Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 224 Dream Chapter Sino-Japanese War Period!

Chapter 224 Dreaming back to the Sino-Japanese War period! (seeking subscription)
Everyone was a little worried that Fang Hao would go into the water, for fear that something would happen.

This is not on a coast guard ship, there are only three people on the yacht, except for Fang Hao, only the captain and Fatty are left.Once something goes wrong, no one can come to the rescue.

This is what everyone is worried about.

"It's not the first time I've been in the water."

"Don't worry, it'll be alright."

Fang Hao smiled slightly, reassuring Xiaopang.

Seeing this smile, Xiaopang felt a lot more at ease.

After all, Fang Hao is not a novice, he has deep diving experience, has dived into the water several times, and even rescued people in the water.In this way, there is really no need to worry too much, so I told him to pay attention to safety.

The group of water friends in the live broadcast room were also praying for Fang Hao.

Just kidding, but I still hope he is safe.

"I hope the anchor can return safely."

"Otherwise, we will really have to eat."

After changing the diving equipment, Fang Hao then went down to the sea.

With a splash, he entered the water.

After Fang Hao entered the water, everyone couldn't see the underwater situation, and they had to wait for him to come up to know.


After entering the water, Fang Hao accelerated his dive speed.

His physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people, and now he has the golden body effect, which has far exceeded the limit of human beings.

Plus special diving equipment effect bonus.

It can easily withstand the pressure of underwater.

There is no feeling of discomfort at all.

Soon entered the water 20 meters, 50 meters, 100 meters...

After entering the water depth of 100 meters, Fang Hao turned on the light. The light below was very dark, and the sunlight could not reach the bottom of the sea, so he had to carry a light source to see the situation.

After entering the deep sea, all the surrounding sounds seemed to disappear, and became much quieter, as if isolated.

If someone with claustrophobia went down to such a deep seabed, he would probably be scared to death.

With the light on his body shining, the situation in the sea came into view.

There are some schools of fish swimming around.

Fang Hao looked at the depth display, and the depth he has gone down is less than 200 meters, and he has to continue going down.

The further you go, the darker the bottom.

As the depth of the dive increases, the light below becomes dimmer.

The surrounding water pressure is also getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure has increased.

The increase in pressure will squeeze the internal organs of the body.If it were placed on an ordinary person, it would definitely be uncomfortable, and if it was enlarged, it would hurt the internal organs.

This is why there is a limit to the depth of human diving.

But for Fang Hao, the water pressure did not affect him.

More than 200 meters.

300 m.

After reaching a depth of more than 300 meters, Fang Hao basically reached the bottom of the sea.

It is already possible to see the bottom of the sea, and it is very close to him.

Fang Hao looked around to determine where the thing he caught was.

He went down from the surface of the water to the bottom of the sea several hundred meters deep. After he got down to the bottom of the sea, he estimated that his position had moved a lot.

He needs to find what he has caught.

Don't know what it will be.

Even he can't pull it, this thing is not light, it is definitely a big guy.

Fang Hao also wondered what it could be that was so heavy.

He was on the yacht, and it was impossible to catch him.

The weight was too heavy, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

Once the force is applied, the small yacht will be overturned.


After searching around, Fang Hao saw a huge black shadow not far away.

This black shadow is what he caught this time.

Looking at the shape, it looks like a sunken ship.

But the style of this boat is different from the sunken boats caught before, it looks like an older boat.

Fang Hao was a little curious, and then swam over.

When he got close, with the help of the light, he could gradually see the general appearance of the ship.

This is a huge ironclad ship.

Looking at the marine life attached to it and the corroded surface, it should have sunk on the bottom of the sea for a long, long time.

It's almost becoming a home for marine life.

Judging by the shape of this ship, I am afraid it is a ship from a long time ago, not a modern ship.

Moreover, the ship was covered in bruises, bullet holes everywhere, and many places were bombed, and even the hull was broken.

When Fang Hao swam over and touched the iron-clad ship with his right hand, the information about the iron-clad ship immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

The effect of the mechanical eye is activated, and the information of the sunken ship can be seen.


[The Dingyuan iron-clad ship was once one of the capital ships of the Beiyang Fleet, with a displacement of 7220 tons, a length of 90.98 meters, and a width of 19.5 meters...]

