Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 213 What's in the box?No. 1 in ancient and modern times...

Chapter 213 What's in the box?The first in ancient and modern times... (seeking subscription)
blue sea, blue sky.

The sea breeze is gentle.

Today's weather is fine, the sea is calm.

Such calm weather is relatively rare in the eastern waters.

Fang Hao continued to sit on the deck fishing, his mood sank.

What he caught earlier made him feel very dissatisfied.

So now he just wants to catch fish, so as to heal his wounded heart.

"I'm so unlucky, it's time for me to catch a fish."

Fang Hao felt that pain in his heart.

He almost forgot the feeling of catching fish.

It's been a long time since I caught it.

If he doesn't catch any fish, he will doubt whether he is still a fisherman.

"Just catch me a fish, and next time I'll buy [-] catties of bait for you to eat."

Fang Hao said silently in his heart.

Or catch the satellite earlier, so that you can fish in another place and leave this ghost place earlier.

He always felt that this place was out of character with him.

Either catch the fish, or catch the moon early.

Fang Hao was looking forward to this.

As for the rest, he didn't think too much about it.


Takako also kept moving.

This time they launched a comprehensive investigation and self-examination.

All bases where F22 fighter jets are deployed have been inspected, and every effort has been made to ensure that every aircraft is in the record and no one is missed.

Especially in overseas bases, it needs to be checked and confirmed one by one.

There has never been a movement as big as it is now.

After going through such a severe review, she was unresponsive.

In the end, it was discovered that an F22 fighter jet had been lost in the base over there, but it had been concealed from the report due to long-term maintenance.

This is why the last time Yingzi conducted an inspection, he did not find that the plane was missing.

It wasn't until now that I checked again that I found this problem.

The reason is that the plane took off illegally and did not perform any flight missions, so it was not recorded.

And because F22 fighter jets are relatively expensive, they need to be well maintained at ordinary times, and overseas bases do not have such good conditions, which leads to some hidden dangers in the aircraft.

Exactly on that flight, the plane suffered a serious malfunction and crashed in the sea.

In order to be afraid of taking responsibility, the person in charge of the base has always declared that the aircraft is in a state of maintenance.

After all, this is a normal thing for F22 fighter jets.

But unexpectedly, the crashed plane would be caught by Fang Hao.

Only then did I know what was going on.

Now that the investigation has clarified the cause of the incident, the next step is how to deal with it.

The person in charge of this incident must take responsibility, and none of the people involved in this incident can escape, and all of them will be punished.

And then for Takako, the most important thing is the wreckage of the plane.

They still don't know how many plane wrecks the other side got, or just two wings, plus the current ejection seats.

They have no news at all.

There is no way, they can only try to communicate first.

A statement was issued, hoping to return the wrecked parts of the plane and the remains of the pilot.

Waiting for our response.

And our response is also very simple, the situation is being understood.

As for how long it takes to understand, that is a science.

Maybe by the time the understanding is over, their things have already been figured out.



Fatty's luck was relatively better. In less than an hour, he caught two fish.

Although they were all small fish weighing a few kilograms, Fang Hao was so envious of such luck.

If he could catch fish, let alone a few catties, he would be willing to fish in a few taels.

But on his side, after catching the ejection seat and the pilot's bones in front, he started hunting turtles.

The fishing rod didn't move.

This made Fang Hao sigh in his heart. Every time he caught a corpse, his luck seemed to be sucked away, and he fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

Watching Xiaopang's side catch one fish after another, while his side remained silent, it became a stark contrast.

Not to mention catching fish, he didn't even have anything else.

Even the most frequently caught detectors are still silent now.

It was as if everything had left him.

In this way, Fang Hao stayed up until night, and there was no movement on Fang Hao's side.

On the contrary, Xiaopang started to catch fish continuously, and he always caught fish.

There was even a golden gun caught in the back.

Xiaopang has gained a lot here, and he can just give extra meals to the whole ship in the evening.

And just like that, the day ended.

Fang Hao just caught such an ejection seat today, and he didn't catch any other things.

It seemed that he was also afraid that Fang Hao would be in a bad mood, so Captain Yu went to find Fang Hao to comfort him, "Don't be discouraged, you can definitely catch more good things in the future."

Hearing Captain Yu's comfort, Fang Hao couldn't laugh or cry, why was he so discouraged.

He is not worried at all.

This is not the first time.

But he didn't ignore the other party's kindness, and nodded to show that he knew.

Although the experts in the aerospace department felt sorry for not catching a satellite on the first day, he still had high hopes for Fang Hao.

After all, catching satellites is not an easy task in the first place, how could it be so easy to catch them.

After seeing Fang Hao hooked up the ejection seat today, it seemed as if a door to a new world had been opened for him.

refreshed his understanding.

This kind of visual impact is really too strong.

This is why many people were so shocked when they saw Fang Hao fishing those things.

This made Fang Hao's confidence rise even more to the peak.

The next day, Fang Hao checked his fortune early again.

But today's divination results are not very good.

The result of divination is: today's fortune is bad.

This dispelled Fang Hao's idea of ​​using the Luck Changing Card.

The main reason is that yesterday he found that even if he was lucky, he caught half a skeleton.

With such bad luck now, just forget it.

And this day, Fang Hao also beat a tortoise a little bit, without a single cut.

Nothing was caught.

There was no movement all day.

On the other hand, Xiaopang's side was full of harvest again, almost exploding, and the total number of fish caught was almost three hundred catties. One can imagine how many fish were caught today.

The contrast between the two is even more obvious.

One has nothing, and the other is constantly catching fish.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also made all kinds of jokes.

