Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 223 Look at what I am doing, have a feast!

Chapter 223 Look at what I am doing, have a feast! (seeking subscription)
Everyone in the studio was looking at Fang Hao.

Looking at Fang Hao's leisurely posture, I don't know how many people envy and hate him!
It's really people-to-people, maddening people.

No matter what happened outside, Fang Hao was still immersed in fishing.

He just wants to catch a fish now!

There are not many other ideas.

Continue to fish quietly and be a handsome man quietly.

Fang Hao sometimes wondered, if there were mermaids in the sea, would he be able to use his beauty to attract them to take the bait? Among the handsome men, the best fishing skills.

Use yourself as bait to fish for creatures in the sea.

Fished the mermaid up.

That's how you catch a fish.

It should not be considered fishing law enforcement.

Of course, these are just fantasies, there are no mermaids in the sea.

At least he'd never heard of anyone catching a mermaid.

The fish in the sea don't like Fang Hao's tricks, otherwise they wouldn't have not caught a single fish by now.

Fang Hao was not in a hurry either.

He knew luck, no matter how anxious he was, it was useless.

It all depends on when luck comes.

As long as no corpses are caught this time, maybe the luck will really be transferred.

This is his first time sailing on his own yacht, and he hopes it will bring him good luck.

He still hoped to catch a fish.

Without the disturbance of other people, they are fishing in this sea.

Floating on this sea area, I feel very relaxed.

"The host is so relaxed~"

"Hey, it's not like me, I got up early and moved the bricks! (Put the gold bricks back into the vault)"

"Today's bricks are extremely hot."

"I'm going, so I'm the only one who is really moving bricks???"

"Brother Fu, V me 50 to see your strength."

The atmosphere in the studio was still exceptionally relaxed and cheerful.

And after a small team was detained by the coast guard, they could only choose to bow their heads, explaining to us that if fishermen strayed into the territorial waters, they wanted to get them back.

We don't care about the small life here, after conducting various investigations on these people, and then after some education, we released them.

And at this moment, through these detainees, we are fully aware of Xiaotian's plan.

This also gave us an inspiration.

It's impossible for others to start doing it, but we haven't done it yet.

Coupled with Fang Hao's ability to catch all kinds of things here, he has recovered too many valuable things for us.

We have an advantage that others do not have, that is, we have a person of great value like Fang Hao.

The above began to study the idea of ​​setting up a special 'fishing' team.

Immediately convened the heads of various departments to discuss the idea of ​​setting up this group.

Director Xiao of the Office of Special Talents fully supports it, and the others have no objections.

They have already dealt with Fang Hao, and they all recommended Fang Hao to be the person in charge of this special 'fishing' group.

Everyone did not question Fang Hao's existence, and they all believed in his ability.

And after the establishment of this special fishing team, it is a separate and independent special operations team, which directly accepts the transfer from above and is not affiliated with any department.

On the contrary, this group has privileges and can mobilize various departments to assist.

is a unique existence.

It does not belong to any department, nor is it under any department, but exists in parallel with other departments.

After deciding to form such a fishing group, the next step is to discuss some details.

After all, it is necessary for all departments to cooperate unconditionally, how to assist and how to cooperate must be clarified.

After a long discussion, Director Xiao from the Office of Special Talents finally formed the group on his behalf.

In this way, this special fishing team code-named 0597 was established.

Fang Hao, who was still at sea at this time, didn't know about it, let alone... the establishment of this special fishing team was related to him, and he was also the person in charge of the team.

He will be fully responsible for the follow-up affairs of the fishing team.

After he returned to Jinghai, someone would come to him and tell him about it.

Director Xiao of the Special Talent Research Office has also set off, and is going to Jinghai to wait for Fang Hao to come back.

Fang Hao is still fishing now.

A group of people are watching.

It's not just them, a group of people pay attention to the extranet.

Some people from outside the Internet even climbed over the wall to watch, and finally they were able to watch Fang Hao's live broadcast.

