i'm really only human

Chapter 203 The God of Water

Chapter 203 The God of Water
Dawn cabin.

The passengers looked for seats with different expressions, and the atmosphere was heavy, only the sound of the sea wind echoed outside, and the woman with glasses finally became a lot more honest, she just muttered to her companions in a low voice and wanted to complain when she went back.

Xia Chuan finally entered the cabin, and his eyes swept over the frightened people.

Suddenly, it entered the rhythm of the murder incident on the sea cruise ship.

Even the characters are complete.

Not only him, a detective, but also doctors and people from various professions gathered together, even neurotic characters like the woman with glasses.

Even though these people didn't say it, he still felt it.

Except for Tetsuya Sawaki, almost everyone has serious concerns.

The family is not going well, the relationship is not going well, the career is not going well...

It's almost like a collection of problem characters.

But this is not the stage for the murder, and the corpses the passengers see are not real corpses.

The other party's true identity is the last power incarnation of the White God of Light.

"It's gone! The body is gone!" Ze Muzhe also panted and ran back to the cabin, and hurriedly found Xia Chuan, "Mr. Shenyong, can you go over and have a look? Just now the captain and I wanted to identify the victim first, but we couldn't find it anywhere Corpse!"


The photographer stood up abruptly.

"We were all together after the accident. Could it be you? Are you the murderer?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I've been with the captain all along!"

Ze Muzhe also ignored the photographer, anxiously grabbing the silent Xia Chuan.

"Mr. Shenyong..."

"How strange!"

The captain walked into the cabin with the register.

"There is no information on that person anyway, there is no record of him, and the number of passengers is not small."

"Is he a smuggler? Then he was involved in a murder?"

"It's impossible to say."

"Where's the police? When will the police arrive?" the photographer asked.

"The maritime police seem to have other things to do, so I don't think they can come here for the time being."

"why is it like this?"

The other passengers finally couldn't sit still, and surrounded the captain one after another.

"You can't wait forever, can you? Go back to the port now..."

"I'm afraid I can't go back," the captain shook his head. "There's a storm over there, and it's too dangerous to go back now."

"What should I do?"

"We can only go to Xiangchuan County first."


Just as he was talking, the wind suddenly intensified outside the cruise ship, and a burst of thunder was heard in the distance, and the originally clear sky instantly darkened.

As if entering another world all of a sudden, the calm sea was suddenly filled with huge waves, the torrential rain poured down, and the ship began to bump violently uncontrollably.

"what happened?"

The captain struggled to stabilize his figure amid the screams of the woman in glasses, and after seeing the terrifying sky outside the ship, his face turned ugly.

"No reason, there has never been such a severe storm in this area!"

"There is no news from the Maritime Meteorological Agency..."

"Everyone, find something and hold on tight!"

Before the ship was completely stable, the captain staggered out of the cabin and headed for the wheelhouse, leaving many passengers feeling uneasy.

Ze Muzhe also regretted a little.

If you don't catch this ship...


A gentle man's voice sounded in Zemu Tetsuya's ear.

"Someone will come to kill you in a while. Before that, I will give you the last power to awaken my power..."


Ze Muzhe also turned around in astonishment, thinking that it was Xia Chuan who was speaking, but found that it was not.

At some point, the disappearing corpse appeared on the side of the cabin.

The young man in white with long, smooth hair looks like the center of the world, and his smile exudes a strong brilliance.


A beam of intense light burst into the sky from the cabin of Tianliang, and most of the power of light poured into Tetsuya Sawaki who was panting, but other passengers on board were also bathed in the light.

Especially Xia Chuan next to Sawaki Tetsuya.

But not like everyone else.

What Xia Chuan felt was not the light, but was bounced away as if being attacked.


"Mr. Shenyong?!"

Ze Muzhe also recovered from the brilliance, and before he had time to explore the young man in white who had lost his smile, he turned his head and saw Xia Chuan smashing down the cabin stairs.


Bursts of electricity spread as Xia Chuan rolled down to the cabin on the bottom floor, as if falling into a coma, Xia Chuan's consciousness turned into a child and entered the spiritual space, and at the same time, the figure of a child in white appeared on the opposite side.

The two forces collided violently, splitting the entire spiritual world into two.

One is pure light, and the other is light and dark alternately, vaguely cohesive with the silhouette of a giant.

"who are you?"

The white-clothed child who was originally unconscious looked puzzled.

The body belongs to this world, but the consciousness does not. It seems to contain power beyond the world.