When Fang Hao saw the information on the iron-clad ship, he was shocked.

He is no stranger to this ship, on the contrary... it is definitely very familiar!
This ship was custom-made from the Chariot Kingdom, and later incorporated into the Beiyang Fleet, becoming one of the capital ships, and the other capital ship is definitely more familiar to everyone, and that is the Zhenyuan Ship.

During the Sino-Japanese War, the Beiyang Fleet was defeated due to lack of ammunition, and neither of these two main battleships played their own role.

In the following small days, a torpedo boat was used to attack Weihaiwei, and the torpedo hit the port side of the Dingyuan ship, so it had to be moved to a shallow stall and stranded, and used it as a battery.However, as the small days on land occupied the fort, shore artillery was used to damage the Dingyuan ship, and finally Guan Dai Liu Buchan ordered the Dingyuan ship to be blown up.

In the end, the Dingyuan ship was blown into the sea like this.

Then after more than 100 years, it was not caught by Fang Hao until now, but I don't know why the Dingyuan ship was caught here.

It is said that part of the wreckage of the Dingyuan ship was later salvaged in a small day, and one of the steering wheels was used as a coffee table by a Henry Niu who lived in Sakura, and it is still on the side of Sakura.

But now Fang Hao thinks... Now that the sunken ship has been caught by himself, it is very likely that the steering wheel on Xiaotian's side is forged.

Because he did not find traces of salvage here.

It is very likely that after being bombed and sunk, the ship came here unknowingly.

On a small day, it may be to disgust us, so I said that it is a part of the Dingyuan ship.

So when I think about this, I feel very angry.

This is when you were behind in the past, you will be bullied.

Fang Hao checked along the iron-clad ship, looked around, and found his own fishing line.

This fishing line has been replaced with a diamond nano fishing line, which is very tough and strong.

The fishhook was hung on this iron-clad ship. The hull broke and entangled part of the wreckage. Although it was only a part of the wreckage, it was still very heavy, weighing at least several hundred tons.

Fang Hao carefully untied the tangled fishing line.

They will definitely not be able to catch them on a yacht.

The yacht is so small, that is, it can only bear a few tons of weight.

No matter how heavy it is, the yacht will be sunk.

After Fang Hao figured out the situation in the sea, he started to swim back up.


"It's been going down for an hour, why hasn't the anchor come up yet?"

"It should be fine, right?"

The water friends in the live broadcast room have also been worried about Fang Hao.

They have been counting the time for fear of accidents.

Every minute under the sea is full of danger, and it is no surprise that everyone is worried.

Going diving like ordinary people means going down to a depth of more than ten or twenty meters.

It is impossible to go down this kind of two to 300 meters.

Even for professional divers, it is difficult to go down.

Without the help of diving equipment, only wearing a diving suit, how can ordinary people dare to go to such a deep seabed.

On Fang Hao's side, since launching into the water, no one can see the situation in the sea, and there is no equipment to see the bottom of the sea.

After all, before they went to sea, they never thought about exploring the seabed, they just came to fish and relax.

Some equipment is definitely not so complete.

Otherwise, if you wear visual equipment and go down, everyone can see the situation on the bottom of the sea.

It's just that they weren't fully prepared.

Fang Hao's diving equipment was also rewarded by the system.

Similarly, Fatty and the captain on the boat were also worried about Fang Hao's safety.

"It's been 49 minutes, brother Hao will be okay?"

"It should be fine, trust Boss Fang." The captain said.

He believed that since Fang Hao was so confident, he shouldn't have trouble easily.


Xiaopang nodded. Although he also felt that nothing would happen, he was just worried.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone knows that as long as the time at the bottom of the sea is longer, the degree of danger will be greatly increased.

And right now.


A figure emerged from the water.

This figure was none other than Fang Hao who had just returned from underwater.

This rising speed is much slower than the sinking speed.

Otherwise, Fang Hao felt that he might be able to save 5 minutes before returning to the water.

"Brother Hao!"

After seeing Fang Hao's figure surfaced out of the water, Xiaopang suddenly became excited and his face was full of joy.

It's finally OK.


It's fine.

