i'm really only human

Chapter 51 Amazon

Chapter 51 Amazon
"Kaminaga, is Ultraman really dead?"

in the afternoon.

Xia Chuan walked out of the apartment building, looked back at the third floor, and felt a little heavy.

After talking to him, Taki Akihisa fell asleep like letting go of a heavy burden.


Xia Chuan frowned and looked at the USB flash drive in his hand.

He can't use this thing now.

He is not a scientist, so he can't even read it.

As for handing in, I have no such idea at all.

Taki Akihisa was a little timid, but he did the right thing.

If this thing is discovered, let's not talk about Sophie's reaction, human beings may play themselves to death.

Relying on beta technology can't deal with Sophie, and he doesn't trust the upper class of humans in this world.

But the 20-year deadline is ultimately a big problem.

Xia Chuan pondered deeply.

The Star of Light should be equivalent to the Kingdom of Light in this world.

Judging from the small amount of information Taki Akihisa has learned, it is very likely that it is an advanced civilization like Delacion in "Ultraman Gauss", who supervises and judges the development of civilizations in the universe and is absolutely rational.

Ultraman became a special case because of the violation of the rules and human fusion.

Normally speaking, negotiation is simply impossible.

Unless human beings can stand close to or even equal to the star of light.

Can the current human beings do it?

Even the upper echelons appear to have been infiltrated by aliens.


Xia Chuan pressed his fingers on his chest, carefully feeling the sound of his very vital heartbeat.

Ultraman may be dead, but he is still alive.

He will do his best to gain negotiating qualifications.


Settling his mind to put away the USB flash drive, Xia Chuan decided to go back to the training base first, but after walking a few steps, he found that the blockade was pulled up outside the apartment building, and a transport vehicle was parked by the side of the road. The combat team pointed to the apartment building to communicate.

"There are 3 targets. Be careful when you go up, try not to get injured and infected. Group B is responsible for protecting the residents..."


A fighter pointed a gun at Xia Chuan who was standing still.

"what is your job?"

"Should I ask you this?"

Xia Chuan took out his ID and walked towards the combat team.

"What are you doing?"

"Shen Yongxin II?"

The leading man with a cold face didn't check his ID, but just looked at Xia Chuan several times.

The information from 5 years ago was cleaned up very cleanly, but he happened to be one of the witnesses who worked in the Special Forces of the Metropolitan Police Department and knew the true identity of Ultraman's human body.

"Brother?" The team members in the rear asked in confusion.

"He's fine, let him go."

The cold-faced man waved his hand, signaling the team members to put down their guns.

"Get ready, we're going up."

"You guys haven't answered me yet," Xia Chuan became more and more confused, "Did something happen here?"

"Although it has nothing to do with you, just take it as a reminder, you'd better leave quickly."

The cold-faced man turned his head and said to Xia Chuan.

"We are carrying out deworming work. The worms that can eat people are also a kind of weirdo."

"Just you? Where are the knights and the ant soldiers?" Xia Chuan raised his brows secretly.

The weapons that can be used in the urban area are quite limited, and he doesn't think the current equipment is suitable for dealing with weirdos.

Even if the monsters were really eliminated, the casualties would probably be heavy.

"It's enough for us, other troops have to deal with Gu Langji," the cold-faced man continued to check the floor plan of the apartment and said, "It's just three Level 3s."

"Brother Zhen," said a team member operating the computer, "I found the target location, all on the 4th floor. There have been several disappearances of decorators this month, and they may have been eaten by the target!"

"Okay, act!"

The combat team moved quickly, and led by the cold-faced man, they rushed into the apartment building in an orderly manner.

Xia Chuan glanced worriedly at the third floor of the apartment.

Although the cold-faced man made an assurance, he was still not at ease.

Even if it's just a level 1 weirdo, it's still too dangerous for ordinary people.

When the combat team went to the fourth floor, Xia Chuan returned to the third floor again.


The door of the next room suddenly opened a crack, and the delicate chewing like a mouse came out, followed by a faint smell of blood.

Xia Chuan turned his head to look, and a distorted face covered with black blood vessels suddenly came into view.

You can still vaguely see the appearance of a housewife.

With a refrigerated human finger in his mouth, his eyes almost glowed at Xia Chuan, and disgusting saliva flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Didn't you say there are 4 on the 3th floor?Why is there also on the 3rd floor?
Xia Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Before, I felt that this apartment building was too deserted, but I didn't think much about it because of Taki Akihisa.

Now it seems that there may not be many living people left in this apartment building.


At the moment when the housewife's body was steaming and ready to transform, Xia Chuan suddenly reached out to penetrate the other's chest, and then grabbed a heart wrapped in black viscous liquid with all his strength, and the pungent smell like baked eggs came over his face.

So disgusting.

This is the monster amazon in Kamen Rider Amazons, right?
It is a special weirdo that feeds on humans.

It can indeed be said to be a man-eating insect.

Crushing the still beating heart casually, Xia Chuan silently watched the corpse under his feet dissolve into a puddle of oil-like black liquid.

This world is really getting more and more chaotic, it seems that he has to speed up.

Otherwise, before he could reach Sophie, human beings would perish due to various time and space disturbances.

"Excellent, worthy of being the former Ultraman."

The cold-faced man walked out of the corridor in amazement, glanced at Xia Chuan, and took out his portable camera to take pictures of the melted black liquid.

"Do you mind? This is too wasteful, and it is more or less a point."

"You also care about points?" Xia Chuan said calmly, "You are not even knights, are you? You are not even qualified to participate in the challenge."

