i'm really only human

Chapter 8 Killing Game

Chapter 8 Killing Game


"Bang bang bang!"

Super ancient mountains.

After eliminating another Gulangi, Xia Chuan entered the central area stepping on the corpses all over the ground.

The scene at the scene can be described as tragic, and it is shocking at first glance.

Although he killed many Gulangji along the way, most of them died of cannibalism.

Almost all the miscellaneous soldiers and the weak were eliminated.

According to the class division of the Gulangji clan, the lowest-level miscellaneous soldiers belonged to the Bei group, and the spider monsters who were eliminated by him belonged to the penultimate Zi group.

At the top is the Mei group with medium combat effectiveness and various special abilities, and the Ge group with a small number of elite powerhouses.

Above it is the La Group to which Rose Girl belongs, and the En Group to which the royal family belongs.

The one who fought with him just now was the strongest in the Mei Group. His defense was astonishing, and his strength had reached the level of the Ge Group. It took him a long time to successfully solve it.

Those who can survive to the present are basically the strong ones above the Ge group of the Gulangi clan.

Next, he must be extremely careful, if he falls here, all previous battles will be useless.

Although the shuttle is not a one-time item, it still has a cooling time, and it is not known what will happen in the future, it may be more troublesome than this time.

"Oh? Kuuga? It's really interesting to fight till now."

A strange man with a disheveled head appeared on the rock with his arms folded, looking down eagerly at Xia Chuan from above.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I'll wait for you in the back. Give me some surprises. Maybe you can fully display that power."


Xia Chuan's body tensed up, and when he came back to his senses, the unkempt man had disappeared without a trace.

"Da Cuba?"

The strongest Grunji is destined to bring the ultimate dark Grunji King Dacuba.

In the future, it will be called No. 0. After unblocking, all other Gulangji will be revived, and the killing game in modern society will start. In the end, he will die with the grown-up ultimate sky in Jiulangyue.

The strength of this guy is almost crushing all other Gu Langji, powerful enough to change the sky.

Although the present is still incomplete and not as exaggerated as the future, his brief appearance still makes him a little out of breath.

It's hard for him to beat Da Cuba these days.

"It is necessary to change the strategy."

Xia Chuan stopped moving forward.

He is not this group of fighting madmen.

Fight all the way with your life, and finally have a king's battle with Da Cuba?
He is not stupid.

Humans are human because they are intelligent.

Before entering the central area, he had killed at least 10 Gurangi above the Zi level, each of which was a green thorn that exceeded the danger level 2, but his physique did not change at all, which means that there is no way to evolve through battles here, and at most it will enrich the battles It cannot be said that there is no help with experience, but obviously it cannot deal with Dacuba.

As for the empty self form.

For some reason, he only developed a few basic forms, including the current red omnipotent form, which are suitable for facing different types of enemies. There is no advanced form, and the so-called ultimate form is even missing.

"We must first find an opportunity to solve Dacuba, at least not let this guy become a complete body."

Xia Chuan was thinking about looking around, and could vaguely hear the sound of fighting coming from the front, judging from the movement, there was a high probability that it was a scuffle of the Ge Group.

Without going forward to investigate, Xia Chuan switched to the blue-cyan form with extremely high jumping ability and flexibility, and jumped into the dense forest next to him, hiding his body and avoiding the battle location.

The battle of the Ge Group will not end for a while, so just give him time to plan.


As Xia Chuan sneaked all the way, the sound of the battle in the rear became farther and farther away, and soon the surrounding became extremely quiet.

After leaving the dense forest, a group of cave and rock buildings appeared in front of Xia Chuan.

This is the core area of ​​the killing game.

According to the rules of the game, as the game continues, the surviving participants will become stronger and stronger. In the final stage, they will fight with Daguba, and the winning Gurangi will inherit all the power here to incur the ultimate darkness.

How can we solve Dacuba in advance?
Xia Chuan clenched his fists as he looked at the ruins-like buildings.

He can't let the game go to the end, otherwise Dacuba will be more difficult to deal with at that time, but now he can't beat Dacuba with his own strength.

That idiot of the Qunge Group, did he really think that he could defeat Daguaba by himself in the end?
There are problems with the rules of the game from the very beginning.