However, Huya is also exploring overseas markets. It is currently building an overseas live broadcast platform. By then, it will be able to broadcast live simultaneously and be watched globally. This is also their major development plan in the future.

The current development trend of Huya is too good. After surpassing the shark platform, they are already a bit unstoppable, constantly sucking the blood of sharks.

It turned out that in the beginning, sharks were the number one live broadcast platform, and they were the ones who sucked the blood of all platforms, and Huya was also oppressed by sharks at the time.

Until the appearance of Fang Hao, the Huya platform rose rapidly.

The two sides can be said to be mutual achievements.

Huya also relied on Fang Hao's rise to gain a lot of popularity and traffic, thus surpassing Shark Platform in one fell swoop.

Since then, the Shark platform has gone downhill, losing out to Huya.

They started regurgitating.

The original traffic was spat out and Huya accepted it.

Some big anchors also ran to Huya, making Huya stronger.

The current sharks are no longer able to compete with Huya.

And the development of Huya in China has gradually become flat.

Now if they want to achieve high growth and rapid development, overseas channels are their next growth point.

So their next step is to set their sights overseas. It just so happens that Fang Hao also has a huge number of fans on the Internet.

It happens that Fang Hao can be used to open up overseas markets.

Huya's speed is very fast. I believe that it won't be long before the overseas simultaneous live broadcast can be established, and then the global simultaneous live broadcast will be able to be carried out.

This is definitely the first case.

This kind of treatment, this kind of coercion... is definitely not something that other anchors can have.

This is the first brother of the Huya platform!
Absolutely alone.

It is also No.1 in the current live broadcast industry.

No one is as popular as him.

Open a live broadcast, tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room, how scary.

And sometimes Fang Hao's live broadcast is not the prime time, but many people still come to watch his live broadcast.

The most important thing is that his live broadcasting has not reached the limit yet, it is still in the process of growth, and has not yet reached the upper limit.

This is the most terrible.

Right now, his popularity in the live broadcast room has been maintained at more than 5000 million, and it is still growing rapidly.


"I don't know what the anchor will catch today."

Now that everyone saw Fang Hao so leisurely, they couldn't help guessing curiously.

"Seeing that the anchor is in such a good mood, I hope to reward a corpse."

Another part of the water friends laughed with 'bad intentions'.

They didn't want Fang Hao to be so happy, they just wanted to let Fang Hao experience the feeling of catching a dead body again, and ruin the other party's good mood.

"That's right, I hope the Immortal Fishing Corpse will use his strength to show off his might!"

This is their fun.

They just wanted to see Fang Hao 'unlucky', or to see him catch other things from the sea.

That's exciting.

Nothing could be happier than this.

This is also the highlight that attracts most people to watch.

But this time Fang Hao was driving the yacht, which also made people amazed.

Let people envy his life.

There is nothing more enjoyable than fishing while enjoying.

I don't know how long I have been fishing.

Fang Hao finally caught the first thing.

It was also the first thing I caught after going out to sea.

In an instant, he regained his energy, and immediately gripped the fishing rod tightly, and then the whole person was excited.


And Fang Hao's actions immediately attracted the attention of a group of people.


"Did the anchor catch something?"

"Could it be that you caught a corpse?"

Everyone subconsciously thought of this.

After all, they just talked about the corpse, and now they have caught something, so it's hard for people not to think about it.

I just don't know if I really caught a corpse or caught something else.

Everyone's attention was attracted and they were all looking at Fang Hao, waiting for him to catch something this time.

Reveal the final answer.


This time, when Fang Hao tried to pull the fishing rod, he found that... the things underneath did not move at all.


You must know that Fang Hao's current strength is more than 3000 catties.

It wasn't that when he had a few hundred catties of strength before, he couldn't even pull it with such great strength. How heavy is the thing underneath.

This made Fang Hao startled.

What did you catch this time?
he does not know.

I don't know if it's a shipwreck?Or something else?
Fang Hao then activated the gold BUFF ability, which allowed him to exert a hundred times the strength, that is, a strength of 30 jin, or as much as 150 tons.

