i'm really only human

Chapter 33 Knights

Chapter 33 Knights

There was a sharp tire rubbing sound, and Fujiwara Zuiji narrowly avoided the man in the scarf, turned the car around, and drove out of the city along the ramp.

Although his palms were already sweating, Fujiwara Saiji didn't lose an inch, but he and the scarf man moved away from the urban area and moved towards Kanagawa Prefecture.

"I am Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider thebee..."

Fujiwara Saiji glanced at the man in the scarf who was following with a chuckle through the rearview mirror, and continued to turn the handle to accelerate while he kept silently cheering.

As long as the belief is strong enough, he has nothing to fear.

This time it will definitely transform successfully.

The first is to choose a suitable battle location.

There is an abandoned beach in the direction of Kanagawa Prefecture.


There was a sound of flapping wings approaching in mid-air, as if he had actively sensed Fujiwara Zuiji, thebee insect instrument broke through the air ahead of time, circled around the locomotive for a week, and was firmly held by Fujiwara Zuiji.


Base training hall.

Xia Chuan led Murai Ryoda into the lounge, and suddenly there was a faint buzzing sound in his ears.

Is there another Gulangji event?

The perception is not strong, only a general direction.

"Mr. Shenyong," Murai Ryoda apologized, "I've already decided to go back to my hometown and find a job. I can't be a Kamen Rider at all..."

"I know your situation and understand your feelings, but is it really appropriate to just give up like this?" Xia Chuan interrupted suddenly.


"It wasn't here when we first met."

Xia Chuan looked directly at the dazed Murai Ryota and said.

"I saw everything that happened outside the Metropolitan Police Department. What did you think when you put on the belt?"


Murai Ryota lowered his head in a daze.

"I just wanted to prevent that Gurangi from destroying the belt. At that time, my brain went blank, and I subconsciously felt that the belt seemed to be begging me, begging me to wear it and transform into a battle, but...

If this continues, I will probably turn into a monster, right?Same with those guys. "

Murai Yoshida's face turned bitter.

"Actually, I got the inspection report from the institute before I came here. Unlike the empty me outside, my belt is just a defective product."

"It has nothing to do with the belt, the real problem is yourself."

Xia Chuan turned on the TV projection screen in the lounge, and transmitted the images of Kuuji battles collected from the outside world to the local for playback.

Although the battle scenes are very scattered, almost all of them were shot in a hurry by pedestrians, the picture quality is blurry, and only afterimages of Kuuga can be seen in many clips, but after all, various forms of Kuuga were edited out.

"This is?"

After watching the video, Murai Ryota looked even more bewildered.

Why let him watch this?
See how useless I am compared to Sora?

"This is the video material I got from my friend," Xia Chuan paused the video and said, "The Kong I in it is actually not stronger than you, he is just good at controlling his own power,

The reason why you lose control is only because you can't control the power of black, why not learn from him and transform in his way? "

"Learn from me?"

Murai Ryoda's eyes fell into the video, and I was dazed looking at the Tianma Kong in the picture.

"I... can I do it too?"

"Why not?" Xia Chuan said quietly, "Maybe Sora will not turn into black, not because he can't do it, but because he can't control the power of black."

Murai Ryo opened his mouth wide and hesitated to speak.

He was not completely unconscious in the black state, and he has not forgotten that he was kicked unconscious when he turned into black for the first time.

Such an empty self, unable to control the black power?

"Okay, don't think too much about it."

Xia Chuan patted Murai Ryoda on the shoulder.

"Read it several times and keep it in your heart. I believe you can become the next empty me."


Murai Ryoda silently watched Xia Chuan leave.

He heard students from Class B talking about Xia Chuan's past.

After applying for 3 consecutive years, I didn't have the chance to become a Kamen Rider, and then I came here as a knight instructor.

Although I can't see it normally, it must be very painful in my heart, right?

"Do you believe it?"

Murai Ryota turned around and clenched his fists to stare at the video of Kuuga fighting.

"The mentor has pinned his dream on us, and we cannot let the mentor down."


Police Department.

Asami Hiroko and her partner Takahashi Kazumi watched the tattooed youth Adong being taken away by the old detective Kudo.

"This guy has recruited them all, and there have been several murders."

Takahashi Kazumi tutted.

"It's obviously a human being, but it's really longing to become Gu Langji, it's really..."

"Forget about that for now," Asami Hiroko looked at the confession on the table, and said with eyebrows in thought, "I really care about one thing he said just now."


"It's Gulangi and Kuuga talking in a strange language. According to his description, like the previous case, it should belong to the language of the Gulangi family."

Hiroko Asami analyzed curiously.

"It stands to reason that these Gurangi have learned Japanese now, so why do they have to speak Gurangi with Sora? Isn't it strange?"

"It's a bit strange," Takahashi Kazumi nodded, "But didn't the research institute say that before? Maybe Sora was originally from the Gulangi family."

"I always think it's not that simple."

Seeing that Hiroko's thirst for knowledge soared, she rubbed her cheeks in pain and grabbed her hair, sighing regretfully.

