Asahi was stunned for a while, then turned to Xia Chuan with a smile again.

"Let's not talk about this, how are you doing at school recently? Have you been bullied? I heard that some knights are difficult to get along with."

"It feels good," Xia Chuan thought of several of his students, "Not all knights are that annoying, and to be honest, the world can maintain a basic peace, and the knights are also indispensable, whether it is because of the knights' challenge or not. Sai, people are finally protected."

"Have you heard that too?"

Hiroko Asami was a little surprised.

"That's right, some knight students have a strong background and are much more informed than us."

Xia Chuan didn't explain, but just looked at Hiroko Asami and asked, "You haven't said why you came here, did you encounter any trouble?"

"There is indeed trouble, but it has nothing to do with you."

Asami Hiroko smiled wryly and shook his head.

Her current task is to track down Kuuga, and even her former colleagues in charge of intelligence can't help, let alone Xia Chuan.

"It's just that some things are not easy to say on the phone, so I want to catch up and remind you by the way."

"What's wrong?" Xia Chuan asked unexpectedly.

"Kamen Rider Kuuga who has been active everywhere recently, you should have heard of it, right?"

Seeing Hiroko staring at Xia Chuan, Qian Jian gradually became serious.

"It's the knight who appeared outside the Metropolitan Police Department last time. The top is now chasing him closely, including the shuttles that are wandering outside. If you bind the knight system, it's best not to say anything. Wait for a while. "

In fact, she also doubted Xia Chuan at first.

It's just that even if Xia Chuan is really bound to the knight system, it's only been less than a month, so it's impossible for him to have Kuraga's strength.

She had seen Kuuga fight with her own eyes, and that wasn't some newborn knight.

"is it necessary?"

Xia Chuan's face remained unchanged.

"Sora doesn't seem to have done anything bad, right? Instead, I've been eliminating monsters and protecting the citizens."

"Maybe it's fear, it's been like this before."

Seeing Hiroko look helpless.

"You don't remember, the higher-ups threatened Ultraman with us face to face, if Ultraman hadn't used blowing up the earth as a negotiation..."

"Understood, Sora is still not strong enough, right?"

Xia Chuan was not surprised at all.

Left and right are just the difference between "threat" and "power".

Altman has the strength to turn the table.

To some extent, peace should be a product of balance, and his appearance broke this balance, but his strength seems not enough to turn the table.

In other words, the authorities don't know enough about his strength.

"The higher ups underestimated my strength too much." Xia Chuan shook his head and said.


Asami Hiroko looked strange.

"Do you still remember the young man who turned into black Kongga? He is my student now," Xia Chuan briefly recalled the scene of Kuroga's rampage. "The higher-ups seem to have misjudged Kuraga's strength because he was easily defeated."


"Attention the nearby Kamen Riders, a tiger-shaped Gurangi is currently escaping towards Odaiba, and there are many tourists at the scene, please come and assist the nearby knights immediately..."

Fujiwara Saiji, who had left home not long ago, was walking on the road in a muffled voice, when an alarm suddenly sounded from the exclusive communicator.

"Grunji again?"

After reading the notification message on the communicator, Fujiwara Saiji quickly went to the alarm area without thinking about continuing to vent his anger.

Although the knight locomotive has not been allocated yet, fortunately, the location of the incident is not far away, so it should be too late to hurry up.


Near Odaiba.

In the area blocked by the barrier, 7 Kamen Riders from "Extreme Fox" led a team to force the tiger-shaped Gurangji to the corner of the square, waiting for the surrounding tourists to escape, when a red knight figure suddenly walked backwards in the crowd.

"That is……"

Fujiwara Zuiji was trapped outside the formed barrier because he had no authority, and was wondering why so many knights were present, so he noticed the red knight in the crowd for the first time.

"Empty me? It's empty me!"

Sora, who was going retrograde all the way, was particularly eye-catching among the fleeing crowd. It was Xia Chuan who had just met Hiroko Asami.


Many knights also reacted quickly, but they didn't seem too surprised when they saw Xia Chuan.

"Sure enough!"

"This guy is empty me? It doesn't look like much."

Xia Chuan stood still, his eyes swept across the audience, and landed on the tiger-shaped Gu Langji who was surrounded by the barrier.

It was indeed the Gulangi that escaped from the training base earlier.

The group of knights seemed to be deliberately chasing him instead of killing him, waiting for him to appear, and even the formation of the barrier was much slower than usual.


What can a group of Kamen Riders who are only a year old do?
The knights of "Extreme Fox" mainly rely on equipment and props to fight, but this group of people obviously don't have any powerful props. They look extremely poor, and their combat effectiveness can be imagined.

What's the use of having more people?


Xia Chuan walked straight towards the tiger-shaped Gurangi in the noise, turned slightly to avoid the impact of the high-pressure water gun, grabbed the wrist of the knight who rushed forward, twisted his backhand, and waved his hand directly amidst the screams of the knight.



All the knights behind attacked in a swarm of rage, but without exception, all the knights who rushed to Xia Chuan were instantly subdued.

Regardless of strength or skill, this group of "Fox" knights were like children. Xia Chuan interrupted their attack before it even landed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Or punches, or elbows.

Xia Chuan only walked a few meters away, and the Kamen Rider lying on the ground behind him, although he did not break away from the transformation, he also had no ability to stop Xia Chuan.

"This is the power of empty self!"

Fujiwara Zuiji stuck close to the barrier, watching Xia Chuan bring down all the knights in a moment.

When he was still in a daze, he saw Xia Chuan kicking the tiger-shaped Gu Langji as if driving straight in.

In the end, the tiger-shaped Gulangi seemed to want to fight back violently, but he only swung the chain in his hand halfway, and his whole body was kicked to the top of the enchantment barrier and exploded.

Be quick and ruthless.


The barrier disintegrated spontaneously in the flames of the explosion, but when Fujiwara Saiji passed through the dust and smoke, only the discomfited knights remained on the spot.

Same as reported.

It just came and went without a trace.

I don't know why Gulangji was eliminated like this.

(End of this chapter)

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