In the knockout round, of course, the strongest must be dealt with first.

But now it seems that everything seems to be paving the way for Da Cuba's ultimate evolution.

The Ge Group and Gulangji below the Ge Group are all sacrifices.


Xia Chuan was awakened by a loud explosion sound from the depths of the central cave.

Without thinking too much, Xia Chuan quickly leaped down and sneaked into the cave at high speed with afterimages.

Under the influence of super-strong eyesight and hearing, the source of the sound immediately formed a road map in Xia Chuan's mind. With the help of the cover of the rock wall, Xia Chuan quietly visited the scene after arriving, and immediately two figures of Gu Langji fighting fiercely came into view.

Two Gurangi royal families, one is Punky Dacuba and the other is...

Xia Chuan looked suspiciously at the wolf-shaped Gu Langji who was fighting Da Cuba.

Unexpectedly, there is still a Gulangji king who is on par with Pengtou Dacuba, and even faintly has the upper hand.

Was his guess wrong?

Or is it actually this wolf-shaped Gulangi who took the low-level Gulangji as a sacrifice, and the Punky Daguba was originally one of the sacrifices?

If this is the case, it would be interesting. Daguba actually crossed the Ge Group battle and came to the core area ahead of time like him, and even fought the wolf king here.


During the battle, Dacuba seemed to be very happy, his laughter was clear, and he didn't flinch even though his body was cracked and debris flew across. On the contrary, he attacked more vigorously.

It was as if he was simply enjoying the battle.



The wolf king Gu Langji was accidentally punched by Daguaba and smashed his abdominal belt into pieces. Although he also hit Daguaba hard, he didn't expect Daguaba to become more excited, and he was completely pierced by Daguaba in fear.

"Asshole, you won't get Ultimate Darkness!"

"Extreme darkness?" Pengtou Daguba looked at the wolf king Gu Langji who was gradually turning into black mist and laughed, "I have no interest at all. I just want to fight as much as I want now..."


Xia Chuan walked out of the bunker, casually turned a branch into a blue exclusive "green dragon stick", and looked at Pengtou Da Cuba with admiration.

Simply a born fighter.

Unlike him, the fight is just to survive.

Of course, admiration is nothing but admiration, he will not let go of such a rare good opportunity.

He is also one of the participants in this game. Even if it is only in the basic form, it is no small matter when strengthened. It is enough to deal with the current semi-disabled Dacuba.


Unkempt Da Cuba was obviously stunned for a moment.

"The game has reached the end? But your power..."


Xia Chuan didn't talk nonsense, and suddenly moved at a high speed, the green dragon stick pierced straight against the shaggy-headed Da Cuba's abdomen, and then quickly pushed Da Cuba into the rock wall.


A huge seal text appeared in the belly of the unkempt Daguba, and before Daguba counterattacked, the belt that was Gu Langji's nerve center exploded with a bang.



Seeing the unkempt Daguba disappearing into the black mist, Xia Chuan put away the green dragon stick, and broke away with all his strength and transformed into a human form.

Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, even if he is confident of defeating Da Cuba, he still tries his best.

It can also be regarded as respect for Da Cuba.


Slowly letting out a breath, Xia Chuan suddenly felt a new force gushing out from his abdominal belt.

A royal aura similar to that of Dacuba.

It has been strengthened again, and it is an epic level enhancement.

With this power, even if he can't change Ultimate Kurangi, other Gurangi are no threat to him at all.

"It's time to end."

Xia Chuan took one last look at the rock cave where the two kings were buried, and it turned red again, so I turned and left.

Let's deal with the remaining Gulangji all at once.

Anyway, he doesn't need to perform any sacrificial rituals, so he should settle it quickly and go home quickly.




Nagano Prefecture, Central Alps.

In the middle of the night, the excavation site of the Jiulangyue ruins group suddenly heard the sound of thunder, and a huge beam of light connecting the sky and the earth illuminated the sky, and then the entire mountain range was covered by lightning strikes.

In the scorched woods, the unkempt Daguba walked out of the valley with thunder and lightning, and weird arms protruded from the rain-soaked ground along the way.


(End of this chapter)

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