i'm really only human

Chapter 209 G3X Damaged

Chapter 209 G3-X Damaged

The locomotive came to an emergency stop, the current spread along the rainwater, and the ground also exploded with sparks.

"God forever!"

Ozawa Sumiko's shouts were mixed with harsh noises.

Communications appear to be disrupted, vision systems are blurred, and data is all garbled.

After all, it is mechanical and electronic equipment, and the power battery is abnormal due to damage.

The AI ​​system also loses its function.

"Come back, Kaminaga! Can you hear me? The battle is over!"


Xia Chuan stood firm and stepped off the locomotive amidst the flashes of the G3-X armor bursting. After a short period of rigidity, he suddenly raised his head and looked directly at the Jellyfish Head Venerable. Even though the thunder and lightning continued to attack, he did not stop.

The jellyfish put down the thunder-leading arm in doubt, and suddenly trembled strangely.

The G3-X under attack did not catch fire, but he himself started to burn first, and the surrounding rain fell and bursts of water mist rose.

A true paranormal fire...


The jellyfish wobbled its head and stabilized its body. When it wanted to continue attacking, it found that the G3-X had already stepped forward, splashing water splashes along the way, and countless high-speed blasting rainwater could be clearly seen.

It doesn't look like an armored warrior covered in heavy equipment at all.

"who are you?"


The jellyfish's head and cheeks were the first to bear the heavy blow from the iron fist. Seeing the kick coming along with the trend, the jellyfish hurriedly disappeared under the impact of the back slide.


Xia Chuan's footsteps were in the air, and he suddenly drew his gun and shot backwards in his mental perception. After a few gunshots, he saw the jellyfish retreating into the rain with its head bowed and fled.

With so many super powers, is he still an ordinary Venerable?

"God forever!"

"Are you alright, Kaminaga?!"

On the other side, Sumiko Ozawa and Isamu Kondo hurriedly got out of the car and chased after them. When they saw the figure of G3-X flickering in the rain, they breathed a sigh of relief.


Xia Chuan put down the gun, and turned his gaze to Sayaka and the little boy who were waiting in the rain.

The spectacled woman who approached the two of them across the road stopped, and Xia Chuan's sight was met with a strange face trembling in horror.

The black figure in the flames reappeared.

"It's you?!"

"What's the matter, Kamiya?"

Isamu Kondo followed behind Sumiko Ozawa, just in time to meet the woman in glasses leaving with her hair disheveled in the heavy rain, long skirt and slippers, like a crazy woman.

I didn't pay much attention at first.

However, the moment he turned his body, there was a sense of shock and electric shock directly to his heart, and the sense of deadly threat was like returning to the time when he faced the black sky.

"Who is this guy?"

Isamu Kondo looked back at the back of the woman in glasses in amazement, his lips trembling, resisting the urge to escape, and stood like a statue in the rain.

"The battery unit was severely damaged, and the whole body unit was also damaged to varying degrees, unable to move..."

Ozawa Sumiko ran to Xia Chuan's side, ignoring other things, hurriedly put on insulating gloves and dismantled the armor.

"I'll rescue you right away!"

"no need."

Xia Chuan didn't feel unwell, but felt a lot more comfortable after the AI ​​failed.

"Go back to the car first."


Ozawa Sumiko stared at Xia Chuan wearing the damaged armor and turning towards the locomotive.

"Electricity, the battery unit is still usable?"

The reason why G3-X can move freely and have the strength comparable to that of a knight mainly depends on the battery unit behind it.

Compared with the previous generation G3, the current armor is much heavier, let alone it has been attacked so severely.

Shaking her head, Ozawa Sumiko turned around and woke up Isamu Kondo who was motionless: "What are you still doing in a daze? Let's go, Hojo Toru!"

G3-X's offensive power is sufficient, but there are still deficiencies in defense, and it needs to be strengthened after returning.

"what about you?"

Ozawa Sumiko bent down and asked Sayaka and the little boy.

"Want to be together?"

Sayaka lowered her head in fear, pursed her lips and took out Xia Chuan's business card: "Let's go here."

"That's it," Ozawa Sumiko looked at the business card suddenly, and said to Isamu Kondo, who was still a little absent-minded, "Hojo Toru, I'll go back with Kaminaga first, and you can send them two. You should be able to do this little thing."

"Why did you call me by name all of a sudden? It's very rude."

Isamu Kondo muttered, but he could only bite the bullet and take over the errand.

It's really strange, he wouldn't do this kind of thankless thing before.

"Why should I listen to her?"

Isamu Kondo glanced puzzled at Sumiko Ozawa, who was hanging back, and looked around the gray rain with some panic.

That girl with glasses probably won't come back.

