i'm really only human

Chapter 211 G1, G4

Chapter 211 G1, G4
"Bastard! Who did it?"

At the corner of the street, Shuicheng Shi Lang clutched his neck in pain and got up. When he wanted to know who was the culprit, he suddenly found that the G3-X armor on the car was missing.


Are the current thieves so courageous?


Bursts of lightning exploded in the darkness in the distance, and angry roars spread clearly in the night sky.

"Could it be..."


Another bang.

Fusion of sprint attack G1 was kicked away by G3 before finishing the attack, jumped up again and immediately teleported behind G3, but G3 seemed to have eyes on the back, easily turned around and raised his elbow to withstand it.


The fist that G1 had just swung was cut off again, and the sharp claws of the other hand were half raised, and the point of force was suddenly shaken, and the entire arm hung down instantly as if it had been crippled.

"God forever?"

Ozawa Sumiko called out tentatively, and then her eyes lit up.

This combat data...

She couldn't believe that the officer of the Self-Defense Forces could do it.

There is no error in the last recorded data.

G3, which lost AI, became even stronger.

So, is Shenyong really number 4?

Looking at G3 who was fighting with the red figure, the sense of confusion became stronger and stronger.

"He is Shenyong?" The head of the department seemed to have been slapped in the face, and his face darkened, accusing him, "What a mess! He doesn't have permission to dress at all now, and I will report this matter to the higher authorities..."

"Enough!" Ozawa Sumiko turned her head and glared, "Don't you see the situation clearly at all? Is authority important, or is it important to deal with unknown life forms?!"


The red figure of G1 slid close to the ground, roared angrily after hitting the roadside construction guardrail, and thunder and lightning poured into itself, imitating Kuuga's almighty wild body and gradually showing sublimation features.

The dark red armor turned red-gold in an instant, the gold border extended, and the right leg armor also had a golden toenail structure.

"Sublimation Almighty?"

The armor technology in this world is really powerful enough to imitate it to this point.

Xia Chuan suppressed his body's desire to transform, and held the electromagnetic knife horizontally to meet him.

The repair of the G3-X armor is very successful, and it seems that the defense has been strengthened so that it will not be easily damaged by lightning.

It is enough to deal with this guy on the opposite side.



Xia Chuan's center of gravity sank, and amidst the exclamation of Ozawa Sumiko and the others, he stood on the spot to face the enhanced G1 whose body suddenly rose.

The ground vibrated and cracked repeatedly while the sublimation G1 was running, and it was possible to faintly see lightning and flames lighting up at the soles of its feet.

It made Xia Chuan feel a little nostalgic.

The first copy of this world, the first knight system to get...

Although he has inherited Ultraman's combat memory before, the combat experience of fighting as Kuuga still has great significance to him.

After all, knights and Ultraman have very different fighting styles.

If you don't count the temporary transformation of the queen bee, Sora can be said to be the beginning of his knight, and his fighting style has been affected by it until now.


Sublimation G1 leaped up with great strides, and the thunderstorm energy was kicked out. There was no sealed energy, but the power was not small.

"God forever!"


Xia Chuan slowly adjusted his breathing, gathered his thoughts and started suddenly. Xia Chuan got close to him even halfway through the kick of Shenghua G1, and the electromagnetic knife directly pierced the joint gap without armor protection.


Like tearing cloth, Sublimation G1's defense was easily broken, and the current also surged wildly like it was out of control.

There is no need for fancy tricks, just find the weak point and attack.

To imitate is to imitate.

Apart from superpowers, the jellyfish head is a bit ordinary in other respects.

Teleportation also seems to have cooling, so it cannot be used casually.


Xia Chuan was holding the electromagnetic knife and stabbing horizontally again, planning to destroy the enemy's joints first and make him incapacitated, but this time he cut in vain.

Sublimation G1 once again used teleport away, dragging its half-disabled right leg straight into the darkness.

Want to escape again?
Xia Chuan threw out the electromagnetic knife in his hand, then turned around and took off the folding machine gun carried by the guard tracker, released the electronic lock and went straight to unleash firepower on the staggered Shenghua G1.

With just one round of gun barrel turning and shooting, the Shenghua G1 burst into flames, and a large number of thunderbolts crackled.


Shuicheng Shi Lang stumbled into the scene, his dark face was illuminated by the lightning and flames, and his gaze was fixed like a goshawk on G3-X, who put down his heavy weapon and fired.

