Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 214 The Internet is a sensation!

Chapter 214 The Internet is a sensation! (seeking subscription)
The "Yongle Dadian" in the box completely stunned everyone present.

Everyone knows the preciousness of "Yongle Dadian".

This is the first strange book in ancient and modern times.

Completed during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the book has 22877 volumes, 11095 volumes, about 3.7 million characters, and brings together seven to eight thousand kinds of ancient and modern books.

The content includes classics, history, sons, and collections, involving astronomy and geography, yin and yang medical skills, divination, Buddhism, Taoism, drama, crafts, and agriculture, covering the intellectual wealth of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

Equivalent to today's encyclopedia.

And it is the most complete encyclopedia ever in the world.

There is only one original book of "Yongle Dadian" revised during the Yongle period, and all the copies that survive today are manuscripts from the Jiajing period.

But since the Ming Dynasty, this book has been missing, and then after various turmoil, until now... there are only more than 400 volumes left.

Among them, there are more than 200 volumes in our own National Library, 40 volumes in the Eagle Congress Library, 62 volumes in the National Palace Museum on the Wanwan side, Henry Bull’s museum, Oxford University Museum, University of London, etc. There are still 51 volumes in the Oriental Language School and Cambridge University, 5 volumes in the Chariot Kingdom, and there are many more in Little Days.

Only a small number of them remain today.

One can imagine how precious it is.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the contents of the box.

After being in a daze for a long time, he finally recovered.

"This..." Captain Yu couldn't even speak.

This is a person who has experienced various big scenes, but at this moment, he was still shocked.

The value of this book is immeasurable.

Fang Hao himself took a deep breath, and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

No one is not shocked.

"Why do I feel that this thing is terrible."

After seeing the performance of everyone on board, the water friends in the live broadcast room had a vague premonition in their hearts.

"What could it be?"

This made them even more curious.

"Anchor, what is this?"

"Brother Abdominal, what is this?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was brushed up.

When they were eager to know the answer, the answer was revealed.

"Brother Hao, this is actually the Yongle Grand Ceremony!"

Fatty's voice fell.

But what followed was a sensation in the live broadcast room.

"Yongle Grand Ceremony???"

"I didn't... hear me wrong?"

"It turned out to be... the Yongle Grand Ceremony!"

"Oh my God!!!"

The live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

Everyone knows the preciousness of the Yongle Canon, and knows that a lot of this book has been lost, and only a small part of it remains today.

You know, this is the most precious book in the world.

Let’s say that two years ago, two volumes were auctioned at the Gallic Poisson Auction House. At that time, the auction started at 11 euros, but in just 640 minutes, the price soared all the way to 812.8 million euros, and the final transaction price was 6490 million. If the euro is converted into the price at the exchange rate at that time, it is [-] million yuan.

With such a high price for just two volumes, one can imagine how precious this book is.

The reason why it is so precious is because it contains documents that may have been lost in history.

Another reason is that when the whereabouts of the original are unknown, the copies that are handed down are incomplete, and the value is even more different.

It is by far the largest and most complete encyclopedia in the world, bar none!

It is the best book in China's 5000-year history, from ancient times to the present, not one of them!

Even with adjectives such as 'priceless treasure' and 'invaluable', they can't express one ten thousandth of its value!
For example, if you own this book and encounter the end of the world, everything has to start from the primitive society, it will teach you how to collect materials, how to smelt tools, and the building process in it can teach you to build from scratch own house.

If you want to satisfy your appetite, the grand ceremony covers everything from grain planting to animal husbandry to wine fermentation and brewing.

If you are sick, there are various prescriptions in it, you can prescribe the right medicine, and it also records in detail what various Chinese medicines look like and under what environment they grow.


That's the value of this book.

After the Yongle Canon was written, due to its huge volume, even Zhu Di didn't read it a few times.

But the Emperor Jiajing behind him couldn't put it down.

It was only in the 36th year of Jiajing that the palace caught fire. Fortunately, the rescue was timely and the grand ceremony was not damaged.

It seems that it is precisely because of this fire that Jiajing realized that a copy needs to be re-recorded, so in the autumn of the fifth year after the fire, a huge re-recording work began, that is, the copy.

This re-recorded copy is exactly the same as the original in terms of content, format, and binding.

