i'm really only human

Chapter 53 The second copy

Chapter 53 Second Copy


Villa bedroom.

Xia Chuan stood in front of the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and felt the rapid exhaustion of his physical strength as soon as he started the shuttle, as if he was driving a supersonic fighter plane to accelerate continuously.

The sound of howling crazily flooded into my mind, my nerves tingled sharply, and my physical burden was almost several times that of the first shuttle.

Is it because of early use?

Xia Chuan's complexion didn't change much. Several times the load could be fatal to other people, but his lv3 physique felt pretty good, but his brain felt a little uncomfortable.


With a familiar change in the field of view, Xia Chuan's perception ability has been crazily improved, just like transforming into a sublimated Pegasus form, but the direction of perception is completely different.

The world is not just three-dimensional in conventional understanding, but under normal circumstances humans cannot realize or observe extra dimensions.

Through extra dimensions, it is possible to connect to other dimensions.


Xia Chuan's eyes were steady, and he let his field of vision shuttle at a high speed. His consciousness seemed to penetrate a layer of dimensional membrane, and a large amount of information poured in from unknown areas.

During the change of light and shadow, figures of knights flashed in front of Xia Chuan's eyes, followed by whispers or shouts.



"I must stop the war between knights!"

"I don't have a dream, but I can protect my dreams."

"I want to fight against fate!"

"Grandma said, follow the way of heaven, and be in charge of everything..."

"Come on!"

"I'm just a passing Kamen Rider..."

"Come on, count your sins!"


"Clear the level with one life!"

"The law of victory is decided."

"I want to become the devil king, the most benevolent devil king."


All the information turned into light flooded Xia Chuan's consciousness.

"Wake Up!"


Xia Chuan gradually regained consciousness amidst the sound of the pendulum clock.

The six senses finally returned to normal.

Showa music with a sense of the age, the sound of wiping glasses, the sound of water, the sound of a puppy snorting, the warm sunshine, the warmth of your fingers touching the sun, and...

Sweet aroma of coffee gourmet.



Xia Chuan sniffed his nose, blocked the sunlight from the window with his hand and opened his eyes, only to find himself sitting by the window seat of an old-fashioned cafe.

Did you make it?

Which copy world is this time?
Xia Chuan sat up and fumbled for the pockets of his suit.

A few old banknotes, small change, a strange boxing device, and a driver's license.

Shenyongxin II...

Automatically integrated into the identity?
Xia Chuan subconsciously reached out to touch his abdomen.

The shuttle was concealed, the panel disappeared, and the Kuuga power did not respond at all, but the body was still his body.

Because the sense of power brought by the lv3 physique is still there.

After a pause, Xia Chuan turned his gaze to the boxing device placed on the table.

It looks like a knuckle grip.

Speaking of it, this thing seems to be the transformation prop of the artificial Kamen Rider ixa in "Kiva", which can be used to summon the battle suit, and it can also be used as a weapon.

Xia Chuan picked up a newspaper from the next table, and immediately looked at the page header.

1986 years.

This time is the same as the time and space of space and time, and it has entered the past timeline.


What is this asking him to do?
Xia Chuan frowned slightly, feeling a little dazed.

It's okay to empty my copy, anyway, there is still a killing match.

Is this to let him clear the plot?

He just has a better understanding of Kamen Rider and weirdo information, but he is not very familiar with the plot.

Really... I don't understand more and more.

The more he learned about the information in the past two months, the more he felt strange. When other people use the shuttle, they only need to pass the corresponding knight test in the knight space, but it is completely different to him.

You simply entered the world of knights directly, right?

"Are you awake, Xin Erjiang?" The coffee shop manager put down his cup and smiled kindly at Xia Chuan.

"Boss, just call me Shen Yong."

Xia Chuan's face trembled slightly, and he recognized the identity of the store manager in an instant.

Akira Kido, the main character in "kiva", runs this coffee shop as the daily activity place for members of the "Ultimate Blue Sky Club".

Kamen Rider ixa is the knight system of "Supreme Blue Sky Club".

In other words, his current identity should be a member of the Blue Sky Club, and he is also an ixa wearer.

Xia Chuan's thoughts raced.

Remember that the task of the Blue Sky Society is to eliminate the vampires.

Shouldn't this shuttle be asking him to destroy all the vampires?

Vampire is a vampire-type monster in "kiva". It feeds on the life energy of human beings. It is one of the demons who dominate the world. It is huge in size and far superior to human beings.

Even the kiva knight system was specially developed for the king of the vampire, and the protagonist Hongdu can only use it because he is half human and half vampire.

As for the ixa system in his hand...

There are still 22 years away from the era of Hongdu. Now the ixa system is just a newly developed version, and can only use the basic "security mode". Not to mention the limited combat power, it will also cause a huge burden on the wearer's body, and lose half of it at every turn. Life.

It seems that the side effects can only be completely eliminated after 10 improvements in the future, and it will only be the Krypton system for a long time.

Although he doesn't really care about this, but it is much more difficult to use ixa to clear the vampires than to deal with the Gurangi family.

Especially the king of the vampire family, King, should still be at his peak, possessing a dark kiva system that is said to be able to destroy the world.

Is it worth it for a semi-finished ixa knight system?
"Boss, one omelet rice."

A rough-looking man wearing sunglasses pushed the door in. His eyebrows jumped when he saw Xia Chuan, and he glanced at the ixa blunderbuss on the table from the corner of his eye.

"You're here too. Although I don't know why the president chose you, you'd better be careful, or you might die."

"Don't worry about it."

Xia Chuan casually put away the guns, suddenly felt a little hungry, and also greeted the store manager with a frown.

"I'll also have an omurice."



Yuri Aso walked to the beach with an umbrella in the drizzle.

In the salty sea breeze, a tombstone with a cross stands on the grassy slope.


"You are indeed here."

The president of the Blue Sky Club, Nagashima Mamoru, put a bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone.

"Isn't this the second spring after your mother passed away? How time flies."

"Mr. Shimamoru?"

Aso Yuri looked sad, and asked eagerly after the chairman's worship.

"The ixa system should be almost finished, right? Can you..."

"I have handed over the ixa system to the right person," Shimamoru said calmly, "It was your mother who designed the ixa. I can understand how you want to use the ixa, but you are not suitable now."

"Who is it? The second wolf or..."

"It's your mother's former colleague, Shenyong Shinji. In the incident two years ago, your mother was killed by the vampire along with other people in the research institute. He happened to be escaping at that time."

"Shen Yongxin Er?" Aso Yuli shook his head in doubt, and Xia Chuan's message suddenly appeared in his mind.

The uncle with facial paralysis who is always dressed as an elite.

"As a comrade who co-founded the Blue Sky Club, I'm sorry about your mother," Shimamoru said with a sigh, "but the past is the past, so be it."

"Mr. Shimamoru!"

Aso Youli clenched his fingers, pursed his lips and watched the president turn and leave.

"I won't give up, I will avenge my mother..."

 I rewatched the whole day drama again, and I feel like I'm about to become a master.

  It is said that the green hat king is so strong in the setting, but it is so miserable in TV.

  I feel that these special photos are still too much to brag about, it’s shameless to publicize them, the strongest, the highest, invincible and undead... The key is to show each one once.

  Next, we will focus on TV performance.

  Compared with unreliable settings, is it easier to watch TV performance?
(End of this chapter)

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