i'm really only human

Chapter 525 Destroyed Base

Chapter 525 Destroyed Base

This world.

Xia Chuan regained consciousness, and his vision was filled with cosmic starlight.

The area around him was not a school villa, but an unfamiliar platform suspended outside the atmosphere. Directly in front of him were several people in silver robes who were talking to each other, seemingly completely unaware of his presence.

"Skynet still cannot replace the real Divine Mirror System. We can only wait until we win the challenge to obtain the final authority."

"Still can't find the lost Divine Mirror System?"

"It was difficult, mainly because I didn't expect Lipia to become a Kamen Rider, and even Bizom got caught up in it."

The man in silver robe spoke without emotion, but one could clearly feel the anger emanating from him.

"And I'm afraid it's too late."

"Has the time... location of the challenge been decided?"

"In Japan, the "Polar Fox" copy will be used as a prologue. At that time, all the knights on the list will be pulled into the "Polar Fox". If the Desire Grand Prix is ​​held, the Desire Knights will have a certain advantage."

"Ordinary systems of desire are of little consequence."

The silver-robed man in the middle walked up to Xia Chuan, and there was darkness under his hood.

"'Polar Fox' is one of the earliest copies to appear. After so many years of research, it is still impossible to control it? I remember that I had predicted that 'Polar Fox' would be the main stage."

"The X Research Institute of the Foundation originally had an administrator driver developed, but this time... there is no specific news from the research institute yet. But judging from the latest news, I'm afraid we can no longer count on them. It's impossible for anyone to be alive."

"The Japanese R&D branch is finished, but the Mefilas people didn't say anything?" Another silver-robed man was even more angry. "Damn that guy, I heard that he was the one who instigated Bizom to enter the dungeon."

"It's not entirely his fault. We didn't expect Lipia to become the creator god of the Knight World."

The silver-robed man in the middle waved his hand.

"Before the challenge begins, stop the Alliance Japan activities, remain silent, and do our best to repair the data. We must have a stronger dungeon god."

"The report below says that the Creation King Project has entered its final stage, and the data on Ark's evolution has been successfully collected," explained the silver-robed man who looked like a staff officer. "If we can also obtain the power of the Goddess of Creation from Polar Fox, the probability of winning the challenge should be 100%."

"One hundred percent?" A red light flashed in the darkness of the hood, "We have to do one thousand percent!"

Where is the one thousand percent?
While Xia Chuan was secretly complaining, he also confirmed that these were the core senior executives of the alliance.

He felt much more like Bizom than he did, and the weird thing was that no one took him seriously, as if he was just a dead object.



Xia Chuan's consciousness was once again filled with the feeling of being detached. He only had time to see a flash of mirror before he was pulled into the atmosphere by an invisible force.

The outline of the platform in the field of vision shrank and faded, and after passing through a cloud of fog, everything in front of me became white.

It seemed to have fallen back into some mountainous area.

The good news is that his consciousness has been restored to freedom, but the bad news is that the surroundings are filled with that weird time fog, the troublesome thing that once trapped him.


Xia Chuan tried to diffuse his perception and unexpectedly found that the impact on him had become negligible.

Even after returning to this world, he still retained his extraordinary characteristics as a god.

lv10, B-level life form.

He's really not human anymore.

Xia Chuan silently gathered his physical body and prepared to leave the mountain area when he suddenly found that the surroundings looked familiar.

A large area of ​​explosion debris entered the perception.

Neither matter nor structure belongs to the Earth.

If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be the cabin of the previous spacecraft.

Is this the Alliance Research Institute?

"We have reached the distress signal area!"

A voice of communication suddenly sounded in the white fog. The helicopter propeller stirred up the fog. The loud noise spread far away and then quickly returned to silence.

"Zizizi... Come back soon... That's not ordinary mountain fog... Please reply if you get it... You guys..."

"The victim was found, life signs detected, but consciousness is unknown."

"The weather conditions are not optimistic. Wait for the wind speed to decrease." "Huh!"

Xia Chuan stood at the wind outlet, extended his perception along the direction of the helicopter's movement, and found the unconscious victim on a cliff.

I actually met Kondo Isami again.

He was seriously injured, but still alive. It seemed that he climbed to the top of the mountain and set up a simple signal sending device before losing consciousness.

"begin descending!"

The helicopter flew above the cliff, and despite not receiving a response from the headquarters, the rescuers began to slowly descend after repeated reports.

Several ropes were hanging in the vast white fog. After the rescuers fixed the hooks to Kondo Isami, they also tested their strength.

Just when he was about to send a signal to the helicopter above, he found that the density of the white fog had intensified. Not only could he not see the helicopter, but even the sound of the propeller seemed to have been erased out of thin air.


The rescuers were panicked.

There was only a strange sound of wind in his ears, and it seemed as if there were only him and the victims in the whole world. The last pull directly broke the safety rope.


The rescuer was caught off guard and stepped on empty air, sinking rapidly before he could save himself. Although he managed to grab a rope in the end, he completely lost his balance and kept spinning in the white mist and cold wind.

As if some fear memory had been awakened, the rescuer curled up completely and hung on a single rope. He had lost his initial calmness, and could not control his breathing, shouting like a child.

Gradually, he could no longer hold on to the rope, and despair swept over him like a flood. The strong feeling of suffocation completely blurred his consciousness, and his fingers loosened immediately.

it's over...

"do not give up."

Natsukawa grabbed the rescuer, controlled the white mist to dissipate, and tied the other person and Kondo Isami together with a safety rope.

It is not clear whether Kondo Isami's luck is good or bad.

According to the erosion rate of the fog, if he had not happened to come here, not only would this guy die, but the rescue workers would also be implicated.

"The solitary door!"

The colleagues on the helicopter received no response and shouted anxiously towards the white fog below.

"What's wrong? What happened down there? Gu Men?!"

"No, it's okay! Get out of here!"

The rescuer's vision was restored and he took a few deep breaths as if he had drowned. After responding to his colleague, he looked down at the cliff with lingering fear.

As a result, there was no one on the cliff, and there was only the unconscious victim around.

It seemed that the danger just now was just an illusion.

"The fog is starting to dissipate," the colleague looked at the gradually clearer mountains around him in surprise, "I was almost scared to death. Suddenly there was no movement after you went down."

"Didn't you save me just now, Senior?"

"What do you mean by saving you? Did something really happen down there?"


Ground valley.

Xia Chuan walked through the ruins of the research institute base in the hazy fog, but in the end he didn't find anything valuable.

Almost all the data was self-destructed, and no equipment was left intact.

The alliance would definitely conduct a follow-up investigation, so to be on the safe side he decided not to touch the wreckage.

But how did the Alliance Research Base become like this?
Even through the ruins one could glimpse the strength of the armed forces. He couldn't think of any force on Earth that dared to go against the Alliance.


After leaving the range of the white fog, Xia Chuan looked up into the sky as if he had realized something.

He vaguely sensed the body of the Lipia giant isolated in another dimension.

It has always existed.

If there were no blockade by the Star of Light, he could summon giants to fuse and transform at any time. However, he is now a Class B life form, and is actually close to Lipia on Earth, so he can transform himself through Beta technology.

(End of this chapter)

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