Chapter 61

The green knight's body softened and knelt down on the ground. While panting, he lost his transformation and revealed the figure of a young man.

"Who was the knight just now? Why did you save me? I..."


"Human warriors, go to the knight school, there will be the answers you are looking for." Rose Girl stepped out of the shadows, watching Golem go away.


The young man was startled and turned his head to look at Rose, and stood up unsteadily to defend himself.

"You, who are you?!"

Rose Girl glanced at the young man, but without any response, she turned and disappeared into the alley with a cold expression.

Sora, who was supposed to fall into darkness, became a guardian existence, but this world has automatically moved towards the brink of destruction.

"Human beings are indeed becoming more and more interesting. Maybe one day, human beings will destroy the world by themselves."


Knight School nearby.

After landing, Xia Chuan escaped from his transformation, and when he was about to return to the base, he suddenly found Golem hovering above and did not leave.

"what happened?"

Xia Chuan looked up at Golem, as if he could feel Golem's disappointment.

It appears that this summoning will be the last.

"Is it still kuuga?" The little girl's voice sounded ignorant.

"Sorry, I've never been empty me."

Xia Chuan looked recalled.

Golem is a piece of equipment specially made by Linduo for Sora, and it has helped him a lot during this time.

But it didn't belong to him.

He was just using the power of the empty ego, never trying to become an empty ego.

Kamen Rider is just a way for him to embark on the path of evolution.

"Go," Xia Chuan took a step back, "There is a real Kuraga in this world. Although he is still growing, he must be a qualified fighter in the future."


Golem lowered his altitude, leaned closer to observe the Kuuga card in Xia Chuan's hand for a while, and when he turned his head to fly away, he suddenly shrank his body and turned into a ray of light and landed in Xia Chuan's hand.


Xia Chuan clenched his fingers, looking at the golem card in his hand with a complicated expression, he suddenly felt a little heavy.

"Are you going to stay?"

He couldn't tell whether Golem was equipped or life.

"Then continue to cooperate. Although I am not empty, I will also protect human beings."


Knight school.

Mizusawa Yu stood in front of Tamura with his head bowed, he seemed a little unaccustomed to the sight of outsiders, and seemed submissive.

"You said a strange woman asked you to come here?" Tamura confirmed with a frown.


Mizusawa Yuu's voice was weak.

"Suddenly it turned into a pile of rose petals and disappeared. By the way, there is a rose mark on the forehead..."

"Gulangi? I didn't expect there to be active individuals."

Tamura thought about it in a deep voice, crossed his fingers and said Mizusawa Yuu.

"There's nothing wrong with enrolling. The original purpose of this establishment was to train new knights. I've already learned about your situation from Hiroko. However, the Sora from Class A is not the one who saved you, and the instructor of Class A... It might be a little weird."

"Strange?" Mizusawa Yu looked up curiously.

"It's just that I prefer free teaching, and I'm more nerdy."

Tamura looked delicate.

If Xia Chuan was being lazy, the training results of the students in Class A were not bad. Not only did they join the patrol team ahead of time, they also performed well, and several of them even surpassed some senior knights.

But it seems inappropriate to say that Xia Chuan is serious about teaching.

"Can I meet my mentor?" Mizusawa Yu asked tentatively.

"Uh, it might be inconvenient now." Tamura thought of what he had seen with his own eyes.

Hiroko actually lived with Kaminaga, it's better not to bother her now.

"Really?" Mizusawa Yuu lowered his head in disappointment.

Can this knight school really find the so-called answer?
He really wanted to know what he would do in the future, whether he was a human or a monster.

outside the office.

Watanabe's face changed when he came to talk to Tamura about something.

He didn't care about the new classmate's affairs, but judging from the description on the other side, the strange person who attacked was probably a rat-shaped vampire.

Just like what my father said, sooner or later there will be other vampires in this world, including the legendary King of Vampires.

Only he can save the world when the time comes.

"It's finally here, but father, I don't have the power to save the world at all."

Du looked struggling to leave the office area.

Now he doesn't even dare to let others know his identity.

Villa area.

In order to prepare for the next shuttle, Xia Chuan stayed in the dormitory for two consecutive days to recharge his batteries, but Qianjian Hiroko has been running outside after moving here, and even broke two pairs of high heels.

"Damn it, which bastard invented high heels?"

Seeing that Hiroko was weak and fell on the sofa, panting and complaining, he saw Xia Chuan upstairs opened the door before sitting up with his legs together.

"Actually, you don't need to wear high heels at all." Xia Chuan bit his bread and went down the stairs.

"I don't want to either," Asahiko Hiroko said stiffly and helplessly for half a second, "there is a rule above, the only time I don't need to wear high heels is at home and in the car... Ah, let's not talk about this, Shenyong, are you really not going to go out? ?”

"I wanted to try another shuttle, so I took two more days off."

"It's really pitiful to be your student." Hiroko Asami said sympathetically.

"It's okay, I have already taught what should be taught."

Xia Chuan didn't pay too much attention.

After filling his stomach a little, he told Asami Hiroko.

"The shuttle has finished cooling down. I don't know what the result will be this time. I must eliminate all interference and go all out. Don't call the door again. I will turn off the phone directly."

Qianjian Hongzi stared at Xia Chuan back to the room in a daze.

"So many sounds like an excuse."

Curling her lips, Asami Hiroko looked worried when she looked at the door of Xia Chuan's room again.

There was nothing she could do to help.

What can be done is to try to keep the secret as much as possible, and at the same time put up a cover to prevent outsiders from becoming suspicious.

"come on."



Xia Chuan closed the curtains, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he turned on the shuttle again.

The same scene as last time reappeared, except that only the copy of "Kiva" appeared in Xia Chuan's consciousness this time.

"Wake up! Unlock the chains of fate!!"


With a huge suction force coming, Xia Chuan only felt his body lighten up, and when he opened his eyes again, there was a cliff coast in front of him.

"here it is……"

Xia Chuan looked around in the humid sea breeze, and the two cross tombstones near the sea first came into view.

"Akane Aso, 1942-1984..."

Sweeping his gaze over the nameplate of one of the tombstones, Xia Chuan paused in front of the second tombstone.

Yuri Aso, 1966-1988.
"God forever?"

Shimao, in a suit and leather shoes, climbed up the hillside, saw Xia Chuan's back, and the bouquet in his hand slipped down.

"You, are you still alive?!"

Xia Chuan turned to face Shimao.

Contrary to the impression, although his face is still serious, his temperament has changed a lot, and he has a lot of gray hair on his head.

This is the 2008 timeline?

"It's really you, Kaminaga!"

Shimao was surprised and hurried forward.

"What's going on? Didn't you already..."

"It's a long story, what year is it now?" Xia Chuan asked while looking at Aso Yuri's tombstone.

I can't say what it feels like, after all, we have only been together for two days.

But it is impossible to say that you are not sad.

The power of time is truly terrifying.

"In 2008, 22 years have passed before I knew it."

Shimamoru picked up the bouquet and placed it in front of the tombstone with a sigh.

"After your accident, Youli seemed to be a different person. He died within two years, and the second wolf still has Yinye... On the contrary, I have survived until now."

"It's really 2008."

Xia Chuan frowned slightly.

The shuttle node is not a fixed time.

"Where's Yuri's daughter?"

"What daughter?" Shimao shook his head in doubt, "Yuri has always blamed himself, thinking that he hurt you, and insisted on fighting until death... To be honest, it's all my fault."

(End of this chapter)

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