"Let's go quickly." After taking a deep breath, Isamu Kondo hurriedly took Sayaka and the two together. "Actually, you can leave this world by yourself. There should be a one-time shuttle, right? No?"

Sayaka nodded and shook her head: "I can't go."


G3 van.

Xia Chuan took off his helmet, and the armor on his body also vented open, followed by Ozawa Sumiko quickly operating to remove the mounting unit.

Because the anti-G suit also has electromagnetic protection capabilities, Xia Chuan's body was not affected.

"Strange, there is really no injury at all," Ozawa Sumiko worriedly checked Xia Chuan's exposed head and neck, "There is no scratch at all, your luck is amazing!"

Xia Chuan sat aside without explaining, and let Ozawa Sumiko continue to check the armor.

I began to feel a faint sense of detachment again.

In fact, after the physical fitness is improved and the mental power is enhanced, the time that can be stayed is much longer than at the beginning, but it is still not enough for real use, and there are still great fluctuations.

The last Tianliang incident was because of Baishen and Water Angel, and it only stayed for half a day.

I don't know when I will be able to get rid of the time limit like entering the body.

If the shuttle exits, not only will there be a two-day cooldown, but the time node after re-entry is also uncontrollable.

"What's the matter, Kaminaga?" Ozawa Sumiko asked worriedly after finishing the best examination, "Why don't you go to the hospital, maybe there are other problems."


Xia Chuan was very sensitive to physical examination in this world, got up and said.

"Can I take a day off? Those two children still need placement."


Ozawa Sumiko hesitated to speak, but finally nodded in agreement.

"Leave the rest to me. Go back and have a good rest for a few days. I'll let you know when I need it."

It was evening when Isamu Kondo saw Sumiko Ozawa again, the truck stopped at the countermeasure shuttle depot, and the damaged G3-X was sent to the research room for repair and strengthening.

"Where's Shenyong?"

"Go back and let him rest for a few days."

Sumiko Ozawa carefully removed the G3-X video storage, the combat unit was fine, but the head part was the most severely damaged.

That's why she was surprised that Xia Chuan wasn't injured at all.


After turning on the computer, a video frame was extracted.

It's a little better than the picture sent back from the scene, but the quality is still very poor, and even the complete jellyfish head figure couldn't be photographed.

The only fuzzy image was taken when the locomotive was driving at the beginning, and it is also difficult to recognize the shape.

"The higher-ups know about No. 4."

Isamu Kondo looked complicated.

"The several spontaneous combustion incidents that are happening now, I don't know why they are all pushed to No. 4."

"Number 4?" Sumiko Ozawa stopped unexpectedly, "Didn't Number 4 disappear with Gu Langji?"

"That was 2 years ago. In fact, the passengers of Tianliang had seen No. 4 half a year ago."

Isamu Kondo put a photo secretly taken by a mobile phone protected by a transparent bag on the table.

"This is a photo sent to the Metropolitan Police Department this morning, before the death of Tomoko Miura and No. 4. After investigation, it is believed that No. 4 has the supernatural ability to start fire."

"Are you kidding?" Ozawa Sumiko frowned, "The recent spontaneous combustion incidents should be caused by the unknown life with jellyfish head, right? Witnesses mentioned that a victim was suspected to be struck by lightning before spontaneous combustion. "

"I think so too," Kondo Isamu looked helpless, "Today, Shen Yong was similarly attacked by that guy."

Although this is the world of knights, it is different from the world where knights are rampant. The upper class is still ordinary people, and their attitudes towards knights are not uniform.

It is said that No. 4 once saved the world, but...

Thinking about it, Kondo Yong's expression became even weirder.

Why is it so similar to this world's Shenyong encounter?

Will homotopes from different worlds even experience the same convergence?

His copy doesn't seem to be like this. The copy of "faiz" turned into Orfienuo that time.

"Can you use the video as evidence?" Isamu Kondo asked after recovering.

"It's hard, the saved data is too short," Ozawa Sumiko looked at the video screen in a deep voice, "I'll see if I can find a way to restore it."

"Then I'll check the victim's side again," Kondo nodded and said, "The victim's family may be attacked."

What is all this called?

He seems to have deviated a bit from his original plan.

Originally, they wanted to find the customs clearance conditions from the Metropolitan Police Department, but now they haven't even fully investigated the matter of the Tianliang.



Chengbei Detective Office, a nearby railway train bangs by.

The sky was getting dark, and after simply making a bed on the floor, the little boy went to bed early to rest, but his posture gradually changed, and the quilt was kicked aside.

Seeing this, Sayaka smiled slightly, and helped the boy cover the quilt before lying down on her own bed.

Under the moonlight, the empty office caught Sayaka's attention.

Is it really not the mentor of Shenyong?
It's so similar.


