i'm really only human

Chapter 60 Save the World

Chapter 60 Save the World
"Well, cough..."

Qianjian Hiroko's eyes wandered, and he talked about him with his hands behind his back.

"The door was unlocked when I came..."

"Unlocked?" Xia Chuan looked at the first floor and then at Hiroko Asami.

How could he not lock the gate before the shuttle?

And no one else lives here.

"Wait," Xia Chuan inadvertently glanced at the suitcase in the living room on the first floor, "Are you going to move here?"

Asami Hiroko couldn't avoid Xia Chuan's gaze, trying to put on an innocent smile.

"I can't help it. The Metropolitan Police Department is too crowded. The higher-ups decided to temporarily transfer the support team to this base. Although this is a suburb, it's not too far from other districts in the capital. It's more convenient than the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Even so, you don't need to live in this one, do you? There are so many vacant villas."

Xia Chuan quietly glanced at Hiroko Asami, went downstairs and took out a can of cold drink from the refrigerator.

To be honest, there is always a sense of unreality in the dungeon time and space. Although there is an identity who is not a black household, he can obviously feel the rejection of the world.

After returning to this world, I feel a lot more at ease.

Although the current world is in chaos, the end of the world may come at any time.

"Speaking of which, Shenyong."

Asami Hiroko followed down the stairs.

"Did you fail again this time?"

"That's it."

Xia Chuan turned on his phone to check the news.

Except for a few missed calls from Hiroko Asami, there are only a few advertising emails.

Relationships are so simple as to be almost non-existent.

Xia Chuan glanced at Hiroko Asami who was packing her luggage.

Perhaps the only people he can trust in this world are these former teammates.

After all, he was the one who was able to fight against the government for Ultraman.

But he still can only say sorry, the situation is unclear now, and he doesn't have the strength to be absolutely safe, so he can't easily expose himself.

Otherwise, not only will there be no benefit, but it will also involve the former teammates in danger.

After a pause, Xia Chuan lowered his head and read the news.

It hasn't been long since he started to shuttle, about an hour, and the outside situation hasn't changed much.

The Amazon apartment incident seems to have been blocked, and the news on the Internet has been almost wiped out. Only the Knights Forum still has relevant information.

"You still have a knight forum account?" Qianjian Hiroko asked in surprise.

"Murai's, borrow it and use it."

"Borrow? If necessary, I can help you apply. This forum is also managed by the alliance."

"No, it's too troublesome."

Xia Chuan put down his phone, turned his head and saw Hiroko Asami leaning forward, subconsciously sniffed his nose.

"Uh, I'm sorry," Asahiko Hiroko blushed, his neck was stiff and he looked away, and explained with a light cough, "I've been too busy recently, and I don't have time to take a shower."


"Ahem, I'm going to take a shower right away..."

"Wait a minute, Hiroko."

Xia Chuan called Hiroko Asami who was in a hurry.

"I almost forgot to ask you something, is there any other restrictions on the shuttle, such as usage time and the like."

"Of course there is," Asami Hiroko said without thinking, "Otherwise, why do you think the number of uses is limited? Even if there is no cooling time, the human body cannot withstand continuous use... You don't know how to shuttle repeatedly?"

"Only used it once or twice."

Xia Chuan hesitated a little, looked at Hiroko Asami who was waiting quietly and continued to ask.

"Also... Is it possible to enter a real world instead of entering the knight space after the shuttle?"


Asami Hiroko narrowed his eyes.

"I've never heard of it... You must have traveled to another world, right?"

"That's about it." Xia Chuan nodded slightly.

Proper information exchange is not harmful to him, and it can also explain the reason why he did not obtain the knight system.

"Really?" After confirming that Xia Chuan was not joking, Asami Hiroko's expression became more and more strange, "Kaminaga, you are really... special.

But it's not impossible, after all, Ultraman once fused with you, well, that should be the reason. "

"The problem is that I don't know how to pass the customs at all, and the stay time is very limited."

Xia Chuan folded his arms in thought.

This time, the copy of "kiva" only stayed for less than 2 days.

Basically can't do anything.

Surely he wouldn't be required to wipe out all the vampires in such a short period of time, would he?

"Clear the level?" Asami Hiroko also thought about it, "Could it be to save the world? Well, it seems unlikely, I only know that other people have passed the test of knights' battles, and the slightly special ones are just in the hands of strange people. Survive for a while."

Xia Chuan's eyebrows moved slightly.

Save the world?
It's not entirely impossible.

Combat test... Defeat the dungeon knight or destroy enough monsters?

His situation is different from others, but he also had a shuttle experience after all.


Hiroko Asami was awakened suddenly by the sound of her mobile phone vibrating.

"Hemei, what's the matter? Yes, I see, I'll be there right away."

Finishing the communication with a serious face, Asami Hiroko turned to Xia Chuan and said, "Ozawa City, where the apartment was located before, was completely blocked. It is said that the infection has spread. I will go and have a look first."

