i'm really only human

Chapter 526 Calm

Chapter 526 Calm

Kondo Isami opened his eyes weakly to the sound of dripping infusion. The white ceiling gradually became clear and the familiar smell of disinfectant entered his nostrils again.


He felt very wronged.

He was caught in the research institute without any preparation, and was involved in an explosion just two days after being imprisoned. Such a large research institute was reduced to ruins in an instant, and he was almost blown up with it.

At the last moment, he only remembered that he had finally climbed out of the ruins, and as soon as he sent out a distress signal, he was surrounded by a terrifying white fog.

The white mist...

"woke up?"

Xiachuan put down a bag of apples and poured a glass of warm water for Kondo Isami.

"Are you...Kanaga or Lipia?" Kondo Isami's expression tense, his lips dry as he stammered.

It wasn't like he knew nothing when he was in graduate school.

The God Yong in the dungeon is Lipia, and it seems that he is also Decade, whom the Alliance wants to get rid of as soon as possible.

"What Lipia? It's a thing of the past."

Natsukawa paused for a moment, shook his head and turned to Kondo Isami.

"What's going on with you? Why did you suddenly think of Lipia? Most people probably don't know the name of Ultraman."


Kondo Isami looked at Natsukawa with a complicated expression and felt a strong sense of confusion. After a moment of silence, he sighed and turned away.

"It's hard to explain, and you definitely won't believe it."

"Trouble? How do you know I don't believe it if you don't tell me?" Natsukawa glanced at Kondo Isami who was sighing in confusion.

He came over specially to visit the patient, but mainly because he wanted to know what happened in the research institute.

As the only survivor, he will probably be controlled by the Alliance again soon.

"Do you believe there is another you in another world?" Kondo Isami turned back solemnly, "I have seen another Kamiei Shinji in the dungeon. The Alliance seems to believe it is Lipia, and the other party may be the cause of the destruction of the institute."

Xiachuan pretended not to notice Kondo Isami's funny appearance with bandages all over his body: "Lippia destroyed the research institute?"

"That's where I got into trouble this time," Kondo Isami hesitated. "Anyway, it might be something Lipia did in the dungeon, but I think it might be a misunderstanding, just like how I was mistaken for Decade many times."

"Is that so?"

Natsukawa asked some more details, but Kondo Isami became more and more outrageous.

This guy seemed to be just making up stories based on the few words he heard.

The monster might have just copied Kondo Isami's personality and memory and then imprisoned him.

Having said that, now that I think about it, I always feel that the other party is a bit outrageous. He doesn't use the mental space, but has to fight in the physical world of the knight. I don't know if he is affected by the mimicry.

After all, there have been precedents of Zerg being countered by mimic personalities.

"Are you really Kaminaga?" Kondo Isami couldn't help but ask again.

I don't know if it's because they meet less frequently in this world, but he can't tell the difference between the Shenyong here and the Shenyong in the dungeon.
"You should have a good rest."

Xia Chuan gave him a sympathetic look but didn't reply.

He didn't know what would happen to Kondo Isami next, but to be honest, it was a bit pitiful that he was the only one who came to visit after such a big thing happened.

Even Konan, who had a good relationship with Kondo Isami, didn't come. I heard that she was busy preparing for her engagement during this period.

"What's wrong with me?"

Kondo Isami looked confused, and always felt that Natsukawa's last look was a little strange.

"This nasty feeling, it turns out that it was Kamiya who was right. I won't tell you the truth about the copy."

Shaking his head, Kondo Isami fell silent with a worried look on his face.

He actually acquired a lot of information in the chaos, and it wasn't all just his own imagination.

All copies are actually story worlds constructed through the magic mirror.

"Perhaps Kaminaga's choice is not a bad one. He is no longer Ultraman." Kondo Isami's thoughts suddenly drifted away.

Look at him, why did he enter the dungeon?
It seems like I haven't had a good day since I became a level 5 knight.

He should have stayed in school honestly from the beginning. Then perhaps he would not have experienced so much suffering, would not have seen the true face of the alliance, and would not have to endure the torture of the truth alone.

The most painful thing is that even if you know the truth, you can't fight against the alliance.

Did he run out and tell everyone that there are aliens in the alliance? Did he tell everyone that Decade being hunted by the alliance is actually Ultraman?

...Knight School.

After visiting the patient, Natsukawa still paid attention to Kondo Isami.

What's strange is that the alliance never showed up and seemed to have completely forgotten about Kondo Isami, the only survivor.

Not only that, the aliens that were once quite active suddenly became silent, and there were noticeably fewer familiar faces on TV.

Consortium X disappeared overnight.

The entire island country has become much calmer, with only the number of daily copies still increasing.

"The missions have been getting more frequent lately."

Hiroko Asami kept complaining on the phone.

"It feels like the investigation department is too short on staff and is completely overwhelmed."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Xia Chuan ended the call thoughtfully.

The dark side of the alliance is reducing its activities.

Is it because he cleared Zi-O?


Xia Chuan closed his eyes slightly, and a lot of information flooded into his mind.

Although the rank did not increase, it did cross the life level, and the knight level also reached lv10.
The difference between this world and the copy is clearly perceived more clearly.

Something of a seismic shift is happening in the island nation.

Although everything seems calm on the surface, a huge disaster seems to be brewing in the dark and a violent storm is about to hit.

Thinking of the conversation between those silver-robed men, Xia Chuan opened his mouth slightly.

The challenge is approaching, and this time we may have to face the alliance directly, and the comfortable life we ​​have been living will be difficult to continue.

Once the battlefield returns to reality, what will happen to Hiroko Asami and others?

"Hanged up on me again!"

In the parking lot of the Alliance Building, Hiroko Asami gritted her teeth and clenched her phone. She wanted to call back and curse at him, but after a pause she stopped the thought.

"Kanaga... this bastard is still the same as before. He keeps everything to himself. Does he think I can't help?"

"What's wrong, Hiroko-senpai?"

Kazumi Takahashi dragged a portable detector out of the car.

"Recently, there have been more and more cases of violence by knights. It's said that it's because of the temporary dungeon. We..."

"We'll talk about the mission tomorrow." Hiroko Asami casually handed the file to her partner and drove out of the parking lot.

"Eh?" Takahashi Kazumi stood there in confusion. "Do I have to investigate alone?"

Without Hiroko Asami, she wouldn't dare to investigate those Kamen Riders.

School villa.

Just as Natsukawa was about to go out, he was blocked at the door by Asami Hiroko. His brows twitched slightly, and before he could say much, he was forcefully pulled into the car.


"The captain will be transferred to the new blockade area next month," Asami Hiroko interrupted, "Let's take this opportunity to get together. If you have any troubles, you can discuss them with everyone."

"Didn't you say you were too busy with tasks?" Xia Chuan asked in confusion, "How come you are suddenly free?"

"You can push a lot of tasks."

Hiroko Asami accelerated out of the school.

"Everyone is worried about you, Kaminaga. You've become increasingly lonely since the captain left the Knight Academy."

"Is there?" Xia Chuan thought about his daily life.

I have indeed invested too much time in the dungeon recently and have had little contact with the outside world.

Fortunately, Kaminaga Shinji himself is a loner, so it’s not particularly strange.

"Feel sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" Hiroko Asami's forehead darkened, "Don't forget that you are not alone, Team Ford is always here."

(End of this chapter)

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