Such a rare opportunity, these little blacks will not let it go.

Just to 'revenge' Fang Haoqi's enmity with them.

"Oh, you can't do it, the anchor, you've been fighting turtles for another day."

"Anchor, look at Brother Ab, he is fishing, but you are feeding fish."

"Anchor, don't say you caught a fish, when will you catch something else?"

"Why don't you tell us what you went fishing this time?"

"If it's not the anchor, if we can't catch fish, then stop fishing and change careers early. Why don't we go to the beach and report a piece of sea area, and then raise fish there."

"If we can't fish, we can raise fish."

Faced with this group of teasing, Fang Hao was too angry to say anything.

No way, his luck today is really bad.

But today Xiaopang caught so many fish, and it was another day for extra meals.

The expert in the aerospace department also experienced a different kind of fun at sea.

He was still a little seasick, but he also happily integrated into their fishing group.

And so another day passed.

This day is not a good day for Fang Hao.

Fortunately, on the third day, Fang Hao finally ushered in the dawn.

He got up early in the morning on the third day and read his fortune.

Good luck today!

Good luck.

Now, Fang Hao finally felt better.

He immediately used a luck card again, adding ten points of luck to make his luck even better.

Let good luck last longer.

Since today's luck is so good, will you catch fish?
Fang Hao was looking forward to it.

Sure enough, luck was different, and not long after he put down the hook, Fang Hao hooked up a detector, and it took only 5 minutes.

Too fast.

After catching the first detector, it was a good start anyway, at least there will be no turtle hunting today.

Seeing Fang Hao's performance, Captain Yu also had a smile on his face, and he finally returned to his normal performance.

And the expert in the aerospace department looked at him with extra curiosity, and it seemed even more different.

"You little blackheads just wait, today I will not only not be able to hunt turtles, but I will also catch something that will convince you!"

Fang Hao also let go of his rhetoric.

With such good luck today, he did not believe that he would not catch good things.

As soon as the words fell, Fang Hao felt the movement in his hand.



It seems that today's luck is really good.

The divination results of these two days are somewhat reliable.

I said I was unlucky yesterday, but it was really bad. I just hunted turtles for a day and didn't catch anything.

But today's luck was good, and it took a long time to catch something again.

It's just that I don't know what it will catch this time.

The thing is not heavy, it probably weighs a thousand catties.

Fang Hao can still easily pull up these weights.

With his own strength alone, he already weighed [-] jin.

This is not difficult for him.

When Fang Hao fished things up slowly, a large metal box with rust on the outside appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the appearance of the box, it must have been in the sea for a long time.

"Metal box?"

Fang Hao was also taken aback when he saw the metal box he had caught.

It's just a metal box, which doesn't seem like a good thing.

Unless there is some treasure in this box, that's another story.

But looking at the outside of the metal box, the rust is very serious, but maybe the outer shell of the metal box is thick enough, and the metal is not just a simple iron box, so it has not been corroded and penetrated by sea water.

When Fang Hao pulled up the metal box and put it on the deck, everyone's eyes were attracted.

Captain Yu also hurried over.

what is this?
In the minds of everyone, this idea has emerged.

Nobody knows what's in it.

It could be something good, or it could be nothing.

Only by opening this box can we know the situation.

In order to protect everyone's safety, Captain Yu told everyone not to get close to this box.

Afraid of triggering some dangers during the opening process.

Captain Yu's awareness of protection is in place, and he is very cautious.

After all, the people on this ship, whether it is Fang Hao or the expert in the aerospace department, are all very important people, so nothing can happen.

"What's in this box?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room suddenly became curious.

They also wanted to know what the contents of this box would be.

is baby?
or what?
Captain Yu began to arrange people here, and after taking protective measures, he approached the rusty metal box.

This box is very big, about 1.5 meters high.

People standing there are only a head taller.

Under the command of Captain Yu, the coast guard carefully pried open the iron box.

Needless to say, the quality of this metal box is really good enough, the inside has not been corroded, that is to say, only the outer layer has been corroded.

But the lid of this box is not usually thick, probably a few centimeters.

After prying off the top layer of the cover, they saw the situation inside. The cover was filled with various waterproof measures.

About five or six waterproof measures have been taken.

Obviously, the things in this box are afraid of water, so so many waterproof measures are taken.

So even if the metal box leaks, the contents inside will not be soaked by water.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the coast guard removed the waterproof measures little by little.

Layers of tarpaulins were unraveled.

Break the seal.

Until the last layer was untied, and finally saw what was inside...

After confirming what was inside, the coast guard made a non-dangerous gesture, confirming that the box was not in any danger.

Captain Yu, Fang Hao and the others just walked over. They all wanted to know what was in the box, and there were so many waterproof seals.

When they walked over to have a look and saw what was inside, they were all stunned.

It was as if the head had been blown apart, and the pupils of all of them constricted.

One by one looked in surprise.

Because what's inside is really shocking!
"What is it?" The water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't see the situation in the box, so they were all waiting for the answer to be revealed.

They were also anxiously waiting.

The reason why Fang Hao, Captain Yu and the people around them were shocked was because the contents in this box were nothing but books.

And the classics here are not ordinary things.

Because this is "Yongle Dadian"!
It can be called the first strange book in ancient and modern times.

There are too many things documented here, covering almost everything.

It's just that after a long time, many volumes of Yongle Dadian were lost.

Unexpectedly, a part of it was found here.

It was still caught by Fang Hao.

It's in this metal box.

Although I don't know why the Yongle Grand Ceremony is kept in this metal box, but the luck to be able to catch it... is really awesome.

 Recommend a book~


(End of this chapter)

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