Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 215 Fang Hao Was Targeted

Chapter 215 Fang Hao Was Targeted (Subscribe)

In the eastern sea area, it became lively again.

The follow-up salvage ship also came and started the salvage work of the sunken ship.

There were also a group of directors of libraries and museums at all levels, as well as bigwigs from various cultural relics circles, who also came to the scene by boat.

Fang Hao's task of fishing for satellites was temporarily postponed.

There is no way, there is still no manpower available here, and there is no way to leave immediately to fish for satellites, so we can only temporarily postpone it for a few days.

Anyway, it's not bad for two or three days.

Fishing for satellites does not mean that you can catch them immediately.

Without a certain amount of luck, it may not be possible to catch it.

Fang Hao and the others have been out at sea for a few days, but they haven't caught any yet.

There is no way to rush this kind of thing, everything depends on God's will.

Fang Hao himself was not sure that he would be able to catch something.

"It's really... the Yongle Grand Ceremony!"

After the director of the National Library came to the scene, his eyes were red with excitement, and tears almost fell down.

Exactly the same material, exactly the same books.

These things are priceless.

It's too precious.

No wonder they are not excited.

Each of these books is an orphan.

"Another metal box was found."

After the salvage ship arrived, it quickly entered the working state, and some more advanced salvage equipment came into play.

This has better help for the exploration and salvage of sunken ships.

After salvaging the sunken ship, a metal box was finally found, which was similar to the one Fang Hao fished before.

If there is no accident, the things in this box are probably packed in the Yongle Grand Ceremony.

Then began to salvage the metal box. After salvaging it, I pried off the lid of the box to check, and I found that it was the Yongle Canon, and there were also about twenty volumes.

Then there are more than 40 volumes of the Yongle Canon found here.

"More than 40 volumes." The hands of the director of the National Library were shaking.

This is not over yet, and the salvage of the sunken ship has just begun, and no one knows how many good things are inside.

This is a cargo ship, and there is absolutely no shortage of things inside.

Even though the displacement of this cargo ship is not high, only more than 1000 tons, there will be a lot of things inside.

Things have been salvaged from the sea one after another, many of which are our antiques.

Some are some bronze wares, some are some stone carvings.

Values ​​vary.

But there is no doubt that the value of the Yongle Grand Ceremony is the highest.

Then a box was salvaged again, and the waterproof measures were also well done, but the things inside were not Yongle Canon, but some calligraphy and paintings, all of which were written by masters in ancient times, and were of high value.

The things in this shipwreck are really good, and the harvest is quite rich.

And Fang Hao, who caught the sunken ship, once again became a celebrity in the eyes of everyone.

The leader of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage approached him even more, "Mr. Fang Hao, I wonder if you are interested in becoming a special consultant for our State Administration of Cultural Heritage."

"Ah?" The sudden words completely confused Fang Hao.

"You are a special consultant of the Handong Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, so it is only natural that you become a special consultant of our National Cultural Relics Bureau."

This seems to make sense.

But...how does it feel like it's the other way around.

"I..." Fang Hao didn't know whether to agree or refuse for a moment.

"Old miscellaneous hair, you want to poach our Handong people again." Old Zhang snorted, and he also came to the scene.

"How can this be called digging your people, everyone is doing their part for the country."

"Besides, being a member of our National Cultural Relics Bureau does not conflict with your Handong Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau." The leader of the National Cultural Relics Bureau said.

Mr. Zhang didn't say much, he and the other party were old acquaintances, and just now it was just to choke the other party.

Both of them are used to bickering.

When I was young, I used to fight each other a lot.

Not to mention being older now.

Seeing such a battle, Fang Hao simply agreed. Anyway, there is not much difference, just one more title.

Besides, he has dealt with each other a lot recently, especially once he catches a sunken ship, it will basically have something to do with it.

With such an identity, follow-up work is also more convenient.

It's just a special consultant, and he doesn't need to work full-time, so it won't affect him.