"Be careful, Hiroko," Xia Chuan finally reminded, "Don't try too hard, this world is much more dangerous than it was five years ago."

"So you also care about people? Don't worry, I will be careful."

Asami Hiroko smiled, quickly put on high heels and went out.

The villa fell into silence again. Xia Chuan walked to the door and watched Hiroko Asami go away, frowning secretly.

He had felt that things would be troublesome before, but it happened again so soon.

What will become of this chaotic world?

Can it save the world?

Ozawa City is bordered by Suginami District, and cars should be passing by, but this night, a giant barrier was suddenly erected, and the faintly glowing barrier could be seen from a long distance away.

Hiroko Asami drove through the barrier under the watchful eyes of many blocked drivers, and entered the scene of an accident blocked by a police car with a serious face, and entered the residential house together with her partner Kazumi Takahashi after a simple response.

There was a battle at the scene, and the ground was extremely messy.

Several forensic personnel were taking photos and samples inside, and someone took out a refrigerated human hand and tightly wrapped human brain from the refrigerator. Seeing this scene, Hiroko Asami felt nauseated.

"It's a good thing I didn't have dinner. Has the man-eating bug been solved?"

"Well, there just happened to be a knight nearby."


"It is said that it is a new category. It behaves like a child. It vomited after killing the monster."

"A newcomer?"

Asami Hiroko was not in the mood to think about other things for the time being, but looked around the house with a little headache.

"Didn't it mean that the only way of infection is saliva and blood? How did it get here? It's not too close to the apartment."

"No matter what, until the reason is found, the enchantment cannot be lifted."


The sky above Ozawa City.

Xia Chuan grabbed Golem and hooked his feet, and his figure changed directly from Qinglong Kongwo to Sublimated Tianma, and a large number of voices crazily squeezed into his mind.

On the surface, there is nothing unusual about this city, and many people don't even realize the existence of the enchantment.

Most of the voices are daily life, chatting...


Suddenly, there was a sudden panting sound caught by Xia Chuan.

Looking down at the ground, a flustered figure of a young man in a white shirt came into Xia Chuan's sight.

"In the end I..."

The young man held the knight's belt in one hand, his fingers trembling, and looked at himself in the reflection of the glass with a trembling voice.

"What am I doing like this? A monster or a Kamen Rider?"

"Hee hee, human, you seem to be at a loss!"

At the corner, an office worker walked out with a strange smile, and under the doubtful eyes of the young man, glass colors emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Give me your life energy, so you won't be confused!"

"You are……"


The young man narrowed his eyes suddenly, turned over to avoid the two white tusks that fell out of nowhere, glanced at the broken glass behind him, and quickly buckled the belt in his hand and turned the handle.



The young man roared in the flame explosion, and when he stood up again, a large number of high-heat gas flames erupted, and his figure also transformed into an aggressive green knight form.

"Is that the knight from before? Omega?"

Xia Chuan's eyes fell on the green knight roaring like a beast.

Green body, orange breastplate, red compound eyes, black armor with barbed blades on both arms and legs.

Also as a bioknight, the guy below is more wild, like a carnivorous beast, and the empty self is more like a human.

"Bang bang bang!"

The office worker on the ground also transformed into a vampire, with a mouse-shaped head. He was not afraid of the green knight's attack at all. He opened the continuous fire with a gun in one hand, and easily knocked the green knight out.

"Hee hee, this is the first time I've met a knight. Your life energy should be delicious, right? But it's really strange, you seem to be human but not human..."


Xia Chuan was brought to the scene by Golem, let go of his hands and landed on the top of the building, and immediately pulled up the Celestial Horse Crossbow.

The rat-shaped vampire isn't very powerful, but it's the first time I've encountered it in this world, and it's a direct and ruthless one.


The rat-shaped vampire on the ground was startled, but before he could raise his head, he was shot through by an air arrow and exploded.


Xia Chuan stared at the flames of the explosion without looking away, and his heart sank when he saw a black shadow rushing out of the flames.

Sure enough.

As long as the level exceeds level 2, there will be mutations, and the corresponding knights need to be eliminated.


Xia Chuan aimed at the black shadow and opened the sublimation horse crossbow again. This time, the rat-shaped vampire seemed to be on guard, and his figure was erratic. However, Xia Chuan didn't even need to lock carefully, and several consecutive air arrows directly blocked all evasion angles.


The mouse-shaped vampire's body was pierced by two arrows, and it exploded again within a few steps.

This time, there was finally no sign of resurrection, and the breath was completely obliterated by the sealed energy.

"2 times..."

Xia Chuan put down the sublimation celestial horse crossbow, and suddenly an unobvious number jumped in his mind.

His physique seemed to have improved, but it was insignificant, and he didn't even feel it at all.


It is really not good news that the Vampire has appeared in this world.

Xia Chuan quietly looked at the green knight Omega who was looking around on the ground, then turned around to catch Golem and left the scene.

Must get kiva system as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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