i'm really only human

Chapter 210 Red Figure

Chapter 210 Red Figure
"Number 4 is Shen Yongxin II?"

Abandoned factory.

The passengers of the Dawn welcome a special guest.

The third-class Lu Lieutenant of the Self-Defense Forces, Shi Lang of Shuicheng.

"It is indeed very valuable information. I will report your matter to the higher authorities." Facing the passengers of the Dawn with different expressions, Shuicheng Shilang chuckled and swept his sharp eyes, "Our Self-Defense Force is different from those guys. We are both rare talents who can cooperate completely.”

"Really, really?"

"As a matter of fact, we established the Superpower Development Research Institute half a year ago. People with superpowers are not unacceptable to us. You can rest assured."

Shuicheng Shilang paused for a short while on the dodgy glasses girl, hatred flashed in his eyes.

He could indeed accept the existence of these people, if his father hadn't been killed by a superpower...

"Please wait!"

Kaoru Kino suddenly walked out of the crowd.

"Mr. Shen Yong... What will happen to No. 4? I still don't believe that No. 4 killed people..."

"Of course, I don't believe it either," Shuicheng Shilang said with the same smile, "After all, No. 4 was once a hero who saved mankind."

But that was once.

No. 4 is no longer needed.

And according to data records, No. 4 and Gurang are basically the same in nature, and they will eventually become biological weapons that only know how to fight.

"That's good." Kaoru Kino sighed and looked at the woman with glasses who lowered her head.

He never thought about telling the story of the Tianliang, which should be the secret of all survivors, but the woman with glasses couldn't bear it and contacted outside privately.

The other passengers were not of one mind either.

Regardless of whether they have gained power or not, they are essentially a group of ordinary people.

Kaoru Kino clenched his fists and watched Shiro Shuicheng leave.

If he awakens his power now, will it be another result.


Behind the crowd, Wei Yuanliang helped his father, who was hot and panting, to sit down. His expression changed and he turned to look at the passengers on Tianliang who were imagining the future.

He was involved because of his father's relationship, and he seemed to have some kind of power himself.

But it's very different from these guys.

His father had told him the details of the incident on the Dawn.

Number 4 who saved everyone...

Do these people really think it is a good thing to reveal the news of the 4th?

Inadvertently glanced at the woman with glasses who kept her head down, Wei Yuanliang suddenly trembled, and cold sweat broke out from behind.

He vaguely saw the strange smile of the woman with glasses.

Does everyone who awakens superpowers do this?

This place can't stay any longer.


Police Department.

Sumiko Ozawa walked quickly through the aisle with a sullen face, and suddenly pushed open the door of the meeting room.

"Officer Ozawa!" The head in charge of the countermeasure team noticed the dissatisfaction of the nearby police inspector, and angrily shouted, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean, sir?!" Ozawa Sumiko patted and pressed the conference table without showing any weakness, "Are you going to disband the G3 department?"

"No one ever said that..."

"Then why did you fire Kaminaga?!"

Ozawa Sumiko pressed forward.

"Just because of some unfounded rumors? Let alone whether Shenyong is number 4, so what if it is?"

"Shen Yongxin Er was not fired," the deputy police officer waved his hand to interrupt the minister who wanted to get angry, and explained patiently, "It's just that this matter is really important, and we need time to investigate. Before the specific results come out, Shen Yong Yongxin Er is not suitable to continue to be a dresser."

"And didn't G3-X just lose the battle? It just so happens that Kaminaga Shinji also needs to rest..."

"There is no failure in the battle, and it's not Kaminaga's problem!" Ozawa Sumiko looked directly at the minister and the senior management of the Metropolitan Police Department, "Minister, do you really think that the spontaneous combustion incident is related to No. 4?"

"It's not out of nowhere."

A section head next to the main seat threw the paper report in front of Ozawa Sumiko.

"Last night, figure 4 was photographed near a crime scene."

Ozawa Sumiko's face was slightly tight, and she took the documents carefully and looked through them.

The first thing that catches my eyes is a blurry surveillance photo, with the red figure of No. 4 flashing at high speed with a trace of afterimage.

"What does this mean?"

"When the murder happened yesterday, Shinji Shinji seemed to have left the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Just asking for leave to go home and rest..."

"Who can prove it?"

The section chief glanced coldly at Sumiko Ozawa.

"In fact, Shenyong didn't go back last night at all, and even now he is completely missing."

"You are?"