"Not human..."


The child in white shattered with a bang, turning into countless light spots and fading away under the impact of continuous force.

The power of the White God.

Xia Chuan raised his hand to grab the light spots flying by, but he didn't feel anything special, but his mental power increased slightly.

This power brings agito, but it doesn't seem to be equal to the power of agito.

At least that's how it is with him.



Xia Chuan was awakened by the screams and cries on the boat.

Opening his eyes, Xia Chuan perceived a figure of a special venerable holding a steel fork.

This world is second only to the high-ranking life form of the Creator Black God, the High God Venerable Water Angel, with the characteristics of a whale on his head, and is the God of Water who controls the ocean.

Excluding the influence of authority, his own strength is also two levels higher than ordinary venerables in all aspects.


"It is not human beings that must be eliminated!"

Ze Muzhe also fled to the deck in panic after being chased by the water angel, but a group of jagged fish-shaped venerables jumped out of the rain-washed sea one after another.

Xia Chuan stood up holding the stairs, leaving deep scratches on the railing with his fingers.

The power of light just now failed to make him an agito, but it also further transformed his current body, and the system panel that had no connection at all faintly echoed.


In the heavy rain on the deck, the light of the agito coat of arms bloomed, and the light from Sawaki Tetsuya's belly converged to emerge from the belt, and his figure was gradually covered with armor, successfully awakening as Kamen Rider agito.

However, everyone in the cabin was only surprised for a while and then ignored the outside.

Unlike the water angels who ignored them, many fish lords seemed to regard them as prey, and poured into the cabin from the entrance several times in a row.

"do not come!"

"Quick, everyone, go downstairs!"

The woman with glasses was the first to faint, but no one cared about it under the chaos, and the group retreated in panic under the pounce of Master Yu.

Sea water and wind poured into the cabin, and the faint light of lightning reflected the ferocious face of Venerable Yu. A sharp claw quickly stabbed at the doctor's chest, but Xia Chuan reached out and grabbed it in time.


The leader, Venerable Yu, flew backwards with a bang, knocking open a series of tables and chairs, and deformed the cabin together with a hole.

"This is……"


Xia Chuan put down his blood-stained and mucus-stained fist, condensed with the empty abdomen, and jumped over the crowd to meet the few remaining fish masters.

While the figure was intertwined, another fish venerable rushed over. Xia Chuan sideways avoided the jab and kicked him hard.


The sound of muffled collisions intensified in the rain-sprayed cabin. After the two fish lords on the left and right were blocked and repulsed by Xia Chuan, another fish lord in front slid back and flew out of the cabin.


Zemu Tetsuya agito fell to the ground in pain, seeing the water angel's steel fork stabbing, a fish master bumped into the water angel's feet, turned his head and was surprised to find Xia Chuan whose belt was shining red.

"Mr. Shenyong?!"


Not only Tetsuya Sawaki, but also Water Angel finally noticed Xia Chuan.

"Agito? No, who are you?!"


As bursts of electricity spilled out of Kuuga's belt, flames ignited out of nowhere in the cabin under the dim light, and the passengers hurriedly backed away.

"on fire!"

"What's going on? There's actually a fire in this weather..."

"Could it be Mr. Shenyong?"


The last fish venerable roared and rushed, but was knocked down by Xia Chuan's raised hand, and he stomped heavily on the ground.

In just a short while, the breath in the cabin changed suddenly, as if there was a more terrifying existence than the Venerable, and everyone's attention was focused on Xia Chuan.

As if to confirm everyone's speculation, the surrounding flames became more intense, and they couldn't be extinguished no matter how much sea water and rain washed them away.

After the trampled Master Fish struggled and roared briefly, the pain burned and turned into ashes.

"Supernaturally angry..."

Water Angel kicked Agito away from under his feet in a deep voice, and stared directly at Xia Chuan with serious eyes.

"The alien like you must be eliminated, I will kill you!"

Xia Chuan also fixed his gaze on Water Angel.

This time and space has a strong religious background, and the god-like creation black god has very low tolerance for heresy, so he even does not hesitate to kill child-like human beings.

The venerables it creates also take the mission of eradicating heresy.

If knights who enter this world are considered enemies...

If you want to pass the customs, there is probably only one choice.


The storm intensified, and the whole ship was swinging like a small wooden boat among the rolling waves, and the deck was completely submerged by the current.

