i'm really only human

Chapter 201 God Copy

Chapter 201 God Copy
"So direct?"

Xia Chuan watched his opponent disappear in surprise.

He didn't think too much, and after agreeing to the friend application, he continued to wait for the next opponent.

Although I am very interested in Minami Kotaro's strength, and I really want to try to fight, but it's not this time.

Nan Kotaro had too many eyes on him.

Not to mention the concern of the alliance, ordinary people, including many knights, regard it as a new belief.

In this chaotic era, human beings do need a spiritual sustenance and new heroes.

Regardless of whether Nan Kotaro is willing or not, the general trend has already taken shape.

Faith cannot easily lose the battle, and even if it is a battle, I may not be able to devote myself wholeheartedly.

"The queen bee wins!"


In the comprehensive training hall, the viewing platform was full of people. When Hiroko Asami came over, he happened to see Fujiwara Saiji's transformed queen bee defeating his opponent.

The winner of this competition also gets points, but not too many.

Most of the knights participate in the competition to improve themselves and gain the opportunity to fight against the strong.

Another part is like Fujiwara Suiji, who shows his own strength in order to form a team.

Sometimes fame is also a kind of capital.

"Fujiwara is already a level 4 knight?"

After seeing the winning information, Asami Hiroko asked subconsciously.

Next to him, Isamu Kondo moved his butt with an unnatural expression: "Yeah, it seems to be because of the last trip to the dungeon."

This world is really cruel. After finally being promoted to level 4, it was only after being discharged from the hospital that level 4 was no longer rare. Even new students became level 4 knights.

"Is Mr. Kondo uncomfortable?" Shimaobo, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, noticed that Isamu Kondo was disturbed, and opened his eyes and asked in concern.

"No, nothing happened."

Isamu Kondo continued to look at the spectator screen with a stiff face.

At this time, the Queen Bee has entered the next round of matching, but it is different from the previous process. The Queen Bee, who had already left the newcomer area, was actually assigned back.

"Queen bee vs. queen bee?"

Seeing the opponent appearing in front of Fujiwara Saiji, everyone in the training hall talked a lot.

Especially after seeing that all the opponent's information was unknown, everyone was at a loss.

"Is it a new rule?"


Accompanied by a loud bang, Fujiwara Saiji was kicked away by the latter at will, and a big failure sign appeared on the spectator screen.

The training hall was eerily quiet, as if a hand was strangling the neck, and needles could be heard throughout the venue.

"Should it be an intelligent AI?"

"Definitely not human."

"I heard that there will be a mentoring battle at the final promotion, and it should be this."

"But it's too much. How can this be considered a mentoring battle? It's over before it even started!"

On the Skynet battle platform, Fujiwara Zuiji also did not react, the Queen Bee's armor faded, and the originally cold and serious face was full of bewilderment.

He was already a level 4 knight, but he couldn't beat the same Queen Bee. He didn't have a time upgrade, and he just made ordinary moves, so it wouldn't be the result.

"It's the knight from just now."

As Fujiwara Saiji's opponent in the mentoring battle, Minami Kotaro's complexion changed slightly.

It was not an AI robot, but the knight he had just seen.

Seeing the mysterious queen bee full of question marks in the battle information, Nan Kotaro quickly checked the friend panel, only to find that Xia Chuan had left Skynet.


Villa bedroom.

Xia Chuan exited the knight space, the belt of the shuttle machine on his abdomen kept flashing, and his perception of the copy of "agito" became stronger and stronger.


This copy...

It is one of the time and space that is also particularly dangerous for him.

The fighting power of a god may not be invincible, but to become a god of time and space, or to become an existence comparable to a god, there must be a rule-based authority.

It is very dangerous to enter this kind of world casually.


Thunder bursts suddenly sounded outside the window, and after a while, dense rain fell amid continuous lightning.

A small figure was wandering by the side of the road, even though it was wet by the rainstorm, it didn't even notice, and walked to the edge of the woods alone.

It was the boy Tsugami Taro I had seen before.

Xia Chuan found the umbrella in the storage room, changed his shoes and went out amidst the flapping of the wings of Tooth Bat II.

"What's the matter, Kamiya?"

"Get me towels and hot water."

"Eh? Me?"

Tooth Bat II looked at his short body in the glass mirror, and watched Xia Chuan enter the rain curtain with an umbrella in doubt.


Different from the hustle and bustle of the training hall, the outdoors are extremely deserted, with only a few transport vehicles passing by occasionally.

Tsugami Taro watched the vehicle leave in a daze, and looked at the trees in front of him with his lips pursed.

It seemed as if a red silk scarf could be seen floating up, revealing the rain-soaked arm below, but there was nothing upon closer inspection.

"If I were you you wouldn't be near the woods in this weather."

Xia Chuan held an umbrella to block the rainwater on the boy's head, and his gaze followed the tree trunk.

"You also entered the super class? I didn't see you before."

"I just came here today."

Tsugami Taro turned his head tensely, seeing that it was Xia Chuan, his eyes turned red, and he lowered his head again.

"Last night I awakened superpowers."

"Where's your mom?"

Xia Chuan continued to ask a question, but did not get a response from the young man, only choked up and cried even worse.

Glancing at the tree trunk again, the figure of Venerable Leopard emerged from Xia Chuan's mind.

The children sent to the super class are indeed orphans.

Some awakened their abilities because of accidents with their parents, and some were attacked by the Venerable because of their awakening.

"Come with me."

Xia Chuan didn't ask any more questions, turned around and took the boy back to the villa area.

The waters of this super power incident in this world are very deep.

Just like Zeng Shimura Junichi did.

Some people may also want to connect the time and space of "agito" with this.

For now, he can't do much.

In the living room of the villa, Tooth Bat II commanded a few insect instruments to prepare towels and hot water clumsily, and hurriedly hid in every corner when he heard footsteps outside.

"Thank you."

Tsugami Taro took a sip from the hot water cup, dried his hair, and looked at Xia Chuan hesitantly for a while, but still didn't mention the matter of apprenticeship before.

"They said that I can become a level 5 knight in the future, but what is this power? Why am I being attacked by strange people? My father left, and now my mother..."

"You should know when you can transform normally," Xia Chuan said calmly, "Whether this power will be good or bad in the future is entirely up to you to decide."

"Transformation? Is it bound to the knight system?" Tsugami Taro wanted to ask, but saw that Xia Chuan had already returned to the second floor.

"Come back after resting."


Xia Chuan closed the door, and his brows furrowed involuntarily as the sensations flooded his mind one after another.

"Agito" time and space are approaching constantly, more and more leopard venerables appear in this world, and even the queen venerable among them has appeared.

Right now it's only for people with superpowers, but not necessarily as time goes by.

For these venerables, all human beings in this world are actually heterogeneous heretics.

Maybe it will evolve into the so-called "God War".

Xia Chuan's perception swept towards the training hall.

Nan Kotaro's guidance battle has already begun, and a group of level 4 knights took turns to go into battle and were still frequently repelled, but the black form has already crushed a group of knights.

There were bursts of exclamations from the stadium stands.

No one seems to be aware of the serious threat posed by His Holiness.

(End of this chapter)

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