The captain also breathed a sigh of relief, and then the two pulled Fang Hao up from the water and returned to the yacht.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room were almost relieved.

It's finally all right.

They were also worried about Fang Hao's safety. If something happened, where would they go to watch the live broadcast in the future?

Of course everyone is worried.

It's all right now, so of course I can rest assured.

Although they joked about having a meal before, they hoped that Fang Hao would come back safely from the bottom of their hearts.

"Phew... the host is finally back."

"The anchor is really brave. If it were me, I would be scared to death. How dare I go down."

"Yeah, what if we go down and meet a shark?"

The thought of a shark biting someone...it freaks them out.

There are sharks under the sea, which is really normal.

"I just watched a movie about the killer Jaws a few days ago, it was so scary..."

"That's why the anchor is so courageous that he dared to go into the sea alone."

Everyone was chatting, and everyone was talking about the horror of the sea.

The sea is too dangerous.

There are not only ferocious sea creatures, but also various unknown situations, which are also extremely dangerous.

And underwater, once an unexpected situation is encountered, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

In their words, there is absolutely no confidence to go on.

Now that Fang Hao came back, he finally felt relieved.

At this time, everyone began to gradually care about what was caught under the sea.

"By the way, anchor, what did you find under the sea?"

"What will you catch this time?"

"It's definitely a big guy."

Everyone became curious.

This is what Xiaopang and the others are curious about.

After confirming that Fang Hao was fine, Fatty also asked curiously, "Brother Hao, what is the thing caught under the water?"

Fang Hao first signaled Xiaopang to take back the fishing line. He had already untied the fishing line, so he didn't have to worry about getting caught in the sunken ship.

Then when Xiaopang took up the line, he told everyone by the way.

"It's a sunken ship."

When Fang Hao mentioned that it was a sunken ship, everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, Fang Hao caught more than one or two sunken ships, and everyone was used to it.

You said that if you caught something special, you might be pleasantly surprised.

"The ship sank?"

"Ah, it's just a sunken ship."

Obviously, everyone's interest does not seem to be that high.

Even Xiaopang's face was not as excited as before.

Fang Hao didn't care, and then he continued, "This shipwreck is from the Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-], and it is the Dingyuan ship."

As soon as these words came out, Xiaopang's face froze.

The studio was also quiet for a few seconds.

Then, piles of bullet screens erupted.

"Fuck, Dingyuan ship???"

"Did I hear correctly just now?"

The value represented by a sunken ship is very different from the meaning it represents.

And the meaning represented by this Dingyuan ship is extraordinary.

Everyone is all too familiar with this wreck.

Almost anyone who has studied history will know this ship.

"My... my God, how could it be the Dingyuan ship."

"This... is too awesome."

No amount of adjectives seems to be enough to describe Fang Hao's awesomeness in catching this sunken ship.

"Anchor, are you sure? This is the Dingyuan ship?"

"I remember that the place where the Dingyuan ship sank into the sea is not here..."

There are also people who are questioning, thinking that this sunken ship should not be here.

"Brother Hao, are you sure you read it right?" Fatty also asked the same sentence here.

"I'm sure."

"This is indeed the Dingyuan ship."

Fang Hao nodded. If he didn't have mechanical eyes, he wouldn't be sure.

But this is the information obtained by the mechanical eye, it is absolutely 100% correct, and there will be no mistakes.

After getting Fang Hao's confirmation again and again, Xiaopang's breathing accelerated a lot.


It's unbelievable.

I really caught a sunken ship with a different meaning like the Dingyuan ship.

Why don't you say it's exciting.

Fatty was almost too excited to speak.

And the live broadcast room exploded.

"Dingyuan Ship."

"It turned out to be a Dingyuan ship from the Sino-Japanese War."

All the water friends in the live broadcast room felt a little dazed.

It seems that at this moment, the dream returned to the period of the Sino-Japanese War, and they were on the ship Dingyuan.

Opposite is the group of wolves.

They were on the boat with a group of martyrs, fighting against this group of wolves, fighting to the last moment.

That hot blood burst out from the bottom of my heart.

The emotions that have been squeezed for more than 100 years are also bursting out.

It seems to have broken through the shackles and fully bloomed at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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