i'm really only human

Chapter 380 Lost Civilization

Chapter 380 Lost Civilization

"Sample No. 13 has been collected. Remember to disinfect before exiting..."

A strict camp facility was set up in an open space next to a forest stream. Several researchers in chemical protective suits carrying sample boxes were disinfected several times before they were allowed to return.

At the end of the passage there is a space passage fixed on a giant tree. A person in charge on the opposite side welcomes the researchers under the protection of Team 01.

"Be careful."

"This sample should be able to work, thank you for your hard work."

"Minister, the Forest of Heim is eroding the world of "Armor", can you get the drive data?"


"As expected of Consortium X, it was able to find "Armor" in advance for layout."

"I heard that a big shot from the headquarters took over Consortium X and provided the coordinate data here."

"That adult..."

"What? Found Kuga in the forest? How is that possible?"

The person in charge who was about to discuss the next task suddenly changed his expression. The staff around him who were still talking about Consortium

They were no strangers to the knight Kuuga.

The first time the alliance suffered a setback was because of Kongga, and things didn't seem to go smoothly since then.

The last time RX led the team to challenge the dungeon, they failed. I heard that they almost fell into the dungeon.

"Impossible!" The person in charge clenched the phone gloomily, "How could a Kuaga appear in this world? Even the decadent Kuuga is impossible! The only space-time channel is in our hands..."

"It's true, Minister," the liaison officer on the other side of the phone said in a trembling voice, as if he was still frightened. "Everyone has seen it, even the decadent Sora. The red belt is exactly the same as in the latest information. It is definitely the one who is number one on the list!"

The person in charge's expression changed: "Take over the image."

"it is good……"

The liaison officer responded and turned to the forest scene where dust and fireworks were flying, and his words were suddenly interrupted.

The place where Kuuga originally appeared was empty, as if he had seen a ghost, not even a shadow was found.



RX crossed the dust and smoke and arrived at the scene first.

The scene just now was indeed not an illusion. The wreckage of the aliens was everywhere, and there were also traces of fire left by Kuuga along the way.

The recent invasion of the game dungeon in this world seems to have caused a lot of turmoil. Originally, it was strange that the alliance did not have the first knight participating, but now it seems that the other party has come to a new dungeon world like him.


RX looked tiredly at the trail of flames that never went out.

He has had a lot of dealings with this mysterious knight, and was even saved by him once in the "Oz" copy.

It was precisely because of that time that the other party defeated Agent X of Consortium and it became the real decade.

He was one of the witnesses who was turned into a knight card, but he did not tell the alliance any specific information.

This is a true knight like a god.

Thinking of this, RX used the fog to obscure all traces, including the flame footprints.

The alliance still needs him to investigate in person, so don't involve the decade.


On the other side of the forest.

Because of his encounter with the Alliance Exploration Team, Xia Chuan has not released his transformation for the time being.

The appearance of this clone is easily reminiscent of "Parade". There are many things that need to be dealt with by the clone later, so there is no need to expose it so early.

Although the knight form will increase the world's repulsive strength, his own abilities will also be increased, so that he will not be like a blind man who can only sense a dozen meters around him.

"Whoosh!" Facing the strange sound of wind as he walked through the forest full of orange-red fallen leaves, Xia Chuan sensed a huge scene of ruins.

He had been surprised from just now that the battlefield he saw after crossing time and space did not look like the Forest of Helm.

Now that I think about it, the Forest of Helm should be in a state of time and space chaos just like the Magic Gem World.

The Forest of Helm is the Forest of Helm, and this world is this world.

This is actually a doomsday planet that has been eroded by the Forest of Helm.

It may be an alien planet, or it may be a parallel earth in a different timeline of "Armor".


Xia Chuan teleported to the edge of the mountain, and the ruins of a city covered by forest and vines officially appeared in sight.

The majestic stone buildings, regular streets, and the royal palace with a giant stone tower in the center of the city seem to be able to see the light and shadow of the once prosperous civilization.

However, now there is only desolation and loneliness, and the buildings covered by plants are all gray and white, silently exuding the breath of time.

The forest vegetation that was supposed to symbolize vitality only saw destruction against the backdrop of the ruins.

Pictures buried by time quickly flashed through Xia Chuan's mind.

That was the last moment when the forest descended. The tranquility of the ancient city was broken, and the Forest of Heim spread across the entire city like a mold.

The unique fruits of the forest can be seen everywhere, and many passers-by could not resist the temptation and rushed to devour them. Soon, the streets were filled with human beings whose bodies were broken out by the vines, and they were completely devoured in an instant.

By the end, the entire city's survivors had turned into irrational monsters.

A scene of civilization's demise reappeared before Xia Chuan's eyes, and turned back into reality in the blink of an eye.

Xia Chuan walked into the ruined city step by step, and everywhere he could see the ruined images of the past.

The collapsed statues of gods and scattered ancient stone tools had long been pierced by vines. They turned into fly ash and collapsed with a mere touch. The occasional pots and pans that could be seen could not withstand the weathering and became brittle when Xia Chuan picked them up. The crack raised bursts of dust.

"What a scary plant."

Xia Chuan's eyes turned to the vines and special fruits that emerged from the cracks in the rocks.

This is indeed an independent world. Part of the information hidden in the memory of the planet has been read by him, and he has an indirect understanding of the Forest of Helm.

Like an invasive alien species, these plants destroy ecosystems before ending civilization.

First, the seeds invaded through space cracks. They had overwhelming fecundity and also polluted the land, causing only the Heim Forest plants to remain.

Moreover, this forest can also dominate the indigenous people who eat the fruits, thereby further spreading the seeds and expanding the scope of the forest.

Terrible creature.


A priest-elder-like Overlord Alien walked out of the ruins, wearing pale silver exoskeleton armor and several feather belts hanging from his hood-like head.

"Are you here for the forbidden fruit?" The white alien's voice was old. "Every time a new world is eroded, a forbidden fruit will be born in this forest. As an outsider, you are not qualified to obtain it."

Xia Chuan sensed the appearance of the white alien and quickly generated a mental shield in front of him.

Although no threat was felt, the strong pressure brought by the white aliens could not be ignored.

The boss who dominates this forest?

"You are……"

Xia Chuan's thoughts were racing and he quickly locked onto the identity of the visitor.

It seems to be the holder of the golden fruit in "Armor", a boss that is not a boss.

"The forbidden fruit is a reward given to forest challengers," the white alien seemed to have not seen Xia Chuan's defense, and was immersed in his own memory. "Beyond the fate of destruction and advanced to the next round of evolution, this is also the honor I have received. It’s a pity that my civilization is still on the verge of extinction.”


An energy apple emitting bright golden light was held up by the white alien.

"I can control the plants in this forest for my own use and change the power to reshape the world at will. I will not give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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