"Ah, if only I could know what that Gulangi said... No, I will never give up!"


Takahashi and Mei covered their buttocks with a sad face, and subconsciously kept away from Hiroko Asami who was baring her teeth and claws.

"Why?" Hiroko Asami looked at her partner suspiciously.

"No, nothing." Takahashi Kazumi shook his head quickly.

"Okay, Kanagawa County has reported the news of the locomotive Gulangi, let's go and check the situation first."




Kanagawa, Yokosuka city coast.

Two silhouettes of motorcycle riders rushed out of the road at the same time, and after colliding violently on the rocky beach, it was Fujiwara Sueji who fell off the motorcycle with a muffled grunt.

"Cough cough!"

This time Fujiwara Saiji successfully transformed, but without the clock up, he is far from being the opponent of Geji Gulangji.


Standing up again, Fujiwara Saiji took the initiative to attack amidst the sound of the waves. After pressing the full-speed switch, the acupuncture instrument on the back of his hand completed the acupuncture and gathered energy, and rushed forward with a tearing electric light.

However, the scarf man's motorcycle was not affected by the rocky beach at all.

After revealing the locust Gurangi form, the locomotive was also transformed by special forces, as if it had become an extension of the scarf man's body, hands and feet.


The locust Gulangi fluttered his scarf around his neck, looked contemptuously at the desperate queen bee thebee, and stepped up the accelerator to attack like lightning.


There was another impact sound, and the queen bee knight screamed and flew backwards, and was almost knocked out of the transformation before the special attack in his hand was released.

After falling to the ground with a plop, he couldn't get up for a while.

"Are you kidding? I will never lose to a guy like you. I... will become the strongest Kamen Rider in the future!"

Seeing the locust Gulangi driving the locomotive to turn around, the queen bee staggered to prop up her body, and pressed her trembling fingers to the time switch on the side of the belt.

The reason why the fusion factor can only be turned on when the time-up is 80 is not that the belt cannot be turned on, but the lower the fusion factor, the greater the burden. Turning it on below 80 may cause irreversible damage to the body, and even endanger the life of the knight.


Suddenly an air arrow fell from the sky, and the locust Gu Langji, who was about to launch a collision, hurriedly turned the front of the car to avoid it, and his body suddenly tightened when he looked up at the sky.



Xia Chuan Tianma hovered in the air with one hand holding Gram's hook, and glanced slightly at the queen bee transformed by Fujiwara Saiji on the rocky beach below.

A little bit of growth, but not much.


Once again, several air arrows forced back the locust Gu Langji, Xia Chuan Tianma further transformed into a sublimated Tianma as the golden current spread, and the Tianma crossbow in his hand also advanced at will.


Gulangi, the locust on the ground, was furious, but faced with the attack of the sublimation sky horse crossbow, he had no choice but to return to the coast road in embarrassment.

Even so, under the attack of the sublimation heavenly horse crossbow like a rain of bullets, Gulangi, the locust, was still hit by an air arrow.

The golden energy broke through the surface of the body, and the sealed text appeared instantly, almost detonating the core of the abdomen.


The locust Gulangi dodged left and right in a panic, while turning the handle to accelerate continuously.

He never thought that he would be played like a prey.

No matter how fast the speed is, there is still nothing to do if you can't fly.

However, Kuraga's green form transformation time is limited, as long as he survives, he still has a chance.


Enduring the severe pain and looking back, Gu Langji, the locust, increased his speed to the peak, and ran several kilometers away in a blink of an eye.

"Hmph, it's my turn later..."


After confirming that there were no people around the target, Xia Chuan concentrated his mind and raised the sublimation Tianma crossbow for the last time to aim.

"call out--!"

Golden energy poured in, and a light arrow that expanded several times shot straight to the ground. Although the locust Gulangi dodged subconsciously, he was hit on the back from a super long distance amidst the flashing lightning.


As the golden lightning erupted ferociously, the locust Gulangi rolled directly off the locomotive, and after gliding for a long time, he lay half lying in the middle of the road like a dead pig, and the words on the back seal continued to swell.

"Can't you?"

Xia Chuan aimed again.

Among the sublimated forms of the empty self, the sublimated omnipotent form has the strongest attack, and the sublimated Tianma is still much worse after all.

In "Kull Me", the protagonist also uses the sublimation omnipotent kick to eliminate the locust Gulangi.

But to deal with this special Gu Langji, he still likes to use the sublimation Tianma crossbow, and if one arrow fails, he will shoot another arrow.

His physical strength is enough to support this consumption.

Moreover, the explosion caused by the sublimation sky horse crossbow is much smaller than that of the sublimation omnipotent kick.



Three luminous air arrows hit one after another. This time, the locust Gu Langji couldn't resist. After walking for a short time, cracks and explosions exploded along with the sealed text.

A circle of spherical flame shock waves spread circularly, and all the vegetation within a radius of several hundred meters was reduced to ashes.


Queen Bee picked up the locomotive and returned to the road, feeling a gust of wind head-on, looking up, only to see Kuga disappearing into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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