i'm really only human

Chapter 34 Spirit Stone

Chapter 34 Spirit Stone
"Empty me."

Asami Hiroko parked on the coast, muttering to the sound of the sea wind, staring at Xia Chuan who was flying away with Golem in the sky.

Sora, who has turned into a basic red form, looks inconspicuous, but as long as he sees the red light of flames remaining in the distance, it is difficult for anyone to calm down.

Compared to other Kamen Riders, Kuga is really special.

In the internal database, only Kuuga was marked as "suspected level 5 knight".

Because of the "ghost incident", there has never been a level 5 knight in this world, and Kuraga seems to have broken this rule.

During this period of time, there have also been new speculations.

Maybe the empty-self wearer came from another world like Gurangji, so there is no "ghost event" restriction.


Fujiwara Saiji pushed the broken locomotive along the coast road, and after contacting the group phone, he looked at the distant sky with a complicated expression.

After this battle, he seemed to have matured a lot all of a sudden, and he really had his own belief in his heart.

He wants to become as powerful as Kuyu and protect the world with absolute power.


"Sora, I seemed to be watching my battle just now?"

A little excitement flashed in Fujiwara Saiji's eyes.

Maybe he has the opportunity to worship me as a teacher.


training base.

Murai Liangda walked out of the lounge with firm eyes after watching the battle video repeatedly, just in time to meet Xia Chuan coming back.

"I want to try it."

"It's not suitable here, come with me."

Xia Chuan nodded slightly, turned around and led Murai Ryota out of the training hall.

Passing through a forest, the two entered the area of ​​the training ground where the previous attack had occurred.

Although the ant soldiers usually come here to train, but today is special, because of the relationship between the locust Gulangi, all members of the special forces participated in the deployment, and there was no one in the training ground at this time.

"It's here."

Xia Chuan watched Ryota Murai take a deep breath and entered the arena.

He is also not sure whether Ryota Murai will succeed, after all, everything is just his guess, and there is no corresponding information in "Kuuga".

After the official belt is transformed into a sublimated almighty form, it will further turn into a black amazing almighty form, and then it will be the ultimate empty self.

Murai Yoshida's incomplete Ultimate Sora is too special. Whether he can reverse the transformation into a normal form is still unknown until he sees the result.

"I'm starting!"

Murai Ryoda stood still and looked at Xia Chuan who was not far away. A sense of peace of mind surged, and the nervousness subsided immediately.


With a light breath, the abdominal belt was summoned. Murai Ryota grasped his fingers very calmly, and his first transformation scene first appeared in his mind.

White born, out of control black empty me...

Clenching his fingers into his waist, Yoshida Murai seemed to have another empty self in front of him, and the phantom figure kept switching battle forms.

Red Almighty, Blue Azure Dragon, Green Pegasus...



The white armor still covered Ryota Murai's body, but soon the core of the belt turned black, and his eyes also changed from red to black.

Murai Yoshida's body seemed to be completely corroded by spirit stones, and his self-awareness was on the verge of collapse.


The ultimate power came, and a circle of invisible storm energy spread around.

However, before the red eyes completely turned black, Kuraga's belt suddenly emitted a soft white light.

The black core returned to red, and the white armor also instantly turned red.

Almighty shape forming.


Kuraga's eyes finally stopped blackening, panting violently as the darkness dissipated, and looked at Xia Chuan outside the arena.

"Teacher Shenyong..."

Murai Ryota trembled and lowered his head to check his emptiness.

His guess was indeed correct, as long as the mentor was present, the black power would not completely get out of control.

"I succeeded!"


Murai Liangda was not happy for a long time, and suddenly fell to the ground with a lot of physical exertion, revealing his human figure again.

"It hasn't quite worked out yet."

Xia Chuan walked up to him, looked at Murai Yoshida who was sweating profusely but unconscious but still smiling, and smiled flatly.

Although he was a little afraid of Lingshi, he had to say that the power of Lingshi was indeed miraculous.

If you only look at Kamen Rider, fusion of Lingshi is undoubtedly a rare evolutionary path.

"Keep going."

