i'm really only human

Chapter 379 Mysterious Forest, "Armor"

Chapter 379 Mysterious Forest, "Armor"


Xia Chuan turned around instantly, but he only had time to see the woman's melancholy face when he noticed that the surrounding space suddenly changed.

The light was distorted and blurred, suddenly changing from a battlefield to an illusory and unknown forest.

The colors are bright but very blurry, as if the image saturation was increased and a water glass filter was added.

There is a light mist among the trees, and there are strange-shaped and strangely colored plants everywhere. Purple-red fruits hang from the vines wrapped around the trees, which are very similar to dragon fruit.

"He who has no destiny..."

A woman's voice sounded faintly, but a white figure flashed past and then there was no movement at all.

Xia Chuan looked through the trees and suddenly found that his perception was severely suppressed. He was greatly rejected after just staying for a while, and the data clone could hardly be maintained.

A world connected by magic gems...

"This is Helheim Forest?"

Xia Chuan looked around, his eyes flickering into a microscopic state.

These mist are all plant spores, and you can vaguely feel the huge life energy flowing in it.

The most important thing is these strange fruits on the tree.

Everything in front of me is very consistent with the appearance of Helheim Forest in "Kamen Rider Kaibu".

A mysterious place where the destroyed world condenses into fruit.

Xia Chuan closed his eyes slightly, his brows darkening after being unable to obtain data information from the current world.

Every copy of the Knight has something similar to the Earth Library, which can more or less read some information, but it's not possible here at all.

This space is either independent of the knight world, or it already has a controller, or it itself has independent consciousness.

If the dungeon also had levels, the level here would probably exceed level seven.

The protagonist of "Armor", Kota Kuzuba, ate the golden fruit and became the "Original Man" of the gods, and that fruit was actually the result of the forest of Helm eroding the time and space of "Armor", and has the power to change the world at will.

It seems that the world selected by the Forest of Helm can only produce one golden fruit, but the heroine in "Armor" also gained divine power and became the "Daughter of Origin".

If there is no mistake, the woman in silver should be the "Daughter of Origin", but she was restricted by the Helheim Forest.

He didn't know much about the specific plot, such as why one golden fruit could be used twice, but it seemed that the level of this forest was obviously much higher than that of the knight dungeon.


Xia Chuan stepped forward and pulled out a fruit.

The outside looks like a dragon fruit, but the inside of the fruit is similar to a lychee. It smells faintly sweet, and combined with the illusory scene around it, it seems that there is some kind of magical voice asking him to eat it.

This is attraction from a genetic level, but it doesn't have a great impact on him.

As long as he has a little firmer will, he can resist, not to mention that his genes are not weak now.

Although he is not at the god level, his physique has reached lv7.5. From a genetic level, he has long been no longer human, which is evident from the fact that the panel determines his life level as C level.

Most of the monsters that appeared on Earth before were C-level.

According to the panel data, Lipia (Ultraman) after fusion with Kaminaga Shinji, if the Star of Light technology is not taken into account and only the body data is used to judge, the level will still be only B level.

"It looks delicious."

Xia Chuan completely peeled off the outer shell of the fruit, revealing the tender, juicy and translucent flesh inside.

Excluding the temptation of magic, the fruit itself is indeed conducive to the evolution of life and poses no threat to him.

After all, it is a digital clone, so eating it seems to have no effect.

After looking around again, Xia Chuan took a tentative bite.

The taste was indeed good, but immediately afterwards there was a strong burst of life energy eroding Xia Chuan's body, followed by a massive amount of data.

This thing can cause the genetic structure of the organisms that eat the fruit to drastically change, acquire new evolutionary power, and mutate into a vassal race of this forest.


Xia Chuan felt the strange people wandering in the Helheim Forest.

Most of them are the legion monsters I saw before.

Under normal circumstances, he would also become one of these weirdos, or he might be strong enough to surpass the soldiers and become a cadre or even a boss-level Overlord Foreigner.


Micro currents surged throughout Xia Chuan's body, and vine branches and leaves continued to sprout from the body surface. However, the next moment bursts of strong light burst out, turning all the alien life energy into nothing.


After the light subsided, Xia Chuan's body returned to normal, and his sense of and control over foreigners disappeared completely.

His life level is too high, completely beyond the limits of the fruit's transformation.


