Chapter 29

In an underground passage somewhere in Tokyo, everyone from the Ge Group gathered in front of Rose Girl.

"Buuro was killed."

"What the hell is going on with that kuuga?"

A group of people looked at Rose Girl seriously.

Gu Langji, the owl, was average in strength, but no matter what, he was still Ge Ji, and he was killed in seconds.

"is it him?"

"Baruba, do you know something?"

Rose Girl Baluba smiled and didn't respond. After scanning around, she asked, "Who's coming next? Dacuba can't wait any longer."

Apart from being the strongest trio of the Shouge Group, Gu Langji of the other Ge Groups changed their faces.

Dacuba seems to be cleaning up the junior Gurangi, and if the game is not finished soon, maybe they will also become the target of cleaning up.

Only by successfully advancing to the finals can we have the strength to counter Dacuba.

However, Sora is also difficult to deal with.

Almost all fights are instant kills.

If it really is the empty me who lived to the end in my memory...

"Let me do it."

The girl with bangs and bluish lips stepped forward, wearing a black cheongsam embroidered with phoenixes, she looked very quiet, and there was no expression on her face.

"It's just a traitor who likes to sneak attack. I won't be killed by him."


central square.

When Xia Chuan came back, the last batch of customers in line left, and a sign saying today's sold out was also erected at the entrance of the dessert shop.

It seemed a bit unlucky, he was fast enough, and he was almost the first to deal with the owl Gurangi, but it took a while on the way because of the need to hide his identity.

"never mind."

Xia Chuan didn't force it, and decided to go back to the base first.

After testing, he found that he could only sense the nearby Gulangji, whether he stayed in the urban area or not.

And with Golem's assistance, the distance is no longer a problem, but the privacy needs to be paid attention to.


By the pool in the square, Taro Tsugami sat on the steps, staring at the water in the fountain in a daze.

"What's the matter, boy? Where's your mother?"

Xia Chuan took off his suit jacket, loosened the collar of his white shirt, and walked straight to the boy.

It wasn't obvious before, but now I feel hot even in a coat.

The body also began to undergo some changes.

The effect of killing Ge Grade Gu Langji seemed to be better than expected, and his physique was further approaching LV3.

"You're not a police officer at all, are you?"

Tsugami Taro turned his head and glanced at Xia Chuan. He still looked withdrawn, but he was not as timid as when his mother was around. He looked like a rebellious teenager who had run away from home.

"I checked, you were suspended 5 years ago, why do you still help us?"

"Why do you care about this?" Xia Chuan also sat on the steps, looked at the water in the pool and said, "I didn't help much..."

"Don't lie," Tsugami Taro looked at Xia Chuan again with sharp eyes, "I saw it all. At that time, you forcibly used that person's things to become a Kamen Rider and saved everyone."

Xia Chuan looked back unexpectedly, and after confirming that the boy did not appear to be lying, he couldn't help being surprised.

No one found out, but a young man was able to catch the truth.

Super power?

"Young man, you are special."

"I have very strong dynamic vision and can see a lot from an early age."

Tsugami Taro's complexion was dark, and he continued to ask with his fingers tightened.

"You haven't answered me yet, why do you want to help us? Don't worry, I won't say anything about that time."

Xia Chuan shook his head and didn't pay much attention.

Now as long as Sora's identity is not exposed, there are no other problems.

It is true that the knight system is bound, but the knight system of "Jia Dou" has self-awareness, and it is not impossible for other people to transform after being summoned, especially when the fusion coefficient is relatively low.

"It doesn't matter if you are a policeman or not. I help you because we are all human beings." Xia Chuan got up and walked down the steps.

"Human?" Taro Tsugami looked puzzled.

"Humans are very complicated creatures, cruel, cunning, selfish, ruthless, greedy... If you really want to take this world apart and look at it, it is all hopeless, but at the same time, human beings also have a beautiful side, family affection, ideals, love, happiness ,Peace……"

Xia Chuan gently pressed his chest, feeling his strong heartbeat.

"Take it as my personal pursuit. Protecting others is also a quality of human beings."

"You, aren't you afraid?" Taro Tsugami's fingers trembled slightly.

When the green thorns attacked, he hid beside his mother and didn't even have the courage to go out, let alone fight the green thorns alone like Xia Chuan.

"As long as you are strong enough, you will not be afraid."

Xia Chuan's physical changes finally stopped, but he felt warm, and his physical fitness returned to its peak state.

Destroying a Ge-level Gulangi not only does not consume physical energy, but also strengthens the body.

If there is no Da Cuba, he can directly single out the entire Gulangi family.

"Okay, let's go back, boy," Xia Chuan gathered his thoughts and said, "Don't worry your mother."


Tsugami Taro suddenly knelt in front of Xia Chuan.

"Please accept me as a disciple, I also want to fight, I also want to be a Kamen Rider!"

Xia Chuan looked speechless: "I don't have a knight system. If you really want to become a Kamen Rider, you can go to the alliance to sign up. It is said that the higher up plans to expand supplementary recruitment. Maybe there is still a chance. If you succeed, you can enter the knight school."

Still a teenager after all.

But the students are okay, the disciples are fine.

He lived longer than everyone else, and he didn't need any inheritance, and he didn't like the idea of ​​master and apprentice.



into the night.

In the mountains where the Hokkaido base is located, a beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, and a thunderstorm scene similar to the ruins of Mt. Jiulang reappeared.

"latest news……"

The next day, the Tokyo training base.

Xia Chuan Meimei had a good night's sleep, and after getting up, she learned about the Hokkaido vision from the news.

"Da Cuba actually went to Hokkaido, is there anything there?"

Looking at the blurry video of the thunderstorm in the news, Xia Chuan was thoughtful.

Even if he deliberately avoided him, there was no need to go so far away from Hokkaido, unless there was something important to Dacuba over there.

"Could it be that wolf king Gu Langji is also resurrected?"

If the wolf king Gu Langji is resurrected, it is not impossible to be chased and killed by Da Cuba to Hokkaido.


Xia Chuan opened the electronic map and compared it carefully, and found that the location of the incident was just behind the frontline base, and his brows tightened.

It seems that the knight school practice place is over there.

Better to call and ask.

Maybe it's not Da Cuba, but Heikora I run amok.

"Murai disappeared?"

After contacting Tamura, Xia Chuan got important news before he had time to ask.

"what happened?"

"The Hokkaido base didn't know why there was an unprecedented snowstorm. They didn't have any arrangements on the night they arrived, but Murai suddenly disappeared during dinner."

Tamura explained worryingly.

"When the patrol team went out to find people, they encountered the thunderstorm reported in the news."

"I see."

Xia Chuan thought about ending the call.

Regardless of whether it is Kuroku I who lost control, it probably has something to do with Murai Ryota.

This problem needs to be solved.

It's okay in Tokyo, but if something happens in other places, he is really beyond his reach.

To be honest, Murai Ryota is the orthodox Kuuga, and it may be because of his intrusion that he became what he is now.

(End of this chapter)

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