i'm really only human

Chapter 7 Ultra-Ancient Sora

Chapter 7 Ultra-Ancient Sora

"God forever!"

The boss shouted from downstairs.

"There's your package!"

"Wait a moment."

After Xia Chuan finished his breakfast, he turned off the TV that started playing commercials, and walked out quickly with a little excitement.

He didn't buy anything, and if nothing else happened, Hiroko Asami should have had a result.

Sure enough, before Xia Chuan went downstairs, Hiroko Asami called at the right time.

"You should have received it, right? I still have a job, so I asked my colleagues to send it to you."

Jianjian Hiroko's tone was brisk, with a faint hint of showing off and asking for credit.

"Don't forget, you must be ready before using it. When you shuttle into the knight's space, you will be accompanied by severe pain. If you really can't bear it, stop immediately. Don't be brave."

"I know, thank you, Hiroko."

Xia Chuan relaxed his breath and suppressed his excitement, and thanked him sincerely.

Among the former teammates, Asami Hiroko is undoubtedly the one who cares most about him, and has the most special feelings.

Could this woman have fallen in love with Ultraman?

"Didn't you already leave the job?" When the boss handed the package to Xia Chuan, he looked curious, "Why is there a package sent from the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"It's from a former colleague."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but when I took the package, I felt extra heavy.

Without delay, after greeting the boss, Xia Chuan immediately returned to the house with the package.

This world is too dangerous, if you get the knight system one second earlier, you will have the ability to protect yourself one second earlier.

He also wants to destroy those monsters as soon as possible to gain evolutionary power.


Gently put down the package, and after tearing off the seal, Xia Chuan took a silver belt device inside.

Same as in the data.

"A prototype?"

The original does not mean the best, without subsequent improvement, the security is obviously not guaranteed.

Just in case, Xia Chuan took out the materials and looked through them again.

After using the shuttle, the consciousness will enter a space-time dungeon called "Knight Space". Whether you can get the Knight System is entirely up to you.

As Hiroko Asami said before, the success rate is pitifully low. Even now, not many people succeed, and even fewer people get a powerful knight system.

In the eyes of the alliance, the usefulness of this thing may only be to obtain drive samples for research.

But for someone like him, the shuttle is the only hope.

"Try it."

With a serious face, Xia Chuan locked the door, sat on the sofa and put on the shuttle directly.

With a light click, the belt of the shuttle automatically stretched back and closed perfectly. If the front body was not too simple, it would be almost no different from the belt of a knight.


The ready mechanical chime sounds.

After confirming that there would be no interference, Xia Chuan pressed both sides of the belt according to the instructions.


Subtle electrical sensations spread from the shuttle all over his body. Before Xia Chuan could react, the scene in front of him changed suddenly. After a burst of light and shadow, the burning ruins suddenly came into Xia Chuan's eyes.

Doesn't it hurt?
Frowning in doubt, Xia Chuan quickly adjusted his posture and looked around vigilantly.

It is a bit similar to the Jiulangyue ruins, but the scene in front of me seems to be a primitive village of the Stone Age, and most of the buildings are wooden sheds or stone houses.

"Is this the knight space?"

Xia Chuan's eyes became even more puzzled.

Everything in front of me is too real, the mountains outside the village are stacked, the sky is as clear as washing, it is a real world at all.

Could it be that copy space refers to a separate knight spacetime?

"Kuuga (empty me)!"

A strange cry came from the ruins behind him, and before Xia Chuan could look for it, strange figures emerged from the forest one after another, clearly speaking an unknown language, but Xia Chuan could hear it very clearly.


Xia Chuan's eyes fell on the strange men standing on a high place.

Unlike the other eccentrics, these are all in human form, with grunge tattoos only on certain parts of their bodies.

The rose mark on the forehead of the first cold and beautiful woman is particularly conspicuous, and it is this person who makes him identify this group of weirdos.

The Gurangi family in "Kamen Rider Kuuga" is a weird race of super ancient humans that mutated due to meteorites from outside the sky. Most of them have brutal personalities and strong fighting instincts. They advocate killing games. It can be said that they are biological weapons that exist for fighting. .

The glamorous woman, also known as the rose girl, is a high-ranking member of Gulangjili, whose rank is only below the king's level. She does not participate in the killing game itself, but appears as the supervisor and manager of the game.

From the conversations of these people, Xia Chuan learned more detailed rules of the game.

It is not so much a game as it is a sacrificial ceremony to select powerful fighters, the first step is a large-scale knockout match.

It was very different from the Gurangi game in his impression, and it was even two games at all.

Is it...

Thinking of the shout just now, Xia Chuan suddenly lowered his head, his gaze changed suddenly when he saw the Kuwo belt around his waist.

Is this an ultra-ancient time and space in "Ego"?
He became an ultra-ancient empty self?Want to face the entire Gulangi family?
Did something go wrong? !

"Kuuga (empty me)!"

The previous shout sounded again, as if Xia Chuan's ignorance completely ignited his anger.

"If I kill you, I will be able to advance successfully! Be my sacrifice!"


Xia Chuan finally noticed the source of the sound.

It is a blue-gray monster with spider features, with spider legs on the head, and sharp white bone spurs pop out from the back of the hand when it is stretched out.

Long-term memories emerge.

As the first Gu Langji who killed people in the city in "Kull Me", Xia Chuan was quite impressed with this guy.

Originally thought to be the weakest Gulangji, but now there seems to be a weaker miscellaneous level in these Gulangji clan.

Being able to become one of the weirdos on TV, it seems that the other party is not too simple.


Turning over to avoid the white spider silk spit out by the spider Gu Langji, Xia Chuan held the belt with both hands, and as the white light emitted by the core spirit stone Yamadam covered the whole body, the red armor instantly condensed into shape.

It has the characteristics of a stag beetle in shape, with a red carapace protecting the upper body, and golden armor with ultra-ancient characters on the shoulders and joints.

The bonus of punching power is not as obvious as that of TheBee, but the new strength emerging from his body is far more than that of TheBee.

This is the special ability of the spirit stone in Kuuga's belt, which can realize the inner wishes of the user, and has great growth potential. The upper limit is much higher than that of an armored knight like Wasp.

After all, whether it is Ultra Universe or Kamen Rider Universe, idealism is the most powerful.


After regaining his stature, Xia Chuan grabbed the bone spur poked by the spider Gu Langji with one hand, and while flying it with his backhand, he raised his hot right foot and kicked it out quickly.


The spider Gu Langji who was still in mid-air suddenly yelled out in pain, and the part that was kicked by Xia Chuan appeared hot sealed words, and the strange man's body exploded into countless pieces with a bang before it hit the ground.


Xia Chuan put down his right foot, which was violently dissipating heat and steam, and looked around at the other Gu Langji who were killing each other.

It feels good.

Judging from the use of shuttle machines in the past, those who survive to the end can basically get the knight system.

Compared with other people, he is almost the chosen one who is familiar with Kamen Rider's abilities. Coupled with his special physique, there is no reason why the final harvest is worse than others.

On the basis of ensuring that you can survive, let's accumulate more combat experience.

Although it is dangerous here, as long as you don't die, it doesn't matter how badly you get hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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