"Just now……"

In the comprehensive training hall, Isamu Kondo, who was supervising the battle of the students, recovered from the shock, staggered and collapsed to the ground, with sweat gushing from his forehead.

I felt the same as when I met Heikora, as if someone was strangling my neck and I couldn't breathe, I almost thought I was going to die.

Looking at the students who seemed to be completely unaffected, Isamu Kondo looked bitter.

This ghost place is too dangerous.

Is there a problem with these students or with him?

Counting the time at the Hokkaido base, this feeling of terror has occurred three times.

A few more times he suspected he would be scared to death.


"A large number of murdered remains were discovered in Nagano a few days ago, and all of them had special tattoos somewhere on their bodies. I heard that they were all from the Gulangi family..."

"According to the information provided by eyewitnesses, the perpetrator is not Kuuga, but another mysterious Gurangi."

"Gurangi killed each other?"

Nagano Prefecture.

A police car drove through the forest road in the light rain. After stopping at an abandoned factory, two policemen got out of the car with flashlights. Before they got close to the factory building, they smelled a foul smell.

"Is it here?"

The two policemen looked at each other, opened the gun safety in advance and entered.

There are a lot of sundries in the factory building, obviously many people used to live here.

It's just that there are bloodstains everywhere on the ground at this moment, corpses are lying in the middle, the smell is disgusting, and there are even flies flying around.

"Oh my God."

The flashlight illuminated a dark area, except for blood or blood, even the walls and ceiling were covered with spray-like blood.

The corpses of the victims were also irregularly distorted, their eyes widened, as if they saw something horrible, and they were killed when they fled.

It looks quite scary.

"Are these... also Gurangi?" A policeman endured the sticky feeling of nausea under his feet and stepped across the pool of blood. He used a flashlight to explore the way and found that several corpses had obvious Gurangi tattoos.

"Hey, this way!"

Colleagues greeted hurriedly.

The two met on the innermost wall, and the flashlight illuminated an ultra-ancient text written in blood. Just by looking at it, I felt the cold air rushing straight to the sky.

"First, let's take a picture first, and hand it over to the alliance for processing."



Hiroko Asami, who had just called Xia Chuan out, retched again, and her whole body was pressed against the coastal guardrail, and she almost plunged into the water.

"Are you okay?" Xia Chuan helplessly looked at Hiroko Asami who turned pale.

"I'm fine... ugh!"

Hiroko Asami waved her hand, but she still couldn't control her body's vomiting reaction.

The root of everything comes from a murder scene video that Hiroko Asami just received.

Dozens of Gu Langji in human form were brutally slaughtered, and the scene was extremely bloody. Even Xia Chuan felt a little uncomfortable watching it, but he didn't have such a strong reaction as Hiroko Asami.

"Tell me, what exactly are these Gulangji planning?"

Seeing that Hiroko managed to slow down, he asked Xia Chuan weakly.

"Is it really just a game?"

"Gulang basically has no humanity at all, so don't think too much." Xia Chuan comforted him softly.

Among the Gurangjiri I have encountered so far, the most special one is undoubtedly the Rose Girl.

This woman is as intelligent as a wizard among the barbarians, good at thinking and learning, and even began to develop human emotions.

No matter how the other Gulangi learn from humans, they can't get rid of the shadow of beasts and the influence of stones in their bodies. The greatest meaning of existence is to complete the ritual and incur ultimate darkness.

Dacuba may also be a special case. He doesn't seem interested in incurring the ultimate darkness, but that guy is a demon-killing maniac himself, a proper combat lunatic.

"Kaminaga," Asami Hiroko suddenly turned around and asked earnestly, "Is it still too late for me to become a Kamen Rider? I want to participate in the alliance's enrollment expansion."

"If you have a chance, you can try it," Xia Chuan said after a pause, "But while Kamen Rider has power, it is also far more dangerous than ordinary people. You have to be prepared."

"I think it's very dangerous now, maybe I'll die someday."

Asami Hiroko rubbed her face with both hands and forcibly pulled herself together.

"What about you? Shenyong, aren't you going to participate in the expansion?"

"No," Xia Chuan shook his head and said, "I still prefer my current life. There are too many restrictions on becoming an official knight."

(End of this chapter)

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