i'm really only human

Chapter 28 Flying Vehicle Golem

Chapter 28 Flying Vehicle Golem

"Grade Ge..."

Xia Chuan's eyes were fixed.

Even Gu Langji of the Ge Group had to be treated with caution.

It's not that he can't beat it, but that the energy of ordinary seals has limited effect. In the super ancient dungeon, he borrowed the power of King Gulangji to destroy Ge Group.

Now, you can only use sublimation power.

However, after the sublimation power is introduced into the body of these high-level Gulangi, it will react violently and cause a big explosion, especially the almighty sublimation. The impact range after the explosion is not small, and at least the area with a radius of 3 kilometers will be directly affected.

Small nuclear bombs are nothing more than that, if used in urban areas, it would be a disaster.


While thinking about it, there was another whistling sound suddenly, but this time it had nothing to do with Gu Langji's induction, it was a real sound of piercing the sky.


Xia Chuan looked up in surprise, and sure enough, he saw a huge stag beetle hovering in the sky, feeling like a child watching him curiously, flickering left and right.

This thing again.

Although it was Sora's equipment, he had never seen an ultra-ancient dungeon.

In my impression, it seems that there is also a self-destruct program to prevent the empty self, which is very independent.

Is this because he's not the orthodox Kuuga who fused the belt?


"Did you find it?"

The contract search headquarters, under the mobilization of the Minister of Security, a large number of police officers went out, and the communication channel was extremely lively.

"The specific location has not been determined yet. Gurangi, a bird flying in the air, moves very fast and has no rules for its actions. It is difficult to track."

"We have called all fixed-point surveillance cameras, and we are preparing to use patrol cars throughout Tokyo to guard..."

"found it!"

"That guy flew in the direction of Setagaya!"

"Let the nearby helicopter go to Setagaya!"

"No, the speed is too fast, the helicopter can't keep up!"

Setagaya District.

Fujiwara turned into a Kato and led the team across the overpass, looked at the passers-by who fell on the ground on both sides, and looked up at the owl Gulangi flying in the sky.

This is the first time I have encountered such a flying monster.

At the lowest altitude, it is also more than [-] meters.

So high, how to fight?
"Did you bring the sniper rifle?" Jiadou asked the ant soldier behind him.

"Bring it, but it may not be effective."

"Try first."

"Kamen Rider?"

High in the sky, the owl stayed in the air with a pair of special wings, ignoring the police helicopter, holding a pipe and spraying "blowing arrows" towards the ground. After killing 8 people in a row, the owl turned its attention to Jiadou who led the team.

After this period of time, Gu Langji has learned a lot of information, knowing that human beings are "Linduo" and there are many fighters similar to Kuuji.

"You are the ninth one."

Smiling softly, the owl continued to use the "blowing dart" to aim at the ground, and met Jiadou's eyes.

"Bang bang bang!"

Jiadou reacted quickly, almost rolling over immediately to avoid the continuous blowing arrow attacks like a rainstorm.

These hidden weapons are very similar to bullets, but they are extremely small, and their power is not particularly powerful, but they are very deadly.

According to the interim report from the institute, a substance similar to bird saliva was injected from the shoulder, stayed on the surface of the victim's heart exactly, and finally caused a myocardial infarction.

To do this from a high altitude, the control is amazing.

Even with armor protecting him, it was extremely dangerous, because Jiadou's armor did not cover the whole body, and with the opponent's precision, it was easy to find weak points.

"Captain!" Seeing Jiadou being attacked, the ant soldier hurriedly tried to take cover, but he couldn't catch the owl Gurangi no matter what.

"do not come!"

Jia Dou leaps and runs to avoid blowing arrows, his mood is extremely gloomy.

He has never encountered a setback since becoming a Kamen Rider, until he lost to Kuraga last time, and now he is being played by a Gulangi again.

The sensory fusion coefficient has a downward trend.

"Bang bang bang!"

After rolling again like a parkour to avoid a series of blowing arrows, Jiadou looked at the surrounding bunkers unwillingly.

Letting him hide is worse than killing him.

But right now, he really can't beat Gu Langji above.

Without the ability to fly, the Kunai gun can't hit such a high place, even if the time-up is turned on, it's useless.