"Not everyone is interested in the Knight Challenge." The cold-faced man glanced at Xia Chuan after taking the photo, "Don't you know that points can be exchanged for rewards? That's right, you are not a combatant now."


Xia Chuan's fingers were slightly stiff.

He really didn't know that points could be exchanged for money.

If he had known earlier, how many points would it have cost to kill so many Gulangji?How much can I change?

Uh... still not good, even if he gets points, he can't exchange them.

If you want to earn points to exchange for money, you must have an authorization card, but his golden authorization card was given to Sora by Fujiwara Daiichi, and it cannot be used at all.

"But it's strange," the cold-faced man frowned, "Why are there insects here on the third floor?"

"Didn't you come down when you found this guy?"

"No, they can take care of it upstairs, I just came here because I was afraid of your intervention..."

"Can it really be done?"

Xia Chuan could smell the blood more clearly, and looked back to other rooms on the third floor with twitching corners of his eyes.

"Don't you think this apartment is strange? The number of weirdos may not be as simple as just a few."

"not good!"

The cold-faced man's complexion changed suddenly, and he hurriedly called the team members upstairs.

"Everyone, retreat immediately! The mission is temporarily suspended!"

"Bang bang bang!"

A burst of rapid gunshots drowned out the shouts of the cold-faced man, and the upstairs had already fallen into a fierce battle, as if a hornet's nest had been stabbed, and bursts of hissing suddenly sounded in the originally deserted and calm apartment building.

A trace of cold sweat dripped from the cold-faced man's forehead: "Is this an apartment building for weird people?!"

"come on in!"

The door suddenly opened behind him, and Taki Mingjiu looked at the other rooms with a look of shock on his face, and hurriedly pulled Xia Chuan and the others into the room.

"What's going on? Why are all the people here turned into monsters?"

"You do not know?"

The cold-faced man looked around the messy room with a strange expression.

"You live here?"

"Yes, that's right," Taki Akihisa said awkwardly, "I haven't gone out for a while."

"Hey, you're lucky."

The cold-faced man looked away speechlessly, contacted the team members, and was relieved when he learned that everyone else had also found a room to hide.

"It should be fine for now, let's wait for support first."

"How long will the support take?" Taki Akihisa asked tremblingly looking at the door that was constantly being slapped and hit.

"It depends on the situation, but there should be time to block the door with something first."

The cold-faced man took the lead in moving the sofa to the door, and moved a table after feeling weak.


Looking back and seeing that Xia Chuan didn't respond, the cold-faced man took the initiative to put his hand on Xia Chuan's shoulder.

"Are you okay? Let's get to know each other formally. My name is Shito Makoto, the captain of the Special Forces of the Metropolitan Police Department. We actually dealt with each other once before."

"I'm fine..."

Xia Shu quietly glanced at the cold-faced man Shito Shin.

This guy locked him up while blocking the weirdos outside.

"Captain!" Suddenly there were bursts of crying in the communication, "Ah Qiang is infected!"

"Calm down!" Shito Makoto looked serious, "Tie up and inject the medicine first, and wait for 10 minutes."


There were still cries in the communication, it seemed that this was the first time a rookie participated in the operation, but Shito Makoto didn't be too harsh, he just calmed down and asked the team members to wait for support.

"These guys can infect humans just like the green thorns, but the infection methods are only saliva and blood, as long as they don't get hurt, they're fine."

After the communication ended, Shito Makoto's voice was heavy, and he couldn't help but sit by the side.

"If you can't be immune in 10 minutes, you can only..."


Xia Chuan walked to the window, listened to Shito really talking to himself, didn't say anything, just took out the Kura card in the panel space.

It was a little different from the Amazon he knew, and he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

However, it is better to solve these amazon first.

Hiding and waiting for support like this is not the same thing.

Following a flash of dark light, the Kuuga card flew out automatically, and landed on the floor of the apartment building, transforming into a blue dragon in Kuuga's form.

Although separating the cards alone can't change the ultimate Kuraga, but in the current situation, the ordinary Kuga is enough to deal with it.

Judging from the performance of Shinto Shito and his party, these Amazons should have no special rules that cannot be eliminated.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of explosions sounded in the corridor outside, and Shito stood up straight.

"Support arrived?"

"It can't be so fast, right?" Taki Mingjiu lay down by the window to observe the intersection, "I didn't see anything."

"Who is that outside?"

Zhi Teng walked to the door hesitantly, and when the movement outside subsided, he slowly moved away the tables, chairs and sofas.

"Could it be..."


Qinglong Kuuga transformed into a purple titan, cut the last Amazon on the third floor in half with his sword, stepped on the smoking wreckage to the stairs, blood-like black liquid spilled all over the surface of the armor.

Makoto Shito, who observed through the cat's eyes, saw the terrifying figure deeply.

"Empty me!!"

Across the street from the apartment.

Asami Hiroko quickly rolled down the window.

It was just following Xia Chuan along the way, but I didn't expect something special to happen after just squatting for a long time.

Looking at the active blue figure of Kuga in the telescope, Asami Hiroko's heart tightened suddenly.

Sora suddenly appeared in the apartment building, and Kaminaga was also...

Sure enough, there can't be so many coincidences.

Murai Ryoda went to the research institute, and I have only one explanation for the empty space here.

"Senior," Kazumi Takahashi asked in confusion, "What's wrong with Sora?"

"It's okay," Asami Hiroko took a deep breath and put down the binoculars to adjust his posture, "Isn't the support here yet?"

 Amazon is a bit difficult to write copies, so I changed it and made it one of the background boards of the cost world

(End of this chapter)

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