i'm really only human

Chapter 353 Killer

Chapter 353 Killer

"Stop, stop!"

Captain 01 coughed and rolled over, looked up and saw Xia Chuan approaching, and hurriedly unplugged the "Dangerous Zombie" to cancel the transformation.

Without the protection of immortality, as long as the knight is attacked again, the game will fail and be eliminated.

He didn't want to disappear like the others, even if there was a chance to be resurrected later.

Even if a disappeared person is resurrected, he or she will be in the form of a data body, and may become a servant of the new game administrator.

"Ah! Ah—!"

Captain 01 stepped back and looked to the left and right, gasping and wailing under the stimulation of death.

At this moment, he regretted driving away his subordinates, otherwise he would have had a chance to escape.

"You can't kill me! Don't kill me! This is not a game world. Killing is prohibited among knights, otherwise you won't be able to escape!"

"Who is going to kill you?"

Xia Chuan closed the player drive lever, opened it again during the burst of brilliant light effects, and a circle of golden energy light shield erupted amidst the screams of Captain 01.


Captain 01 felt the tearing energy coming towards his face. His hair was curled by the explosive aura, exuding a pungent burnt smell.

However, the expected pain of death did not come.

Was it vaporized directly?

Captain 01 shivered and opened one eye. When he saw the extreme player still standing in front of him after the dust mist dispersed, his legs and feet suddenly became weak and he fell backwards to the ground.


"You are ineligible to play from now on."


Xia Chuan closed the drive lever and pulled out the extreme cassette. When the knight armor particles dissipated, he looked down at Captain 01, who was in tattered clothes and looked embarrassed.

He won't get rid of this guy before he gets the legendary 02 system.

But we can't continue to let the other party do whatever they want.

So after some consideration, I still used reprogramming to eliminate the immortal body.

As for why he was disqualified from the game again, it was to completely cut off his thoughts and prevent Captain 01 from causing unintended consequences.

He hopes that Captain 01 will take the path of 02 and become a level six knight, instead of using the dual knight system to advance.

At least we have to find clue 02 through this guy.

Although we have limited knowledge of 02, as the ultimate form of Knight 01 in the new era, we certainly cannot miss it easily.

The world of Kamen Rider has a very special copy of time and space, and that is "Kamen Rider Time King".

The Lord of Time, from what he knows, seems to be able to control all knightly powers.

For him, the "King of Time" copy is the current final level.

"01" and "Jihu" are both copies after "King of Time". The Future Knight can give him the opportunity to take advantage of "King of Time" when it comes.

"No, not qualified to play? What do you mean?"

Captain 01 swallowed dryly, froze for a moment, and hurriedly grabbed the "Dangerous Zombies" cassette, his expression becoming particularly ugly.

No matter how hard I press the switch, the cassette never responds at all.

"How? What did you do?"

"It's over, Captain Flight."

Xia Chuan raised his hand to snatch away the "Dangerous Zombies" cassette, and turned around to leave as Captain 01 struggled and shouted.

The dream ended and Poppy was cleared, and now he is the only one left facing the player in Chronicle.

The last advanced level.

No matter what your plans are in the future, let's get the knight cards that can be collected first.

The strength of the superior Bengyuan body is far higher than that of current players, and the knights of this world will definitely participate in the assistance.

"Give it back! Don't leave, Exide!"

Captain 01 stretched out his hand to grab the empty space, pleading and shouting wildly. It was not until "Baosheng Eternal Dream" completely disappeared from the field of vision that he lowered his head in despair, clenched his fist and punched the ground.


"It's really useless, Fei, you have fallen to this point." A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind.


Captain 01 turned around in shock. When he saw the person, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and his body shook violently. He was even more frightened than when he faced Xia Chuan, as if he was scared to the core.

"It's you...Ju, you actually chased me here..."

"I didn't come to the island country for guys like you." A long scarf floated in the shadow, and a 01 series program sublimation key could be seen backlit.

"But since we have encountered each other, let me deal with you by the way. It's very embarrassing for a guy like you to use the 01 system!"

"Wait!" Captain 01 shouted in horror, "I know the clue to No. 1 on the list, it's probably..."


Locust 01 stepped out of the shadows, put down the fist that released lightning, and looked silently at Captain 01, who was staring and losing his breath.


"Idiot, if you want to say it without a fight, you should say it earlier. You have already taken action. Giving up halfway is not my style."


Xia Chuan just put away the game cassette and prepared to leave Baosheng Yongmeng's body, but he completely lost the movement of Captain 01 in his perception.

No life response!

Returning to the scene, only the dead Captain 01 was left, looking at him with his eyes on the ground and his mouth open as if he wanted to say something.

Really dead...

Xia Chuan frowned and looked into the shadow corner, only to see a series of inconspicuous footprints.

Who could it be?

He actually killed him directly.

Any other members of Team 01?
It is not impossible for a rebel to seize the 01 transformation system, and the success rate of the same system is not low.

But why doesn’t Captain 01 show any signs of resistance?
It's not that he can't transform into 01, the group of 01 team members won't make this guy unable to react.

Xia Chuan knelt down to check but did not see any fatal injuries, and his brows tightened a little.


Since the emergence of space fog at sea, it has become extremely difficult to cross borders, let alone traveling to country A, which is far away across the ocean. Not only is it dangerous, but it is also extremely time-consuming to go back and forth.

He wouldn't go so far as to make a special trip just for 02.

The white mist only trapped him for half a year last time. It wouldn't be fun if it took several more years until Zuofi came.


After closing his eyes for a moment and sensing for a while, Xia Chuan left Baosheng Yongmeng's body with a large amount of game codes, and quickly passed through the game space to invade nearby surveillance routes.

There were only two cameras available, belonging to a nearby convenience store. One of them had just the right angle to capture a blurry figure walking in the direction of the warehouse.

It seems that he is not a member of Team 01.

Xia Chuan stood in the game space, meditatively observing the captured surveillance footage.

Her long blond hair was tied behind her head, and a scarf was so long that it almost touched the floor, making her look a bit coquettish.

It's a pity that the face can't be seen at all.

"Where did this guy come from?"


"It's over there!"

Almost at the same time that Xia Chuan left, everyone in Team 01 hurried back to the scene with the players, and immediately saw Baosheng Yongmeng in front of the warehouse.

"team leader!"

"You killed the captain?!"

The first few people noticed the state of Captain 01 and stared at Baosheng Yongmeng in disbelief. Their voices began to tremble uncontrollably.

No one has really died since the start of the game, and there is no chance of resurrection after disappearing.

But now the captain was directly killed.

"Eternal Dream?"

When Sakurai Keikazu saw the tragic death of Captain 01, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and his eyelids twitched.

"What exactly is going on? Did you really kill this guy?"

Very few people in the league like Team 01, and even he usually wishes Team 01 would disappear.

But because of this, he kills people...

"No, not me!"

Baosheng Yongmeng finally regained his composure and followed the crowd's gaze to look at Captain 01's body, his face instantly turned pale.

What are you doing?
He appeared at the murder scene in front of everyone, but he didn't know what happened before and after.

(End of this chapter)

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