"He is the second section chief Silong invited from the police department to monitor the G3 department," the minister said. "In the future, the development of the G3 department will be investigated by the section chief."

"I won't bother you in the future, Miss Ozawa."

The head of the class, Riri, sat down again, although he didn't say anything, but the strong gaze made Ozawa Sumiko uncomfortable.

After returning to the countermeasures class, Bing Chuancheng, who had just finished training, greeted him immediately: "How is the situation?"

"It's troublesome," Ozawa Sumiko sighed softly, "I don't know what the higher-ups are thinking, but they suddenly sent a supervisor over. Is it because G3-X failed to complete the combat mission?"

"Sir, after all, they didn't see the enemy this time, and the video is also very blurry."

Glacier didn't know what to say.

He was considered an indirect beneficiary of Xia Chuan's suspension, but he was not ready yet.

In his situation, he can only fight in G3 now.

But G3-X are all destroyed like that, G3...

"Where's Shenyong?" Ozawa Sumiko suddenly asked, "Can I get in touch?"

"Say there are still some things to deal with."

"That guy...don't worry at all?"

"Okay, it seems so."

Bing Chuancheng looked helpless after recalling Xia Chuan's tone.

Sometimes it really hits.

What he couldn't do no matter how hard he trained, Xia Chuan could perfectly achieve it without doing anything, and he didn't even seem to care much about G3-X itself.

Is this the trick to adapting the G3-X?
He can't learn it.



The top of the Xiachuan high-rise overlooks the square below.

Isamu Kondo has already met with other exploration team members to find Kotaro Minami, and he is proudly telling the truth about the dungeon he "excavated".

There is something familiar about this place.

It seems to happen to be the ruins area of ​​the final dungeon battle.

Of the expedition team at that time, only Nan Kotaro was still there this time.

Not all knights dare to enter dungeons continuously.

The 4th-level knights who were basically fine in the past have lost more than 3 people since the dungeon appeared, and even Shimura Junichi and Fujiwara Daiichi, the two former captains, have also disappeared one after another.

For the knights of this world, the blow is more realistic than ever.

Level 4 knights are actually so small and fragile.


Nan Kotaro suddenly raised his head and looked at the top of the tall building, but the place where Xia Chuan was originally standing was empty.

"Is it the power of the gods?"

After staring in doubt for a while, Kotaro Minami pondered and listened to Isamu Kondo's story.

"I didn't expect this dungeon to be like this, but what about those unknown lives?"

"It is said that there was once a battle between two gods in this world," Isamu Kondo said solemnly, "Now the source of agito's power is the defeated god. I think that the unknown life may be related to another power."

"Another force?"


Isamu Kondo opened his mouth, but finally did not mention the source of the news.

Shenyong Shinji from another world is not easy to explain.

And Shenyong also told him to keep it secret, saying that he didn't want to attract the attention of the gods.

After all, he is a native of this world, so it is natural to be afraid.

"After my latent investigation in the Metropolitan Police Department," Isamu Kondo continued, "It seems that there is an active shadow of the Self-Defense Force behind it. Not only has the Superpower Research Institute been established there, even the Opaz Research Institute has also transferred its secrets reorganization,
I heard that something related to super ancient power was also taken away, which probably opened Pandora's box. "

"Okay," Minami Kotaro nodded thoughtfully, "Anyway, the Self-Defense Forces need to conduct an investigation. Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Kondo."

"Should be."

Isamu Kondo grinned.

That's it.

The dungeon was lucky this time, and I finally had a sense of participation.

As long as you survive until you clear the level, you can at least get a lot of points, and you will have a lot of money whether you are looking for the alliance to exchange resources or replenish your wallet.

After accumulating enough resources, maybe you can also take a look at the scenery of level 5 knights.



In the evening, the sound of sirens rang through the streets again.

In just one day, several incidents of spontaneous human combustion occurred one after another. The G3 team had to rush out after receiving the order.

After sending a text message to Xia Chuan, Ozawa Sumiko took a deep breath and helped Bing Chuancheng put on the previous generation G3 armor.

Things were not going well that day.

Not only Xia Chuan, but Isamu Kondo didn't know where he went, and he couldn't get in touch. Although a trainee operator was transferred to help, she really couldn't see it.

Glancing at the female operator who intentionally or unintentionally exposed deep grooves, Ozawa Sumiko suddenly felt that Isamu Kondo was too pleasing to the eye.

"take it easy."

Ozawa Sumiko patted Hikawa Makoto who had completed his armor.