However, when the re-recording work was completed, it had been three months since Jiajing passed away.

Later, there were rumors that this original was sent to Yongling as a funeral object for Jiajing.

As for the dungeon, there are still turmoil in the back.

It was not discovered until the Kangxi period, but it was only a copy, and the number of copies was not the same, with more than 1000 copies missing.

Then, after going through a lot of twists and turns, when the "Siku Quanshu" was about to be revised in the Qianlong period, there were more than 1000 volumes less than in the Kangxi period.

As time goes by, due to lack of supervision, these ceremonies continue to be lost.

Until the first year of Guangxu, it was found that there were less than [-] copies.

Then in June of the 20th year of Guangxu, it was discovered that there were only [-] volumes left in the Canon.

Obviously, this is likely to be the guard's self-stealing.

According to rumors, these stolen books were either sold to foreign devils or some antique dealers.

Then when the coalition forces invaded, it was even more... treasures were robbed in various ways.

It is very possible that the box that Fang Hao caught now was the one that was snatched away at that time.


"This is... the Grand Ceremony of Yongle!"

The water friends couldn't believe it.

It was so shocking.

"The anchor is really awesome, he can even catch this."

"Compared to this, I don't think the bronze head of the Chinese zodiac that I caught before is worth mentioning!"

"Too good!"

"The anchor is really awesome. Yesterday, I played a turtle all day, and today I made a big move. You were building up your feelings yesterday."

A group of water friends 'suddenly realized'.

The Internet was also completely blown up. As soon as this news came out, it caused a sensation all over the Internet.

Fang Hao's hooking on the Yongle Grand Ceremony has become a hot topic again.

There is no doubt that it directly rushed to the number one position in the hot search list!
No one can shake left and right.

All traffic stars and the like had to stand back.

"Damn it? Someone actually caught Yongle Dadian!"

"This...is this fisherman again!"

"This fisherman is awesome."

"This is the Grand Ceremony of Yongle!!!"

If you haven't seen a pig run, maybe you haven't eaten pork yet?

Although most of the netizens have never seen or read the Yongle Canon, it does not prevent them from knowing the most wonderful book in ancient and modern times.

The Internet has exploded.

In reality, it also caused a huge sensation.

The curator of the National Library, the director of the State Administration of Cultural Relics, the country... and a group of bigwigs in the cultural relics world were all alarmed at this moment.

"What, did you catch Yongle Dadian again by fishing in the eastern waters?"

Some time ago, they heard that they had caught the bronze head of the twelve zodiac signs. How long has it been since then, and now they have caught the Yongle Dadian.

Huge surprises filled everyone's nerves.

This is the Grand Ceremony of Yongle.

There is nothing like these books.

Compared with the Yongle Grand Ceremony, the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs, the 'National Treasures' before that time, seem to be worthless.

They make a decision right away.

"Go, go to Jinghai immediately, go to sea immediately!"

They must be on the scene as soon as possible.

Not a moment should be lost.

They are afraid that they will miss it, and then make themselves regret it for the rest of their lives.

In an instant, many experts and scholars from all over the country, as well as some bigwigs in the cultural relics field, all rushed towards Jinghai again.

Jinghai was not calm again.


And then caught this metal box, and found a treasure that cannot be measured by value, such as the Yongle Canon.

Captain Yu quickly realized that there must be something underneath.

There can't be just one box here.

There might well be another sunken ship down there.

Captain Yu immediately reported the situation here and asked for support.

They don't have enough manpower here now.

After all, they have to send people down to check the situation on the bottom of the sea, and then they have to fish for satellites.

It's simply too busy.

If there is really a sunken ship under the sea, it will need manpower even more.

After reporting the situation, Captain Yu immediately prepared to go down to check whether there was a sunken ship under the sea, or whether there was such a metal box.

This is what many people want to know.

The expert in the aerospace department was even more stunned, completely stunned by this scene.

This battle is too big.

But what he didn't expect even more was that this time... he actually caught Yongle Dadian from the sea.

There are too many things under the sea.

You can really catch anything.

This is a real treasure house, it has everything.

Anyway, he was dumbfounded.

Just going out to sea for a few days, completely refreshed his cognition, his mind went blank, and he had completely forgotten what their mission was.

