i'm really only human

Chapter 354 The last superior boss

Chapter 354 The last superior boss
The next day.

Alliance Special Crime Response Section.

Natsukawa, accompanied by Asami Hiroko, bailed out Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Excuse me, Hiroko."

"It's okay. Let's not say that the guy's death has nothing to do with Baosheng. Even if it is related, I can handle it."

Asami Hiroko looks at Baosheng Eternal Dream as if she were a junior, and is a little more encouraging.

She has a lot of hatred for Team 01. If it weren't for the alliance rules and the inability to beat them, she would have taught those bastards a lesson.

"However, a level 5 knight was killed without any resistance... You should also pay attention to this matter."

Asami Hiroko's eyes turned to Natsukawa, with hidden concern.

There may be super-level five knight killers outside of control, which is not good news for the knights on the current list.

Alliance regulations don't have much binding force on this role.

Now is the time when "Chronicle" is entering a critical stage, and one mistake can overturn the situation.

If "Kamiyong" can take action...

"Have there been any foreign visitors recently? Especially from country A." Natsu Chuan understood Hiroko Asami's eyes and calmly turned his gaze and asked.

"Foreign visitors?"

Asami Hiroko raised her eyebrows in confusion, feeling that Xia Chuan seemed to have something in mind.

"If it's country A, there is a big shot from the headquarters. Tan Zhengzong even received him, but I don't know where he went afterwards... What? Is there any problem?"

"I'm just a little curious. I heard that sailing is expensive, but there are still people coming from country A."

Xia Chuan had some vague guesses.

After the white fog of time comes, the most affected countries are the various maritime countries. The more independent the geographical environment is, the more dangerous it is.

Country A and Australia are no exception, and due to distance, even non-governmental contacts are completely cut off.

Even ordinary people are not willing to take risks, let alone big shots.

It's possible that that special visitor used alien technology.

I heard that there are very few dungeons in country A, and they are all controlled by the alliance. The knight system is basically independently developed, and the level of technology is extremely advanced.

Perhaps country A has completely fallen into the hands of aliens.

"Do you need me to help you investigate?" Asami Hiroko pulled Natsukawa over and said mysteriously, "After that, it was blocked up there. I think that person is up there..."

"Don't mess around."

Xia Chuan hurriedly stopped the topic.

He is not yet sure how to deal with the alien alliance. If something happens to Asami Hiroko, he may not be able to save people in time.

Moreover, it is not suitable to create unforeseen incidents before solving the trial notice left by Zuo Fei.

When the trial officially comes, we might even make use of these aliens.

All that needs to be done now is to become stronger and stronger again to become the real Ultraman.

"Let's go."

Looking up at the original Tan Zhengzong office floor, Xia Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly and left with Baosheng Yongmeng.

I hope this visitor is a 01 system knight.

"Teacher Shenyong!"

Baosheng Yongmeng, who had been lowering his head, suddenly stopped.

"If... if the other self must be eliminated to save everyone's lives, what will the mentor... choose?"

"Then it depends on who is more important and whether there is any other way."

Xia Chuan did not look back.

"Which one do you think is more important?"


Baosheng Yongmeng struggled with his expression. The figure of "Palade" flashed in his mind, and he remembered the tragic scene he saw in the hospital.

Although he was tricked by "Parade" several times and had no specific memory after the transformation, he could feel the kindness of "Parade".

Whatever the purpose, Parade did protect him and other players.

To him he is a companion.

But to resurrect the disappeared people and save everyone's lives... there seems to be no other way.

Killing the boss and completing the level is a game setting that cannot be changed.

"I do not know."

Baosheng Yongmeng raised his head in pain, only to find that Xia Chuan had walked away.

"No matter which one is more important, there is no choice at all."


game space.

Xia Chuan grabbed the dual cassette and turned the dial to activate "Perfect Puzzle".

As the game start interface starts to expand the game field, a mirror light curtain appears in front of Xia Chuan, automatically completing the dressing process.

Kamen Rider Paradox, Jigsaw Player lv50.

It has many things in common with ordinary knight players, such as a prototype character, but with a special shape and abilities far beyond those of ordinary knight players.

"Wow!" Xia Chuan raised his hands to control the puzzle, and stepped into the game light curtain with brilliant rays.

The next moment, the originally peaceful real world was suddenly enveloped by the optical flow of data, and a large number of game props appeared on the streets.

The game field directly covers reality, and there is no option to change the scene, but it is exactly what he wants.

The player has no knight cards to collect, and his target is the knight of this world from the beginning.

"Games start!"

Near the alliance building, players who were originally looking for upgrades to ordinary Bengyuan bodies stopped their movements, and game prompts popped up above their heads at the same time.

"It's Parade!"

"The final superior game has begun!"


Xia Chuan flipped the puzzle pieces with his fingers, and the surrounding coin-like game props attracted each other. After pairing and merging one by one, they flew close and waited for use.

It is different from the props made in the player's game field.

Because of the special gameplay of "Perfect Puzzle", you can freely manipulate all materials in the game field and turn them into props.

He is obviously a superior boss, but he is more like a player than a player.

Or the kind that directly crushes the level.

Xia Chuan turned his attention to the Alliance Building and calmly watched the many familiar faces surrounding him one after another.



Kimijima Maya, "Ots", Kamen Rider's birthday ride.

Michio Tatatsuma, "Ultra Fox", Kamen Rider Bull.

Konan, "Blade", Kamen Rider Crossbow Rider.

and also……

Natsukawa unexpectedly looked at Isamu Kondo who was dressing up behind Konan.

This guy was finally willing to leave the hospital.

I can barely make up the number.

Are there no other knights?
Xia Chuan continued to look at the crowd.

There were fewer types of knights than he expected. There were only a few magician knights and polar fox desire knights, and there were also very few Showa knights.

RX was not present.

There is also Uncle Goto, as the only two game knights currently, there is also no trace.

"Forget it, that's it."

Xia Chuan no longer waited, stretched out his hand to integrate the power-up items, and took the initiative to face the army of knights led by Taoist Priest Taoist Wife and others.

The number of knight cards can indeed increase the drive limit, but if it is just some miscellaneous fish, it actually doesn't have much impact.

The main knight and the second knight are enough to be effective. At most, you can collect three or four knights. If the other knights are not special knights like the "W" permanent knight, there is no need to spend effort to obtain them.


The leader, Taoist priest, had his heart beating wildly for no reason. Even though he transformed into a bully and had a large number of knights gathered around him, he still felt insecure.

"Go back!"


In Citizen Park, Baosheng Yongmeng was not far away from the Alliance Building. Before he could get rid of the depression in his heart, he heard a huge noise from behind.

"what happened?"

Noticing several knight players rushing to the alliance building around him, Baosheng Yongmeng's expression changed slightly.

Already started?

He thinks too much.

Even without him, this battle is still inevitable.

Players who want to clear "Chronicle" must first defeat the last upper-level boss.


"Parade is coming to kill you!"

Before Baosheng Yongmeng could catch up, suddenly more knight players ran back from the direction of the alliance. They were all panicked. Some even canceled the transformation in advance regardless of the risk of illness.

"what's the situation?"

Hosei Nagamu was completely confused. He finally found the battlefield facing the fleeing knight players, but he happened to see the Kamen Rider's spear flying backwards screaming.

"Mr. Kondo!"



The spear stopped his sliding body, and the knight's armor dissipated, revealing Kondo Yu's fearful face.

After raising his head and meeting the surprised gaze of Tao Shengyongmeng, Kondo Isamu blushed and opened his mouth. He tilted his neck and fell into unconsciousness.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have listened to Xiaonan and left the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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