"Khenyong adapted quickly when he was in actual combat for the first time, and you can do it too."

Under the mask, Bing Chuancheng's face was bitter: "I will try my best."

"Is it really okay?" The head of the department frowned and questioned, "Let a person with no actual combat experience fight at such a critical time..."

"People with actual combat experience were suspended by you for investigation."

Ozawa Sumiko gave the head of the department a cold look.

"There is no other way, or you come?"

The head of the division did not change his face: "I should have recommended it to you, the original reserve dresser, Shuicheng Shilang."

"A guy like that would have lost his dress code long ago."

Ozawa Sumiko continued to help Hikawa Makoto complete the preparations.

She already knew that Shuicheng Shilang had done a lot of tricks behind the scenes.

"I hope you don't regret it," the section chief smiled and looked at G3, who was not moving. "This time the enemy is probably number 4. Can you really complete the mission like this?"

"You don't have to worry about it."

Ozawa Sumiko frowned secretly.

She just doesn't like these annoying infighting.

What's there to fight for?

Isn't it good to fight together?

Passing the head of the department, Ozawa Sumiko's eyes fell on the report materials again.

The figure in the surveillance photos is indeed very similar to No. 4, but it doesn’t feel like No. 4. It looks more like an old reinforced armored fighter that was developed based on No. 4.

The first-generation armor developed according to the ability of Red No. 4 can absorb power enhancement like No. 4, but it was discarded because it was too burdensome for the wearer.

It should now be sealed in Metropolitan Police Vault.

"Target found!"

"The battle begins!"

The guard chasers left the truck with a series of sirens, and then accelerated to overtake the truck to chase the red figure running in the dark.

"Is it number 4?" Bing Chuancheng tightened his fingers.

"Permission to fire..."

"Report target location! On the side..."



The red figure suddenly flickered and disappeared in the darkness, and when Bing Chuancheng reacted, a strong impact hit, and the painful figure instantly broke away from the motorcycle and fell to the ground.


"What's going on?" Ozawa Sumiko looked shocked.

Teleport or...

"The battery unit is subjected to a strong impact, and the output force is halved!"

"This guy knows the weaknesses of the G3 system!"


In the dark, a car parked on the side of the road was lifted high and fell down like a toy car. It seemed weightless, but when it landed on G3, sparks exploded.

G3, who had just stood up, rolled over and fell to the ground again.

"Upper unit damaged! Right leg incapacitated!"


"The battle is over!"

Ozawa Sumiko gritted her teeth and stood up.

Sure enough, G3 is still too reluctant.

"Glacier! Come back!"

"No...can't move!"

After several collisions, G3 was kicked away like a doll, and even the chest armor was deformed.

Glacier Cheng dragged back with difficulty, his right leg was completely incapacitated, and the armor could not be opened, so he could only anxiously watch the red figure approaching.

The red figure under the light is very close to Almighty Kuga, but there is a huge difference after getting close.

The metal armor is obviously spliced ​​and assembled, and in a few places, there are monster tissues like biological fusion.

It felt as if unknown beings had been transformed into knights.

"This is……"


Ozawa Sumiko stared and let out a soft breath.

"No... this guy is an unknown life form fused with G1!"


The red figure seemed to be able to hear the conversation, looked at the truck compartment, walked up to G3 and raised the unarmored monster claw.



The car that fell behind exploded with a bang, and in the light of the flames, an arm suddenly grabbed the monster's claws.



Sumiko Ozawa clearly saw the G3-X armor that appeared in the video, and subconsciously looked at the head of the department with a calm expression.

"G3-X has not been fully repaired, if you use it without authorization..."

"Isn't that a good use?"

The head of the department smiled and walked to the command panel.

"It's too slow, Shuicheng..."


Xia Chuan shook off the claws of the red figure, kicked it hard, then turned his head to look at the command vehicle in the distance, and finally stopped at the guard chaser from Bing Chuancheng.

This locomotive is both a vehicle and an arsenal for the G3 system, including several G3-X main weapons.

It's a pity that it is not very useful in front of this Venerable.

Although the shape has changed dramatically, it can still be felt.

It was the head of the jellyfish that escaped before.

Possesses lightning strike and teleport superpowers.


Xia Chuan took out the electromagnetic melee knife stored in G3-X's left wrist, and faced the red figure against the continuous thunder and lightning bombardment.

Let's just do it.

"No," the head of the department threw himself in front of the screen in a deep voice, "You are not Shuicheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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