i'm really only human

Chapter 202 The Dawn

Chapter 202 The Dawn

"Two forces are fighting..."

"The power of light and darkness, light hates darkness, darkness hates light..."

"It was a long time ago, I think, it shouldn't be the world we live in. The Force of Light lost the battle."

"Your children, humans, have obtained my power. One day, at some point in the future, my power will awaken in humans... Said before the power of light disappeared."

Sayaka, a girl with superpowers, stared out of the training hall in a daze.

In a trance, I saw the doomsday scene of human beings being swallowed by the great flood.

In the darkness, a silhouette of a knight loomed, his eyes and the core of his belt emitting red light.


"This is the final notice to the passengers. The Aeon, which departs for Kagawa at [-]:[-], will leave soon..."


A ship on the sea slowly sailed out of the pier, breaking through the wind and waves, startling seagulls one by one.

"Feel sorry!"

A young man with long hair who was rushing to get on the boat at the last time gasped and walked across the middle deck, staggered and almost bumped into Xia Chuan before regaining consciousness.

"I'm Tetsuya Sawaki, I'm studying at a culinary college," the long-haired young man greeted with a smile, "What about you? You look a bit like Mr. Criminal Police in a mystery drama?"

"more or less."

Xia Chuan reached into his arms and took out a bundle of business cards from his pocket.

Chengbei Detective Agency, Shinji Shinaga.

"Looks like a detective."

"Looks like?" The long-haired young man also saw the business card, scratched his hair with a strange expression, "Mr. Shenyong's words are really interesting, but the detective... Could it be that the murder happened somewhere?"

Turning his head to meet Xia Chuan's calm gaze, the long-haired young man smiled awkwardly.

"Because it always starts like this on TV, like taking a boat with the detective or something..."

"Hahaha," said the middle-aged man who was leaning on the railing and looking at the scenery with a happy smile, "Young man has a really rich imagination. Private detectives are not policemen, so they can't solve crimes like those on TV."


The woman with big mouth and glasses sitting in the back vigilantly pulled up her coat and clutched her bag tightly.

"It's really disgusting. How could there be detectives on this ship? You just stood there just now. Could it be that you are secretly filming us?"

"What are you talking about?" The companion said speechlessly, "He doesn't even have a camera."

"Who knows? It's not surprising that detectives have hidden cameras..."

"excuse me!"

While the glasses woman was yelling, two young women surrounded her with blushing faces, handed a camera to Xia Chuan and asked.

"Can you help me take a picture?"

The goddess of glasses' expression darkened, her face was full of displeasure: "People nowadays are really frivolous."

"I'm not very good at taking pictures." Xia Chuan ignored the crowd, turned his head and pushed the long-haired youth out, "Let him come."

"He?" The two women looked disappointedly at the long-haired young man with a smirk on his face, "Is it okay?"

"Of course it's okay," Ze Muzhe assured, patting his chest, "Don't look at me like this, I'm pretty good at photography."

"Aren't you a cook?"


Xia Chuan walked to the bow alone, facing the sea breeze and watching the sea.

Dawn, Tetsuya Sawaki...

He has basically confirmed that this is the time and space of "agito", but he doesn't know which version it is.

Sawaki Tetsuya's name in the future is Shoichi Tsugami, the master rider of this time and space, the real agito.

The turning point of its fate was the Dawn.

If there is no accident, Baishen, the power of light in this world will give the final power to Tetsuya Sawaki.

To ask why.

On the one hand, Tetsuya Sawaki is already on the verge of awakening, and his sister is the first agito.

On the one hand, it may be the "innocent heart" possessed by most of the main riders.

It is easier for people with a pure heart to control the power of agito.

If he needs a human body in the future, there is a high probability that he will choose this kind of person.

"Mr. Shenyong!"

Ze Muzhe also suddenly came to the bow of the boat, seeing Xia Chuan hurriedly greeted him.

"What's the matter? Is there something on your mind? Since just now, Mr. Shenyue doesn't seem to talk much, and he always feels a little bit reluctant to let go."

"It's nothing, I just watched something that shouldn't be seen."

Xia Chuan looked away from the sea.

Sometimes it's not good to be too perceptive, always able to see the darkness that others don't know.

Through this time and space, he seemed to see the future of this world.

The flood of power is not all a good thing.

"Didn't you go to take pictures?" Xia Chuan asked, gathering his thoughts.

In the induction, he turned into a man with a camera and had a good conversation with two young women.

"This is..."

Ze Muzhe also said with a dry smile.

"You can take pictures at any time. In fact, I have something to ask Mr. Shen Yong."

"What's the matter?" Xia Chuan didn't break the young man's words.

"Isn't Mr. Kaminaga a detective? You should have a lot of knowledge, right?"

Ze Mutehe also took out a letter with dim eyes.

"The reason why I went to Kagawa was because my sister passed away. Although the police said it was a suicide, I didn't believe it... This letter was written by my sister to her boyfriend. I originally wanted to ask him about the situation..."

The recipient on the envelope is "Shoichi Tsugami", and the sender is Yukina Sawaki. It looks normal, but the letter inside is full of unknown symbols.

"That's it," Zemu Tetsuya looked expectantly, "Does Mr. Shenyong know what it means?"


Xia Chuan didn't take the letter paper, but his eyes paused for a while, as if he saw the real scene of the super power battle between black and white figures across the long river of time, and the white figure who lost in the end turned into stars flying into the world.

"I don't know," Xia Chuan shook his head and said, "I think it should be some kind of ultra-ancient script, so don't get your hopes up."

"Super, super ancient characters?"

Ze Muzhe also had a painful face, looking at Xia Chuan hesitant to speak.

I always feel that when I am with Xia Chuan, my whole person becomes strange.

He actually believed such an outrageous thing.

Are you playing him on purpose?

As expected of a detective, he casually led him into the ditch.

"Well, I'd better go to Xiangchuan and ask." Ze Mute also coughed and put the letter away again.


Suddenly there was a scream from the cabin, followed by another commotion, and someone vaguely shouted "dead man".

Ze Muzhe also turned pale, subconsciously glanced at Xia Chuan and then hurried to the cabin.

"What happened!"

Xia Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly, faintly feeling the energy changes in the sea area, a sense of oppressive wind and rain enveloped the entire ship, and the sky ahead was much darker.

The plot, it should be said that the prologue has begun.

Whether he is ready or not, now is the time to get in touch with the gods of this world.

This is also the purpose of his early access to the dungeon.

It is better to contact through the shuttle than directly on the body.

Cabin stair access.

A middle-aged doctor checked the breath of the young man in white who had fallen to the ground, finally sighed and shook his head.

"Dead, although no external injuries were seen...does any of you know him?"

"Did I just say you can't go on the boat with the detective?" The glasses girl screamed and hugged her chest, "Look? Something happened! It's all the detective's fault!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What's the matter with other detectives?" The two young women next to him disliked the girl with glasses more and more.

"In short, the prisoner is inside us, right?"

The woman in glasses pushed and shouted.

"Stop joking, how can you stay with the murderer? Get me off the boat right now!"

"Calm down!" The middle-aged doctor frowned and called to the woman with glasses, "How do you get off the boat in this situation? In short, everyone, don't act alone, go up and wait for the police to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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