In fact, the leader of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage also took a fancy to Fang Hao's fishing ability, he could catch all kinds of things, including sunken ships.

There are often antiques and cultural relics inside this sunken ship, which are very precious things.

Fang Hao's value is huge.

In the future, Fang Hao will definitely need to catch more sunken ships and more cultural relics.

This is the idea of ​​the leader of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

Too many people look at Fang Hao, and they all want the other party to be their own. They must see who can strike faster.

After learning that Fang Hao had become a special consultant of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, another group of people flocked over, all wanting to make friends with Fang Hao.

Seeing this scene, the expert in the aerospace department was even more stunned.

This... this becomes a specially-appointed consultant?
I go.

He was completely shocked.

However, he did not question Fang Hao's ability. The other party is fully qualified to be a special consultant of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

It's just that seeing Fang Hao so young, his expression was a little dazed, and he felt a little unbelievable.

This is the real young talent.

Anyway, everything he saw these days really overturned his previous cognition.

It also refreshed his world outlook and outlook on life.

It's really incredible.

Fang Hao also became the most concerned person on the ship, and there was an endless stream of people who came to him, all wanting to make friends with him.

And these people, without exception, are all bigwigs in the cultural relics world or other fields.

Everyone knows the value of Fang Hao.

This is just the beginning, and there will only be more antiques, cultural relics and treasures caught in the future.

Who wouldn't pay attention to such a person.

Especially people from other regions, waiting for a chance, invited Fang Hao to go fishing with them, to see if they could catch some cultural relics or some sunken tombs.

This is true.


On the Internet, Fang Hao's popularity remains high.

Always high.

"He's still amazing."

"Last time I caught the wreckage of the plane, this time I caught the Yongle Dadian, and then found the sunken ship."

"That's right, he caught a lot of sunken boats."

"And there are really too many good things in the sunken ship."

"If only I had the ability to do that."

"Isn't it? If we can catch the wreck too, we'll be rich."

There are also various discussions among netizens here, and everyone is very envious and wants to become a fisherman like Fang Hao.

"Brothers, I have also gone fishing, wish me good luck."

Some netizens even went fishing with her.

"666, brother, don't forget the rich and the rich."

"Hey, I've been fishing for almost half a month, why haven't I caught anything?"

"Everyone's body is different."


Fang Hao sparked a fishing craze, and many people started to go fishing.

Some people who have never fished before, and those who have never been in contact with fishing, have also started to fiddle with fishing, and they have learned it well.

There are also some people who used to fish, or those who could only fish secretly because the family blocked them, but now they have changed.

Their family did not prevent them from fishing, but encouraged them to go fishing.

When resting at home, he would urge him why he didn't go fishing today.

The wife at home stopped scolding, and occasionally asked them to take her to go fishing to feel the difference in fishing.

A fishing trend has formed.

This seems to have almost become the biggest pastime.

Fang Hao never thought that he would bring such a great popularity. He used to be just a newcomer fishing anchor.

At that time, there were only dozens of people in the live broadcast room.

Unlike today, this popularity is almost breaking 5000 million.

It is definitely No.1 in the live broadcasting industry, and it is also the No.1 in fishing industry.

Never before has a person's popularity been so terrifying.

"Is there any brother at the scene of the wreck?"

But no one seems to respond.

They seem to have forgotten that there is no signal at sea, or the signal is very weak, even if someone arrives at the scene, it may be difficult to respond.

Not everyone is like Fang Hao. His live broadcast equipment uses a separate satellite signal, which does not affect it.

This is a live broadcast device rewarded by the system. If it can't even be used for live broadcast, can it still be called a boutique?


The salvage work of the sunken ship will not be finished soon, it will take a lot of time.

More and more things are salvaged from the sea.

Later, a metal box was salvaged again, and the contents inside were still the Yongle Grand Ceremony.

There are another twenty volumes.