The G3-X, which should have been painted in blue, seemed to have turned into a red knight figure, looming through the flames.

"number 4……"


At the self-defense force base, the long-haired boy had a hot imprint on the back of his hand, and his footsteps unknowingly retreated a little.

"Am I afraid? Can God be afraid too?"

Facing Xia Chuan again through Shuicheng Shilang's eyes, the long-haired young man looked ugly, raised his arm while muttering, and an invisible force from the imprint of dark power was sent into Shuicheng Shilang's body.

"Hate him, then... get rid of him!"

"The people from the exploration team seem to have noticed this," the figure of the gentle youth appeared at the door, "What are you going to do next?"


The long-haired boy's complexion fluctuated slightly.

"My strength will only get stronger and stronger, don't pay attention to them now...it's the number 4, why is Shenyongxin Er here?"

He seemed to understand that what he was afraid of was not No. 4 or Shenyong Shinji, but the loss of control and the unknown.

"Is there any other way to enter the copy?"

"In theory, yes, but Shenyong Shinji can't do it, because he can open a new channel instantly after becoming a level 5 knight. Let alone him, there is no agito in the main world who can become a level 5 knight."

The gentle young man looked calm.

"Perhaps it is a parallel space-time equivalent. This is not a strange thing. Many knights in the main world have equivalents, but those with the same name and surname are relatively rare."


Metropolitan Police Conference Room.

Section Chief Si Long stood up abruptly.

"Going to reactivate Shenyongxin II? But..."

"In any case, it is a fact that G3-X wiped out the unknown life form this time."

The senior executives seemed to have completely ignored the anger on Si Long Er's face, and explained plainly.

"For Shen Yongxin II, we have also seen his awareness through this battle. No one is more suitable for dressing than him..."

"You didn't say that before!"

Si Long Er slapped the table with a sullen face.

"I don't agree to reactivate Shenyongxin II! You can't ignore his threat just because he wiped out the unknown life form!"

"Calm down, Director, you don't have any real evidence that Shenyong Shin-4 is No. [-], do you?"

"In short, we will continue to observe and re-evaluate the value of Shenyongxin No. 4 and No. [-]."


Si Long Er brought the meeting room with anger, stood gloomy in the aisle, and took a long time to adjust his mood.

Although he came from the police department above the Metropolitan Police Department, several people in the conference room had ranks higher than him, even the deputy director.

There is nothing he can do about this kind of character decision.

"Chairman," Ozawa Sumiko was about to go out to eat, and the corners of his mouth turned up when he saw Si Longer, "We are going to have a dinner together, shall we?"

Si Long's face twitched.

"You can go, but I don't eat barbecue."

"That's a pity, we went to the barbecue restaurant."

Underground Parking Lot.

The trainee operator suddenly called Xia Chuan to stop, and hugged Xia Chuan's arm like a little girl, dawdling intentionally or unintentionally.

"He was so handsome when he beat G1. Everyone said that Mr. Shenyong was No. 4. Could it be true? It really doesn't look like a human being..."

"It's all just rumors, I'm not No. 4."

Xia Chuan frowned and pulled out his arm.

He is indeed not No. 4, at least not the No. 4 in this world.

"I still have to go to Police Officer Ozawa, let's talk about it later."

"Doesn't Mr. Shenyong not want to become stronger?"

The trainee operator smiled confidently.

"We can give you better treatment, which Sumiko Ozawa cannot provide."


"Ozawa Sumiko probably didn't tell you, the G3 blueprint was designed long after the development of G4, but that woman was afraid of that power and hid it."

The trainee operator continued to follow Xia Chuan, exhaling in a low voice as if confiding a secret.

"Our self-defense force has already developed it, and the absolute strength that the G3-X can't match, whether it's defense or power."

"Your hands are stretched too far."

Xia Chuan left the trainee operator with a stiff face and left the parking lot.

The Self-Defense Force seems to be under the control of that alien now, and he will only run over if he is crazy.

He just needs to reduce transformation battles and prolong his stay as long as possible, which is enough for the G3 team.

Even the main purpose is not to fight, but to find out and eliminate all potential dangers in this world.

There is not much time left for him in this dungeon, and it is almost impossible to pass the level with the shuttle now.

It's not so safe to come over from the main body.

(End of this chapter)

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