The passengers gathered behind the rain-washed windows, numbly looking at Xia Chuan and Water Angel who collided in the storm outside, as if they had seen the judgment coming.



Xia Chuan punched and kicked in the swaying water flow. It was clearly a human body, but he had no intention of retreating at all. It seemed that he could compete with the water angel.

Is this human power?

Everyone's mouth was dry, their breathing was short of breath, and they watched Xia Chuan change his figure closely with terrified eyes.

First the limbs and torso, and then even the head is covered with knight armor, and the eyes are red and solid.


With the last punch to repel the water angel, Kuuga's red almighty form completely appeared under the reflection of the flames.


"You bastard!"

The water angel roared angrily and stabilized his footsteps, brushed his palm over the injured chest and abdomen, and stabbed out the steel fork in his hand with a cold voice.

"A mere human..."


Xia Chuan raised his hand and grabbed the middle of the steel fork, his body changed into the shape of a blue dragon, and the steel fork in his hand also transformed into a long stick.

Before the water angel could react, the tip of the long stick stretched and stretched, and it was thrown flying in one fell swoop.

Kuraga's power was further sublimated, and the golden armor in the form of a blue dragon emerged, and he chased the water angel with a circle of thunderstorms while waving the long stick.


The water angel, who had just suspended in mid-air and stabilized his figure, was bound by a circle of sealing barriers in the thunderstorm.

However, the most unacceptable thing is the weapon that was taken away and completely lost contact.

"My scepter..."


The sublimation green dragon stick pierced the chest of the water angel with thunder and lightning, and Xia Chuan's black ultimate figure that was gradually disappearing could be vaguely seen in the flames.

"Bang bang bang!"

The water angel exploded in the white light circle that appeared above the head, turned into a white light ball and flew out of the Tianliang, and disappeared into the clouds as if fleeing.


this world.

Two kinds of overlapping genetic information are displayed on the screen of the laboratory. The researcher in white is constantly recording the data of light and dark forces. Suddenly, a large amount of bright light bursts out from the experimental equipment in the middle, and the value on the screen soars.

"Agito Time and Space is here," the gentle young man frowned suspiciously, "but why do I have time to respond?"


School villa.

Xia Chuan's figure returned, but his brows did not relax.

Although he successfully transformed into Kuraga, it is still not enough to fight against the black god to this extent.

"Shenyong," said Tooth Bat II waiting at the door, "that child has already left, do you really want to leave him alone?"

"That's enough."

Xia Chuan collected his thoughts, and turned his gaze to the training hall through the window.

The reality is that not long has passed, and the Skynet competition is still going on.

After the battle under the guidance of Minami Kotaro, the next step seems to be the team competition, and Fujiwara Zuiji also began to select his own players.


The situation is not very good. Almost no senior knights choose Fujiwara Sanji, which looks a bit pitiful.

"The Queen Bee who is fighting me is probably him?" Xia Chuan paused slightly.

Because of the time and space of agito, he didn't think too much at the time, he just wanted to end the battle and quit Skynet.

The viewing platform of the training hall.

The audience left one after another, and Fujiwara Zuiji sat in a corner looking lonely, quietly watching the screen projection in a daze.

"Are you discouraged?" Xia Chuan sat down beside him and said, "You managed the Fanying team very well before, and those ant soldiers trust you more than I do, so you are still very talented in leading the team."


Fujiwara Zuiji woke up startled and turned around.

"But I don't have the strength of your mentor..."

"Then continue to become stronger," Xia Chuan then looked at the Skynet projection, "Don't let your brother down, didn't you say you wanted to surpass him?"


Fujiwara took a deep breath and regained his energy.

"I have decided to surpass myself first, and next time I must defeat that robot queen bee!"

"Uh...Come on."

The team competition will have to wait until next week, and only the interview session is left on the Skynet platform.

The figure of Nan Kotaro appeared in front of the camera again.

"A knight needs to surpass himself. I never think I will stop here. If I can, I hope to have the opportunity to fight with other knights on the list. 200 is definitely not the limit of breaking the limit."

Minami Kotaro said seriously.

"I met the same level 6 knight in the last time and space dungeon, maybe I will meet in the future..."

"Mentor," Fujiwara Saiji suddenly turned his head and asked, "At that time, my brother... what did you say? Was it about father and the others?"

"If you want to know, get stronger quickly."

Xia Chuan recalled Fujiwara's first warning in his mind.

He is not very clear now.

Is there really a knight system in this world that he can't deal with?
(End of this chapter)

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