The exhaustion of wandering for several days invaded, and Sayaka gradually fell into a dream with her eyelids clenched.

Indistinct shouts echoed in his ears in his sleep, as if he could see a black and white half-figure waving.

"Stand up! Assault him! Kill him!"

"who is it?"

"stand up!"


Sayaka's breathing became heavier, and with the sound of beeping, the phantom of the green knight appeared again.

This time, there are obviously more thorn-like tentacles compared to this world, and the spikes are longer and sharper.

"Kill him and you will become a real agito!"

"This is your mission!"


Sayaka struggled more and more violently, and finally sat up with glaring eyes, stretched out her hands and crawled towards the sleeping little boy with sweat on her face.

The little boy scratched his nose and turned over, exposing his frail neck to Sayaka.

It seems that just a little effort can snap off the cervical spine.


Downstairs in the office, at the corner of the street, the long-haired boy suddenly frowned and turned his head.

Under the street lights, the long shadow of the red Kongwo figure was drawn out, and a strong spiritual breath rushed towards his face, which vaguely even overwhelmed his mental power.

This power is...


While his face was changing continuously, the long-haired boy raised the imprint of dark power on the back of his hand and merged into the darkness.

He is a person who wants to become a god, and there is no need to take risks himself.

"Black God?"

Xia Chuan dispelled his doubts and transformed, but still had the imprint pattern on the back of the boy's hand in his mind.

That was indeed a mark of dark power, but the boy didn't seem to be a black god.

Even if he is revived with a human body through genetic information, the black god will not change his image, and his appearance should be close to that of the young white god.

Not so much difference.

This guy……

Xia Chuan's mind flashed the figure of the little boy next to the gentle youth in this world.

These people stole the power of the Black God?

Upstairs in the office, Sayaka fell to the ground panting, looking at the safe and sound little boy, suddenly covering his face in pain.

Never go back.

Sooner or later, she will become a monster completely and cease to be human.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

The little boy was teardropped on his face, he opened his eyes in a daze, and after seeing Sayaka, he stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears that continued to fall.

"Sister, don't cry, I can protect my sister too!"

Xia Chuan stood downstairs and didn't come any closer.

Speaking of which, this is also the first time he has come here, and it looks a lot like the Maori Detective Agency in "Conan".

Even "Xiaolan" and "Conan" are complete.

Unfortunately, this is not the world of detectives.


After confirming that there was no other danger for the time being, Xia Chuan also turned around and merged into the darkness.

He didn't come to this world to be a bodyguard, and he couldn't care less about what really happened.

The top priority is to complete the customs clearance as soon as possible.

Whether it is the erosion of the world by the time and space of "agito", or some plans of aliens, all problems can be solved as long as the level is cleared.


Now that the Black God has not recovered smoothly, what are the conditions for customs clearance?

Kill the Venerable... or the long-haired boy just now?
From Fujiwara Daiichi's experience, it can be seen that if he is assimilated by the time and space of the instance, he also has the possibility of becoming the final boss.

Stealing the power of the Black God can be regarded as replacing the identity of the boss, right?

Xia Chuan looked thoughtfully.

When it comes to the power of the gods, he needs to try it out first.

Nan Kotaro might be able to borrow strength, it would be a waste to leave the immortal body alone.

I believe Minami Kotaro will not mind.

"Is there something to tell me? About the Dawn?"

Police Department.

Isamu Kondo walked out of the laboratory in surprise.

His efforts were not in vain, and he was finally able to obtain key information.

In terms of customs clearance, he no longer has much ideas, and his strength seems to be insufficient.

But he can assist captain Nan Kotaro to pass the customs, and he can also gain something.

"When will I have time? I have it now! Well, well, I will treat you later, and it will still be that barbecue restaurant!"


Ozawa Sumiko muttered in disgust, and continued to repair the G3-X components.

Barely connected to the computer, a series of imported data made Ozawa Sumiko's brows tighten.

The recorded data exceeds the AI ​​theoretical value.

The G3 series armor is actually not a difficult point, the left and right are just a matter of strengthening, and there are even powerful main weapons.

But considering the load-bearing and actual combat, not everything can be stacked directly.

The core of this system is AI.

The reason why AI is needed is that apart from assisting in manipulating the armor, the main reason is that the reaction speed of human beings is not as good as that of unknown life forms.

But now the data on the computer is more powerful than AI.

"Did something go wrong?" Ozawa Sumiko rubbed the space between her brows tiredly.

Compared with the previous unconfirmed life forms, the current enemies are more powerful, and various superpowers emerge in endlessly, which is a severe test for G3.

Continuous adjustment is required.

It is estimated that coming back on the 4th is not enough, you will lament the changes of the times, right?
(End of this chapter)

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