Xia Chuan regretfully threw away the core.

If this clone can be transformed into an alien, he should be able to stay for a long time like those weirdos who live in the forest.

The forest's danger level was high and he needed more information. But there’s not much time left now…

"What is this place?"

Suddenly a soft shout came from behind.

It turned out that there was a zippered space crack opened between the trees at some point. A young man holding a knight's belt fumbled in. He had half-long yellow hair and looked around with curiosity on his face.

Although he was in a foreign land, the young man was still very calm. After a while, his eyes were attracted by the fruits on the tree, and he couldn't help but reach out and pick one.

Geye Hongtai?

Looking at the young man with the protagonist's face, Xia Chuan couldn't help but his face moved slightly, but the other man seemed unable to resist the temptation of the fruit. He fell into a trance and was about to bring the fruit to his mouth.

what happened?

The protagonist is going to mutate into a weirdo from the beginning?

If he was not mistaken, Kaiwu turned the fruit into a prop "locking seed" and then transformed and fought.

But the man in front of him didn't look like he could become a knight at all.

The script is not quite right, is it just a supporting role?

Xia Chuan's thoughts were racing.

Speaking of which, the belt used by Kaiwu is indeed a man-made mass-produced type "Zhanji Driver" and is not unique to the protagonist Kuzuba Kota.

Even the original belt does not seem to belong to the protagonist. It was picked up and transformed by the protagonist who also broke in after the friend carrying the battle pole driver had an accident in the Forest of Helm.

this person……

Xia Chuan's eyes turned to the badge logo printed on the young man's coat, and he could clearly see the word "armor" in the middle.

Is this guy the sidekick who delivers equipment to the protagonist?

"If I were you, don't eat that."

Xia Chuan shook his head and made a sound to wake up the young man.

Whether it was a supporting role or something else, he couldn't just ignore it.

"Who are you?" The young man was surprised and exited the trance state. He looked at the fruits that exuded the charming fragrance around his mouth and found Xia Chuan with a trace of cold sweat. "These fruits are..."

"The fruit is a good thing, but if you eat it, you will most likely turn into an irrational monster."

Xia Chuan waved his hand and activated his telekinesis, throwing the young man back into the space crack.

The opposite side should be the "Armor" world, but he is not interested in checking it yet.

It’s more important to take the time to explore Helheim Forest.

This is the core of the world of "Armor".


Perhaps it alarmed the aliens in the forest, a large number of wandering weirdos rushed towards Xia Chuan from all directions, including many evolved ones with wings.

The dragonfly-like transparent wings flapped at high frequency, making a huge noise as they shuttled among the treetops, as if an army was coming overwhelmingly, and the buzzing sound was endless.

Not only that, the plants in the forest also began to undergo strange changes, and faint echoes of sadness could be heard.

"There's really no hospitality at all."

Xia Chuan turned to face the surrounding foreigners.

Not only was it repelled by time and space, but even the forest vassal races came out.

This battle is really a bit bluffing.

"Bang bang bang!"

Xia Chuan's gaze swept across, and all the foreigners who rushed forward flew backwards, followed by blazing flames all around.

Supernatural on fire.

As the Kuuga card rotated and was automatically inserted into the camera driver, Natsukawa, bathed in twisted flames, took the initiative to face the alien army, and pushed the belt closed with his palm.



Even under high-intensity suppression, Xia Chuan's telepathy can still cover a range of several meters around the body. Especially after the transformation, with a nearly 10-fold increase, all foreigners who step into the range, whether they are miscellaneous soldiers or evolved bodies, will explode violently.

The mournful echoes in the forest were completely replaced by miserable screams.

However, this burst of movement did not last long. After a round of impact, the remaining foreigners suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before, and the forest returned to deathly silence again.

Knight Xia Chuan walked through the flaming wreckage on the ground, and continued to sense the surroundings with his amplified telekinesis.

No higher-level aliens appeared, but the sense of spying in the dark still lingered.


"K-Kora me?!"

After the smoke dissipated, a fully equipped team in chemical protective suits unexpectedly appeared in Xia Chuan's field of vision. As if they had seen some horrific scene, they shivered and retreated under Xia Chuan's gaze. It was not until RX walked out from the other side that they resumed their formation.

This world alliance exploration team?

(End of this chapter)

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