A sniper gun suddenly exploded, and the blow arrow attack also stopped.

However, Gu Langji, the high-altitude owl, was not harmed. He just shifted slightly to avoid the sniper bullets. The reason why he stopped attacking was because he turned his target to the sniper who fired.

Ge level's physical strength is not afraid of this kind of sniping. Anti-material weapons may be useful, but they can't kill him without sealing energy. The only use is probably to attract hatred.


With a scream, the sniper who fired the gun fell straight from the helicopter and hit the ground with a loud noise.

"This guy……"

The old detective Kudo was next to the sniper. After seeing the sniper killed with his own eyes, he picked up the hanging sniper rifle with a pale face.

Regardless of whether the opponent is human or not, it is his duty to fight against crime.

"How can you wantonly kill people?!"


Gulangi the owl flapped its wings, crossed its arms, and looked down at the old detective with trembling fingers to aim.

He has killed 9 people, and he is going to the next area.

As Kulangi, his rule is to kill 23 people in each of the 9 districts of Tokyo in the order of the Japanese fifty syllables, and the time is limited to 9 hours.

"Forgive your life...huh?"


With the sound of breaking through the sky, Xia Chuankong and I, a unique figure holding Gram's bottom hook with one hand, appeared in the sky, and flew to the scene almost in the blink of an eye.


"what is that?"

The body of Jiadou on the ground trembled slightly, and he looked straight at the huge beetle flying with Xia Chuan.

"Are you kidding? Where did this guy get the flying equipment?"

He has the entire consortium as his backing, and in terms of equipment, he is actually not as good as Kura, who is alone.

Simply incomprehensible.


The owl above, Gu Langji, finally let go of his relaxed posture. After avoiding the golem collision with a little panic, he flapped his wings and raised his figure, rushing headfirst into the clouds at an altitude of several thousand meters.


Xia Chuan let go of Golem, jumped onto a tall building, and let Golem fly again to start a high-altitude pursuit battle with the owl Gu Langji. Transformed into the sublimated form of Pegasus.

A large number of sound explosions hit, and the high-altitude chase scene also came into mind.

"Bang! (heartbeat)"


Xia Chuan steadily raised the metal pendant he carried with him, and a sublimated celestial horse crossbow wrapped in golden energy quickly enlarged and evolved into shape.

It's just that with the Tianma bow and crossbow, it's a bit difficult to deal with Geji Gulangji, and it can't hit such a high place.

If it explodes at a high altitude, it will not affect the ground.


After accumulating energy for a short time to aim, Xia Chuan blocked out all noises, instantly locked on the flying figure of the owl Gulangi, and immediately let go of the lever after predicting the trajectory.


A series of air arrows shot into the sky, sealing off all routes, and the last arrow shot into the abdomen without any mistakes.

The owl Gulangi's body lit up with a series of sealed texts, and screamed and fell to the sky. As the energy of the seal spread, it exploded before falling into the clouds, clearing out a large blank area.


Pedestrians on the ground stopped one after another, looking at the continuous explosion sky in surprise.

The flames of the explosion enveloped half a block and could be seen almost throughout the city.

"This kind of power... Has he become stronger again?"

Fujiwara Daiichi's heart seemed to be frozen by ice water. After releasing the transformation, he stood there in a daze, watching the explosion flames scattered in the sky and fell silent.

They are all Kamen Riders, why can they be so strong?

Moreover, Kuuga's abilities are too comprehensive, as if he can fight as he pleases, he needs strength to have strength, and speed to have speed. Not only does he have ultra-long-range attack capabilities, he even has flying vehicles.

Just now he even saw clearly that an ordinary metal pendant turned into a weapon in Sora's hands.

"Father is right, this guy is definitely not human!"


Xia Chuan had just returned to his normal almighty form when he saw Golem returning from a high altitude.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"You're welcome."

A loli voice with a little pride came to Xia Chuan's head. If he didn't know the situation of Golem, he would almost think there was a little girl in it.

It's a good thing Kuwo Belt doesn't have this level of self-awareness, otherwise the transformation would be weird.

After a light cough, Xia Chuan reached out and grabbed Golem's bottom hook: "Let's get out of here first."

(End of this chapter)

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