i'm really only human

Chapter 52 The Chaotic World

Chapter 52 The Chaotic World

The sound of police sirens rang through the surrounding blocks, and several transport vehicles arrived at the apartment building at high speed.

Although there were no ant soldiers to support them, there were dozens of heavily armed guards, and the incident level was not low.

Even if it's just a level 1 monster, the number is enough to attract attention. In the case of insufficient manpower, a backup police force is dispatched urgently.

"Personnel are trapped in 308 and 406, ordinary residents are in..."


A bang echoed in the apartment building, and the armed police who were about to start their operations were startled. When they looked up, they saw flames exploding in the corridor on the third floor of the apartment.



A series of window glass burst, and along with the fragments of the broken corridor wall, they were thrown into the air and fell, and everyone on the ground hurriedly avoided and retreated in shock.

"What's going on? Didn't you say that the knights can't come?"



The explosive wind dissipated, and the empty self-sublimated almighty form released by the golden electric current was revealed on the apartment building.

The sealing energy no longer shows the special effect on Gu Langji, but instead clears the field with one blow, and the power is controllable, and there is no danger of causing a big explosion at every turn.


"This is... the current empty me?"

Asami Hiroko murmured and got out of the car.

It seemed that all the weird people in the apartment had been cleaned up, Kuraga transformed into a blue dragon and jumped down. Before everyone could react, he jumped tens of meters high again before landing, and a few flashes disappeared into the distance .

Asami Hiroko's tongue was slightly dry.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Sora seemed to glance at her at the end.

When we go back, we should have a frank and honest talk, but even her ex-teammate is hiding it from her.

Is that why you don't believe her?


The door of Room 308 opened, and Shito popped his head vigilantly. After finding that there were only black traces left by the strange man's evaporation in the corridor, he couldn't help breathing a little bit more.

"It should be fine, come out."

Makoto Shito waved to Natsukawa and Akihisa Taki in the room.

"You wait here for the support troops to come over, and I will go up to see the situation."

10 minutes is not too long, but before it lasted halfway, there was another cry in room 406 where the combat team members were hiding, together with the roar of a wild animal struggling.

"Ah Qiang! Huh..."

"Why is this happening? Wake up!"


Shito stopped at the door, turned on the safety of the pistol again, took a deep breath and pushed open the half-open door.


"Mr. Shito..."

"No way, woohoo!"

"Bang! Boom!"

Xia Chuan raised his head amidst the echoing gunshots, settled down for Akihisa Taki, walked up the stairs to the 4th floor, and saw Makoto Shito, who was leaning on the verandah and smoking in a melancholy manner.

"no problem?"

From the corner of his eye, Xia Chuan looked at room 406 where the crying was intermittent.

"Let's deal with it like this..."

"Used to it."

Zhi Teng really stubbed out the cigarette butt and glanced at the support troops entering the building below, before returning his eyes to Xia Chuan while pondering.

"Kaminaga, what do you think we were born to die for? To protect the world or other people?"

Without waiting for Xia Chuan to reply, Shito shook his head and said: "Not one, everyone is for money and for themselves, that's just us, that's all, not everyone is Ultraman, death... also has a huge sum of money Pensions, they have long been psychologically prepared."

"Da da da!"

There was a series of footsteps going upstairs.

As if sensing that the danger had been lifted, the few residents also opened their doors one after another.



"Don't move!" The combat team members nervously aimed at the residents, "Everyone raise your hands, go downstairs first!"

"Check for casualties!"


Xia Chuan silently watched the fighters passing by quickly.

For ordinary people, it seems that the real threat in this world is not some high-level monsters, but infected monsters are the big trouble.

Especially the amazon that appeared this time.

Compared with the green thorn, whose infection rules are not yet clear, Amazon's ability to infect through bodily fluids can be easily exploited by those who want to.


Apartment building exit.

Asami Hiroko and Takahashi Kazumi silently watched many residents being taken away crying and crying. When they found Xia Chuan who was going downstairs with Taki Akihisa, they froze suddenly.

"Khenyong? You're not leaving...how come you are here?"

"What's the problem?"

Xia Chuan involuntarily scratched his face under Qianjian Hiroko's dazed gaze.

"I came here for something, but I was trapped by a strange person who suddenly appeared..."

"Trapped?" Hiroko Asami had a strange expression on his face.

Is this excuse a joke?
"Sorry, Hiroko," Taki Akihisa weakly explained, "I called Kaminaga here, and I didn't expect the apartment to become like this."

"Have you been together all this time?"



Asami Hiroko pointed to Xia Chuan, and then pointed to the direction where Kongwo jumped, and the whole person was completely confused.

"No, why?"

"I'm sorry," Takahashi Kazumi hurriedly pulled Hiroko Asami who was in the confusion behind, and apologized dryly, "Senior, she may be a little uncomfortable."

"is it?"

Xia Chuan frowned slightly as he watched the two leave, and was about to follow, when he suddenly noticed a strange stare, and turned around to find a green silhouette of a biological knight standing behind the old telephone pole at the intersection.

Both arms and legs have aggressive blade barbs, full of violence, and look full of wildness.

"Amazon...Kamen Rider?"


Knight school, villa dormitory.

into the night.

Xia Chuan took out the USB flash drive that Taki Akihisa had handed over and plugged it into the computer, swiped the mouse, skipped the formula data, and looked at the beta technical description and the analysis data written by Taki Akihisa himself.

Beta technology is a bit different from what he thought.

Not just simply magnifying the body.

According to Taki Akihisa's judgment, Ultraman's body can exist in other dimensions in other forms, and when necessary, he can be summoned through the Beta magic wand.

The use of beta technology can connect the dimensional space, and even through reasonable use, it can also connect other dimensions.

"Is the knight dimension invasion also because of beta technology?"

Xia Chuan leaned back.

In the world of "New Ultraman", the Zedon crisis is solved through beta technology, and it was only 5 years late that Taki Mingjiu figured it out.

I just don't know whether the current situation of dimensional invasion is because of Taki Akihisa or because of the existence of other dimensional technologies.

But no matter what, it's always a mess.


After a short break, Xia Chuan unplugged the USB flash drive and turned to check the forum information.

After Dacuba's death, the special resurrection rules of the Gurangi clan also seemed to disappear, and some knights had successfully killed the hidden Gurangi.

Even the nerve breaker shells came in handy.

However, there was still no sign of the high-level Gu Langji.

There should be a few sporadic ones alive. For example, a birdman who belongs to the La Group like Rose Girl and is in charge of counting was injured by a unicorn in "Kull Me". .

Now there is no news.

Xia Chuan looked away from the picture of Gu Langji on the forum, and looked down at the shuttle machine bound to his waist.


Let's talk about Gulangji later, it's time for the second dungeon shuttle.

Dimensional invasion is getting more and more powerful, and I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it alone.

 When it hits shelves next Friday, I feel a little unprepared.

  It takes too much time for the knight to watch dramas. There are almost 50 episodes. I can’t understand after watching 2-3 times. . .

(End of this chapter)

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