The deep diving equipment and personnel have already gone into the sea, and they are ready to detect the situation on the bottom of the sea.

Check for sunken ships, or other metal boxes.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Not only the people on the boat were waiting for the news, but also the group of water friends in the live broadcast room, as well as the netizens on the Internet, etc., were all waiting for the news.

Captain Yu and Fang Hao watched the display on the boat to see what was going on under the sea.

Although it's not very clear, at least... it can see the situation on the bottom of the sea.

With the help of deep diving equipment, people can also dive into deeper seabeds.

The situation under the sea is complex, but also beautiful.

Lots of fish swimming around.

It's a little different.

Everyone's attention is in the sea, hoping to find something new.

As long as there is more than one metal box, then... you can make a lot of money.

If the sunken ship can be found, it will be even more different.

There are about twenty volumes in this iron box.

We ourselves are only in the early [-]s, and now there are about [-] volumes in this box, accounting for one-tenth of the volume... Tell me, what a huge harvest this time.

This is definitely the biggest harvest of the cultural relics and literature circles.

On the Internet, a group of people are rushing towards Fang Hao's live broadcast room after receiving the news.

The popularity of Fang Hao's live broadcast room skyrocketed again, with several million more popularity all of a sudden.

The popularity that has increased in such a short period of time is the envy of many people.

People with millions of popularity are all top anchors on various platforms.

Fang Hao is now the only existence, completely breaking the circle.

His popularity is not just the traffic of one platform, almost the traffic of the whole network is attracted by him.

This also makes the Huya platform reap a lot.

A person drives a platform.

Really don't say it.

Because of Fang Hao's terrifying popularity, it brought huge traffic, which benefited many anchors on the Huya platform. During this period, many anchors with millions of popularity were born.

At the same time, the traffic of other people is obviously higher than in the past.

After all... Fang Hao can't live broadcast 24 hours a day.

When he didn't start the live broadcast, some people who still want to watch the live broadcast will watch other people's live broadcast, and then they will be motivated.

Therefore, in order to bind Fang Hao, Huya directly gave him a part of the shares.

This is no longer just an anchor, but a shareholder.

The status of the platform is not the same.

But these are all secondary to Fang Hao, they are all external things, and he doesn't care about them.


The deep diving equipment is still searching under the seabed, looking around little by little.

Finally, about 100 meters southeast of the coast guard ship, they found a sunken ship!
Judging from the appearance of the wreck, the ship may be hundreds of years old.

The discovery of this shipwreck is like a shot in the arm.

Everyone got excited.

Maybe there are other things in this sunken ship.

At the same time as the sunken ship was found, another coast guard ship came on the sea and rushed here.

It was the [-]-ton coast guard ship, and he was also an old acquaintance.

They all rushed here to support after getting the news.

This is also the completion of the previous shipwreck salvage work, freeing up some manpower.

It just so happened that a sunken ship was discovered here again, and manpower is needed to help, otherwise, it might really be too busy.

Moreover, the deep-sea diving equipment on this [-]-ton coast guard ship is more advanced than Captain Yu's.

"Captain Han."

After greeting each other.

Captain Han also made arrangements here, and also sent deep-diving detection equipment to the bottom of the sea to help investigate the situation of the sunken ship.

After some investigation, it was learned that the sunken ship was a small day's ship.

And the age is relatively long, it was a cargo ship when the coalition forces invaded.

After these people grabbed the things and were about to transport them back to the cherry blossom field, they encountered a huge storm, and then the cargo ship had an accident, which led to the sinking of the ship.

However, it is precisely because of the sinking of the ship that such an important classic can be preserved.

Otherwise, so many Yongle ceremonies would have to be snatched away by those robbers.

Fortunately, they all stayed.


Those little days lurking in Fang Hao's live broadcast room, after seeing these books, and after learning that the sunken ship belonged to them.

Both eyes were red, revealing great greed.

These things are supposed to be theirs.

If the ship didn't sink into the sea.

No one knows how many treasures there are under the sea.

This is a huge treasure!

If these treasures can be excavated and the sunken ships below are fished, even if it is only one thousandth, one ten thousandth, it will be a huge wealth.

This further strengthened their idea of ​​wanting to get Fang Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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