There are about sixty volumes of the Yongle Canon in these three metal boxes.

And you must know that there are only more than 200 volumes of the Yongle Canon in the entire National Library, which directly accounts for almost one-third.

It is conceivable how valuable this shipwreck discovery is.

In addition to the priceless treasures of the Yongle Canon, several boxes of gold and silver jewelry, two boxes of calligraphy and paintings, some stone carvings, and some statues were also found on the ship...

These things add up to priceless, inestimable value.

And the salvage is not over yet, the bottom is still being salvaged.

After salvaging so many things, Xiaotian couldn't sit still again.

After all, there are so many good things, they are eye-catching.

Who can't see it with envy.

They must not be reconciled to such a large amount of wealth being taken away by the other party.

What's more, this shipwreck has something to do with their cherry blossoms, it's their ship.

So they want to negotiate with us just like the situation with the Awa Maru last time.

Want to share something.

But our side is too lazy to reason.

I really think too much.

We didn't ask them for compensation, it's our temper.

They still want our stuff?
This also caused many of our netizens to scold on the Internet.

"Ma Dan, where did you get your face these days?"

"How dare we calculate it, if we really want to calculate it, we have to start calculating it from Daming..."

"It's a bit far away from the Ming Dynasty, so it's better to start from the Sino-Japanese War."

"Madan, the more you think about it, the more angry you get, why don't you just send Miss Qiu."

These little days are too much dance, so let them all disappear.

Save your eyes, this is the most real.

Unfortunately, there has been no reason.


The wreck salvage lasted three days.

Later, another coast guard ship came to support at the scene, and Fang Hao and the others were able to escape.

They can go on with their mission of fishing for moons.

The experts in the aerospace department breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, they can continue to carry out their mission of fishing for satellites.

This satellite is also very important.

This experimental satellite involves a lot of new technologies and some new materials, so it needs to be caught.

These are important.

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted and you will have to try again.

This is time-consuming and labor-intensive, requiring a waste of too much money and too much time and energy.

For this satellite, they have prepared for two years back and forth.

If you do it all over again, even if you have already done it once, it will take at least a year.

But now time is very urgent for everyone in the aerospace field, and they can't wait to break 1 minute into 2 minutes.

So as long as this satellite can be retrieved, the loss is the smallest.

Also the best way.

This is why Fang Hao is so valued, and he needs to rely on his ability.

But things are not as smooth as expected.

After all, things like fishing for satellites are uncontrollable.

No one knows when it will be caught or if it will be caught.

Even Fang Hao himself is not sure.

Even if they are in a hurry, there is nothing they can do.

The expert in the aerospace field hesitated to say something, but he also knew that the fishing of the sunken ship was also a coincidence.

And the things in this sunken ship are also very important and priceless.

There can be no mistakes either.

He can only wait.

Fortunately, Fang Hao and Captain Yu also saw the urgency of the experts, and knew that they could not delay for too long.

For every extra day, there is an extra day of uncertainty.

Take some more risk.

This is also an important matter that cannot be delayed.

After someone took over the coast guard ship they were working on, Captain Yu and the others could continue their original task of fishing for satellites.

Fortunately, they had prepared for a long time before going to sea, so they could continue their mission without going back to resupply.


"How did the anchors leave? Is there anything more important than the salvage of this sunken ship?"

With Fang Hao and the others set sail again, they prepared to change places and continue fishing.

The vicinity of the shipwreck sea area has been investigated before, and there is no trace of the satellite, which means that the satellite is not in this area and needs to be changed.

The location provided by the aerospace department is not precise coordinates, but only an approximate area, which is very large at sea.

Not here, so you can only change to a new place.

"Oh, by the way, didn't the anchor say that they were going to catch something 'in the sky'?"

"should be."

"But what exactly is this thing? Why is it so mysterious? The anchor hasn't revealed it yet."

People really can't imagine what it will be.

They can only watch Fang Hao's performance.

(End of this chapter)

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