With such a great strength, it is generally not difficult to pull the things underneath.

Unless there are special circumstances encountered, the weight of that thing exceeds 150 tons, that's another story.

However, when Fang Hao tried to pull...


The yacht standing under his feet was almost torn apart by him.

Fortunately, this yacht is an item rewarded by the system, not to mention the quality and workmanship, it is definitely first-class.

When he exerted his strength just now, the yacht under his feet almost couldn't support it.

It is impossible to catch such a heavy thing.

This is awkward.

If you don't catch the things underneath, the hooks will have to hang.

And he wanted to know what the hell was down there.

Then there is only one way.

That's him going to sea.

Fortunately, Fang Hao still has a diving equipment, which is also an item rewarded by the system, allowing him to lurk in deeper sea areas without being affected by the pressure of sea water.

For example, with the help of diving equipment, ordinary people can enter the seabed at a depth of 200 meters, but there is no way to go deeper, and the body will not be able to withstand the pressure under the water.

On the other hand, Fang Hao can enter the thousand-meter-deep sea without any influence.

This is the difference.

The depth of the sea below is not enough, it is only more than 300 meters, which is not as deep as thousands of meters.

This depth is not even a problem for Fang Hao.

Fang Hao gave up the idea of ​​continuing to pull up the things underneath.

After all, he was only on his own yacht, not on a [-]-ton ship.

If it is a [-]-ton ship, Fang Hao will try to see if he can pull it.

Like just now, he only used ten tons of strength... and he didn't dare to use any more strength.

If he tried harder, his yacht might capsize first.

The place where he was standing just now was raised so high.

Scared Xiaopang half to death.

I almost thought that the boat was going to capsize, and my heart skipped a beat, half of my soul was gone.

Fortunately, Fang Hao vented his strength in time, so the boat didn't turn over.

Fang Hao still has experience in this regard.

It is not the first time he has caught such a heavy thing and has experience in handling it.

"Maybe there's a sunken ship down there."

Fang Hao guessed.

After all, with such a heavy thing, there is a high probability that the ship will sink.

Otherwise, it would be anything but a sinking ship.


"What did the anchor catch? He almost capsized his yacht."

"This thing looks heavy."

"It's not a big guy, is it?"

"Big guy? What would that be? A shipwreck? An airplane? Or a submarine?"

no one knows.

We can only guess now.

Everyone wants to know what they will catch this time.

"I'll go down and see."

Fang Hao put the fishing rod on the boat and fixed it. His yacht is a special fishing yacht with a place for fixing the fishing rod and special equipment on the boat.

If you only catch a few hundred catties of fish, or one or two tons of fish, this yacht can still catch it.

But now when you meet a big guy, there is nothing you can do.

Maybe the thing caught in the bottom is bigger than Fang Hao's yacht.

Besides, the yacht is his own, and Fang Hao doesn't want to damage it.

"Ah?" Xiaopang didn't realize it until Fang Hao was going to change his diving equipment.

"Brother Hao, is this too dangerous?"

There are only three of them on this boat. If there is a problem with Fang Hao, who will go to the rescue?

rely on him?

Xiaopang felt that if he went down to rescue Fang Hao, it would definitely be buy one get one free, not to mention saving people, after he went down, Fang Hao would have to rescue him.

And it's unlikely that the captain can rescue Fang Hao.

After all, this is in the deep sea, not in an ordinary river.

The water depth here is too deep, often hundreds of meters deep.

No one can guarantee that there will be no problems, so it is not surprising that Xiaopang is worried.

"If something goes wrong, we can't do a rescue."

Xiaopang expressed his worries, this is not on a coast guard ship, there is no rescue.

"Look at what I'm doing, have a feast."

"That's right, I'll sit at the child's table."

"Since you are sitting at the children's table, then I will sit at the girl's table."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were still teasing Fang Hao.

In fact, everyone was also worried, but in order not to let the atmosphere become gloomy, they continued to tease Fang Hao, not wanting him to go into the water with pressure.

Of course, as Xiaopang said, it is best not to go down as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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